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Unit 3

The article I chose for this unit is the movie, The Blind Side which was released
on November 20, 2009 and earned more then $300 million. The storyline features
Michael Oher, an offensive linesman who played for the Baltimore Ravens of the NFL. The
film follows Oher from his impoverished upbringing, through his years at Wingate
Christian School. His adoption by Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy, to his position as one of the
most highly coveted prospects in college football, then finally becoming a first-round pick
in the NFL by the Baltimore Ravens. The story talks about a Christian family following
morals and ethics in adopting an underprivileged human being.
The movie focuses on a lot of main expectations for Unit 3 such as: the application
of a contemporary understanding of conscience to the process of conscience formation and moral decisionmaking, defining the Catholic understanding of the nature of sin and reconciliation, both social and individual,
and exploring sins impact on human happiness; applying Church teaching to contemporary ethical and moral
issues. The family who adopts Oher are of Christian dissent and they make the moral and ethical decision of
accepting life and treating it with care (which is Michael Oher). The Power Point states from Unit part 4
regarding conscience is that,:
The choices you make day after day are often a product of what you believe and
value, as well as the habits you have formed over the years.

It is important that we pay attention to the formation of our own moral character
as it determines how we interpret what we see and how we respond to what we

By following ethics, conscience and morality the Tuohy family did the right and moral
action of adopting Oher and giving him new hope and life. The Tuohy family gave Michael
God's Love and know he is spreading it also, by his good deeds and for his love of
football. As Christians the church have views on concerns for the most vulnerable, the
common good for all and to respect human life and dignity. Hints of these moral
principles are shown throughout the Bible and are the guidelines in living morally and
ethically. It is our jobs as practicing Catholics to spread Love and Joy across the Gods
land and make the world better by giving respect and treating mortal and immortal
objects like family. The acceptance of Oher into Tuohy family is a metaphor of God
accepting and loving everyone in His Kingdom. Her selfless love, and that of the family,
toward Michael is especially poignant because of its basis in her faith in God. She
demonstrates how we as Christians should meet the needs our neighbors. Religion that
God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in
their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world (James1.27, NIV). In
the movie Michael Mom makes a mistake in participating in activities such as taking
drugs, and this hurts Michael. As a result of Michael's faith to God and him following God
Ways, Michael listens to his conscience and forgives his mom with the help of Leigh Anne,
even though the mother of Michael has committed a sin, God and her son are willing to
forgive this sin and accept her back to Michael's life. By following ethics and morality the
conscience and lives of the Tuohy's and Michael Oher developed and increase due to
there loving actions and experiences they had with each other such as the Tuohy's letting
Michael attended the very expensive private school and even letting the school accept
this underprivileged person who was not fitting the credentials of attending this school:
"Forget sports! Cotton concedes. Look at the wall, motioning to a school seal behind
him. Christian! We either take that seriously or we paint over it. You dont admit Michael
Oher because of sports. You admit him because its the right thing to do. On the Catholic
Catechism it states on point 163 that: Faith makes us taste in advance the light of the
beatific vision, the goal of our journey here below. Then we shall see God "face to face",

"as he is". So faith is already the beginning of eternal life:When we contemplate the
blessings of faith even now, as if gazing at a reflection in a mirror, it is as if we already
possessed the wonderful things which our faith assures us we shall one day enjoy. This
means that we have to live in faith which is God's Love and Way and this is how we will
see God and reach salvation and eternal life. This is the path that the Tuohy's are taking
in adopting Michael and spreading the Love of God to him and to others. They are living
in faith and trying to reach salvation.

We addressed the expectations in class by doing homework, watching videos such

as the videos on reconciliation, working on Power Points, participating in class discussions
and doing assignments. Some assignments we worked on involving this unit are Journal 3
and the song analysis. Also we led class studies that focused on morality, conscious and
sin in which we were given examples. The examples led us on how we should act in the
situation, under God's Ways.
This unit was the least of my favorites that we participated in class. The unit had
some repetition from the other unit's before such as morals and ethics and there was not
any fun activities to participate in. Also the unit was after the break so it was hard to
focus and absorb the information that was given to us.

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