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Assessment Technology

According to Experimentation with Logic and Reasoning, with software in the

classrooms students have become observant with how software devices work. Teachers can look
at the web pages they are creating to get to the root of each students weaknesses and strengths
and where they need some emphasis in the classroom. Games, facebook and video games have
been introduced many years ago in the world so children should not be finding that school is a
challenge for them in todays world. A potential activity for formative assessment would be a
group activity or having students do games online that could be organized by the teacher that
way they can follow what the students are learning. Incorporating technology into education
offers the benefit when it comes to personalized enhanced learning by allowing teachers to work
with students individually and as a class and to assess their needs.

Technology to Facilitate Ongoing Efforts to Assess Student Learning

Teachers utilize the ongoing efforts for technologies in the classroom and there are many
ways that can work; like having an iPad or smart board, computer or flat screen. All the devices
impact how technology can teach each student individually. The kids should be getting the more
active role in the classroom. Tools in the classroom have become more popular: taking tests
online, electronic grading, or even do group projects online. Successful technology is more than
just a tool it becomes a lesson in the classroom. Creating a web page for people to see what you
do is a great skill as is having a blog to talk about your work which gives people new ideas about
what is out there. A teachers path is to teach many ways to make a student successful in and out

of the classroom. At the end of the day, teachers must provide the skills and education for the
students to be active and effective members of their community.
Mobile Application Software
Application software for preK-3 on mobile OS platforms allow parents and teachers to
provide early learners with a head start in reading, math, science, and also a wide variety of
games for kids to play with and learn at the same time. Also you can design a student grade link
that way the students can see how well they did and where the students have weakness and
strength. If a student is struggling with one area, these applications can allow them to practice
individually. These applications enable students to practice their skills in a nonthreatening
environment (Gunter/Gunter, pg 132). For example: We download games at home for our kids
to play. ABC Mouse is a popular application for all areas of development and has led many
students to catching up on their problem areas at home so they felt more confident in the
Special Needs Software
Special needs software, also called assistive technologies software, is designed
specifically for students with physical impairments or learning disabilities to assist them in
completing assignments and everyday tasks (Gunter/Gunter, p. 135). There are a lot of software
programs available to assist students with special needs such as speech therapy, and when
combined with the assistive technology of touch screens or computers the student is much more
likely to have greater success. For example: a student who has fine motor skills disabilities and is
in a motorized wheelchair can use a Tecla Shield to access assistive devices like an iPad or
iPhone without touching the screen by using the controls and switches on his chair.
Microsoft PowerPoint

Power Points can improve a students presentations and standardized testing. Also being
in the classroom in front of people, public speaking can be enhanced with PowerPoint. The
software is commonly used in presentations today in the classroom through college to present a
lot of information in a concise, outline form where the student provides the filler information
through oral presentation. With PowerPoint, students can: create presentations with the link to
other slides, other presentations other files and software programs, animations, videos, audio
files, and even sites on the world wide web (gunter/gunter pg.139).
Formative and Summative Assessments
Formative assessment utilizes the information gained to determine the next course of
action in the education of the students. If the students as a whole are lacking in the
comprehension of an area, the teacher can revisit that topic and use a different method to get the
point across. A summative assessment is typically a final assessment used to determine the
amount of comprehension the student attained during the course of study. Summativeassessment results are often recorded as scores or grades that are then factored into a students
permanent academic record (ed-glossary.org). Power Point can be used in formative assessment
activities like in-class jeopardy about a subject where the students answer questions and are
called at random. This allows the teacher to get an idea of where the class is on the subject
while also being engaging.
Pros and Cons of using Technology to Facilitate Assessment
Technology is wonderful in many ways. In using technology to facilitate assessment of
student success we run into a number of problems though. The students honor and integrity are

tested when we allow online assessments. Is the student completing the assessments
themselves? Are they utilizing class materials or the internet to assist in looking up the answers
if that isnt allowed? As a teacher, it is important to be technologically aware of the potential
risks of assessing students with technology like the internet. Other types of technology, like the
PowerPoint for formative assessment mentioned above, are great because of the engaging nature
of the game while simultaneously evaluating their understanding of the material. Technology
provides the most positive enhancements to formative assessments within the classroom where
the teacher can monitor the students closely. Technology is too risky for the more recordimpacting summative assessments, and these should remain in class on paper for ensuring the
students are being evaluated fairly wherever possible. If the assessment is not going to be gradeimpacting, a self-assessment or peer-assessment is another good approach. Class discussions,
group consensus, short quizzes or tests that encourage a syncing of student understanding and
information can be used effectively (Gunter/Gunter p. 320).
Should a teacher only use technology to assess student learning? Why or why not?
No, teachers should have multiple tools to teach students since not all students learn the
same way. Assessments can be shown by report card, or also the teacher can be verbal with the
students parents letting each parent know how the student is doing through phone or email
contact. Group discussions with the class, writing the assignments by hand, and sharing what it
is about are ways of communicating curriculum requirements with the students directly. Doing
assignments in class or presenting knowledge in front of the class with flashcards is a nontechnology utilizing way of assessing the students understanding and also encourages public
speaking and confidence. Not everything has to be technological in nature. Some kids do not

know how to use a computer well and will need one-on-one help with more technological
assignments which takes away from the overall class.
What is the importance of assessment technology in connection with the ISTE standards?
ISTE has been instrumental in the development of the International Society for
Technology in Education Standards for the National Council for Accreditation for Teacher
Education (NCATE). They have developed standards for k-12 teachers, administrators and
students (Gunter/Gunter p. 11). Part of the standards for teachers is that they Design, develop,
and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools
and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and
attitudes identified in the standards (Gunter/Gunter p. 12). It is important that teachers use
technology to teach and assess to ensure that their students are familiar with the technology in
order to be more comfortable learning new technology as it becomes available. To ignore
technology in the classroom would effectively be to ignore the future of society as technology is
ever changing and evolving, so should we.
Concluding Paragraph for Software to Support Assessment
In conclusion, incorporating technology into education and using it to assess students
progress can allow for more formative assessments but carries certain risks in using online
programs for summative assessments. It can expedite the distribution of information and allow
the students to present their findings to the class in presentations that engage and involve the
other students while they are being evaluated. It allows for a line of communication if the
student individually needs additional help. Looking over the weaknesses and strengths that

technology offers in the assessments that are given it is worth the risk to ensure the students are
educated on the use of technology and practiced at working with the technology of today in
order to be more effective members of their community as they grow up and move beyond their

Gunter, G. and Gunter, R. Teachers discovering computers, (2014).
Article by Diane Weaver Dunne Education World (2007) Education World - See more at:
A Survey to Evaluate Educational Games Designed to Teach Software Engineering.
Marques, D., Constantino, A., Francelino, L.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Games Based Learning. (2014), Vol. 2, p821823. 3p.

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