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Curriculum Lesson Plans

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Friday, March 20th: A Birds Eye View of Your Room

School: Albert M. Greenfield School
Grade: Kindergarten
Subject: Math
Time Frame: 12:45-1:30pm
Goals and Objectives
Students will be able to: understand the concept of looking at something
from a birds eye view.
see how looking at something from a different angle relates to
.compare objects and say which is bigger/smaller, biggest/smallest.
identify similarities and differences in similar spaces.
CC.2.3.K.A.2: Analyze, compare, create, and compose two- and threedimensional shapes.
CC.2.4.K.A.1: Describe and compare attributes of length, area, weight, and
capacity of everyday objects.

Materials and Preparation

Perspective mind map
Me on the Map book
Paper for room map drawings
Classroom Arrangement and Management
Arrangement: For parts 1,2 and 4 students will be on a square rug on
which each student has a pre-determined spot. Students are facing teacher
who has chair and whiteboard at front center of rug. For part 3, students will
be at tables with 5-6 students at each table in their predetermined seats.
Management: Upon sitting reminding students to have pretzel legs,
syrup hands, and peanut butter lips. Student who are not facing
forward/talking/calling out during conversion will be reminded by the
mention of their name and asked to check that they are being a good
listener, and/or will be reminded as others who are participating will be

Curriculum Lesson Plans

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praised. Students not raising hands will not be called on, and when those
raising hands are called on, teacher will remark Thank you for raising you
Specific students may have trouble wrapping up their drawings. Give
these students a personalized warning that will be finishing in 5 min/1 min.
1) Priming the lesson/activating prior knowledge (10 min)
a. This morning we started talking about perspective. On our mind
map we show that perspective can be different ways to think or
feel, and different ways to look at something. For our math
today, we are going to focus on this part of perspective: different
ways to look at something.
b. Everyone stand up! Now, put your hand in front of your face.
Move it as close as you can to your face. Now move is as far
away as you can without hitting your neighbor. Now, put your
hand on the ground and look at it. Now put your hand as high as
you can above your head and look at it. Take a seat!
c. What did you notice when you hand was in different places?
Take 3-5 answers depending on time
d. All those different ways you looked at your hand are different
perspectives. Today were going to focus on one perspective,
called a birds eye view. Does anyone know what this means?
i. Connect that called a birds eye view because it is from
above and birds see many things from above
ii. Relate to the Google Maps we looked at showing the school
from above
2) Explaining activity and applying (5 min)
a. Each of you will create a birds eye view of your room. In this
birds eye view, youll be drawing the big things in your room,
like your furniture, windows and doors. Remember the room
drawing from Me on the Map? Take out book. What did she
draw in her room?
i. List items on whiteboard as said
b. How about the sizes of the things in her room? What is big?
Small? What is the biggest? Smallest?
i. Write big/small, biggest/smallest next to items as say
c. For our rooms, well be doing the same thing. So, for my room I
would draw the bed here, the desk here, the window here, the
closet here, the couch here, the sink here, and the cabinet here.
This is where I would put my side table and my nightstand. Here
is where I would put my lamp. Draw items as say.
d. Notice how I started in one spot and went in a circle, thinking
about what was in each space. You will first draw your room in
pencil, and then color in your room. After you color it in, you will
label it with pencil, just like in Me on the Map

Curriculum Lesson Plans

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e. Any questions about what we are doing? If no questions, have

one student explain what going to do
f. Have helpers put pencils on desks
g. Once at desk say: 1,2,3, eyes on me! Wait for attention. Raise
your hand when you are ready to color in and I will check it.
3) Creating, coloring, and labeling drawings (20 min)
a. Circulate room to ensure students have right idea go to Table 5
first to ensure they are clear on what they are doing
b. Let students know when have 5 min, 1 min remaining
4) Sharing and closing (10 min)
a. Using a pencil, please put your names on your paper and bring
them with you to the rug when I call your table.
b. Lets see what you did! Everyone hold up their drawing.
Awesome! Please pit your drawing in your lap.
c. Who would like to share their drawing? Chose 3-5 students
depending on time. Ask each to show what is big/small,
biggest/smallest in room
d. I loved seeing all these birds eye views of your rooms! This is a
new perspective on your room, because you dont usually see it
from above like their birds eye view.
e. When I call your row, please put your paper on my desk and go
to your seat so we can have snack. If you have a snack from your
lunch, get it on your way to your seat
Assessment of Goals and Objectives
Formal Assessment: Drawing of rooms (only drew furniture, labeled items,
drew items as would be seen from above)
Informal Assessment: Discussions on what is bigger/smaller, biggest/smallest
in rooms. During discussion, watch for students who display signs of
understanding/confusion. Note which students contribute and what
contribute. Make quick notes as students start drawings of room.
Providing choice: Students will be able to decide which items to draw or not
draw in their room.
For students who find the work too challenging: Have students stand on
chairs to see objects from above to understand birds eye perspective or
show Google Map of school, talk out how their room looks and give guidance
on where items should go in relation to others
For students who find the work easy/finish early: Have students label
biggest/smallest items in room, have students write sentences about room
on back of paper (In my room I have. I like my room because.)

Curriculum Lesson Plans

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