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How do you get staff to realize the process of monitoring your

implementation of change towards effective instruction as a way to
SUPPORT them in the process and not a gotcha?

If your trusted, keep open conversation. Known criteria, Take the time needed to be well, be an
understanding person

What is the best way to determine the area needed to build capacity
with your staff?

Listen to staff and continue asking questions, data to support your changes, your moral compass needs to
support your choice. Support your staff however possible, find the good in it and go in that direction.

How do you choose professional development that meets the needs of
the majority of your staff and has the most impact on student learning?

As top leadership changes how do you change the general team
leadership below that top leadership?

Find out strengths and weaknesses. info is only as good as the person giving info. Shake things up right
away will cost you in the long run,

How do you maintain positive staff relationships while maintaining 2nd
level change?

celebrations, handwritten notes, see where stress is, communicate.

With Educator Effectiveness, how are administrators managing the time
& workload involved in meeting the requirements?

forced to focus on it.

With the passing of Act 10 have you seen a change in the morale of
your teachers? What do you do about it?

In this together, praise when you can, recognition and hand written notes, staff family situations. Fear of
the unknown

What is your process for identifying staff for leadership roles?

background knowledge helps, do your homework and network, what are you trying to fill, open up as
opportunity or just ask. Dont pile on to the same staff all the time. Build relationships, what are strengths.

What percentage of staff being actively resisting change would concern
you? How much time and energy would you invest in moving them
towards the change? How exactly would you go about that? And what
message would you send to staff that are on-board who are
witnessing their resistant colleagues?

address the people that were not on board, letting them be heard. 1/3 need to be pushed in the direction.
Depends on the change, more listening than talking. Open minded, maybe they have a suggestion that
would work. root cause

Do you have a system in place to decide what professional
development is needed for your staff?

See what staff is thinking through an interview/ conversation process.

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