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doom n

doom n
doom n

(person: death)
(terrible fate)

nervous wreck ([sb] anxious) (figur, pjoratif :


mort nf
destin tragique nm
perte, ruine nf
to be a nervous wreck : tre bout de

weep [wip](pt, pp wept) : vi (cry)[person] pleurer

far from it interj
dead adj

dead adv

informal (not at all)

loin de l interj


complet, complte adj

total adj
The project was a dead failure, and accomplished nothing.
Le projet fut un chec complet (or: total), et n'a abouti rien.
informal (completely)
compltement, entirement adv
You're dead right!
Tu as absolument raison!

humbling adj

(that makes one less arrogant)

qui rend humble loc adj

tidal wave
raz de mare nm
The town of Hilo in Hawaii has suffered several deadly tidal waves in the last
Un raz de mare a dvast la pninsule.
maverick n (non-conformist)

dissident nm
non-conformiste nmf
marginal nm
She's always been a maverick, preferring to do things her own way.
Elle a toujours t non-conformiste : elle prfre faire les choses sa faon.

guilt [glt] n culpabilit (f)

rousing adj


sneer at [sth/sb] vtr phrasal


(show scorn or contempt for)

passionn adj
vibrant adj
se moquer de v pron + prp

The spoiled child sneered at her poorer classmate's patched


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