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Join us - while you stay home!


This is the latest news from Dileep & May Ratnaike. How about grabbing a beverage, and let's take a few minutes to catch up.

Please do not post or reference this news letter on the web, FaceBook etc.
Visit www.maydileep.net for schedules, photos, other news etc.

Dearest Friends,
How is 2014 starting for you? We are off to a flying start, and I'm guessing many of you
are too. We had a lovely relaxing break over Christmas and new year. We stayed at home
and spent most of the time in our pajamas, sleeping, watching a film, and pottering about.
Dileep's Christmas wish cam true after 40 years: to stay at home in his pajamas!
In our last letter we shared about feeling a little overwhelmed getting ready for Incarnate in
Italy. With 17 days before we leave, there is still much to do! However we are
experiencing total peace in the midst of a plethora of details which includes shutting up our
house for 3 months. This is only from the Lord and we give him thanks and praise for his
provisions and what he will provide. In the midst of the demands, finding space to prepare
spiritually is a little challenging.

Calling all pray-ers!

While Incarnate is running, we need your prayers as we mentor and disciple artists for
world missions. Would you pray for all of us involved by doing either of the following?
To fast & pray Sign on using this link http://www.mealtrain.com?id=m646rt7d970t to MealTrain.com.
Wee are not asking you to make and deliver meals, this service allows us to see who is praying and fas>ng
everyday. You will also nd the prayer journal and you can leave comments in the guestbook too.
To Pray - Let us know, and we will add you to a private FaceBook group to pray for Incarnate.
Through the MealTrain and FaceBook we will keep you regularly updated with requests and answers to
prayer. Thank you for considering joining us in ministry in this critical and valued way - you will be

Got Visas

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Join us - while you stay home!


Our visas came through without any problems.

Dileep actually received a phone call form the
Italian embassy in Miami, who were incredibly
helpful! While May was a little nervous, we have
our passports and plane tickets. Now we have to
pack, and recruit some helpers to keep an eye
on the house and other domestic matters while
we are away.
If you want to visit and see what we are doing, you are welcome to. Seriously - let us

This last year May got serious with her jewelry making and knitting by starting to sell in a
local market. It is unpredictable, but a great way to meet people. See www.tinyikocreations.com or FaceBook. Dileep is also following her lead with photography, see

2014 Excitement
Each year in OM Arts has been amazing. God regularly surprises us with situations that
cause us to grow as we embrace difficulties and challenges. 2013 was exceptional in this
regard. This year we will be revamping our marketing and communications that has
suffered in the absence of the right people - this has changed, and we are very excited. As
a result we anticipate an improvement in recruits and funding. Once Incarnate concludes in
early May we look forward to hearing and seeing how God will continue to work in and
through the lives of the ten artists from 7 different nations.
No doubt God will continue to surprise and bless us and you in unexpected and interesting

Special Prayer Request

Would you prayer for our neighbour Billy and his family? There isn't space here to fully
explain everything going on, but the Lord of the universe created him and knows what's
going on. Billy is seeking and needs inner healing, and physical healing for hi daughter.
Would you uphold them in prayer and ask for wisdom for us as God uses us to love them
into God's family.

Give thanks for

Good health
Incarnate Preparations going well

Pray for
Good health and spiritual strength heading into Incarnate

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Join us - while you stay home!


Funds for incarnate and overall support

Dileep's ongoing work in addition to Incarnate
Personal logistics at home while we are in Italy

Thank you for your continuing partnership, support, prayers and friendship.
Support us and the ministry of OM Arts through by visiting
http://maydileep.weebly.com/support.html or Give online via OM USA

Support the ministry of OM Arts through Dileep & May Ratnaike

USA PO Box 444, Tyrone GA 30290-0444 (include memo "Ratnaike 2182344") Give online
AUSTRALIA PO Box 32, Box Hill VIC 3128 (include memo "Ratnaike 75004710")
SOUTH AFRICA Private Bag X02, Lynnwood Ridge Pretoria 0040 (include memo "Ratnaike
Contact us if your country is not listed.
Dileep & May Ratnaike
May - mga.ratnaike@gmail.com
Dileep - ratnaike@gmail.com
+1-678-379 8897
c/o PO Box 444
Tyrone GA 30290-0444nited States of America

Copyright 2013 Dileep & May Ratnaike, All rights reserved.

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