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West Virginia University PETE Unit Plan

Name: Brianne Connelly

Unit Activity
Kicking and trapping

Unit Context
Learner Characteristics: 2nd grade class, some experience in kicking and trapping.
Physical Environment: Hardwood floor gymnasium, one wall of bleachers and 3 concrete
Equipment Access: All equipment is in the equipment closet, seems to be enough for all
students to get a ball. (different sizes and textured balls)
Special Concerns: proper spacing and control of ball

Standards Addressed
NASPE Standards for PE
x Motor Skills &
Movement Forms
x Movement Concepts
x Physical Activity
x Health-Related Fitness
Personal & Social
x Values Physical Activity

WV P-4 Wellness Standards for PE

__ Wellness Promotion
__ Wellness Information
__ Wellness Behaviors
__ Personal & Social
__ Movement Forms
__ Motor Skills

WV 5-12 Standards for PE

__ Movement Forms
__ Motor Skills
__ Physical Activity
__ Physical Fitness
__ Personal & Social

Unit Goal
Develop students kicking and trapping skills through exploration and enjoyment. Students will
learn to receive passes, stationary and moving, and trap/control the ball in several different
ways. I plan to supply the students with developmentally appropriate tasks and eventually lead
up to game play.

Unit Objectives
Psychomotor: SWBAT kick and trap a ball successfully 3/5 times

Cognitive: SWBAT give at least 1 example of how to increase cardiovascular fitness with
kicking and trapping
Affective: SWBAT successfully kick and trap with a partner to complete the activities
Health-Related Fitness: MVPA

Content Outline
Motor Skills:
Kicking, trapping, walking and jogging
Critical Elements:
By lesson plan
Instructional Cues:
step, foot next to ball, make contact, follow thru
stop on top

Scope and Sequence of Content

Informing Tasks:
Explain lesson, goals of lesson, critical elements and cues

Extension Tasks:
Increase distance, increase ball size and weight, add obstacles, change pathways
Applying Tasks:
Have them count the amount of times they complete the task successfully, time them and
incorporate game play

Block Time Plan

Lesson 1: dribbling soccer style


Dribble stationary only using feet

Walk and dribble

Jog and dribble

Lesson 2: control dribble around obstacles


Dribble in a maze of cones (change pathways)

Standers and Squatters

Lesson 3: partner roll, pass and trap


Roll ball to partner and trap

Pass ball to partner and trap


Instructional Strategy

Students will come into the gym, run two laps then sit in their
assigned poly spot

ASAP activity, followed by instruction for the days lesson

Students will do the activities/tasks of the day and learn through

teacher and peer demonstration (CFU)

Teacher will observe the entire class and provide feedback to

increase the students motor skills

Plans for Use of Instructional Technology

Music to stop/start activities

Assessment Procedures
Psychomotor Students who are correctly demonstrate critical elements will peer
demonstrate and check for understanding with other students, along with the teacher
Cognitive Teacher will discuss all critical elements and check for understand before,
during and after the lesson.
Affective Teacher will observe and check for positive peer reactions during class.

Resources Used
Books: SPARK k-2

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