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SS7CG6 The student will compare and contrast various forms of government.

a. Describe the ways government systems distribute power: unitary, confederation, and federal.
Unitary government system:
Central government holds nearly all power
Local governments (i.e. state or county) may have some power BUT under control of central
Central- power to change how state or county gov. functions- or do away with them
Some may have elected officials who may make and enforce laws w/out discussing with lower
levels of gov.
Monarchy- king and advisors make most of the decisions.
Communist government of Peoples Republic of China
Japan unitary- constitutional monarchy (powers of ruler restricted by constitution or laws of
Emperor of Japan = head of state (symbol of country with no political power)- ceremonial duties
Power of Japanese gov. = DIET 2-house legislative branch elected by people
Confederation government system
Local governments hold all power
Central gov. only has as much power as local gov gives
Ex: United Nations- can offer advice and assistance when member nations agree on something
Ex: Association of Southeast Asia Nations or ASEAN
Purpose: help member nations cooperate on economics, encourage cultural exchange, help keep
peace and stability in the region
Federal government system
Power is shared between different levels of gov.
Local gov has some powers federal does not (collect property taxes, determine sales tax rate)
National gov. has some powers states do no (declare war, make treaties)
Ex: India Indian National Congress 2 house legislative branch made up of elected officials
Anyone over 18 may vote
Majority political party chooses prime minister.
b. Explain how governments determine citizen participation: autocratic, oligarchic, and democratic
Autocratic government
Ruler -absolute power to make and enforce laws
Citizens- no right to vote on leader or laws
Some allow a little local control, but central gov. maintains strong control
People little or no control if they disagree
Many different kinds of autocratic governments
Ex: North Korea communist- current leader Kim Jong-il (premier and head of National
Defense Commission- 2 most powerful positions) autocratic dictator
Government by the few
Small group of powerful leaders make decisions

People have little choice- can be similar to autocratic

Ex: Peoples Republic of China- leaders of Chinese Communist Party make decisions
Democratic government system
Democracy from Greek demos which means people
Great power given to people
Need rules, but much individual freedom
Most decisions made by majority vote
People vote for government officials
Ex: India, Japan, South Korea
C. Describe the two predominant forms of democratic government: parliamentary and presidential
Parliamentary Democracy
People vote for representatives
Parliament (legislative body) makes and enforces laws
Leader chosen by majority party (often called prime minister or premier)
PM leads parliament w/ help of cabinet (group of advisors)
PM may be voted out when his party loses power. Can be in position for indefinite period of time
(set by countrys constitution)
Head of state = ceremonial leader
Ex: India- largest parliamentary democracy in world. Legislative branch = Indian National
Congress. Leader = prime minister
Ex: Japan Two-house parliament = DIET (holds real power) Emperor = ceremonial head of
state- no real power
Presidential Democracy
Sometimes called Congressional form of government
President (chief executive) chosen separately from legislature
Legislature passes laws: President enforces laws
Presidents power separate from legislature, cannot dismiss leg. or force them to enact certain
President = head of government and head of state
Legislature can dismiss president under extreme conditions (if he has broken a law)
Big difference between presidential and parliamentary democracies: Prime minister member of
parliament. President in separate branch of government (executive). President serves for set period of
Homework: If both China and North Korea are communist countries, like Cuba; why is China the top
trade partner of the United States while we do not trade at all with North Korea and Cuba?

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