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Kemia Mina

Int 470
Glossary Words
Glossary Words
Interdisciplinary Studies- is a concept that is used to combine, integrate, and further knowledge. Its
about critical thinking, evaluating, deciphering, and discarding. It is based on the premises that In order
to holistically and fully address the complex challenges, problems, issues, and situations in our ever
changing global society, we must strategically combine our knowledge bases to create new, lasting,
effective solutions, answers and situations.
Discipline- a branch of learning or a field of study characterized by a body of inter subjectively
acceptable knowledge, pertaining to a well-defined realm of entities, systematically established on the
basis of generally accepted principles with the help of methodical rules or procedures. Its used in
mathematics, chemistry, and history.
Disciplinarity- Concerning or enforcing discipline. Using one of the disciplines, and enforcing it to the
matter of the problem.
Interdisciplinary research- scientific work done by one or more scientists who try to solve a set of
problems whose solutions can be achieved by only integrating parts of existing disciplines into a new
discipline. This is when researchers combine different parts of more than one discipline to create a
new resolution. Interdisciplinary study requires you to think outside the box.
Interdisciplinary Learning- the ability to knit together information from different sources to produce a
more comprehension understanding or create a new meaning.
Multidisciplinary- a person who wishes to acquaint himself with more than one discipline. Instructors
simply out forth their individual perspectives. They do not bother to examine the underlying
assumptions of these perspectives, and/or integrate them.
Crossdisciplinary- scientific work done by one or more scientists who try to solve a problem or a set of
problems that no discipline in isolation can adequately deal with, by employing insights and methods or
techniques of some related disciplines, without, however, any attempt being made to integrate the
disciplines themselves or even parts thereof into a new discipline. Its used in economics, for social
scientists, physicians, and architects who are trying to find a better solution for the housing problem in
a large city.
Intradisciplinary- being or occurring within the scope of a scholarly or academic discipline or between
the people active in such a discipline. It combined the notion that nothing is static or fixed, that
discovery comes from breaking some conventional limit or barrier, with the desire to see things whole.
Metaphor-a figure of speech in which a word or phrase, a story, or a picture is likened to the idea that
you are trying to communicate. Using for instance a flower to compare the nature of how a person
grows in life. Sometimes its easier to use metaphor in INT because it makes it easier to understand.
Blooms Taxonomy- Benjamin Bloom created this taxonomy for categorizing levels of learning and

Integration-the action or process of integrating. Its used to integrate disciplines together to create a
Epistemology- theory of knowledge, esp. with regards to its method, validity and scope. Its used in
interdisciplinary studies because in order to become an interdisciplinarian, you have to obtain the
knowledge of the study.
Concept- an abstract idea; a general notion. Int gives you the opportuinity to create an concept that will
help you better understand it.
Method- orderliness of thought or behavior; systematic planning or action. We have to plan ahead and
be prepared to take on any problem or issue that present itself for us when studying Int. We have to
replace our general feelings for general knowledge of the subject.
Methodology-a system of methods used in a particular area of study. Obtaining information for one
particular discipline or field with in INT that is going to help us along the way.
Theory- a set of principles on which the practice of an activity is based, theory of education.
Interdisciplinary Studies are based upon different disciplines that complement each other when trying
to figure out a solution.
Curriculum- the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college. Its what is required of us
to learn and follow during the process of our studies.
Perspective- the art of drawing solid objects on a two dimensional surface so as to give the right
impression of their height width and depth.
Insight- an instance of apprehending the true nature of a thing, especially through intuitive
understanding. You have to exercise your critical thinking skill when studying interdisciplinary. You
have to get to the bottom of the problem to find an answer.
Ideas- something, such as a thought or conception that potentially or actually exists in the mind as a
product of mental activity.
Philosophy- investigation of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on
logical reasoning rather than empirical methods. When studying interdisciplinary, you have to make
decision with your knowledge and principles and not your feelings.
Association for Integrative Studies- interdisciplinary professional organization to promote the
interchange of ideas among scholars and administration.
Knowledge- information and skills acquired through experience or education.
Knowledge formation, construction Social Science Research Counsil (SSRC)
Heuristic-enabling a person to discover or learn something for themselves

Social Science Research Council- an independent, non-profit organization.

Ethnocentrism-belief in the superiority of one's own ethnic group.
Boundary crossing-the exchange of data between two or more separate software. This would be similar
to combining two or more disciplines.
Domains- an estate or territory held in legal possession by a person.
Knowledge Domains- the content of a particular field of knowledge, knowledge base, or domain.
Models of thinking- evidence shows that people who think with mode consistently out performing
those who don't.
Critical Thinking- reflective researching about beliefs and actions. Its required in Interdisciplinary
Hegemony-leadership or dominance esp. by one country or social group.
Dogmatic-inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly.
Holistic-characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and
explicable only by reference to the whole.
Dichotomy- a division or contract between two things that are or are represented as being the opposite
or entirely different. Its when you combine two disciplines that are not a common interest.
Dialectic- The art of investigation or discussing the truth.
Iterative- relating to or involving iteration. This is sticking to a discipline(s), and using it for the same
problem over and over in different cases to get a positive result.
Heuristic-enabling a person to discover or learn something for themselves.
Recursive- relating to or involving the repeated application of a rule, definition, or procedure to
successive results. This is when we are using a discipline and finding out the meaning of it and how it
would help in a specific problem, we would then apply the rules of it to obtain successive results.
Communication- importing or exchanging of information or news. Its important that communication is
effective when studying Interdisciplinary because communicating is the key to resolving most issues
and also getting a better understand of any topic.
Polemical-involving a dispute or contrivers. Creating a common ground would originally come from a
Idea dominance- something such as a thought or conception, that potentially or actually exists in the
mind as a product of mental activity. This is what occur in the minds of the person that need help. We
have to figure out what discipline to use to help them through it.

Scope- the extent of the area or subject matter that something deals with or to which is relevant. It is
the behavior of individuals, and groups-represent the scope of social science.
Disclosure- action of making new or secret information.
Disciplinary Assumptions- constituting a discipline that is taken for granted. Using a discipline in a
field where it is misused.

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