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Which of the following is the most portable way to declare a C preprocessor cons

tant for the number of seconds in a (non-leap) calendar year?

Choose one
#define SECONDS_PER_YEAR 60 * 60 * 24 * 365
#define SECONDS_PER_YEAR 60 * 60 * 24 * 365;
#define SECONDS_PER_YEAR (60 * 60 * 24 * 365UL)
#define SECONDS_PER_YEAR (60 * 60 * 24 * 365)
-------Which of the following is the most flexible way to declare a C preprocessor macr
o that takes two arguments and returns the smaller of their two values?
Choose one
#define MIN(A, B) ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B))
#define MIN(A, B) { if (A < B) A; else B; }
#define MIN(A, B) ((A < B) ? A : B)
#define MIN(A, B) A < B ? A : B;
-------Which of the following constructs can be used to create a portable infinite loop
in C?
Choose one
while (1) { ... }
for (;;) { ... }
loop: ... goto loop;
All of the above
--------Which of the following statements accurately describes the intended effect of th
e declaration int (* a)[10];?
Choose one
An array of ten integers
A pointer to an array of ten integers
An array of ten pointers to integers
An array of ten pointers to functions
--------Which of the following statements accurately describes a use of C's static keywo
Choose one
A variable declared static within the body of a function maintains its v
alue between function invocations
A variable declared static outside the body of a function can only be ac
cessed by functions within the same module.
Both of the above are accurate
Neither of the above are accurate; static is used for function declarati
--------Which of the following statements accurately describes the meaning of the declar
ation int * const x;?
Choose one
x is a constant pointer to an integer
x is a pointer to a constant integer
x is a constant integer value
None of the above; it's an invalid C declaration

--------Which of the following items should generally be declared using C's volatile key
Choose one
A memory-mapped peripheral status register
A global variable used within an interrupt service routine
A global variable used by multiple tasks in a multi-threaded application
All of the above
---------Which of the following code snippets can be used to reset the least-significant
bit of x?
Choose one
x & 0x01;
x & ~0x01;
x | ~0x01;
x &= ~0x01;
--------Which ANSI C compilers allow a variable to be declared both volatile and const?
Choose one
All ANSI C compilers allow this
No ANSI C compilers allow this; it is a K&R C holdover
Most ANSI C compilers allow this
Only the GNU C compiler allows this
----------Which of the following is a correct way to write the value 0xAA55 to physical me
mory address 0x67A9?
Choose one
uint16_t * p = (uint16_t *) 0x67A9; p = 0xAA55;
uint16_t * p = (uint16_t *) 0xAA55; p = 0x67A9;
* (uint16_t * const) (0x67A9) = 0xAA55;
* (uint16_t * const) (0xAA55) = 0x67A9;

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