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Ausaf Hussain
Information Literacy

A) Keywords used- Emerging Technology, ethics issues, security issues in cloud,
security issues shopping, mobile technology, and privacy.
B) CCBC library database.
C) I used this database because it is very reliable, accurate, and the information is
updated recently.
D) APA Format
Ng, W. (2011). Mobile Technologies and Handheld Devices for Ubiquitous Learning :
Research and Pedagogy. Hershey PA: Information Science Reference.

E) APA Format
Clark, R. (2014). Cyber security for smart mobile devices: implementing cyber security
at the human machine interface (HMI) instead of at the mobile devices results in a
simpler and more secure system.Control Engineering, (8), 32.



2. A) How Mobile Technology Is Changing Healthcare

This article is explaining to the readers how technology has advanced over the years,
now patients have access to their doctors through their mobile devices. There are also
applications on the mobile devices reminding the patients when to take their medicines
and the doses that are recommended. The downside of the mobile technology is that
most of the patients are the elderly and have a hard time understanding the technology.

Ali, Abder-Rahman. "How Mobile Technology Is Changing Healthcare." Site Point. N.p.,
24 Feb. 2015. Web. 27 Feb. 2015.
A) Used mobile, technology, everyday uses, better lives, and money keywords.
Google (GOOG) Made the Announcement in a Blog Post on Monday. "Google Wallet to
Come Pre-installed on Android Phones Later This Year." CNNMoney. Cable News
Network, 23 Feb. 2015. Web. 27 Feb. 2015.
C) Used Google and Bing search engines
3,630,00 total results
Related searches on top the sidebar
More than just webpage options; Includes

18,000,000+ results in 0.2 seconds
No related searches on sidebar
Includes images. Videos, news and even

images, videos, news and even maps


For me the google search engine was better than bing because of the ease of it and
most reliable information from creditable sources like cnn. The pages were listed from
most recent and also the one that has been reliable for a lot of other researchers.

T- February 24, 2015
R- Relates to my topic of how mobile technology is used today to make our lives better.
But it is a broad topic so I narrowed it down to mobile technology in the medical field.
A- Ali, Abder- Rahman. Qualified author and has written other articles at another
A- It is trustworthy because the author is credible and the website has editors that look
at the information before the articles are published. The information is supported by
evidence because they have ran some tests and some of the technology named in the
article such are Apple and Andriod are two main powerhouses of the technology world.
P- Purpose of this article was to inform us that the world is moving at a very fast pase
and has evolved into the medical field to make our lives better. It is also somewhat
persuasive because it is telling us that by using the mobile technology we will save time
and money. It is somewhat bias because the author is mostly leaning towards the favor
of the technology.

5. A) While using schools data base to find information on my articles the ease of
access of remarkable. The ability to choose what I am searching and even choose

between articles, books, and even magazines. By using the schools database I can
save a lot of time and it is easier to understand and use.
B) The timelines of schools database is great due to the fact that it is well laid out for
anyone to use. It is very organized and if you need to find a article you almost
guaranteed to find it there in no time.
C) The authority of the database is for all students and faculty. You can access the
schools database from any computer at anytime and also most of the recent searches
are saved in your history. The articles in the database are reliable and can be credited
back to all the authors that you can rely on to give you correct information.

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