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in U.P.G'ovt.Gazette
on Saturday16thDecembet2006)

NOIDA lex,Distt.GautamBudliNagar


In pursuanceof provisionof Clause(3) of Article 348 of the Constitutionthe

Govemoris pleasedto order the publicationof the follo ring Englishtranslationof the

nctificati rn on Saturdaydated16thDecember,2006.


NO. 6435| 77.4.20061

LUCKNOW: DATED : 5th Decemlrcr,20l)6

k. exerciseof the power under sub-section(2) of sectior 9 and section 19 of lhe

uttar PracleshIndustrial Area DevelopmentAct 1976 (U.l'. Act rLo.,VIof 1976) read u ith

St:ction-l)l of General Clauses Act 1904 (Uttar PraderrhAct no. I of 1904) and in

stpersesrion of the New okhla Industrial Development Area [;uildinll Regulations irnd

Directior,s 1986, published in Uttar PradeshGazette extia ordi:rary ort Saturday,the Ist

R>bruary1986,the New Okhla Industrial Development Authority with the prior apprcval

ol'the state Govemment, hereby makes the following regulations and directions for the

prrpose of proper planning and development of New Okhla Industrial Developn ent




25. O;cuparrcy Certificate necc,ssaryfor
l. Shor.title, Extend andcommencement. occupation.
2. General. 26. Inspectio n by Chief Fire Office r.
3. Defirritions. 27. Tempora:yoccupation.
OCCUP\NCY 28. Sr rface I raterdrain,
4. Building permitrequired. 29. Distance from e.ectric lines.
5. Appl cationfor buildingpermit. 30. Sire and land us{)pattern.
6. Infonnationaccompanyingapplicationfor 31. M:ans of access.
build ng permit.
32. Setback.
7. Recotnmended
notationfor colouringof
plans 33. Fkror areiLratio.

8. Propcsalfor certainbuildingspermitto be 34. Other Prr>visions- Building c,therthan

scrutinized. Residential (Pl rtted Develol,ment) &
9. Preparationandsigningof plans.
35. Mrrximurn cov(,red area in r,:spect of,
10 Qualiicationsof licensedpersonnel.
bal;ementor cell:u.
11. Feef<rrbuildingpemit.
36. Ex:mptio r from Floor Area Ralio.
12.Building permit fee and calculation
37. Paking S pace.
38. Lard Scalring
1 3 .Sanctionor refusal of building permit.
39. Ra n Watrr Harv rsting
14.Appe:l against refusal or sanction with
modif Lcationsof a building permit. CIIAP'[ER-[ t/: REQUIREMENT'S OF
1 5 .Duration of validity of building permit.
40. Plinth
t 6 . Noticr> for commencement of building
41. Rerluirem>ntsof parts of building (Size
anc width r.
Work lo be carried out in full accordance
42. Kt:hen.
of Byelaws.
1 8 .Additi rns or altrations dwing constructron. 43. Partries.

19. Cancellationof permit for building activity. 44. Balhroom and w:Lterclosets.

1 n Docunrentsat site 45. Me zzaninr,floor.

21.Completion cefi ificate. 46. Lof.t.

22. Minirnum areafof sanctioncompletion. 47. Sto:'e-roonr.

z-) - Provisionsof following items in building 48. Ledge or trmd.

shall be mandatoryfor issue for issue of 49. CuJr-boards.
complt :tion certifi cate.
50. Garages.
Notice of complication.
51. Rocfs.
WW ffiWWffiw
52. Chimneys.
68. Srairwrysfor multi-sloreybuildings.
69. Minim um width prov rsionfor stairways.
:i4. Parapet. 70. Otherrequirementof individualexits.
:i5. hovision of lifts. 7l. FiJleexcapeon extemi stars.
ii6. lnterioropenspace. 72. Spial rtair fire escape
ji7. MezzanineFloor
73. R.amps
j;8. Film centre.
74. tlorridc,rs
59. Garage. 75. JtefugeArea.
(0. Lightingandvenrilation
requirement. 76. lttre Sa:btyrequiremer.ts
61. Ventilationshaft. CHI,PTER-V : STRUCI|URAL SAFnTy
62. GeneralExits. ANX SER\TCES
77. I itructwll 4gsign.
63. Tlpesof exits.
78. ( luality of materialanc worhlanship.
64. Numberandsizeof exits.
79. I luildinl;services.
65. Arrangement
of exits.
80. Flumbirg.
81. ! /atersr.pplyrequirem,)nts.
6'l. BuildinghavingmorethanFOUR storeys
to haveat leasttwo exits.
TABI,ES I ro 13

I i+


Short titkr, Extent and commencement: cartof r building,or constructjonof cuttinginto
lr remcval of rmywall, partitic'n,colurm,beam,
Tt eseregulationsand directionsmay be called .ioint,floor or )ther support,or a changeto the
thr: New l)khla Industrial DevelopmentArea fixturesof equipmentof the bujlding'
B ilding llegulationsand Directions2006.
3.4 'Applir ant' m,)ansthe person'vho haslegaltitle
TlLej shalI come into force with effect from the to a lanI or buildingandincludes-
dateof tht ir publicationin the Gazette.
(a) an agentor trusteewho rt ceivesthe rent on
Tltey shall apply to the building activity within behalf of'he owner.
th,: urbanisableareaof the New Okhla Industrial
(b) an agent()r tnstee who rt:ceivesthe rent of
Dr:velopnentArea. .
or is effiusted with or is concernedwith
F.A.R.anl groundcoverageasindicatedin these any building devoted to religious or
Rogulatiors shall not be applicablein respectof cl aritablepurposes.
thcse plo;s which were allotted on auction or
terder btsis and group housing prior to the (c) a receivel,executoror ildministratoror a
cc'minginto operationof theseRegulations. m lnager appointed by any court of
c(mpetentjurisdiction tc have the charge
In thosesecto$whereapplicationof set backs,as ol, or to exercisethe rillhts or the owner
inJicatedir theseregulations, arelikely to disturbthe ard.
br.ilding iine, set. back provisions of previous
Rr:gulatiors shallcontinue to be il However,in
force. (d) a nortga!;ee in Possessior.
caseof an1 dispute in this regard the ordersof Chief
E;recutive Officer, NOIDA shall be fiial. 3.5 'Apprrrved' nLeans approvedry the New Okhla
Industlial Dev:lopmentAutho 'ity.
3.6 'Area' mears the New Okhla Industriai
,l ft these byeJaws unless the context otherwise Devel(Dment.\rea.
requires, the definition given under shall have
tl e meanrngindicatedagainsteachterm. Atriurn' A sky lighted ct:ntral area, often
contairing pl nts, in some modem buildings
The wor<Ls not definedin these
and expressions especir[lyfor publicof comm('rcialnature.
btelaws shall have the samemeaningor sense
ari in thr: New Okhla Industrial Development 3 . 8 'Authority' rneansthe Nex Okhla lndustrial
Area Act 1976(UTTAR PRADESHAct no. 6) DevekrpmentAuthority constilutedundersection
ard MasterPlanof NOIDA. 3 of th3 Act.

Delinitio ns 3.9 'Balcony' reans a horizonal projectionupto

1.0-m()tre inc uding a handrailor balustradeto
',lct' mt,ansthe Uttar PradeshIndustrialArea
serveils passtgeor sitting ou; place.Half of the
Ireveloprnent Act, 1976. total srea untler the balconybeyond 1.0 metre
i.2 '.\ir conlitioning' meansthe processof treating shallt e countd towardsFloo:: AreaRatio.
air so as to control simultaneously its 3 . 1 0 'Barsati' m 3ans a habitatle room with or
t(mperatxe, humidity, cleanliness and witholLt kitchen or toilet t,n the roof of a
-the requirement of
distribution to meet buildirtg.
conditior,ed space.
3.11 'Basetnent ol Cellar' meansthe lower storey of
, . 3 '.{.lteration' meansthe structuralchange,such a buil ling below or partly bel'rw ground level'
asadditi()nto the areaor heightor the removalof

lructure or erection or stch as medical or other treatmentor care (
:tion which ii intended p(,rsons.sufferinl; from pliysical or ment
, commercial,industrial illness, diseaseor infinnity, care of infantr
or other purposes whether in actual use or not, c('nvalescents or agedpersonsand for panel t
and in padicular :- correctionaldetentionin which the liberty of tlt
'Assembly Building' refers to a building or part
inmates is restricted and provides sleepin
(a] arcommodationfrr the occupantsand includ(
of a building where group of people congregate h,rspital, saniteriL custodial, institutions an
or gather for amusement, recreation, social, p,:nal institutionr; like jails, prisons' mentr
religious, patriotic, civil travel and similar h,rspitalsandrefocmatories.
purpose for example theatres, motion picture
'Idercantile Building' refers to a bu'lding t
houses assembly hall, auditorium, exhibition ig)
halls, museums. skating rinks. gymnasium. p.ut of a building which is usedfor the purpo!
restaurants,place of worship, dance halls, club oi a shop, store, market display and sale r
rooms, passengef stations and terminals of air n.erchandise eithcrwholesalec-'rretailsor offi<
surfaceand other public transportationservices slorageor servict facilitiesincidentalto the sa
recreationpiers and stadia or, any other building o: merchandise ard includescinemahalls,petr'
declared as such for the purpose of these prmps, hotels alld restaurants, nursing home
regulationsand diretions. k,dgecum guestILouse, weighingbridgesetc.
'Business building'refe(s to a building or part (h) 'l{esidential bu ding' refersto any brdlding
of a building which is used for transaction of vhich sleepingeccommodationis providedf
businesslike Banks, Commercial office etc. n ormal residential purpose with or witho
'Educational Building' refers to a building used c:oking or dininll or both facilitiesand includ
one or two or multifamily dwelling, krdging
for school, collegesor day-carepurposefor more
r,)ominghouses,dormitoriesapannent hous€
than 8 hours per week involving assembly for
f atsandhostels.
instructions,educationor recreatlon.
(i) ';ltorage building'refers to a buiidingor part
(dl 'Hazardous building' refers to a building or part
a building used primarily for the slorage
of a building which is used for the storage,
sreltering of goods, store houses, garag(
handling manufacture or processing of highly
hangars, truck tetminals,elevatorsgrain,bams
combustible or explosive materials or products
which are liable to bum with extreme rapidity
and or which may produce poisonous fumes or (j) 'Facilities' refersto a Postoflice, PoliceStatio
'l'elephone Exchange, ElectI
explosions, or storage or handling manufacturing I ire Station,
or processing which involve highly corrosive, Substation,Watr:r Works, taxi./ auto ricksha
toxic or noxious alkalies, acids or other liquids slandandotherpLtblicfacilitiesandutilrties'
or chemicals, producing flame, fumes and
3.13 'Buitding activiry' meanserection,r€-erectic
explosive, poisonous, irritant or corrosive gases
r rakingmaterialdterationanddemolitionof a;
and for storage, handling or processing of any
material producing explosive mixtures of dust or
which result in the division of matter into the 3.14 'Building Heiglrt' meansthe vertical distan
fine particlessubjectto spontaneousignition. rreasuredin the caseof the flat roofs from t
'Industrial building' refers to a building or part zveragelevel of the centreline of the adjoini
street to the l ighest point of the buildi
of building in which products or materials of all
zdjacentto the street,wall and in the case
kinds and propertiesare fabricated,assembledor
processedsuch as assembly plants laboratories, l,itchedroof up io the point wherethe extern
surfaceof the o.rterwall intersectsthe finish
power plants, smoke houses, refineries, gas
rurfaceof the sloppingroof, and in tlte case
plants.mills. dafies or l-actories.
1;ablesfacingtht road,the midpointbetweent
'lnstitutional building' refers to a building or t,aveslevel and the ridge.ArchitecturiLlfeatut
parl of a building which is used for purposes i erving no oth€r functionsexcept that of t
rilil.- Fll
lr I} t

,lecorationsshall be excludedfor the purposeof 3.22. 'Cou rtyard, meansa spacepermanently

taking heights,If the building doesnot abut on a opento
the sl y enclcsedfu1ly or partially by a wall at tbe
iitreet,t1e heigbt shall be measuredabove the grorud level or any other lev,:l within or adjacent
rlerage level of the ground around and lo a building.
r)ontigu('usto thebuilding.
3.25 'Dan p-proof course' meanscoutseconsistins
3.15 'BuildirLgline'means the line upto, which the of some aJpropriate wate'-proofing materiaf
Plinth cf a building adjoining a srreetor an provi led to l)reventpenetmtionof dampnessor
r:xtensionof a steet or on a future street may moisture.
la*fully extend.It includesthe lines.prescribei
in theN IIDA MASTERPLAN / Seciorplansor 3.26 'Detached tuilding' meansa building whose
specificz.llyindicatedin any schemeor layouts, walls and rcofs are independentof anv other
lilans,or in theseregulations anddirections. building with open spuies on all sides as
'Canopy' specilied.
3.16 meansprojectionat liniel level over an
enhancerfa building. 3.27 'Dire:tian' rneansthe direction issuedby the
Authcrity un,lersection-8of the Act" andwould
3.17 'Cabin' meansa room constfirctedwith non- incluce, unlessthe contextothen ise indicates,
lcad berring partition/partitions with minimum anye;lecutiveinstructionissu;dhereunder.
rvidth0f 1-0metreprovidedlight andventilation
standardi prescribedin thesebyeJaws and met 3.28 'Drair' with its geonretrical variations meansa
rrith or tre provisionof light andventilationis to line of pilres including all fittings and
t1e satislbctionto the Authority. equiptnent's, such as mrnholes insoection
chaml'ers. traps.gulliesand loor trapsusedfor
).18 'Carpet Area' meansthe coveredarea of the the d:ainage or a building or a number of
usablerooms of any floor, the measurement of buildi rgs or yard appurtenalt to the building,
tJrecarp:t areain relationto a building being withir the srme cutilage rnd includes open
vrorked out according to the method of chann:ls usedfor conveyingsurfacewater.
nreasurelnentof the caryet area of building laid
down b1 the Indian StandardsInstitution ftom 3.29 'Drairrage'reans the remove .l of anyliquid by a
time to time. systenr constrJctedfor this purpose.
|. I 9'r3hajja' meansa slopingor horizontalstructural 3.30 sEnckrsedstaircase'meansa staircase separated
overhun;, usually provided over opening of by Fue resislantwalls frorr the rest of the
ertemal 'valls to provideprotectionfrom sun and buildirrg.
nrin or fr rm architecturalconsiderations. 3.31 'Existing brrilding or usr,' means building
1.20 'rlhimn€y' meansan uprigbt shaft containing stnrctu:e o: its use as sanctioned/
oneor m lre flues providedfor the conveyanceto approv:d./regulised by the ( ompetentauthority,
the oute: air or any product of combustion existi4 1before the commenceme tt of the regulations.
n:sulting from the operation of any heat 3.32 'Exit' meansa passage,chrnnel or meansof
p roduciq; applianceor equipmentemploying accessfiom ary buildingor floor areato a street
solid,liqrridor gaseous fuel or oth()ropen ;paceof safety.
;.21 'llombul tible material' means a material, 3.33 'External walls with its geornetrical'meansan
rlhich bu'nsor addsheatto a Frewhentestedfor out wrLllsof r building not l)eing a party wall
combustirility. even hough adjoiningto r wall of a:rother
'.22'(lonverl ion' meansthe changeof an occupancy buildir g and i so meansabutting on an interior
o:' chan!: in buildin! structure or part thereof opens)aceso:ianybuilding.
r€sulting into changeor spaceor use requiring 3.34 'Fire , \larm Jystem' meansa_narrangement to
arlditionaoccupancycertificate. call joints or detectors so'rndersand olher
.23 'Oorner rite'meansa siteat thejunction of and equipnrent's frrr all floorsby the areaof theplot.
frcntingcn two or moreintersecting sheet. 3.35 'Fire l.ift' m,:ansa lift esper:iallydesignedfor
useby fire personnelin the evr:ntoffire.

3.36 '8ire Resisfance'meansthe time durins which 3.4[ 'Lay')ut Plan' meansa plan of the entire site
i fulfils irs funcrionof conrributing to-rhe firc show ng location of 1 lots,&uilding blocks, r,lads,
safetyof a building when subjectto prescribetl open spaces, entry/€xits, parking, landscaping
conditionsofheat andloador restraint. -
etc. ir,dicating the actrvity for all land parcels
3.37 'Fire Resistingl)oor' meansa door or shutter 3.49 'Led1;e of Tand' meps a shelf like projection,
f.tted to a ."vallopeningoonstructedand erected suppcrted in any mar ner, whatsoever,exce|t bv
v'ith the requirementto check the transmission -
mean,rofvertical supl,ortwithin a room itseif.
ofheat andfire for a specifiedperiod.
3.50 'Lice;rsed TechnicaI personnel' means a
3.38 '.Fire ResistingMaterial'means the material, quali{ied Architect/Engineer/Town planner/
v.hichis normallyused,for fire resistance. Draftr man/Group who has been licensed b1, the
3.39 Floor' means thelowersuriacein a storeyonwhich Authc rity.
o re normallywalksin a buildingandunlessotherwise 3.51 'Loft' means an inter nediary floor betweentwo
slrccially mentioneddoes not refer to mezzaninefloor.
floors or a residual sp rce in a pitched roof above
3.40 'liloor Area Ratio (FAR)' meansthe quotient normaI floor level witr a maximum heieht of 1.5
o:rainedby dividing the total co\ercd area melre:.and which is,:onstructedor ad-opted for
(j)lintharea)on all floorsby the areaofthe plot. storag3 pu4)ose.
3.41 'llooting'meansthepartofa structure, whichis 3.52 'Mast nry, means ar assemblageof masonry
ir direct contactwith and transmittinsloadsto untts J,roperlybonded togetherwith mortar.
tl e ground.
3.53 'Mascnry Unit' mears a unit whosenet cross_
3.42 'lroundation' that part of the structure,which is sectiorral area plans parallel to the bearine
ir direct colrtactand transmittinsloads to the surfac: in 75 percent.lr more of its grosscrossi
ground. sectiorral areameasuredin t.hesamelane.lt rnay
be eit rer clay brick, stone, concrete blocl, or
).43 '()allery' an intermediatefloor or platform
sandl;me brick.
p:ojectingfrom wall of an auditoriumor a hall
providing extra floor area, additional seatine 3.54 'Mastr:r Plan' mean$ the Master plan of the
a<commodation, etc. Aulhorty in respectof the Industrialdevelornent
Areaprepared underthe \ct.
\.44 '()arage Public' meansa building or portion
3.55 'Mezz rnine floor' means an intermediatefloor
thereof designedother than a private garage,
oireratedfor gain,designedor usedfor repairing, betweel two floors abcve ground level accessible
sewicing,hiring, sellingor storingmotor driven only fr<,mtle lowerfloot.
or otherdrivenvehicle. 3 . 5 6 ' M u m r y o r s t a i r c o v e t ' m e a n sa s t r u c f l r ew i r h a
1.45 '(larage Private' meansa buildins or outlet c o v e n t r gr o o t o v e r s t a i f c a saen d i t s l a n d i n eb u i l t
drsignedor usedlor thesrorage to enc.oseonly the rtairs for the purpJse or
providtng protection fiom weather and not used
mrtor driveror othervehicles.
for hunan habitation.
'Itabitable Room,
means a room occupied or
designedfor occupancyby one or -or. p.rrons 3.57 'Non-combustible' re:ers to a material which
f o r s l u d y .l i v i n g s l e e p i n ge. a t i n g .k i r c h e ; i f i t i s does not bum nor add heat to a fire when tested
usod as a living room but not includins fbr conrbustibility.
bathrooms. water closet. compartmenli 3.58 6occuJ,ancy, meansth: main purposefor which
larndries.servingand storagepantries.tonidors, a buil<ling or a part of building is used or
cellars, attics and spaces that are not used intended to be used and in respect of the
fr( quently or during extendedperiods. classifi:arion of a building aicording to
'Jiramp' means a downward occuparcy shall deem:d to include subsidiary
vertical or sloping
pr,rjection hanging below the balcony to providi occupa:rcies which are (:ontingentuponit.
pr,)tectionlrom direct sun andrain. 3.59 'Open lpacenmeans a1iarea forming an integral
part of:he plot left oper to the sky.
tr# e4ry t\ sll{

3.71 'Road/Street line' rneansthe line defmingthe

60 '{lwner' meansthe owneris a pemon,groupor
p€rsons,i company'trust, institute,registered sidelin its of a street.
irr,dv. St rte or Central Govemment aod its 3.72 'Room heiglrt' means the vertical distance
at:acired iubordinate departrnents,undertakings measurd froi the finished flrr surfaceto the
arrd like in whose name the property stands hnishet ceiling surface,whererr tinishedceiling is
registerecl records'
in therevenue notprorided,tle underside of thejointsor beamsor
ii" i", no. shrLll determine tte upper' point of
.61 'I'arapet' means a low wall or railing build measur )ment.
alongthe edgeofa roofofa floor' with only
3.73 'Row llousing' meansa row of houses
.62 'ltarking space' means an area enclosedor front.r,nr andi nterioropenspact'swhereapplicable'
u:renclos,:d io parkvehiclestogetherwith a drive
3.74'Semi'detachedbuilding' rneansa building
ray conrtectingthe parking spacewith a street
detached on three sides wilh open spacesas
a:ri permittingingressandegressofthe vehicles'
.63 'l)artition' meansan interiornon-loadbearing
r all, one storeyor part storeyin height. 3.75 .Servicelane' meansa lane1'rovidedat the rear
or sidt ofa plrt for servlcepufposes'
,.64 'lPermit' meansa permissionoI authorisationin
v riting t,y the Chief Executive Officer of the 3.76 'Set hack' mransa line usuallyparallelto theplot
l.uthority or any other officer autiorised by it to carry boundrnies amllaid downby tlreAuthority,beyond
which nothing can be construcledtowardstle plot
out thewr)rkregulatedby theseregulations'
|.65 ' Plinth' meanstheportionof a structurebetweenthe
srrface o I the surroundingground and surfaceof the 3.77 'Side depth' meanshorizontl1 distancebetween
f,oor,imr:rediately abovethe groundlevel. the frrtnt and rearsitebounda'ies'

].66 'Plinth areat means the built-up covered area 3.78 'Smo re stop door' meansa door for preveuting
rreasured at the floor level of any storey including . or chrckingtre spreadofsm<'keftom oneareato
t,asementand groundfloor. anoth:r.
'Plot'means a piece of land enclosedby definite 3.79 'Stor lge' mrans a place where goodsof non
boundar es. hazarlous nilture are stored and included cold
storal;eandt ankingsafevau1.
3.68 'Porch' means a covered surface supported on
pillars ,rr otherwise for the purpose of the 3.8( 'Slore roont' meansa rorm usedas storage
pedestrirrnor vehicle approachto a building spac€.
3.69 'Road/Street' means any highway street, lane' 3.81 'storey' mrans the portion of a building
l)athwa).alley, stairway.passageway. carriage inclu lid bet'veenthe surfaceof any floor and the
'ray, footway square,place or bridge, whether a surfa;eof the floor next ab<'veit thenthe space
fuough fare or not even which the public have a betwrenanyfloor andthe ro:f aboveit'
:ight of passageaccessor have passedand had
3.811'Table' moans a table annexed to these
rccess rninterruptedly for a specified period,
whethel existing or proposedin any scheme,and
includer all bounds, channeis, ditches, storm 3.81i 'To abut' vith its geomelricalvariationsand
water d:ains. culverts, side walks, traffic islands, cognote expressionsmeansabuttingon road in
roadsidr:treesand hedges,retaining walls, fences ,uJh u --t that any port on of th"ebuilding is
on tt e road1>oundary.
banier rmd railings within the streetlines.
3.70 'Road/iitreet level or grade' means lhe 3.81 'To )rect' tr) erecta buildinl;means:-
officiqlly establishe$elevation or grade of the (i) to e:ect a new building cn any side whether
central line of the street upon which a plot fronts prevLouslYt uilt uPonor not
and iftrere is no officially establishedgrade,the
existing,grade ofthe streetat its mid-point.
:i1) to re-erectany buildingof which portionsabove
the plinth level have been pulled down or
r'iii) c<,nversion form on occupancyto another.
:1.85 ']'ravel distance' means the distance an
o(cupanthasto travel to reachan exit.
.!.86 'Unsafe building' unsafe buildings are those
wich are structurally unsafe, insanitary or not
providewith adequatemeansof egressor which
ccnstitutea fire hazardor otherwisedanserousto
htman life or which in relationto exiiting use
ccnstitute a ha'Z,ard
to safety or health or public
w,:lfare by reason of inadequatemaintenance
di lapidationor abandonment.
11.873\'arandah' meansprivy with at leastone side
ofen to the outsidewith the exceptionof one
m,rtreparapeton the upper floors to be provided
or theopensite.
l;,88 'Vr'ater closet or W.C.' means privy with
arangement for flushing the pan with the water
but doesnot include a bathroom.
:..89 (Viidth of road' means the whole extent or
sprce within the boundariesor road measuredat
ripht anglesto the course or intendedcourseof
directionof suchroad.
3.90 'Vrindow' meansan openingto the outsideother
thrLna door, which provides all or part of the
re<luired light or ventilation, or both to an
int erior space.
l( [:$


ft) B oundalr walls as per NOIDA Ruilding

Building permit required.-No person shall
Regulations& Directions'
et:ct any building without obtaining a prior
.building permit thereofform the Chief Executive (iv) WhitenashingandPainting.
Ollicer in the mannerhereinafterprovided'
(v) Replacrngfallt n brick' stones,pillars andbeams
Allplicati rn for building permit :- etc.

I Every petson who intends to erect building or (vi) Retiiinl;andreterracing

oartwiihir theiurisdiction ofthe Authorityshall
in writing to the Chief (vii) Plasterng and Patchwork
Live apr'licarion
E,".uriu. O{ficer in the Form given in (viii) Floorirg.
A ppendix 'I
(ix) Renewal of ro'rf at the sameheight'
2 Srrchappiicationshall be accompanied by plans-
The piansmay be of (x) Constrrction of chhajjas as per NOIDA
ald stJtirnentsin triplicate'
print/computer drawing or Regul€tion.
photogralrhicprints of which at least one cloth (xi) Recon;trucliorl ofponiDnsof :uildingsdamaged
mounted shall be retained in the Authority for by anl' naturzl calamity,to the sameextentas
record alter issueof the building permit or a previorsly aPlrroved.
r(,fusalthereofor. (xii) Erection or re-erection of intemal partitions
.3 Suchappticationshallnot be considered until the orovided the liameare within the puwie'rn'of the
p:rson g ving the application has paid the fees Buildi rg Reg rlations& Direc:ions'
nrentionedin regulationno' 12' The receiptof a ng anythingheretofore contained'
c:py, therefore,duly attestedby a Gazetted 5.6 Notwi:hstand
no brrilding permit shall be necessary ror
offrcer, cf such payment,shall be attachedwith Central or
carryi rg oui t,y any depadmentof the
the applir:ation.
any- f itate Covemment or any local bodies'
i.4 In caseo l'objections, the feessopaid shallnot be Authority emroweredin this Irchalf of any works
r,:fundedto the applicantbut the applicant shall fot tlle pur)ose of inspelring repairingor
be allou ed to resubmit the plan without any renewing an'/ sewers,mains pipes, cables or
additionz'i fees after complying with all the otherlpParah ts
cbjectiorLs within a periodof cne year from date
cf the obj ectionorder. 6. Infor nation accompanyinil app[cation for
t.5 l{o app.icationfor building permit shall be layout Plan or Building Perrnit
rrecessary fcr the following alterationsprovided 6.1 Residential lluilding on plol s other than group
they do not violate any provisions regarding housing(Plotted)r
lleneralbuilding requirements;structuralstability
:md fire ;afety requilements: (D The plan shaI show-

(t l'rovidir g or closing or a window, tioor or (ii) Key ?lan* .{ key plan dra\rn to a scaleof not
./entilati,r not opeoingtowardsother''sprope'rty' lesstran 1:1C"000 sha11 be s,rbmittedalongwith
the tpplicat on for a development I building
{ii} doors
lrovidirs intercornmirnications perma^sho*ing ihe bounde ry locationsof the
'1ioooa to neighbou:hood
sitev'ith reslrec't landmarks;
(iii) 1361.1rr
Walls beiween1.05 meterto 1'2 (iii) the b :undarirs of the plot anJ the name/ number
.a) PrLrapet
metreheight. of thr:propeltiesandroadabJttingthe plot;
Kiu*.,,.t ffireW&ry
(iv) lrlot number of the property on which the (r,) detai s of boundary wall, plinth, culverl anq
buildingis intendedto be erected; ramp,trees;
(v) :Lll existing building and physical features (xi) scale used and the direction of north polnt
rtandingon, over or underthe site, relatingto plan of pn,posedbuilding;
(vi) building envelopeat eachfloor level in relation (xiit parkingplan indicatirg the parkingspacesof all
10the site, the buildingsfor marimum permissiblecovered
(vii) the total plot area and the break-up of covered
ifeas on each floor with their percentagesin (xiii) landscape
lermsofthe total areaofthe plot;
(viii) 1otal height of the building;
(ix) retbacks;
(x) (letailsofpiojections and structuresin setbacks;
(xi) r,ewerageand drainage lines upto discharge elevations and seotions accompanyingthe
appli:ationshallbe drawnto a scalenot lessthar
l)oint, rain water harvesting and water supply
lines; li20(l

(xii) rletails of boundary wall and its plinth, culvert (D the plan shall includothe floor plansof building
zmdramp,trees,concealingof watertank on roof floor i togetherwith tre coveredarea;
rvithjaali; (iD the plan shall specitr the use of all partsof the
(xiii) rar parkingandlandscaping,
ifapplicable; building;
(xiv) rcale used and the direction of north point (iiD the lrlan shall shov' water supply, sewerage,
relatingto planofproposed
buildirg; drainagelines and thrrlike;

6.2 l)ther Buildings (iv) the plan shall includesectionaldrawingshowing

clear,y thethickness,)f walls,sizeandspacingof
6.2.1 .lhesiteplan shallshow:-- framing membersand floor slabs. The sections
(D the boundaries ofthe plot andthe name/ number shall also indicate 1le height of the rooms and
of the propertiesand roadsabuttingto the plot; the parapet.At least one crosssectionshall be
takenthroughthe staircase;
(iD lrlot number of the property on which the
l,uildingis intendedto be erected; (v) theplan shallshowall streetelevations;
(iii) z.ll existing buildings and physical features (vi) the p an shall includ<terraceplan indicatingthe
standingon, or€r or underthesite; drain ige and the slop : of the roof;
(iv) t,uildingenvelopeat eachfloor level in relation (vii' the p an shall give dimensionof the permissible
ti) the site; proje,:tionsin setbacks;
(v) the total areaand the break-upof coveredareas (viil) the pian shallgive diection of the northpoint in
cn eachfloor with their percentagesin termsof relatirn to theplan andscaleused.
tle total areaofthe plot; 6.2.) Building plans for all types of multi - storied
(vi) t:tal heigbtof thebuilding: buildings -For multi -storied buildingswhich
aremorethan 15 metresin height,the following
(vii) setbacks; additional informatior shall be indicated in the
(viii) cetails ofprojections and structuresin setbacks; buildrng plans in addition to thosementionedin
(ix) sewerageand drainagelines upto dischargepoint
andwatersupplylines: (i) accesr for fire appliances and vehicles and
detail; of vehicular tuming circle and clear
motolable accessway aroundthe building;

to (rect' re-erect'
along (ii) Fotm for ifirst apptication
staircase rrlteration!n a
size(width)<t mainandaltemate ventilatedlobby detnolish lr to roake material
iitlt 1"r."# n, corridors and bu lding (' [PPendx 1)'
aPPrt'ach; for
(iii) Certillcatt presc ribed in Appendix-.'3
locattonand detailsof lift enclosures; ""' ind.rrutit'g the supewisionby^the Licenseo
"Person'Anv changet'f the technrcar
locationandsizeof fire lift; ;;;;i;;i
work shall be
nersonneldurinl; construcliin officer in
smollestoplobby doors'ifprovided; ililffi . *'i crtitr Execurive
refuse chamber'
refut;e area, refuse chutes' w riting.
from the
servLceductl, etc' if any; ' ' S ructura statility
liv't certificae
Enginees as per
if provided'.,with ral
't air conditirning system' *lll1":
a rchitecr'strucn
o".i,iono' dalnpers' mecbanical APPendi:i15' I
ivtiirn,.r"xtit"l iervices' Buikling Plan as per
(v) Certifica:e for sanction of
the likel lPPendir-4'
provision of ramps tor be
i) detrils of exits including basementis proposedto
hosPitalan'l sPeciallifts; t"" Io case where
on Rs l00/-
,"rr.*.r"a an lndernnifybori
generator' transformer and switch p,tp"t doty attestedby a I iotary'
) loc ltion oi ,ffi
geu.t room; building as per
(vii) ilpecification rf proposed
if any;
I smokeexhaustersystem' {PPendix -10'
premisesas per
i) derailsofiire alarmsystem; (viii) Application fcr drainage of
ized.control' connecting^a1l,hre APPencix-ll'
ii"') lo(:ationo' central fire protecl'ron
s /stem. built in
system: (iK)Photoc')pv j:i::31'n"J,,i.:,S
^"t:nj,' *ifffil
u.:ung"ti nr. andpublicaddress Techni:alPer'iondutY
o[. staticwater storage No. tol wlich Ltis submitted'
liii,1lo:ationr'nd dimension.
tankandpumproomswlrn rire lx\ Aoplicltion Form for
w tter and sewer
,ioiiit pi-P unawater storage tion1ifaPPlicable)'
first aid fire frghting "onnet
riv) lc cation and tletails of (xi) Photoropy o{ receipt of fee; deposited'
e,luiPmerrt andinstallations; .^'' unJ'."*",
xv) hrcation and details of-
fixed fire prolectlon ""*"",i1in,,in.1,;rJ1.",:"i
conne;tion ard ramP.
risers'hose - the Authority from
i',.iuiiuti t. suchassprinklers'we1 chargr:sif anl' as requuedb]
r-'els,drcnchers. C02 installation'etc' time t ) ume'
- privatewater supply ofdrawinnr:i?"':#.ffi$:il
6.3 -(;ervicePlans Detailsof of the (xii rhreecopies,
:; ;;; disposal svstem independent dulY signedbY the Lt
and rain water
iut*i.ipui Services, if any andowner'
svstemand solar passive architecture
;;;;il;; stn chral engineerano
;;;;ii""d".-ment of Uttar Pradesh orders' txiii) Certiicate of registered
'^"" of the
;;;;; regardingearthquak:resistance
- General^^soecification ol
6.4 Specifitation parts of the building.if zPPlicable'
#.i"ri. t a be used in differint giving details-of
buildinl;. (xir) Two copies of the drawin3s
t^"'r."tii""tt as per
for fire safelr' security
DocumgE irlatirnal Building Code'
of allotrrent letter' authoritytn case
(r) Ownenihipdocuments;copies (transfer (x',) ApprovalFrom.1!9compelent
;;;:'d certificate, the lease deed
plan of h rzardousbullolngs'
ffiil;;;* of transfer)' and dimension
issuedbYthe authoritY'

(xvi) Soft copiesof the drawingsin floppy/compact
authorisedofficer o1the Fire Serviceof therStat
of UttarPradesh
(xvi) Valid time extension,if applicable 9. Preparati.on_and srgningof plans._ All th,
(xvii)For buildings above 30 metre in prax;.strau be prel,aredduly signedby
heights sucl
clearancefrom Airport Authority/Civil Aviaiion rectultcatpersonnel as may be licensedon lhr
shall haveto be taken. behalfbytheChiefI xecurive OffrJe..WOfO,q-'
(xix) Any other documentas may be required 1 0 . Qualificationsof licensedpersonnet._
by the Tht
Authorify from time to time. quatrllcatton of such technicalpersonnelan(
their competence to rjarD/out diffirent jobs shal
(xx) tn case of revision and revalidationorieinal Deasgrvenrn AppenCix_2.
;anctionplanto be surrendered.
1 1 . Fee
6.5 ilite - plan shall be drawn to a scaleas follow: .for building lermit._ Applicationfor
Dulrdlngpermitwill lrcconsidered
of building permit fees through challan, a
phok,stat copy of ,vhich is to be submitted
Site area alonpwith.
upro0.1Ha 12. Builc ing permit feertnd calculationtbere
upto 0.1Ha-l.0Ha
12.1 The scaleof feesfor buildingpermitshall
More tran 1.0Ha be as
(D buitdingincludinggroup housing
7. Ilecommended notation for colouring of l.y|r:lbt
Rs.10.00 pBrsquarenetrs.coveredirea on al'i
;lans.- The site and building plans sha'ilbe floors.
ggloured as specified in table on next page.
\y'here items of work are not identified, i-he (it Indus'rial building Rs. 20.00 per squaremetre
colouringnotationusedshallbe indexed: coverr)dareaon all floors.






1.2 Tl,e fee br intemal additions and alterations 12.10In casc of constructionwithout applying of
shall be l0 per cent of the original building buildinl; pen oiVsanctioned a compounding
permit fel paid for plan in question.In case chargeat the t ate of 300/- per squaremetre of
original building perrnitfee paid is not known' *"u rrhall be levied, provided all the
fe: for thr: whole building shall be calculatedon
aria basisand 10 percentof this shallbe charged 12.11The aulhority may be empow:redto revisethe
as per submissionfee. If apart from alterations, fees/chugesmentionedin this llause.
someadditionalareais proposedto be covered,
thon the fee for such additional area shall be 12.12Wlthdrawal of application- Ihe applicantmay
w rrked orrt on the areabasisand shall separately withdrr,whis applicationfor a buildingpermit at
br, addedLnthe abovefee' any time pror to the sarction and such
wiihdrriwal shlll terminate all proceedingswith
23 If rhe use of the building is permitted to be respectto suct applicantsbut the feespaid shall
changed lhen the fee in case of additions and in no c rsebe r:fulded.
alterationi of buildings, shall be calculatedwith -
r€ference to theProPosed use. 13. Sancti)n or rr:fusalof Buildirrg Permit

2,4 k. casecf re-erectionof existingbuilding after 13.1 The ClriefExecutiveOfficer shallverifu or cause I

dr:molition,the fee chargeables,lrallbe the same to be'rerified the facts given in the application
al erectionof newbuildings. for p:rmit imd Annexures from technical, '
administrativeand legal poinl of view The title l
2.5 The fee for revisedplan of a building,which has of lanl shall also be verified. He may either
aireadyl,een sanctioned,shall be % of the fee sancti<,nor refuse a buildir,g permit or may
chargeab.eon the sanctionedplan, subjeclto the sanction it with such rnodifications and
c,rnditions that the coveredarea of the building tlereu ron shall communicatethe decisionto the
has not ncreasedthen in the original sanction applic urt in the prescribec Form given in
Plan. Apperdix - 4
12.6 The area covered under the basement or 13.2 if wirhin si:rty days of the receipt of the
nrczzanirrc, servicefloor asthe casemay be shall applicltion irr building permit, the .order.of
be coun;ed towards the covered area for the rifusa Lor sarction or objectiln is not issuedby
purpose,lf calculationof fees. the Clrief ExercutiveOffrcer the applicationwith
fee in caseof buildirigs with principal and its arnexure shall be deenredto have been
allowr:dandthe permit sanctioned providedsuch
subsidiary occupancies,in which the fees
l:viable are different then the fees for tlie total fact is immediatelybfoughtt(' thenoticeofChief
t,uilding schemeshall be as per the rates for Execrtive O lficer in writinl ; by the applicant
i ndividurll occuPancies' withil Ltwenfr days after the expiry of the said
periotLof sixty days.But notring hereinshall.be
12.8 -llherevelidationfee of a buildingpermitshallbe ionst ued to luthorise any pcrsonto do anything
l0 per r:entof the original building permit fee ion of the Buildmg Regulationsand
in coILtravent
laid with the application,if the applicationis Directionsandthe MasterPlzn.
rnadewithin theperiodof validity ofthe building
l)€rmit. ln casethe building is under construction 13.3 Th6 Chief Bxecutive Officer or any officer
rLsper tte sanctionedplans and the applicationis desigratedbg him shall inti:natethe objections,
rnadealter the validity period from the date of inadequacy in documents, if any as far as
rianction then the revalidation fee shall oe possir1ein tl.e first instanceitself andensurethat
,rriginalbuildingpermitfee. no n:w objections are rai;ed when they are
resubmitted after compliance of earlier
12.9 .in case of constructionwithout revalidationa objections.
feesof Rs. 60 per squaremetre of coveredarea
thall be levied in addition to building permit fee, I 3..I Once the Irlans have be :n scrutinised and
if all provisionsas per byeiaws are complied objectionsif any have betn poinied out, the
rvith. appli;antshrll modifu the plansto complywith


the objectionsraisedand resubmitthem. If the 14. 'Appeal
against rr)fusal or sanction with
objectionsremain un-removedfor more than
modilications of a building permit, Any
sixty daystheplan shallbe rejected.
applir:antaggrievedI,y an ordei of refusal
of a
13.5 '.Penalaction, The Chief ExecutiveOfficer of butld ng permit or its sanction under rhese
tle Authority resewesthe exclusive risht to regul;rtionsor directions,may, within thirty
cebar/ black list the Town planner,Arch]tect/ from the date of cor;munication of ru"t ordo
I)ngineer/ Supervisor,plumberif found to have appeal to the Chairm m of the AuthoriW and
deviated from the professionalconduct or to acconrpanied by a true copy of the order
have made any misrepresentationor on default appealedagainst,and receipt of appealfee which
either in authenticationof the plan or in shall be S|'yo of the original fee. The
s:pervisionof the constructionagainstthese decision ofthe Chaimun on such appealshall
F egulationsand Directionsand the sanctioned final, :onclusive and t,inding.
buildingplans. 15. 'Duration or vatidiq of a building permir,
13.6 I1'the Chief ExecutiveOfhcer of the Authoritv Dutrotlg permlt sanctionunder theseregulalions
finds at an)dimeviolation of theseRegulations and djrections shall nmain valid for a p'erioa
ard Directionsor misrepresentation oi fact, or two ) ea-rs except rer;idential plots other than
q)nstructionat variancewith the sanction Hguline plot for which validity oi
or lroup
tl eseRegulationsandDirectionsinclusiveof the &awirLgshall be three years from the date of
p:escribeddocumentshe shall be entitled to sancr(m or as specified in the terms and
revoke the sanction and take appropriateaction conditronsof allotmert and during that period
allainstsuchprofessionaland such professional compl,,tioncertificateto be submitt"ed uoaif Ai,
slall not be permittedro submlt buildins is not done no such building activity shalj be
plans/freshplans till finalization of the case] came( on wilhoutge1ing rhepermitievalidated
bt fore debarring or blacklistine such berorethe expiry of this period.Validiry of
professional found to be indulging in buildirg perrnit shall expire once occupancy
ptofessional misconduct or where has certificate is issued. For further corrstrlrctioo
m tsrepresentedany material fact, the Chief freshbuildingpermitslnll be required.
E):ecutive Officer or an Officer authorizedby 16. 'Noticr: for commencr)ment
hi n shall give him an opportunity to explain his of buitding work,
The a:plicant to whom a permit has been
sanctionedunder theseregulationsshall give a
13.7 Allottee submitsthe applicationfor seekinsthe noticero the Chief Exe:utiveOfficerin the Form
completion cenificare wirhout actially given in Appendix5 lor the commencement of
completingthe building.If <turingthe inspection the bui ding activity
fol issueof completioncertificateany buiidingis 17. 'Work to bc carried r,ut in full accordanceof
forrndincompletethe allotteewill be penaliied
these tegulations and directions' Neither tbe
50% of C and D chargesor Rs. 500d1_ which grantin;; of the permit nor the approval of the
ev,)r is less and his/her/theirapplication for
clrawinl;sand specificar.ion,
nor inspectionmade
cotnpletionshall be rejected.On suchreiection
by the.A.uthorif durinlSerectionoi the building
of applicationthe allotteewill be requiredto
shall irL any way relieve the owner of suci
applyalieshalongwith penaltycbarges andtime buildinl;from full responsibilityfor carryingout
exlensionif required.The actionagainstall the :hework in accordance
corrcemedArchitects will taken in followins with the requireme;tof
18. Additi rn or alteratiorr during construction'*
(i) Fir;t time - Waming to Architect .{ny ad,litionor alteratons from the sanctioned
(iD Ser;ondtime - black listed in Noida Authoritv plansareintendedto be made,permissionoflhe
for oneyear. rlhief E,<ecutive
(iii) Thlrd time - refer to Council of Architecture for Officer shallbi obtainedbefore
the prolnsed additions/ alterationsare carried
carcellationof Registration. out. It shall be incumbe nt upon the applicantto
rvhoma building permii hasbeensarciionedto

iubmit amendedplans for such additions or
-fovisions (t in case of residential brrilding on plotted
teraticns. The relating to an development,a fiinimum of 50% of permissible
4plication for permit shall also apply to such grour.dcoveragewhich includea habitableroom
mendeJ plans. with'le prorisionof toilets/ bathoom andW.C.
with a kitchr:ncompletein irll respectsshall be
19. 'Cancellationof permit for building activity'
If at rLny time after the permit has been consilered for sanction rrnd also for the
occulrancyc:rtificate.In case of grouphousing
tanctiored, the Chief Executive Officer is
minirrum 5C% of the floor arearatio shall be
tatisfiec that such permit was sanctioned in
consilered 1or issue of sarLction/ comoletion
lonsequences of any materialmis-representation
:r frarrdulent statement contained in the
lpplicationgiven or the informationfumished, (ii) in ca;eofcommercialplots, plansconsideredfor
:he Chief ExecutiveOfficer may.cancel such sancton sha.l be equivalentto the areaof the
:ermit and any work done thereunder,shall be grourd floor coverage.Partcompletionwould be
Jeemed to havebeendonewithoutpermit. giver only after completegroundcoveragehas
beenConeasper sanctioned plans.
20. 'DocunLentat site' The following documents
rre to be kept at site during the constructionof (iii) in caseof industrialplot, a rninimumof50% of
'.hebuilding and for such a period thereafteras permssible;;roLrndfloor cor'eragein the shape
:equirer by the authority of wr rking h all would be corrsidered
for sanction
as wr:ll as firr completion,provisionfor latrine
(D A copy ofbuildingperrnit. and rLrinals,vould also havt to be madein the
(ii) Copyol approveddrawingsandspecifications. 50olo:overageasperFactoryAct.
(iv) in caseof institutionalbuildings,minimumarea
21.'Completioncertificate' for smction or issue of o(,cupancycertificate
shall be50%offloor arearatio or asstipulatedin
(i) Notice for covering up underground drain the plojectr€portapprovedby the authority.
and sarLitarywork :- ihe owner/ applicantwho Provisionsof following iterrs in building shall
wasgrantedbuildingpermit shall servea notice be mandal:ory for issue of completion
duly signedby the Licensedarchitect/Engineer/ certilicate
Plumbe'alongwithfee for inspectionof sewer t Floorine:
work ty the officer deputed by the Chief
Executire Officer at least ten days prior 1o ii) Electricalwiring whereasel:ctrical fittings shall
ooverinl;of undergrounddrains and sanitary not b "'mand;rtory.
works. iii) Plumbingard chromeplatel fittings in at least
(i0 Notice 0f completionof drains, sanitary and onet:ilet an,lkitchen
water supply work - The owner/applicant who iu) as requiredunderthese
Parkingand Landscaping
hasbeen grantedbuilding permit shall servea rules
noticeir the Form given in Appendix 12 duly
v) Numler plat];
signedby licensedArchitecVEngineer/ Plumber
alongwithfee for inspectionof suchwork by the vi) Bourdarywrrll andGateshallbe mandatory.
oflicerrleputedby ChiefExecutiveOfficer.
vii) Interral and externalfinishing (Plasteringmay
(iii) Appror allRefusalof drain / sanitary work - not be mand,rtory);
within thirty daysfrom the receiptof respective
viii r Buikting shell be lockablei,e. all extemaldoors
noticeasreferredin clause26.1 and26.2the site
and ,vindowJshall haveto be provided.In case
shallbe inspectedby the officer deputedby the
grill is provided in the winJows then fixing of
ChietExecutiveOttrcer,Approval/ Rejectionof
glassss in the windows l,anes shall not be
suchwork shall be conveyedwithin fifteen days
fromth,)dateofsuch notice,
22. Minimrrm areafor sanction/ comptetion-

u() Nc overall violation of Building
Zoral plan Regulationsand Mastl pd;;il; Civ) ylld_ rime. issued ffom concemed
be there in the overall building ;; lepartnLentif^extension
issreof occupancycertificate. (xv) 4.n afli lavit on Rs.
l(/_ of Utrar pradeshnon
24. 'Noticeof Completion,Every sraTe paper duly. norarised
owner shall have regarding Rain Water harvestingby owner
rorubmir a noliceof compt.,lon ,r," required.The provisionbf .rvfr"r.u.i
to the Chief Executivl Offi"., iririi""
';.g;;;; ."i" *r.G l"*"rii"j
"i shall b^e
conrpletion of work describedi" th. ;?;;;;; ;-Lll"ffii
Er?a rs more than 300 square
pennit in Appendix
furescribed _ 6t.ilil;? €alegon(,s. metre in all
buitdingshaltb" r"b;it d;;"th,;
owner through the Architect (xvi) j;,1111nc1e by an
/ E";i;:";.i architectis also requiredin
SuP':rv;5o.as the r on the retterh*d d,ry,i;;;;;;;
m" o"?ff..
ff:r5#:"-,lj; ;l:r.,::;:
in Appendix_ 6"on.t
accompanied ;ylhr;;;il;i 25, ()ccupa:rcy certilicate
comrletion_ plan (as in necessary for
o':cupatiJn'No buildinlg
amorrgwith one cloth mounted
""." "f;;i";;;.;l; erectedre_erected
l;l'ff:'ill,[:ffiil::. Y!"b
thef :llowing documents:_
c"py) ;J ;l; ;;;;;i

Copl ofsanctionlefter.

I[ifi:r:r,"ffi !,#j
Oflicer faits t ) rssuethe occupancv
or send any irtimation ,b;;;;;lr.

(iii) Certi.icatein Appendix
(iv) Clearmce from the
Fire Officer, wherever
by him,theilild,il';;;
(v) Cleariuce ftom Chief Controller
Nagprr, whereverrequired.
of Explosive iiffi i}'j,!:Jl.tg-*,tj,l^T
(vi) C.leatncefrom Unar pradeshpower
Corporation iii'i'l!iqx':,Tffi T,?$;"m
:ldilT:f"'? #i.::'
L-imittd regardingprovisronol
hansformer/ sub
, ancillary power supply ;
.::l^y system


no. tfr" Lft manufacturewherever
removedfor a periodof6 nu
(viii) Certifir;ate from Air_Conditioning
manufrcturer whereverrequred. Engineer
fr!iili;Ltn*lh:"I lnl
r,xe:uhve )fficer shall tale
remrlya.lof^(Irnauthorisedcorrslructron.acrion d,
(,-, of resishationof.Archiiect witlr
5:TlT,rl"^ rhe 26. Or.ghiefFire (rfficer,ln the
councit of Architecture.New D"lhi (d"lt;;il;; caseof
Du (hngs id,:ntified
"|1flf"n".", in claust._
by Arcllitect). 6.4,1"*ori.-.iuji
atsobesubj,:cr to theinspecrion
(x) of th" Ch;.f;i;;
Otti< er NOI DA and the occt pancy
f3y ^olner information / document
Chief ExecutiveOfficer may deem which the certlfied
fit. 9:,theClief Extcutive
:: ly"d crearance offi;;;;;j;
(xi) Challan copy receipt
from Bank
rlomrht ChiefFir;Offi;;
rppendir16 and l7 as applicable for fees for i,HrT
DpplyinlJfor occupancycirtificate. "tA"-;;"';; zo-l ction^ of various stages,
lnsp( Tbe Chief
(xii) llloppies/CompactDisc bxecutiveO fficer may at ary- time
of all drawing submitted. d*i";';l;
erectitn of a. building or tb:-execution
fxiill oF ani
of buitdingtakenfromliont, side work or developmenr makeu, iosp"ctiontie.irr
end rearsetbacks.


' ''' .,l"*-{!*r!tt.*rk*-

-, -

without giving previousnotice ofhis intention to

do so.
26.2 'Unsafe buildingt An unsaf'ebuilding shall be
consideredto constitute dangerto pubtc safety
hygient and sanitationand shall be restoredby
repair ('r demolishedor dealt with as otherwise
directe<lby the Chief Executive Officer of the
26.3 'Unauthorised development, In case of
unauthc'riseddevelopmentthe Chief Executive
OIIicer shall-
(i) take suitable action which may include
demolition of unauthorised works, sealing of f-
premis€s, prosecutionand criminal proceedings
against the offenders in pursuanceof relevant
Actsin force.
(ii) take suitableaction agamstthe licensedtechnical !
personor the Architect concemed.
27. Ternporary occupation.- Where the Chief
Executive Officer on the certificate of the
licenserltechnicalpersonnelis satisfied that the
lempofiry occupation of a building or any
portion thereof before its completion does not
adverseLy affect pubic welfare may permit
tempor.ry occupation in the Form given in
Anpendix-8 of such building or portion thereof
asthe crse may be, for suchashe deemsfit.


sFp.q*"'- .:


28. liurface water drain.-Any land, passageor (i) The vidth of the main str€et on which the
otherar:a within the Curtilageof building shall buildi ng abut; bhallnot be less than 9 metres.
lrc effeclively drainedby surfacewater drains or
ruch other means, and connected to surface (i') A bu:lding shall abut on a streetor streetsor
rvaterdrains. openripacescirectly connected from the streetby
a harrL surfaceapproach,wirLth of which is not
29. l)istanc,: form electric lines.- No varandah lesstl an 9 mctres.
balconyof like shallbe allowedto be erectedor
zny addrtionsor alterationsmadeto the buildinq. (iiD If there are a:ry bendsor cun es on the approach
I'etweenthe building and any overheadelecrric road, l sufficient width shall be provided at the
supply I ne maintainingthe distanceas indicated curve to enat,lethe firm appliancesto hrrn, the
below: tumin3 circl,> being at least of 9.0 metres.
Vertically Horizontally
(a)Low and medium 2-4metres 1.2metes
32. Setba:k -
32.1 Resid:ntial building - plottol development
(b)High voltage lines 3.7metres 1.8metres
upto a'rd inclrding 32.1.lFront ;etbackshallb€ asfollo ws:-
@ Extra high v( ltage (+0.305 meae for (+0.305metrefor
beyond every additional ivery additional l'{inimumSetBack
1iry: Depthof the pl )t in Met €s fiom the boundaryof
33000volts 33000voltsor part 33000voltsor

Abovr,9,0and not excerding12 2.0
30. Site antl land use pattern.- No buildine
permiron any site shall be sanctionedif rhi Abovr 12and rot exceedingl8 3.0
proposedland use does not conform to the Abov( 18andr ot excee(ling
llfasterPLan.If the constructionof thebuildins is
Above 27 andr ot excee<
Ling36, 6.0
frrr publi: worship.which.in the opinionofihe
A uthorit5'will wound the religious feelingsof Abov( 36 androt excee(ing 45 9.0
any class or personsin the vicinity thereof, no
Abovc 45 andx ot excee(ing 60 12.0
p')rmissi(,nto. constructionbuilding for such
pqpose rnaybe given on the site.Further,if the Above 60 15.0
ur;eof tho site is for the purposeof establishinga 32.1.tl'Rear,rpen
fzctory, lrarehouseor work placewhich will bi a
s('urceof annoyanceto, or injurious to the health (i) Every :uildinl; shall have a rerr yard forming an
ol'the inlnbitantsof the neighborhoodbuilding, intemaI part o i the site, of an iweragewidth ;f 3
pr:rmit in respect of such building may not be metresand at;to placesmeasuringlessthan.l.g0
gtven. metres
3I . Means o1' access.- No building shall be erected (iD In case of c')mer plots less than 300 square
sc as to deprive any oth€r building of the means metre in area the rear set bacli shall be averaqe
ol access For buildings identified in clauseno width ,rf 2.4 I netresand at no place measurilg
6.4, the firllowingprovisionsof meansof access lesstlun 1.80lnetres.
shallbe ersured:

iide openspace' 32.3 AII ttther B
very ;emi-deachedand detachedbuilding on
Pl( t Size in s metes. Front
(in rnetres.) r,5
metreareaand aboveshall
lots of 300 srluaf,e metre
s.) s.)
ave ol)enspa)eone side of 3 metreswidth as
er set backpkm preparedby the authority.
Upk 75
Abo\e 75 to 15
Abo\ e 150to 3 )0
: cast,of co:ner plots of area less than 300 Abo\ e 300to 5 )0 4.50 3.00 3.00 0
quaremetretlLeside set back shall be minimum Abo\ e 500 to I )00 6.00 3.00 3.00
3.00 3.00 it
.2 mr,tres :upto 40yo of the buildings length
rward; the sideroadfacing.
Abol e 1000to 2000
Abore 2000to 1000
Abor e 4000to 10000
Abole 10000t(' 20000
Abo,'e20000n ,40000 20.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 l:
In ttre case of semi detachedbuilding the 25.00 9.00 9.00 9.00
Abo.e 40000
abitable roon s shall abut either on the exterior .1..
rpenspaceor im interioropenspace.
In czseof ccmer plot includingrow housing
Set backs rnentioned abore are subjectto confirmation
from the s( t-back l rlansprepared'by
the Arlthority.
the sideopenspaceshall be providedtowards (D Where pennissible ground coverage is
longrr side of the site. However,the set back
achir:ved w thin se: backs,the set back o:
for the comer plot shall be as per set back preci)dingc, legory maybe followec.
plan:.preparr:dby the Authority
(ii) '
In r:ase o control drawings ('r layor
'Interior op€n space' Habitable rooms not sanciioned with more than tbe min
pres,:ribedsetbacks,the sameshall be fol'
rbuttingon either the front, rear or side open
in the sanctirn of thebuildingplan.
;pace shall at,ut as interior open spacewhose
ninim,rm widlh shall be 3 metresfor building (iii) Nohvithstanding anlthing contairLedin
rpto 1l)meheheight. direr:tions, the Authority may, rrhere
regafd to thr: featuri:sof a particulatzonet
ln car,e of building higher than l0 metres width of a road abutting any building and tne
minim;m wicth of such open spaceshall be Master plarr considersit expeditnt to do so
increar,edby I metrefor every3 metreincrease pernft such opensl)aceor setback in relationof
in height. a building a i it thin $ fit.
'Industrial buildings' Generallysetbackin case 'Flo rr are:L ratio' Floor Area Ratio. Ground
of industrialbrrildingsshallbe asgiventhetable covr)ragear d heightlimitations.
33.1 'Rerlidenti:I Buikling" In case rf residential l

sq, meres. Front. Rear Side builling o r plott:d developmentother than

grolrp housing and hotel building :he maximum
I (in (in
(in mehes.)
T cov,)redarea on ear:hfloor shallbe asfollows:
l U p t o l00
I lrom l001 to 200 4.50 1.50 t'
2.00 2.50
I From:001 to 300 4.50
I From.')0 01to 400 4.50 3.50 3.00 lc0
l F r o m 01
c 0to 500 6.00 3.50 3.50 n upto250 I
l F r o m 01
: 0to 600 6.00 4.00 3.50 3.50
From ( 01
0 to 100( 7.50 4.50 4.00 4.00 orpa(lhe
I Froml0001to 50(0 9.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 i0 upto50c
9.00 9.00 4.50 4.50 i!
: 0 to 30(00
I F r o m001
I Abole3 30000 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00
rcrpa'iG {:
m uptol tjt
rcks m:ntionerl abovearesubjectto confirmation rc, p"'tth. ta
theset-backplanspreparedbythe Authority. 100
JUU0t Orpi


'.exemptions from
open spaces' the following entrarLceprovidedit tas a minimumclearheisht
exemptionsfrom openspacesshall be permittedl of 2. l0 metresard maximumof 2.,1metris.
(i, F v e r y o p e n s p a c ep r o v i d e dw h e t h e rj n r e r i o ro r Belov' the canopy, n case of non-residential
erterior shall be open to the sl1l and no comice buildingsthe size of ranopymay be relaxedby
chajja, roof or whether shade more than 0.75 the Ohief Executive Oflicer. In one storei
ntetres wide shall project over the said open buildingonly onesucllcanopyshallbe permittei
s race.Such projectionshall not be allowed at a for eaohindividualdegached 6lock.]n.morethan
height less than 2.1 mehe from the one rtoried building two canopiesshall be
c:rresponding finished floor level and 2.4 metres permited over grourd floor oi higher lloor
n laxlmum. entrarce.
(iD Canopies each not exceeding 4.5 metres in
k ngth and 2.40 metres in width over any iiD Basenrent(basement;),shall be permissible
entranceprovided it has a minimum clear heisht within rhe setbacklinc on eachflooi. However
o ' 2 . 1 0 n r e t r e sa n d m a x i r n u mo f 2 . 4 m e r - e s . maxinrumpermissibleareaunderbasement shall
Below the canopy, in case of non residential be limitedupto:
b rildings the size of canopy may be rela,red by a) BasenLent area,if use,lfor services,storaseetc.
tle Chief Executive Offrcer. In one storey thennnximum areaurrdersuchfaciiitiesstall be
b rilding only one suchcanopyshall be permittei equivzlent to maxinrum permissible ground
fr,r each individual detachedblock. In more than cover€ge.
one storeyed building two canopies shall be
pr:rmitted over ground floor or higher floor b) Basenent area, if usr:dfor parking, then area
eIrtrance. equivalent to parking requirementshall be
Ir residential buildings, first flo-or and permitted.
slbsequent upper floor balconies at floor levels Basement,if used fo;. any other use, shall be
without a Jhump (hanging below from the upper permittedupto the setrackline and this useable
b;ilcony) of a width of 1.00 metres overhansins -owi areast all be includedin theFAR ofthe buildins.
firnt and side road set backs within one's Stilt areaof non-habtable height2.25 merre-s
land shall be permifted. from ream bottom trroposedto be used for
TJre projections (cantilever) of cupboards and parkinl;,landscaping e1c.
slelves shall be permitted and are exempted
[rrm coveredareacalcu]ations.Suchprojections rv) Loft upto 1.2metreheight.
shall be upto 0.75 metres in depth and 2.4 metres v) Otherrbaturesasmtlntionedbelow:-
in length.
tv) Bly window projection of 2.4 metres length.and No.
utrto 0.75 metres depth shall also be exempted t. purely
loarl bearing shall be permitte{l in
frrlm floor arearatio.
sett ack. Such colurnns of any mate.ial
:13.2 G roup Housing and number shall be perrnitted but
ma) imum size of each colunm shall
not exceed 300 millimetre x 300
2. Buthesse; ressest any number, shall be
penitted in setbackup to maxirnum

3. Mouldine, Muals, moulding

pror ided along under any projection
! 3.2.1 Floor Area Ratio shall not iiclrrde_ shall be permifted upto a maxiDrum
widh of 150 millimehe over and
i) A chajja projection (in setbacks) of a width of abo'€ the maximum perrnissible
0.'/5 metre at lintel or roof level. No construction 4.
of any type or any material shall be permitted cantLleveredfins" egg cratesand other
ov er projections. srm contlol devices shall be permitted
in s(tbackupto ma\imum width of ?50
i) Canopies each not exceeding 4.50 mehes in mill metre. Ma\imum depths of such
plan €rs shall not exce€d 600
lerLgth.and 2.40 metres in width over anv Inillimetre.

any material shall be permined
over projections which are primadly (vi ) Min mum fi rur kiosks of 40 squarefeet
meaff to covet \47indow. Air
of carpet l
area_andtw(, shopsof 100 s,pare feat carpetaLa
conditioning lmits and dessert coller
l,taximum width or such
shall be provided mandatory.Shops can
amalgamate,lhowever max.mum carpet area of
Lasmg/enctosuresof any material 6 .
suchshopsl all not exceed230 squarefeet.
tgl water pipe shall be
pemitted in setback upto depth of (vii) Ma"xmum heighrof shops
maximum 250 millimetle and
and kiosksshallbe
4.0ntetrefrcm floorto ceilirg.
vi) Rockerr, well and well srructures,water pool, (viii) Ground cov(,rageand Floor Area Ratio
shall be
swimmrng pool (if uncovered), *"ou"."j aspe: converientshoppingnorms.
OJatfomraround hee, tank, fountain, bench, (ix) In caseof provisionof sho.rpingin
:habutrirwith opentop and un.nclosed leasedeed
by iide the srme shaI prevail.
'va s. compoundwall, gare. slide.
rncoversdstaircase (unenclosed 33.2.3 Anr othe: utilities as decided by
and uncoverj Chief
,rn..thrce sides except for 0.q Execrrtive Officer depending on its I
metre hish
rartlng/vall andopento sky).overhead requiremenl, I
top ofbrrildings,openshafts,culvertson drains. Distarrce.befveenrwo adjac_,nt buildingblocks
vii) {)pen rampswith no areaenclosedbelow snatrtol tret_'ssthanhalf of theheightof tallesL
it of
usableh:ightof2.l metre. building.
viii) r\ny otber featurepurely ornamentalin The Chief ExecutiveOfficer r;hallhavea right to
rot encl)singor coveringspaceof commercial rmposesuch restrictionand I imitationsas io the
t s^e_
may be perminedby the Chief Executive numbrr of storeysand exterrtof height of the
(rttlcercepending on caseto casebasis. buildirg as re considersfit where protected
areas,ancienlor historicalm(,numents lie within
x) ()nly in case of commercialbuilding,
Atrium a radius of ,rne and half k ilometre from the
srall be kept free from FAR uoi- gro*J boundry lineofsuchgrouph rusing.
cJverage,.Incase any commercialacd;iry
in Atrium or any saleableareaor any lll In dersity calculationeachs jrvant quarterwill
other strtcture which is countedin FAR be recl:oneda; half dwellingunit.
g o]lnd ( overageits respectivearea
sball be A^grorp housrngshallconfonnto the provisions
a'tdedIn :otalFAR & groundcoverage. of the SectorPlanand Zonal DevelopLentplan
3.2.2 All the common facilities prescribed of the area in terms of setbacks, ground
will haveto be providedand shall be counted coverale, Floor Area RzLtio and leight
ln the prr:scribed FAR of Group Housing. restrrctions,
if my.
I Air-conditioning plant, electrical installation. The pr,rvisionrcontainedin tlis clauseshallnot
gr'nerator room.waterworksetc. apply to horrsing for ecoromically weaker
section;.low incomegroups.informalsector
! atchmar sheltersand watch towers as per undertaken by the StateGovemment, Authoritv
Trrblelor Watchman Shelter. or ary ttherprrblicbodyappr(,ved in thisbehaif
ii) Toiletblo:ks for visitors,drivers,guards by thel;taleG(,vemment.
v) Slopsandcommunity facilitiesasperpopulation Basem( nt (Baiements)in thc Group Housing
normsas tpecifiedin the leasedeed.in case shallbr, permirtedwithin the setbacliline onli
pl()ts.werj^ minimum population,equoeA i.e. area after leaving setba<.ks. The intemal
prilvtsron)t convenient
shopping is notachieved reigtt t,f the b,rsement
(floor nr ceiling)shallbe
th(n:-- ninimum 2.4 mdue and maximum 4.5 metre.
3xceptwherev:rheight of eql ipment'ssuchas
) Ar,"afor c:nvenientshopping equivalent
to 0.75 i)lecflc generittor, air condtioner and fire
percentol toralplotareashalibeallowed. llydrant etc. is more than 4.5 metre additional
height equivalentto height of equipmentsshall

b( permitted, subject to a maximum of 9.0 for ea:h individual detachedblocks. In more
m 3tres. '
than ote storiedbuild.ngtwo canopiesshali be
./11 Toilet block for visitors,driversetc. comprising permit:ed over ground floor or hieher floor
oJ a water closet,a bath and 2 urinals shall be entrar()e.
provided. (iii) In IndrLstrial
buildings,first floor andsubsequent
./111 In caseof grouphousinghavingmore than two upperfloor balconiesat floor levelswithotrta
st{)rey,stepsmust be taken to ensurewarer ar Jhump(hangingbelow from the upperbalcony)
hi3her floors. For this purposeboosterpumps ofa w dth of 1.00metresoverhanging front and
andoverhead tanksmustbe installed. sideroad set backswi"hin one's own land shall
be penritted.
IK -A1leastone of the lifts providedshall be of the
sp:cificationof goodslift. (iv) The projections(cantilever)of cupboardsand
shelvesshall be pemtiftedand are exempted
:3.3 lndustrialBuilding/ Film Centre fromc,rveredareacalc;lations.Suchproiections
shallbr.upto0.75merr:sin depthand2.i merres
s in lengh.
(v) Bay window prpjectioxof 2.4 metreslengthand
J upto 0.75 metresdeprhshallalsobe eximpred
from fl,tor arearatio.
_i (vi) A Wak hman shelter- { Watchmansheltershall
permitt:dbe within the front setback.
(a) Watchnan shelter nr,t exceedingl0 square
I metre ln area and 3 tetres in height on the
b housinlplotof 0.50actesandabovep-ermined.
3 (b) OnewrJchmanshelterrf 5.0 squaremetreshall
b be allo ved above400 squaremetre and up to
800square metre.
b (c) In caseof Industrial/ Institutionalplots one
'E:remptionsfrom open spaces watchmanshelterof 5 0 squaremerreshall be
and FAR' the
following exceptionsfrom open spaces& FAR tllowed upto 800 square metre, 2 watchman
shi.llbepermined. theltersof 5 squaremetreeachaboveg00 squaxe
netrearrdupto1.2acreand 2 watchman shelters
(,) Ev:ry open spaceprovidedwhetherinterior or :f 10 scuaremetreeachfor plot biggerthan 1.20
exleriorshallbe opento the sky and no comice rcrewilh maximumheilghtof 3 metres.
chrjja, roof or whether shademore than 0.75
metres wide shall project over the said open (d) n the caseof comerp ots suchsheltershall be
spice. Suchprojectionshallnot be allowedat a )onstru(:tededjoiningoneof the sidesof the plot
height less than 2.I metre flom the rndshaI becombined r riththegateprovidejlbr
correspondiirgfinishedfloor leveland2.4 metres iide enlry into the prenrisesleavingcomer free
maximum. :br clear view. The height of plinth of shelter
'vill nol be more than 1.25mehes
(ii) Caropies each not exceeding4.50 metres in 00,') above
the sideroadfacingthe )lot. However,it shallbe
length and 2.40 metres in width over any r)nsuredthat this doer not obstruct the free
entranceprovidedit hasa minimumclearheisht lnovem(ntinsidethe pkrt of any kind ofvehicle,
of 2.l0 metresard maximumof 2.4 metis.
Be;ow the canopy, in case of non-residential lrarticulrly for the fire t,:nderin caseoffire.
buitdingsthe size of canopymay be relaxedby l{otes:
the Chief Executive Officer. In one storey
buildingonly onesuchcanopyshallbe permitted


ffi ryr wtt&|,|rrwi FlsirtnrgFiirrtt

I ro
i b-l

Tu o watchmanshelter of area 5.0 squaremetre
eat,hor 1( squaremetreas casemay be can be c) Minimumwidth of tread 0.30metres
club toged.erat oneplace. d) Minim.rmwid:h of landing 2.10mehes
Th: arealrcyond 10,0 squaremetre and up to e) Winde's arenot permitted
maximumof 50 squaremeffe or 2.5o/oof iolal
permissibft:Floor Area Ratio whicheveris less, (vii) 'Lift'
shall be c<,untedin Floor Area Ratio. This area (a) 'Passenler flatted lifts'
shallbe permittedto be usedfor generatorroom
(i) shall be l,rovidedin factoryblockswhich
tirne office,metreroom.
ari mor( thar two strreys in height
No projectionshall be permittedon road/public in:luding the ground flcor whetherit is
lanl. ra sedon ltills or not
Thr: additi,rnalcoveragesubjectedto maximum (iD ore passengerslifl of 10 passengers
of 100%of permissiblefloor arearatio shall be carrying capacity shall te provided per
alk'wedb) makingof paymentof augmentation l[00 squrremetreof total carpetareaor
chargesat the prevailingallotmentrateson the part there)f.
folJowing<onditions. 'Goodslifts'
No heavyplant and machinerycausingnoise,
(r) shrll be provided for flatted factories
vib:ations,hazardshallbe installed.
bl,rckswl ch are morethim two storeysin
Maximum height of the building shall not be height includingthe ground floor whether
mo.:ethan..5metres. it s raisecon stills or not
Il r:aseof specialised
industrialzonessetbacks, (ii) one goocs lift with 2.()0 ton carrying
groLrndco"erageand floor area ratio shall be caracity shallbe providedper 2500square
decided./approvedby the authorityprior to the mr:treof t,rtalcarpetarea(,f partthereof.
(viii) Ilasement: l(r0% of the total covered area
.3.1 FlattedI'actories lermissi:le on l,roundwhich will not be counted
t,)wardsfloorar,)aratio calculations.
area 100 squaremetre
33.4 (lomme.'cialBuilding
IVfaximurtin Gr. Coverage 35%
S:tbacks ' Hotel ruildin
3' CommercialBuilding other
thancofiLmerciaComplexald N{andi.
ot srz€ Fror t Rear Side-I SidFII
)00to 9.0( 9.00 6.00 6.00
2000 metft:s metres U MLximum FAR Ma.x,
metres metres
8rcund height
l0l to 12.(. 9.00 7.50 6.00 Covered
1000 metl( s metes metles metres
0t '-d 1 5 . 0) 9.00 9.00 7.5 metres g
bove metfi s mefies meres ) Below t Tee slal 30% 1.25 24-0m
) Three sl ar categor/ 30% 1.5 No Limit
2s% 2.0 No Limil
MiLximum floor arearatio cat€gg4
(in perce age) t4a i C o m m l 'rcial Ac ivil :ies
nveni€nt Sboppmg 40% c.80 15.0m
Mrximuln height of flcior 3.75metres 1tle
itor Shopp 10% 1.20 15.0m
Ccrridors: ) District ( 30% 1.50 No Limit
)pping alo rg sreel a ro
Minimum widthif entryto units 2.5 metres er Master )lan level
)pping Cer
is on both sides rk 3004 r50 No Lirnit
MiLximumheightof riser ema As per lsper Asper
ii) Forptotarea€bove1250upto
i 45 1.35 16.00
' ,, For rtolareaa rcre2500to
I suulrsquarem,[.e 4U 1.60 24.O
I1 For rlorareaa love 5000
I Squaremelre lS 1.75 No Limit
33.7 Atlother fypesof BuildirLgs

Building andBarat char Slt- B,td"d-

Gro rnd

Gort. SemiG c\.t. Corpomte

comllex, Swim&ing offr No Lirnit
ReligiousBuit ling
Sports 30% 0.60 15.0m
Amusemcnt Compl€x. Disl ensary
ral Clut. Social 30% 0.60
30% 1,30 30.0m
Transit Tenninal,Bus Mus,'un|.An Caileryand
Depots,^pnkshop, Exli )itionCenre 1.30 No limir
Booking ( rffices.
zn hfor
Enabed Servicrs.
r." No Lirnit

Note: -----.- 30%
(1) The rb,ve regulations
are t"orgeneralapplicarrons.
a) r-o-e
au honty.shal,howeverprepareandprovide
34. Other iisions-Buildi rgs other
conEot dra$ing/ArchiEcturalcoDlrol
for .u.t Residr-- -.Pto
ntial (l'loftedDeveloprrent) than
"ornrn"r"iui & Industrial
),o.fl1;191e 1l.1tnsconrained
in *eseresular,ons,
rhe 34.1 Perxrissiblestructuresin
ry.,maywltej: ir considersexpedienr sotbacks
regardt ) lhe sFcial fearures to do so. havins
ofa panicularzoneandrhewi.trh i) a c h ajja(pri.ecrion)of marimum
wrdtbof 0.75
metr(r ar Itnlelor roof level No
any t fpe or lny materialshi ll be permitred of
projeruonsotherthanmenticned over
33.5 ltnstitutronatBuilding herewith.
ii) undergrouncwater tankswirh
top flush with the
adjoi:unggrcund level.
I iducati<,nal
iii) Canories ea:h ns1 exceedi
lg 4.50 metresin
Purpose Ground FAR Mrx,
lengtl and 2.40 metres irr width
Coverage ou., unf
y" "/. H€ights (in pj^]id"d_it.hasa minimumclearheight
Nur€ry meres. I ::"fl";.u.,metl€sdnd
'60 ,.Z. maximrm of 2.4 metr-es.
Prin ary Schoo
30 l5 ,n". crnopy. in case ol non_residenrial
40 ::.',o) jhe
-bulldrrgs sizeof canopymay be relaxedbv
Seccndary sch<ol l5
40 100 l5
b) Eryi neering
Eering C( llege / 30 l,,l,.tntet _tKecutiveOffict.r. ln one storeir
Manrcemen 100 No Limir olt{ ol: suchcan6p,.5fiall bepermitted
Eement In stitute :l,ltl,q
j:l tnotvtduatdetache<l block. In more
than-o.l€, stonedbuildingtwc .unopi". .t
permrt:edov(:r ground floo. utt-lJ
33.6.Ileatthi Nursing Ifome, Ifospital o, i,igh.r noo.
& Other entran()e.
iv) plinth srepsand plinth ramps
,Open within 1.0
Max Max. meffelrom setSackline.
Ground Height(in
v) Watch nanShrlters and Watch Towers


"ii*Aa @*rS

{ fr $


I {
()pen ,llesel ;enerator set' filtration plant'
watch xii)
-shrrll of watchman sheltersand
No proiecion ,,lecrriczLdistri iution eqttipmelns' feeder
be allowed outsidethe plot line'
Mtximum height of watchmansheltershall be 4
telephor.e distribution equipnents . shall...be
'lermitttd in olten setbackas a servlce utltrty'
m(,treandwatchtowers15 metres'Total areaas irrovide I due r:learancefrom Fire Departmer
mr'ntionedbelow, under such shelters shall be
ras beelr laken.
sp it up in desirednumbet of watch man shelter
anJ watchtowers. 34.2-Hoot I.rea Ratio shall also in:lude--
Tatrlefor Watchman Shelter 'n)-4 Mezzarine
Max. M&x. Max. t otai
Size Total
ii) Mumty for staifcase
undet each Lrndei under
for iii) CuPbozrds
each watchmen each each
time watch
man iv) Balcones
shelter office
and shelter BaYwindows

15sqm 5 sqm N1l Nit vi) Melre room of following sizes- shall, be
o 0.5 15sqm
permis;ible w thin the opens['acein thesetbacK
30 sqm 24 sqm 5 sqm Nil Nil
ifplot tttit shallbe countedt rwardsFAR'
- 5'0
a) 33 Ki o Volt with intemal rrangement
5 sqm 12
Ab )ve 10 sqm 24 sqm
sqm sqm metresx 5.0nretresx 3'2 metr3
aq:s upto
24 sqm 5 sqm t2 24 b) 33 Kilo Volr' with extemal arrangement-
Above25 60 sqm x 3 2 metres
sqm sqm merer x 3 5 nletres
- 4'5
At ove 50 24 sqm 5 sqm 24 48 c) l1 KiLo Volt with extemal arrangement
additio sqm sqm metretx 4.5 rletresx 3'2 mettes
nal l0
ad litional 'l 2'5
50 ades sqm d) Low iansmi;sionmetreroorl
metrerix2.5tnehesx 3.0met es
- '"' - In cale of sp,>cificrequireme
Notr): rt of sizemorethan
;";. m"ntioned sizes, tl e same shall be
vi) I'{eter rcom
'pnarlgSH or Iy afler verifi':ationby UTTAR
()ther f( atures as mentioned in Group Housing ".""in"4 PowerCorporatic n Ltd" Noida'
r:1ause. viit The :hafls providedfor liftr' shall be taken
calculations of one floor and
viii) r)pen rransformers without any peman€nt ";;";J;.;
:nciosu,e keeping in view the necessarysafety inclu,ledin groundcoverage'
:equlrer lenls. viii
'* Onlv in case of commerci building' Atnum
lx) ln specific cases water bodies and pools'
and ;h;il be k,:pt free from FAR and
activity is
othei landscape features may be permitted with cove:age. IrL case any corrmercial
aoprovil from rhe Chief Executive Officer' p,op,,'idil o"iT ";'
pioviderl the fire safety requirements are not
Tt :*:::t:ffiif ill
othel structrtre wnlcn ls
affecte( l. erourd cov:rage, its resptctive area shall
idded in tou,l FAR andgroundcoverage'
x) Any other feature purely omam€ntal in nature
noi en<losing or covering space of commercial
use mry be permitted by the Chief Executrve
Officer dependingon caseto casebasis'
34 3--SI(4r Area Ratio shall not include
xl) No teloporary stnrcture shall be permitted in t ,i 'i c raiiaproiection (in setlacks)of a width.of
front sr:tbackor in setbackof sides abutting road'
0.7: t.tt. ,i tint.t or roof level'No constructlon

of arly type or any materialsh .iling/wz.lland opento sky), overheadtankson
over projectionsto provideacces : ofbuildings,openshafts,culvertson drains.
ii) Canopieseach not exceedirip
lengtr and 2.40 metres in wroth over any . ,)en ranrpswith no arerrenclosedbelow it of
usnblehe;ghtof2.l metre.
entrarceprovidcdir hasa minimumclearheisht
of 2.l0 metresand maximumof 2.4 nretr-es. l{) Arry othr:r feature, prinarily omamental in
Belorv the canopy, in case of non_residential naure, not enclosing cr covering space of
buildrgs c-ommerci use may be permitted bl, Chief
^thesizeof canopymay be relaxedby Executive Officer depenrlingon its merits on
the tlhief Executive Oflicer. In on. .tor"y
build:ngonly onesuchcanopyshallbe permittei car;e
to calrebasis.
for erch individual detachedblocks. In more 34.4 Basemenl area shall not exceed bevond
than{}nestoreyedbuildingtwo canopiesshallbe buildingr nvelope.
permitted over ground floor or higher noor
entfarrce. The intental height of the basement(floor to
ceiting) shall b.e mininrum 2.4 metre and
iii) Baserlent (Basernents)shall be permissible marimum 4.5 mette, exc€pt whereverheightof
withil.the setbackline on eachfloor. However, eqlLipmentI such as el:ctric generatol air
only in caseof building other than commerciai corrditioner
and fire hydrarrtetc.is morethan4.5
maxinrumpermissibleareaunderbasementshall metre addtional height erluivalentto height of
be lin iteduoto eqripmentr shall be permitted subieit to
(a)r. Basenentarea,if usedfor services.storage matimum ).0 metres.
:.-' thennnximumareawrdersuchfacilitiess[all be
equivrlent to maximum permissible ground
coverrge. 3.../48 percent of the prescribed FAR shall be
7i/ ad<ledtol/ards common areas,which shall
(bliBaser ent area, if used for parking, lben area
'./7 permitted. ro parking requirementshall be i) Air.conditirning plant, electrical installation,
geniratorr,)om.waterworl s, waterCank etc.
(c)ril4asenent, if used for any other use, shall be
Oermitred,upto the setbackline and this useable iD Wa:chmensheltersandwatchtower
areastall be includedin theFAR ofthe building. iii) Garbageshrftsandlift shaf:s
(d) Stilt areaofnon habitableheightproposedto iv
be Fireescapestaircases
usedfr,r parking,landscaprng erc.
v) Toiietbloct.sfor visitors.dlivers,guardsetc.
rv) In bu ldings for Hoteis. Hospitals.Nursing
Ilomes, SpecialisedHealth Centre and sucf, vi) Mu nty,ma:hineroomfor I ifts
similarbuildingsa servicefloor upto 100percent vii) Any otherutilitiesasdecidedby ChiefExecutive
of maximumpermissiblegroundfloor Offi:er depr:ndingon its meflts.
The mrximum height of servicefloor"olr"run".
floor tc ceilingsshallbe 2.25metres. 34 6 In plots rrbove 10 acres following public
utili fies/facilities such as mentioned below
v) Loftup 1.2metreheighr. shall be not countedin FA R_
vi) Otherf:aturesasmentionedih Table3. i. Taxi stand
vii) Rockery,well and well structures,water Dool. ii. Bus:erminatand
swimmng pool (if uncovered.;.uncovered
platforrr around tree, tank, fountain, bench. iii. Telerhoneerchange
chabutrrwith open top and unenclosedby side iv. Fire ttation
walls, compound wall, gate, slide, swing,
uncovetedstaircase(unenclosedand uncovere-<l v. Publc toiletr;detachedfrom themainbuildins.
on thft€ sides except for 0.9 metre heieht


#!:1.€-{r5.i}I4ij l'$qf!1.:{:9 ''rq:jl?. :r€r:""-'?tt ss !.F. ! q$fll 'i'!rsti:ir&?iJr.{,!*4fxr:

m8:''r. "-1tt 1ii.'F*4.--!'i..
35 'Maxirnum covered area in respect of senrces, equrpmen
basenent or cellar' otht,r than per hqeo-", ,.*--.
arcl,itectur€I featuresnot (,xceedingI metre in
(D ResidtntialBuilding (Plotteddevelopment)
50% heil;ht provided the aggregate area of such
of mar:imumpermissiblegroundfloor coverage stru,tures i rcluding pent h<,usesdoesnot exceed
(iD one.third o I the roof of the building openwhich
All other building including residential
thej are erected,shall not be included in the
Croup Housing
heit;htof tbebuildings.
Same as ground covemge or as per parking
requinrments,ifused for parking. (iii) 'Gr rup housing' The de./elopment of site for
grorrp housingshall be governedby the design
Notr: Water tanks on roof and their supports,lift standard indicatedin the layout plan of sector,
rooms,ventilatorsair conditioningand similar suit.ngthe siteand socio-er:onomic requirements
servic,:equipments,roof structues, chimneys of he occupantsto be decidedby the Chief
other than pent houses, parapet walls and Executive Officer of the Authority.
architrptural featuresnot exceeding 1 metre in
(ir) In <aseof grouphousingl aving more than two
height, provided the aggregatearea of such
stor3ys,st€psmust be tak(n to ensurewater at
structtfesincludingpenthousesdoesnot exceed
higlrerfloo's, for this purpcseboosterpumpsand
onethird of the roof of the b,yildinguponwhich
ove:head ,.arks must be installed, lifts and
they zre erected,shall not be countedin the
heightofthebuilding. suitrble st..ircaseshouldte providedfor more
tharL four story high buildings. Width for
stai.case shall not be le;s than 1.00 metres
36 'f,xen ption from Floor Area Ratio'
(i) Flo,rrarearhallbe calculat:das coveredareaon
(i) In residentialbuilding the basementshall be
all lloors urlessspecificalll'excluded.
exemptedfrom FloorArea Ratio.
(iD (ii) The coverageshallbe calc:latedon the basisof
Baser.entor cellarif usedfor any otherpurpose
the wholeareareservedfor grouphousing
than given below in all typesof non-residential
buildirrg shall be included in floor area ratio (iii) in ,lensity calculationfor group housing each
calculinions. senant'sqrnrter shallbe reckonedas onefamily
(standards ze of family 5.0persons).
(iii) Storageof anykind.
(ir) Design of group housing shall confirm to the
(iv) Library andreadingrooms
pro risions of the mast(r plans and zonal
The area of staircasehall on onE of the floor developme rt plansof the area.
shall be excluded from Floor Area Ratio
(v) A grouphc,usingshallconlbrmto the provisions
the Masterplan andZonal development plansof
Rampr;if providedwill not be cornectedtowards the area.
areafrrr thepurposeof groundcoveragein Floor
(vi) The provisronscontainedi r this clauseshallnot
AreaI i.atiocalculation.
app[y to lcw cost group hrusing undertakenby
NOTII: - the StateGovemment,any local authoritywithin
(D If a t uilding abuts on two or more roads of the State<,f Uttar Pradesl.or any other public
differ€nt widths, the building shall be deemedto body approved in his behalf by the State
faceu:on the road that hasthe greaterwidth and Go.'ernmet rt.
the height of the luilding shall be regulatedby
thewi lth of thatroad.
(ii) Water tanks on roof and their supports, lift
rooms ventilating,air conditioningand similar

37 spaces'- Followingguidelinesfbr
parkingfor differenttypesof buildings'basbeen 6. Comr t i for every:s
andshallbe followed. rpel atea or
ftacticn thet€of
7. Indusdal One p king spacefor every 200
37.1 { separateparkingplan shall be submiftedfor squar€ meFe Calpet area or
rpproval along with building plans indicating ftacti€d thereof.
,:learly the parking spaces for all types of 8. Storal;e One ptrkhg spac€for every 100
'rehiclescalculated squaremetre calpet areaand one
on the basis of maximum parking for every 200 sq.m.
l)ermissjble covered area,iFAR and the calpet areaor fraction thergafter.
i)irculationarea. Not:s:
?arkingof vehiclesshall not be permittedin the i. For b rilding of different typ€ s, parking space for
rietbackarea except Resident;l (other than vehic es shal, be provided wi thin the premisesas
rlroup FlousingandIndustlial)whichis to be left stipul lted below.
open fx circulation light and ventilation 37.2 Other type ofvehicles
landscatr,ingand for movementof fire tenders, (i) For n:n-resic.ential and non- rssemblybuildings,
oxceptresidential(other than Group Housing)
in ad,lition t,r the parking slace area provided
rnd IndrLstrial
above, 100 percentageadditjonal parking space
rVhenprrking spacefor carsisto be provided, shall re pror,ided for parkin; of other types of
shall nor.be lessthan 20 squaremetresin open vehicles. Olrt of this 60,'/o be keDt aDart
trea an(l under stilts & basement- 30 square exclu ively ftrr bicycles.
rnehepervehicleandfor scooters andcvclei.the For assembl.r building, parking space to the
J,arking;paces provided shall not be lessthan3 extenl of 10 f ercent ofthe sezling capacity in the
etre and | .40 squaremehe respectively.
serur uccupatrry p.rkitrg Sprce case ( f mototcycles and scootersand 25 percent
No. of the seatinl.capacityin ca:reof bicyclis sball
1. be prcvided.
l. R€sidenti d
'amily residential One parking spacefor every 100 (ii) In ad,lition tr the parking rpace provided fot
) Multi
squaremetrecarpeta.ea. buildi:rgs of r:ommercial, indrstrial and storage,
i) Lodgi,€ establishmenr,
tourist homesandhotels One parking space for every 2 at the rate ol one such spar;efor loading and
wiih k dging guestrcoms,
unloarLingaclivities for each 1000 square metre
of covered aea and fraction thereof exceedins
the first 200 iquare metre of covered area shaij
Educationd One parking spacefor every 50
squarc meEe coveted area or be provided.
ftaction thercof of the
adminishative office are and (iii) Parkir g lock up garage shall be included in the
public senice areaand whereany Floor Area lbtio calculatio:l unless they are
educational building has any provided in brLsement(S) of a building or under a
auditorium it shall have an
additional parking space for buildlrg constructed on stiltrr with no external
every twenty seats. In addition to wall.
the above one bus parking space
for every 200 children and one (iv) Ramp wherever provided shrll not be counted
scootet space for every 500
chilalrenand one cycle spacefor towa.r<.scovered area for the purpose of ground
every 50 childrcn shall also be coverageor the Floor Area Ratio calculation.
pmvided for primary and higher
secondaryschool 37.?l7Pa*ing Resi<jentialGroup Housing Commercial
:nstitutionrI (Medical) One parking space for every 20
,f ndIn;fintior al
(ij.,'' Basenent or Basements utr to the building
)frlce f)ne Parking spacefor every 50
squaremetgr coveredor fraction ,,,' envelop line, leaving required setbacks a1l
thereof arounc, shall be allowed for the use of parking
L ,\ssembly One parking space for every 20
and services rurd shall not bc counted in Floor
t. Ilornrnefct I One parking spacefor every 50 Area Ratio. Other requirements shall remain
square metre caxpet area or sameas per thg regulations.

beyondthe g'ound coverageshall
(ii) In casrrof plolteddevelopmerlin grouphousing
lil Ahe basement i-g" sizg Industriai, 'lommercial and
to beproperly
,7A"Vrpr{lushed with groundandis itttiitu tlonut romplex plantat:on provisio-nshall
7 l,rndsiaprd and shali be designed to take full Masterl)lan and following
be as per lanclscape
I radof tle fire tender,whereverrequired'
normsshallb'r followed,
iiit h(e bas(mentmay in additionalto parkingcould (a) On ro rd upto 12m'wide omalental treeswill be
,/ i,e utilii ed for generatorroom' lift room fire pf"tt, a Ai 5 0m c/c of sinlle variety in each
7 liehtine pumps,-water reservoir' electric sub pocket.
,.rltion],,ii conditioningplantsand toilets'if they
(b) On ltim and 24m wide road,altemale.variety of
ratisff dre public health and safety requirements
anl omamentaltrr:esshall be planted
rurdfor rrootherPurPoses'
(4.I .:m. clc
(iv) 'lhe basementshall be properlyventilatedwith
:nechancal meansof ventilation' (iii) 'Recrtational. Institutional G:een: In addition to
the lequirenrentas mentiotredin clause 1(a)
Note: Notwilhstanding anything contained in these detailei lan,lscapeplan will have to be
clirectiors the Chief Executive Officer may
appr(ved from the Authority with specifications'
where having regard to the features of a
oarticulu sectorandthe width of a road abutting (iv) Resi<tentialPlots other ttan gtouP housing
any building/ plot and the mdter plan consider (flatt:d)
it expe<Lient to do so orderrfor the preparationof
(a) One tree rn every plot for plot size uPto 120
architettural control detailed drawing for any of
squate metr€.
all the majorprojectsspecifrcaily,especiallyof
non residentialcharacterwhich may or may not (b) Two treesiri everyplot for plot size 120to 300
deviatepartly or wholly from the provisions-of squa:emetr(r.
these direciions. For such purpose, Chief (c) Three treesin everyplot fo:'plot sizemorethan
Executve Officer may constitutea high powered 300 ;quaretnetre.
comrnitee,whichshallsubmitits reportto him
for finz.ldecision."
39 Raitt Watel garvesting
38 Land licaping Pror ision 1br Rain Wate: Harvesting in all
cate;oriescf plots exceedirrg 300 squaremenes
(') Institulional, Industrial, commercialunits/Group in aIea shall have to be Provided'
Housirg (Flatted)shall be requiredto plant a
minim,rmnumberof trees in their premisesas
foliow; -
(in No. oftrees required Minimum open
spacesto b€ kept
I for soft landscaDing

I upro2ooo
000 One tree per 80 Sqm. Of oPen 25% of op€n area. In

I space out of vrhich minimum case of industrial

50% tl€es to be in the category plots no solt

of evergreen trees, having lan&caping
heiEhtof 6.0m.or more required,

-2001lo One tree per 80 Sqm. of oPen 25% of ihe open arca
space out of which minimum

50%treesto be in the category
of evergeen trees, having
heisht of 9.0m.or more

than One tree per 80 Sqm. Of open 25% ofthe opeo ar€a
spac€out of which minimum
5b% tees to 8e in the category
of evergteen hees, having
beiahtof 12.0m.or morc

, .' . '--_.q

40, 'Plin lh' - at In all typesof buildingsthe heightofthe ceiling

of basem€ntshall be minrmum0.90 metresand
(D thep inth in no caseshallbe lessthan0.45metre mt ximum 1.2metreabov( the centreof the road
excelrtin the caseof public housingwherethe lerel (cariage way). In case the basementis
minfunumcouldbe reducedtc 0.30metres. flush with the groundlelel adequatelight and
(ii) Even' interiorcourtyardor garageshallbe raised ventilatiorshallbe ensurerl.
at k)ast 0.15 metre above, the level of 4t. Requirement of parts of building (Size and
surrornding ground level and shall be wi lth): The minimumsiz,rand width of various
satisfrctorilydrained. pats of brrildingsshall be as given in the Table
(iii) Basernentor Cellar: hereunder:
nponento for plot upto R€quirementfor
(a) It shell be in every part at least2.40 metresin plot above50 sqm
heightfrom the floor to the undersideofthe roof table roor r Areamin. 7.5sqrnwi( Areamin.9.5sqm
slab of ceiling. Intemal maximum height of min 2.1 in Heigh rnin width min 2.4m
heiqhtmin. 2.7
basenrent shallnot be morethan4.0 metres. iitchen Areamin.3.3sq.r width Areamin.5.0sqm
min 1.5mHeightmin width min 1.8m
(b) The :rccessto the basementshall be seoarate 2.75ra Heishtmin 2,7m
from hemainaltemative staircase. Not Applicable Areamin.3.0sqm
width min I -4m
(c) In tbe case of basementfor businessand Heightmin 2.75m
ithroom Area min.1.2 sqnrwidth Areamin.l.5 sqm
mercantile buildings, access-waysshall be min 1.0mHeightmin width min 1.2m
provirledwith a traveldistancenot morethan 10 2.2m Heishtmin 2.2m
metrer. w.c. Arca min.l.08sqr widlh Areamin.1.08
min 0.9mHeight min sqmwidlh min
(d) In thc caseof semi detachedbuildine or row 0.9mHeightmin
buildinga minimumdistance of 2.0 meiresshall rbinebath Areamin.1.8sqn v.idth Areamin.2.8sqm
be l:ept from adjoining property while 'd W.C. rnin 1.0m Height min width min I .2m
constructingbasement.In case of comer plots 2.2m Heieht mir 2.2m
re Room No rcstdction on No restrictionon
the il.0 mehes distance can be reduced minimum size bu where minimum size
equivrrlentto side set back towards the side the store room ex Jeed 3 but wherc the
adjoir:ing road. .sqm ventilation n Lustbe
provided as per h lbitable 3 sqmventilation
(e) No toilet kitchen, W.C., sink etc. shall be room min height mustbe provided
prescribed of stor a toom asp€rhabitable
permi;tedto be providedin the basement, unless is 2.1m room min height
provision for a proper sanitaryI disposalsystem prescribedof
ls ma(ie. storeroomis 2.1

(0 Basenrentshall be allowed below the ground

floor within the set back lines and could be cjection Permittedwiihin he set Pemitted within
backupto0.75m:'or the setback upto
exten(ledbelow the courtyard and shaft etc. canopyseeclaus(27(b) 0.75mfor canopy
€xceplgarageblock. In caseof group housing seeclause27fb)
iamge Dimensionmin
and p:n-residentialbuilding the basementarea 2.'75x6.0m,
whichfalls outsidethe buildingline (if any)shall heislt min. 2.40m
be flu;hed with the groundand slab of the roof assage min. 0.9m Widthihin 0.9m
min.2.1m heishtmin 2.l0m
of the basementshallbe so desienedto take the Widthmin. 0.8&n Widthmin. 0.80m
full lord of firetenderandwalerLnk. width miD.0.75m for width min.0.75m
toilet{clearheigh.2m) for toilet (clear
Case Widthmin 0.75(f,r Width min 0.90m

ll. not b( directl/ over or underiny room otherthan
0.90m(for winding public and sernr
pubic buildirg the
anoth)r latrirre, washing plar)e,bath or terrace,
(no restrictionfol intemal min width is unlestl it hasi Lwater-tightflot rr;
lll. have the pletform or seat Inade of watertight
non-absorbert material;
42. Kitche:r' (i) Everyroomto be usedasa kitchen be enclosedby wall partitions and the surfaceor
rhallhare- every such flall or partitio:l shall be finished
(ii) On an ttpper floor, it will have an impermeable witl. l smoolhimperviousmirterialto a heightof
floor. not kss than 1.0 metreabovethe floor of water
close: and 1.8 metres alrove the floor of
(a) Directll openan interioror exterioropenspace' bathrrom;
but not into an openshaftand
be providedwith an impenious floor covering
(b) In resilential building more than 15 metres grade;
slopirg towardsthedrainwith a suitable
height,refusechutesshallbe provided' noi ,,p1ndi'ectly into any kitchenor cooking
(iii) Other t equirement- Any room to be used as spacoby a d ror, window or other opening'Every
kitchen shall have roon containing water clos')tshall have a door
comlrletely<losing the entra'trceto lt'
Unless separatelyprovided a pantry means ror
45. Mezzanine flooi.- The minimurn size of
the wa;hing of kitchenutensilwhich shall lead as a living room
mez::aninelloor if it is usr:d
directll or throrrgha sink to grated and trapped 'l aggregate areaof
shallbe 9.5 squaremetre. he
conneclionto thewastePlPe.
such mezza;ine floot shall not be more than 25
b. A chirnney not less than 500 square metre Der cent o i the proposed plinth area of the
Centirretres in area fire wood coal or like tuilling. It shallbe includcd in F.A'R
materitlis usedwhichwill generate smoke'
A rrezzaninefloor if it is usedas a living room
Windowsof not lessthan 0.75 squaremetrern shal be pernitted over a roi)m or a compafime
areaopeningdirectly on to an rnterroror exrcrlor pror ided it- -
opens'tace,but not into a ventilatingshaftand' .:o the standarls of lighting and
(4j conlbrms
d. In case of multi storeyedresidentialbuilding venlilationm relationto th(,usefor which it has
more than 15 metres in height refi.rgechutes beetrpropolred;
shouldbe provided. is s) constructed as not t0 interfere under any
43. Pantr es.- Pantriesshallhave:a carpetareaof circ mstant:es with the velrtilation of the space
not lessthan3 squaremekewith smallersidenot ove: andur derit;
(cl is rot so s rb-dividedas tc make it liable to be
44. Bathroom and water Closets.- The sizeof the converted rntoventilalion'lf the spaceoverand
bathrcom shall not be less than 1.44 square underit;
metre with minimum width of 1.2 metre The
(d) is r.ot so sub-dividedas to make it liable to be
minin,um carp€t area for water closet shall be compartment: and
cor vertedinro unventilated
1.08 rrquaremetre with a minimum width 0'9
sq.m.In caseof combinedbathloomand W'C' (e.) is r ot usedasa kitchen.
the minimum carpet area shall be 3 metres and
the snrallsideshallnot be lessthan 1.2m. 4t;.
'Loftt Lolt shall be permitted in residential
buitding ard shopsonly. rVea of suchloft shall
Even batkoom or waterclosetshall: be resiicted to 10% of the covered area of
be so situatedthat at leaseone of its wall shall resoectivefloor Maximurr height betweenloft
ooen :o extemalair; anrl ceilin3 shall be 1.50 metreand minimum
heieht to 6e not less tharl 0'9 metresand why
mi iimum the clear height below the loft shall be

asstipulatedfor the spacebe asstipulatedfor the ii. 'l'utlic Garage' -
Only one public garage
spacebelowit - e.rch floor shall be permittedin buildine
Loft shall be permitted with the maximum c,rnstructedin theexterioropenrpua.o, t.rri
coveredof l0 percentof the proposedcovered
area- 51. Roofs- The rcof of the buildins shall
47. Storeroom.- The areaofa storeroomshallnot e Tectively drair.ed and should lrot cl
be lessthan 2.0 squaremetre.However,in case dirmpnessin 211,part of the wlll, roof
ofresidentialbuildingthe maximumareathereof f<,undationof the building or any adja,
shallnot exceed7.0 squaremetre. brrilding.
48. Ledge or Tand.- A ledgeor tand in habitable i2. C himneys.-
room shallnot covermorethan25 per centofthe
carpetareaof the room in which it is constructed i. C himneys,whereprovidedshall conformto
and it shall be providedat a minimumheisht of requirementsof tS:1645-1960 Indian Stan<
2.1 metre.The projectionshouldnot be Crde of Practicr.for Fire safety or buik
than 1 metre. (general) Chimneys, flues, fuel pipes
49. 'Cupboardsr hr,arths.
i. The projections (cantilever) cupboards and ll. N:twithstanding anything contained
shelves shall be permitted and would be regulation52(i) c rimneysshall be built at l,
exempted from covered area calculation, such 0., metre above flat roofs and the ton of
projectionsshall be upto 75 centimetrein the climneyssha]lnct be belowthetop of adiar
setbacksfor residentialbuilding provided the pzrapetwall. N tre caseof sloppingroois,
width of such cupboardsof shelvesdoes not chimney top shal not be lessthan 0.6 met
exceed2.4 metreextemallyon one wall surface aLovetheroof wh:re chimneypenetrates.
of any part of the building.
Ii3. 'B oundarywalls'
ll. Notwithstandinganlthing containedin clause
(46) abovecontinuoudcupboards or shelveswith i. TlLeheightrequirr:ment
of boundarywalls s)
75 cm. Cantilever,projectionsshallbe permitted be asfollows:
provided the sameis constructedundemeaththe (rr) Nature of roa<I Min. Max.
sill portion of the window (not exceeding90 l.butting height heighr
centimetrefrom floor level) this is applicablefor
all typesof building. Front 0.75m 1.50n
'Bay window' the projection Side
llt. of bay windows 1.50m 2.00n
(cantilevered)upto 75 centimetuedepth and 2.4
metreswidth extemallyshall be permissiblein Rear 1.50m 2.00n
setback. (b) In the caseof ro,v-housingschemes,the fr
'Garages' bomdary wall shrLllincludethe portion of
sice boundary wnlls from boundary line
i. Private garage- The sizeof a privategaragein buildingline.
residentialbuilding shall not be lessthzrn2.j5 x (c.' In the case of comer side the heieht of
5.40metreswhenanyroomsis providedon top a
borndarywall shallbe restricted to 0175met
private garagein a residentialbuilding, it shall
for a lengthof 5.0 netreson the front andside
conforn to the requirement of habitable room th€ intersectionsand remainingheight of 1
and if intendedas a living unit for servants,the metresshall be rnr.deup of railing. If gateis
same shall have a verandah for cooking and prcvidedin this portion the gateshallbe sucb
water closet. The garage if located in the side enlurevisibility ab:ve 0.75metrein heiglrt.
open spaceshall be constructedwithin 6 metres
form the rear plot line or asindicatedspecifically (ii r Th: provisions o:' sub-clause(i)shall not
in the layout or site plan. applicableto boundary walls of institltior
building educatioral building and such otl


F a,:"rry-T'.irst! 3ls!

residelrtialbuildings and such other residential (ir ) Canleen ald other infrastrlcture required shall
buildiLgasareusedashostels. be lermitted to the extent 5 percentageof the
penrissiblecoveredareawithin floor arearatio.
54. 'Parapet' - Parapet walls and hand rails w, Min imum l)ercentagefor tanction of building
provid;d on theedgeof roof terrace,balconyetc. plan and is;ue of occupanc
y certificateshall be
whereaccessible shallnot be lessthan0.9metres min mum :;0% percentageof the permissible
andnot morethan 1.20metresin height. floo: arear:tio.
'Proviriionof lifts' - Provision
f,3. of lift shall be (vi) Othr:rregulrtionasapplicalrle
on industrial
madelbr buildingmorethan 1.5metresin height shal alsobr:applicableto tte film centre.
belowwhichprovisionof lifts shallbe optional. 'Ga rage'-The minimum height of .a gamge
56. 'InteriDr open space' - Habitablerooms not shal: be 2.4r)metre.
abutting on either the front rear or side open
spacesshall aboutan interioropenspacewhose 60 Liglrting arrdventilation rr:quirement'
minimrm width shallbe 2.4 metresand area7.2 (D The rooms shallhavefor the admissionof light
squaremetrefor buildingupti 15metresheight. one or mo:e .aperturessu:h as windows and
t/. 'Mezz:Lnine Floor' fanlightsopeningdirectly to the extemalair or
lnto an op€n verandahthe maximum width of
(1) Mezzarine floor may be permitted with the sucha verarLdahshallbe 3 nretres.
minimrrmheight 2.10 metresbetweenany two
floorsiLbovegroundlevel in all tlpes ofbuilding (ii) Whrre the ight and ventilztion requirementare
providr:dthe sameis countedas part of total not met t frough day lighting and natural
permisrible floor area ratio and heieht of the ventilation,the sameshall be ensuredthrough
buildins. artif cial lighting and meclanical ventilationas
per the latert pfovisionof t te NationalBuilding
(iD Workirg hall in industrialbuildings:The intemal cod€,the m.nimumaggregaleareaof openingof
heightof the workinghall in industrialbuildings
shallb: suchas may be prescribedby the Uttar
Tyrc of Bu lding Minimr rm lighting and
Pradesh FactoryAct amended from time to time.
(iii) 'Service floor' In case of commercial
institut.onal buildings.
servicefloorfor provision
4 Residerrtial / [iusiness l0% ol the carpetarea ofeach
ald m, )rcantile room o'space.
of electricalor mechanicalservices,shall be
providod.If allowedmaximumheightof service b) Industrial building
floor (liom floor to ceilingwithout falseceiling) manuftctudng hall
shallnot be morethan2.1 metre.andit shallnot
be courrtedtowardsfloor arearatiobut it shallbe Plot size
includedin totalheightofthe building.Not more i. upto lt u squaft metre 12Yool the carpet area of each
thanore servicefloor shallbe allowed. room o'space.
ii. 1 0 1 r > 400 square
58. 'Film centre' metle 160looI the carpet area of each
(') More tlan one studioof differentsizesshall be room o ' space
Ill. 401 sqLrarem€tre and
permittedwithin the permissibleFloor arearatio above 20% ol the carpet area ofeach
on olot
(iD Minimrrm height gf the studio shall be kept 3.0 c) I nstitutio
ralBuitrling 160lool the carpet area of each
metres andmaximum 18.00metres.
1(iii) Quarters for chowkidar and skeleton staff 61. Ven :ilation shaft.- Ver tilation spaces for
workin g round the clock shall be allowed. The wat€r closer and bathroom, if not opening on
maxlmum covered area for this purposes shall fron side, rear of interior open spaces, shall
not be lnore than 15Yoofthe permissiblecovered oper to the ventilation shalts, the size of which
areawi lhin floor arearatio. shall not be lessthan as siven in the table below:


Sl No. Number of Sizeof Minimum caprcity or exits, travel distanceand height

Storeys ventilation width in metle buiJdingasproviderlin regulation.
shaftsin sq.m.
2 l 4 shallnot l
E4tanations.-Li{ts and escalators
1 1' t.20 0.50 asexits.
2. 1,2,3,4 2.OO 1.20
3. |,2,3,4,5,6 4.00 1.50 6:. An angement of exists: Exists shall be
4. | ,2,3,4,5,6;/,8 5.40 1.80 locrrtedso that the travel distanceon the flo
Itol0 8.00 2.40
5. shaLlnot exceed,15.0 metres{or residenti
62. General Exits.- (i) (a) Every building meant educational. institutional and hazardo
for human occupancyshall be provided with bui tdings, and 20.0 metres for assemt
exits sufflcient to permit safe escape of conmercial industrial and storage buildinl
occupants,in caseof fire or otheremergency. Wl enevermore thirr one exist is required fot
floor of a building :xit shallbe placedasrem<
(b) In every building exit shall comply with fto n eachother as possible.All the exists sh
minimum requirementsof this part, exceptthose be accessiblefron the entirc floor area at
for generalpublicuse.
not accessible flo,rrlevel.
(c) No building shall be altered so as to reducethe 6r;. Capacity,-
number,width or provisionof exit to lessthan
thatrequired. (r) Th,runit of exit wiCth,usedto measurecapac
of ':xitsshallbe 50 centimetres.A clearwidth
(d) All exits shall provide continuous means of 25cms.Shall be countedas an additionalh
accessto the interior of a building or to an unit. Clearwidths .essthan25 cms.Shallnot
exterior openspaceleadingto a street. corntedfor exit wi,lth.
(ii) The following general provision shall apply to (iD Th: occupantspet unit exit width shall be
all the building exceptresidentialbuildings up to eir en in thetablebelow:
threestoreysin heights:
(a) Exits shall be clearly visible, and routes to reach (iroup of occupafi y
S :rial Numberofoccupancy
the exit shall be clearly marked and sign posted, Io. or building
to guidethe occupantsof floor concemed. Stairways
(b) Fire fighting equipmentshall be suitably located
and clearly marked. l. I {esid€ntial
2. Ilducational ...25
(c) Alarm devicesshall be installed to ensureprompt 3. nstitutional ,.,25 15
evacuationof the populationconcerned. 4. \ssembly ...60 90
5. lusiness ...50 75
(d) Exits shall be reachedwithout passing through '75
6. \4ercantile ...50
anotheroccuPiedunit. .ndustial ...50 i5
8. Itorage ...50
63. Tlpes of exits.-Exits shall be either of 9. f{azardous ...25 40
horizontal or vertical tj?e. An exit may be
doorway, conidor passage-way,to an intemal iii) Alter finding out lhe population of any floo
calculated by dividingthe floor area(gross)
staircaseor extemal staircaseramps, Varandah
and or terracewhich have accessto the streetor th,) occupantsloa,l from the table given bel
the roof or a building' An exit may also include a th: width of doort, stairwaysand corridors s
horizontal exit leading to an adjoining building be calculatedby rtividing the population by
at the samelevel. capacity of each exit from the table giver
R,:gulation66(ii). The numberof units of dr
64. Number and size of exits.-The requisite or stairways(widlhs) required can be found
number and size of various exits shall be fr'rm tbe above and applying provisions
provided,basedon the population in eachroom, regulation 73 arul 75 and exact width of
area and floor based on the occupant load, doorsor corridorsor stairwayscanbe found <

€ei ilEri . q.,*{{lgFi{wr'.ffi:i

..:e.. q.,,f,!.&.,.3t:r

Serial Croupofoccupancyor building Occupant load A l l r,therbu ilding-
No. area in square (i) populatirnof 100on floor.
meters per
(ii) populationof 150on floor. 1.50mtr.
(iii)populationsof 200 on flc or. 2.00mtr.
l. Resid(ntial 12,50
2. Educa:ional 4
7lr. outer req uirementsof inrlividual exits
(a) 1r'jthfixed or loose seatssnd dance 0.6
I tools
(i t D o )rways-
(b) \/ithout seating facilities including
( rnmgrooms (a) Evrrry exit doorway shall ,rpen into an enclosed
Mercartile : starrcase,a horizontal exit. corridor, or passage-
(a) Streets,floor ald salesbasement 3 wa'r provirling continuous and protectedmeans
(t) Upp€rsalefloors
6. Busin(ss andIndustrial t0 ofr gless.
7. Sto.ag, 30
8. Hazar(Lous l0
(b) No exit doorwayshall be lessthan 1.0 metrein
wicth m e):ceptin the caseof doorwayof toilet,
in r yhichqrseit shallnot be lessthan0.75metre
NOIIE:-- (i) The grossareashall meanplinth areaor wice. Doorwaysshallnot rc lessthan2.0 metre
coven:darea: in l eight.
(ii)Occul'415load in dormitoryportionsof homes (c) Exit dooru.aysshall open outside,that is away
for th,: aged,orphanages,insaneasylumsor the frorn the rrom but shall rot obstructthe travel
like r hert ;ieeping accommodationis provided, alorrg any r:xit.This shallnot applyto residential
shall be calculatedat not lessthan 7.50 square bui dings rrp to 3 stories in height. No door,
metregrossareaper person. whr:nopened,shallreducethe requiredwidth of
67. 'Building having more than FOUR storeysto stairway cr landing to l:ss than 0.90 mehe
have rt least two exitsr Thereshall not be less overheadcr sliding doors shallnot be installed.
than ti/o exits for building over four storeysin Exil door shall not open immediatelyupon a
height servingevery floor areaand at leastone of flight or s airs; a landing equal to at least the
them rhall be intemal enclosedstairway. width of the door shall be orovided in the
docrway.level of landing shal[ be the sameas
68. Stainrays for multi-storey buildings.- For that of the :loor which it seves.
buildi:rgrefenedto in clause6.2.3thereshallbe
a minimum of two staircasesand one of them (ii) Rer 'olving doors-
shall be an enclosedstairway and the other shall (a) Rer 'olving doors, shall no. be used as required
be on the extemal wall of the building and shall exrl except in residerrtial, business and
open(Lirectlyto the exterior open spaceor to any mel cantile building but shr.ll not constitutemore
openspaceof safety. thai r halftte total required loor width.
69. Mininrum width provision for stairways.- (b) when revo lving doors are r:onsidered as required
Notwithstanding anlthing contained in these exil way
regulalionsthe following width provisionshall
be maie for stairways: Each revol i'ing door shall re credited one-half a
unir exit width.
An: . stain4ay served by a revolving doors shall
disr,harget rough a lobby or foyer.
(i) upto200person 1.50mtr. (iii) St:Lirways-
(ii) u rto 300persons 2.50mtr.
(aI Interior strrirs shall be constructed of a non-
conrbustible materials throughout in case of all
bui.dings cxcepting residential buildings up to
three storiesin height.

...1 :* $

{b) Interior staircaseshall be constructedas a self to 150 squaremetrethree winders at the start
containedunit with at least one side adjacentto th€ staircaseat eachfloor level will be allowed
an extemalwall and shall be completelyclosed (l) The areasof the stairwayeven if open typ
in caseof a1lbuildingexceptresidentialbuilding ex,)eptwhereit is l).60metreprojectingout fr
up to three storiesin height' a rvall without dser as a subsidiarycontrolsl
(c) A staircasesha1lnot be arrangedaround a lift be countedtowardlrthecoveredarea'
shaft unless the latter is entirely enclosedby a 11. F'ireescapeon exlernalstairs.--r-
materialof iire resistance.
O Fi e escapeshall not be taken into accounl
(d) The minimum width or an internal staircaseshall time ofa building'
catiulatingthe evacuation
be 1.0 metre exceptingin case of residential
(ii) Errtranceto fire t:scapesshall be separateI
buildings including group housing where
minimumwidth shallbe 0'90 mehe. renote from the intemal staircase.
(iii) A I fue escapes sballbe directlyconnected to
te) The minimumwidth or treadswithout nosing
of ground.
shatlbe 0.25 metrefor an intemalstaircase
residential building of any size, and industrial (iv) The rcute to the fire escapesshall be free
building constructedon plots up to 600 square ot'structionsat all times except a d()o
metre and business/metcantile building le rding to the fir(, escapeswhich shall have
constructedon plots up to 150 squarqmetre'In requiredfire resislance.
case of other Uultdings the minimum width of
v) F:re escapesshall be constructedof 1
treadshallbe 0.30metre. q rmbustiblematelials.
(f) The maximum height of the riser shall be 0'20
metrein caseof residentialbuildings of any size, .vi) Fle escapesstairs shall have straight flight
lessthan 0.75 mehe.wide with treadsandri
industrial buildings constructedon plots up to
n)t more than 0. 9 metre.The numberof ri
600 square metre and business/mercantile
shallbe limitedtc 16Perflight.
buildings conshuctedon plots about 150 square
metre In case of other buiidings the maximum (vii) H andrailsshallb,: of a heightnot lessthan
riser shall be 0.15 metre.The numberor risers n letre.
shall be limited to 12 Perflight. ,1'
Spiral stair fire r:scape.- Theuseof spiral
( s l Handrails shall be provided with a minimum fre escapeshall l)e limited to lortr occupant
heightof 0.90 metrefrom the centerof the tread' and to a buildinl3up to 9 metresheight ul
they are connect,:dplatforms, such as balcc
(h) For buildings more than 24 metres. in height to pause.A s
and tenacesto allow escape
accessto main staircaseshall be gainedthrough be not less than0 50 n
stairfre escapeshall
at least half an hour fire resisting automatlc
i r diargeter.
closingdoorsplacedin the enclosingwall of the
staircase. It shallbe of swingR?e door openmg 73. ILamps.-
in tle direct of the escape-route.
(D Ilampswith a slcpeof not morethan 1 in 10
The exit sign with arrow indicatingthe way ol tre submittedfor stairway.Larger slopessht
the escaperouteshallbe providedat a height01' gr
l,rovidedfor specialusesbut in no case
0.50 metre.from the floor level on the wall anc itr- t itt 8. For slopesexceeding 1in 5
shall be illuminated by electriclight connectedtt rlipping the ramps shall be surfaced
corridor circuits. i Lpprovednon-slippingmaterial-
tetminateat thtr 'fhe minimum rridth of the ramps in hosl
0) In caseof single staircaseit shallto (ii)
grormdfloor level andthe access the basemen: rihallbe 2.25melres.
shall be by a seParatestafucase. (iii) .Iandrailsshalllrc providedon both sides<
anrl :amosandnot lessthan0'90 metre' in heigh
0r) In the case of residential building plot ;
business/mercantile on

+,w*,'Wn5$l#t 36;rggsfi'S.,':ffiSffi.$WT

.iv) Rampsshall lead directly to outside open space stories and building with more than 400 square
al groundlevel or court yard or safeplace. metres grounI floor coverage and all other
v) Fr>rbuildingsabove24 metresin heights,access buildings of Lndustrial,storage, assembly and
to rampsfrom any floor of the building shall be hazardrus type building scheme,provisions of
throughsnoke stopdoors. Uttar l'radesh Agni Nivamn :.ur Agni Suraksha
Adhinium(Act no. 6 of2005) 2005shallapply.
Ji) The mini num headroomin a passageunder the
landing r,f a staircaseand under the staircase
14. Corridors,-
:D The mini lum width of a corridor shall not be
le;s thanl).90metrein the caseof two residential
brLildingsup to thee storeyin height and 1.00
metrein tle caseof otherbuilding.
.iD In caseof more than one mairi staircaseof the
br,rildingrnter-connectedby a corridor or other
erclosedspace,there shall at least one smoke
str)pdoor acrossthe corridor or enclosedspace
betweenthe doorsin the enclosingwalls of any
t$ o starrclse.
7< Rr:fugeArea.-
:i) Fr,r all brrildingexceeding15 metre.in height,
refugeareashall be providedas follows:
The floon; above 15 metresand upto 24 metres
one refug: areaon the floor immediately above
b) Fc'r floors above25 metresand up to 36 metres.
one refug,: area on the floor immediately above
24 metres
ic) Fc'r floors above36 metres.one refuge areaper
everyfive floors above36 metres
lii) The refugi,'areashall be provided on the extemal
wirlls as r;antileverprojectionsor in any other
mimner(rvhich will not be countedin F.A.R.)
with a mi.rimum areaof 18 squaremetre and to
be calcuktedbasedon the populationon each
fl('or at th,)rate of 1 squaremetreper person.
76. Fire Safely requirements.-
(i) Btrilding shall be so planned, designedand
constnrctedasto enstre fire safety and this shall
be done in accordance with Part-IV .Fire
prl)tection' of the National Buildine Code of
Inrlia 197(tcorrectedup to date.
(ii) In caseof multi-storiedbuildingsabove15 metre
in height, building which are more than three


c rnditioningand heating,Section-s,Installal
''7. Structural design.-The structural design of ary lifts andescalatots,asthe casehay be) ofNt
Euilding Code cf India preparedby lSI, t
item of masonry,timber, plain concreteand steel n
prevaientat the ti meof executionof the worl
a building shali be carried out in accordancewiih
Part-VI (structural design, Section-1 Boaris, 80. I'tumbing.-The plarming design, consh
Section-2,Foundation,Section-3Wood, Section'4 and installation of water supply, drainag
Masonry,Section-5Concrete,Section-6,Steel rs sanitationand ga; supplysystemin a buildin
in the casemay be) of NationalBuilding Code of te in accordan,:ewith the part-IX (PIu
India preparedby ISI, and as prevalentat the tirre flervices, Secticn-1, Water Supply, Sec
of executionof the work. I)rainageand Saritation,Section-3,GasSui
78. Quality of material and workmanship'- lill the casemay br:) of National Building C'
materials and workmanship shall be good qual:ty I ndia preparedby ISI, and as prevalenlat tl
conforming generally to accepted standards of of executionoftlte work.
Public Works Department of Uttar Pradesh and 81. rflater Supply llequirements.-The requir'
Indian Standards Specifications and Codes as of water supply in a building shall be as g:
included in Part-V building materialsand Pafi-\rII 'lables1 to 3.
constructional Practices and Safety of Natiorral
BuildingCodeof India 1970revisedup to date' 82. ri) Subjectto the provisionsof any law for tl
being in force, tlte sanitaryfittings and instal
79. Building services.--:The planning design and n a building shall be asgiven in Table4 to l
installation of electrical installation, air
conditioning and heatingwork, installation of lifts (ii) Every factory building within the area s
and escalatorsin a building shall be canied out in providedwith such latrinesand urinals'
accordance with Part-V[I (Building Services, from time to lime be prescribedby or un
provisionoftl e FactoriesAct, 1948.
Section-2,Electrical installations,Section-3,,\ir


wS, : w&;U nff#Sffi F* @Fffi f,ilMffi


(SeeRegulationNo. 5(l))


{ew Ol:hla Ind.rstrialDevelopmentAuthority,
tttar Pladesh.

I hereb'z give application that I intend to errecVre-errecVdemrlish or to mak : material alteration in the building
. .f. .S h a z r a
N o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .o. n / i np l o t N c . . . . . . . i n S e c t o r /l cocn y
laz$/Slreet Block/Mohalla,ts azar .................. in acoordanc e with the Nevr Oklha Industrial
)evelopment AreaBuildingDirectionsandI forwardherewiththe f<,llowin1; plansimd specificatior(ItemNo. I and2
elow) in hiplicate, (one copy of each cloth bound) duly signerl by me arrd the licenced
eer/Draftsman/Group LioenseNo. wro will superviseits erectionand copiesof other
tateme:1tldocurnenVdocuments applicable(ItemNo. 3 to 12below)

. SitePlan.
. BuildingPlanincludingServicePlan.
. Supervision
of Buildingwork (Appendix-3)
. Generaispecification
. Owner rhip documents
. AttesterVphotostat
copiesofReceipt for pa)rynentof applicatin fee.
. Applicationfor drainageofpremises(in duplicateAppendix(11)
. Detail cescriptionof work & specificationof materials(apperdix- 12 ) in trip licate.
. N.B.O.form Appendix-l3 in duplicate.
0. IndemrrityBond (In caseofbasementonly) Appendix-l4
I. Structual stability certificatefrom the licensedtechnicalpen onnel ( A.ppend
ix- 15)
2. DimensionPlan(Certifiedon behalfof NOIDA).
I requestthat the constructionmay be approvedandpermissirrnacco <ledto ne to executethe work.

S.gnatunof the applican.

Narneof Applicant(IN BLOCK L.ETTERS)
l.ddressof the applicant.

!{ote:- ltrike out which is not aoplicable.


(SeeRegula'ionNo, 10)
Qualificationof L icensedTechnicalPersonnelfor
of schemefor ButldingP:rmit andsupenision

1. The qualification of the technicalpersonneland their personneland their comp(tenceto carry out different.
building permit and supervisionfor the purpose)f licenling by the authority shrrllbe ashereinafterindicate


2. Qualification:- The qualificationfor licensingArchite:twill trethe AssociateMembershipof the InclianI

of Architects or such Degree or Diploma, which m rkes him eligible for such membershipor quali
mentionedin ScheduleXIV of ArchitectsAct, 1972ani registeredwith the Cormcil ofArchitecture asprov
theprovisionof theArchitectsAct. 1972.
2(l) A licensedArchitect shall be competentto crrry out work related to buildi:rg permit; and shall be ent
submitthe followings:
i) all plans andrelaled information connectedrvith building prrrmit;
iD Structuraldetailsand calculationsfor buildirrg on pl otsuptc 300 squaremetresandupto two storeyhigt
iii) certificateof supervisionfor all buildings.


3(1) Qualificationi The qualification for licensing of tre engireers will be ccrporate membership(Civil)
Institution of Engineersor suchdegree/diplomain Civil Mu ricipal ,rr StructuralEnlfneering which makeshim r
for such membershipor which is recognisedby the Utta: Praderh Public Servir:eCommissionfor the posr

(2) A licensedengineershall be competentto carry out lre wor< relatedto buil<tingpermit; and shall be enti
submitthe followings'

i) All plans and relatedinformation connectedwith br.ilding lrcrmit on plots rpto 12000squaremetresanl
four storey.
ii) Skuctural detailsand calculationfor all buiklings.
iiD Certificateof supervisionfor all buildings.


4(l) Qualificationi The qualificationfor licensirgof th: Draftsmanwjll be :-

i) ThreeyearsDiploma in ArchitecturalAssistrmtship :r Arch itecturalDraftsnranship.
iD Draftsmanshipin Civil Engineeringfrom I.T.I. with five ye;rs experienceunderArchitect/Engineer,fror
recognisedinstitution which would enablehim for tlre post ,rf SeniorDraftslnanrecognisedby the Uttar
Pradeshpublic ServiceCommission.
iii) Diploma in Civil Engineeringwith 2 yearse rperienr;e.

(2) A licenseddraftsmanshall be entitledto subrnit;

i) All plansand relatedinformation for buildin gspermit on pl')ts upto 75sq.m:ters andupto two storey;
iD Cetificate of supervisionof building on plot s upto i 5 sq. metresand upto fi r'ostorey.

-3t -

Wtrffi"itrffi. gWffiffi*8ffi
Wten a grouplor agencycomprisingof qualified Architecr/Engint er,/I|altsman is practi:ing, then the
of work will be the combinationr'f the irdiviilual qualificationa td competence
quzlificaticn anil competence
givenunderparas2,3 and4 aboveandthe agencyshallbe licensedby tl.e Authrlrity.

(SeeRegulationNo. (10)

The ChiefExtputiveOfficer,
New Okhla IndustrialDevelopmentduthority,

alteration/denrolition irVof building
I hereby certifu that the erection/re-erection/material
No.......................of Shazra No on/inplotNo Bl rckAtlohalla/Barar
Ii.oad/Street Sector/Colony shallbe r:arriedout undtr my supervisio n andI Certiff
thatalt thematerial (type and grade)and the workmanship ofthe w:rk shallbe gerrerally in accordrncewith the
generll anddr:tailedspecificationssubmittedalongwith and that th( work shall be ;anied out acco:dingto the
sanctired nkns.

Sign.lture of Archite<,t/
Name of Architect
LicerseNo. of AtchitecV
Add:essof the Architect/
G r o r L.p. .. . . .. . .. . .


Notg:- Strikeout)vhichis not applicable.


. __._.f,
(SeeRegulafiDnNo. t9)
New Okhla Industrial DevelopmentAuthority,
Uttar Pradesh.


. With reference to your application
No. .. ........ ...... dated................. for
$ant of permitfor
erectior/re-erection/materialalteration/demolitionn/of BrLilding 1rlo.................
of Sfr#u f.io............. ol
plotNo. ...............in Sector/colony...............
Road/ijtreei ...............BloclrlMohalla/Bazar
haveto inform you that the sanctionhasbeengrantrd./refus:dby tte Autho.ity
oo ttt" roiro*lng-grouoa..

Officer Stamp
Office (communication) Signature
Dated : Nameof Ofticer
Designationofthe Off
Note :- Strike out which is not apolicable.

.oRNo",." o" woRK
"Ji"lt;3ilili$!il?i,?, ",,,LDrNG
New Okhla lndustrialDevelopment

I hereby noti$' that the erection/re-erectior/material
alteration/dr:molition inlof buildir
will be cornmence
d on
,. ..olled
:*:::i::f:^:.*'f:-,-*::,,. .... .......1...
Applic rnt
Nameof the
\ote i Strike out which is not applicable.


The('hief ExecutiveOfficer,
New t)khla hrdustrialDevelopmentAuthority,
Uttar Pradesh

I heeby certifu that the erection/re-erection/materiajalteration/der
nolition inlo:i building No
. of ShazraNo. on/in plot No. .................. Sector/colony
Road/street ...:.,.,..,,....
' """""""""'BlockMohalla,/Bazar ............ . hrs beensuperv isedby me andthe completion
plan is attaclLed herewithin triplicate (one copy cloth bounded).The rlans u.".. ,an"tion"j
(Lated" " " .' ' and the work hasbeen completedto my vide letter No.
bestsaisfaction. The workmarship and all the
matenalswhi:h havebeenusedarestrictly in accordance with th<,genera l, detaileospecificatiJns.
of the regulations,directions,no requisitionmade,conditions,prescribedor No provision
ordtr issuedthereunderhavebeen
in thecourseofwork. The landfit for construction ior v,hichit hasbeer develffi o, i:-aevetoped.
Iiignahreof the Jicensed

(houp Draftsmar
llame ofthe Licensed
I irchitect/ Engint'er/Draftsman/
Lddressof the Licensed
Dated :
l.rchitect/ Engini erlDraftsman/
Note :.- Strike out the words which are not applicable. ( i r o u p. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(SeeRegulationNo. 2:i)
The Chief Exe:utive Offi cer,
New Okhla Inrlustrial DevelopmentAuthority,
Uttar Pradesh,


I herebycerti!'that the erection/te-erection/materialalteration/demolitionin/of brilding No ............ of Shazra
.-:.a..... on/in plot No.- ...,........... Sector/colony.............
]{-o.. I load,iSo
eet .................... BlocV
Mohalla'tsazar comnleted under the .,rp".uiJ# of L icensedArchit :ct/Engineer/Dnrftsman/Group
License' No' hasbeeriinspectedby the officers of the Aut hority and declre that the buil(ling
in all n:spects to the requirements,ofth" negutations,'Di."at-i*. conforms
i" respectof ocopancy, Structunrl
'ihe ' safetybased
pp.tttg structuralstability certificaieand the completioncertilicaL s rbmitte,l'ty *n"" "ll"a Licensed
technicrrl perst'nnel, fire safety, hygienic and sanitab condiiionr
inside and tl,e surro,rnding and is fit for
occupal ion.I

Dated: Signature
Note :- Strikerrutthewordswhich arenot applicable.


(SeeRr:gula$ n No. 25)


The Chief ExecutiveOfficer,
New Okhla Industrial DevelopmentAuthority,
Uttar Pradesh.


I hereby certiry that the erection/re-en)ction/naterial
alteratior/dem(,lition inlof building
. n l ni p l o t N " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lt S " " t o . / " o 1 o n y . . . . . . . J. . . . .
o f S h a z r aN o , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o
Road/street '...'....'...........81ock/Mohalla/Baz* ....-.j.....,... completed underrre supervision of......,...
licensedArchitect{Engineer/Drafuman/Group Licenre No. .......... .... fru. U""n-lorp..t"d by me/officers
an! geclarethat the building doesnot confirr.s io rotto*i ,g of1
luthgri.ty ffi"ir-io t , ,"quirements of the NoIl

However,a.temporaryoccupancycertificateis.beingissued lor period

a of . subjectto t
r:onditiontlat the abovementioneddefe;ts/discrepancies *il be go'corre"teoanoiLfreshcornpletioncertifica
is submittedto the chief Executiveofficer for fuiher necessirv
Office stamp
()ffi ce (communication).
Name of the office
] {o.

I )ated :

llobe :- Strike out the works which are not applicable.


r!.*I ttll
r* l




The Chief Iixecutive Offrcer, Uttar Pradeshby whatsoevernamc called,hereinrrftercalled the Ohief Fire Officer
ma1 insist,rn suitableprovision in building from-fire safety arrd fire ighting point of vi€w lepending on the


The intema.enclosingwalls of staircaseshall be brick or reinforr:edconr;reteconstructedhaving fire resistanceof

not lessthan two hours.All staircaseshall haveexcesstluough self c osing coor, enclosedftLtesthalf an hour
llheseshallbe singleswingdoorsopeningin the directionof the escrrpe. The doorssrall be fittedwith
The staircaseenclosureson extemalwall of the building shall be ventilatld to abnosphereat eachlanding.
Penoanentr'entat the top equal to 5 percentof the cross secticn area rf the enclosuresand openablesashesat
eachfloor l,rvelwith areaequalto 15 percentof the sectionalareaof the enclosreson the externalwalls shallbe
provided.The roof of the shaft shall be at least 10 metreabovethe surrounding roof. There shaltbe no glazing or
glassbrick .n any intemalenclosingwall of staircase. If the stai:caseis in the coreof the build:ngandcannotbe
venlilateda: eachlanding, a positive pressureof 5 milimetre water gaug: by an electrically operatedblower shall
be nraintain:d.
The mecharLism for pressuringthe stairiase shaft shall be so installed tl rat the rrameshall oper€ted automatically
andalsowilh manualoperationfacilities, when the automaticfire alarmoperates.


The walls enclosinglift shaftsshall havea fire resistance of nrt lessrhantwo hours,Shaftsshall have
perroanent ventsat the top not lessthan 1800sq. millimeterin c eararerr.Lift rrotor roomspre:ierably be sitedat
the :opof the shaft and shall be separatedfrom the lift shaftsby the enctosingrvall ofthe shaft or by the floor of
Larding doorsin lift enclosuresshall open in the ventilLtedor pressurizedcorridor/lobby and shall have
fire resistanle of not lessthan onehour.
The numberof lifts in one lift bank shall not exceedfour Shaftl or fire lift in a lift bank shallbe separated
front eachother by a briik masonryor re-enforcedcementcon,)retewrrll of fire resistanceof not less than two
If dLelift shaftandlift lobby arein coreof the building,rrpositi',epressureofnot lessthan2,5 millimeter
andnot mo:ethan3 millimeterwatergaug€by electricallyoperatedbk,wer shrll be maintaineI in the lift lobby
and positiv,l pressurenot less than 5 mm millimeter water grrugestall be maintainedin tlte lift shaft. The
mechanism for pressuringlift shaftand lift lobby shallbe so insralledthey shal.operatedautonLatically whenthe
autcmaticfire alarmoperates.The mechanismshall havefacilitiet to be operatec|manually.
Exi;from the lift lobby shallbe througha self closingsmokestor door<,fhalf an hourfire resistance.
The lift mechanicroom shall be separateand no otler machinery shall b I installedtherein.
Llffs shallnot dormallycommu icatervith the basemenl.How(ver, one of the lifts may be permittedto
reachthe bt.sementlevel provided the lift lobby at eachbasemert level s pressrrrizedand separatedfrom the rest
ofthe basenrent areas,by smokeactuatedfire resistingdooroffio hoursfire resistance.



Eachbasementshall be separatelyventilated.Ver.tswith crosssectionalarea(aggregate)

not lesst
2.5%o of the floor areaspreadevenlyroundtheperiraeterol the basement shaltbe provideii"ntfie form ofgrill
breakablestallboardlightsor pavementlight by way of shafts.
The staircaseof basementshall be enclosedtype havingfire resistancecf not lessthan
two hours
shall be situatedat the peripheryof the basementand shall :ommuricatewith Uur",""nt trrto"gt
a lobby provi,
with fire resistingself closingdoorsof half an horn fire resistance.
If the travelrJistan"" ;;,
additionalstaircase at properplaceshallbe providec. "r,-""t;i;i'0


Serviceductsfor electricalconduits,cablesetc.shallbe en:losedby wails.ravinga fire resistances

lessthantwo hours.Doors for inspectionor accessshall also havea fire resi'stancecfnotless than
two hours.
If the crosssectionalareaexceeds1.0 sq. rnetreit shall-b: sealedwhere:t passesflo;; by
floor throughthe duct' The floor within the duct shaI be piercedfol any servi"" plp.
trunk and sl
fit asclosely aspossiblearoundand suchpipe or trurk. "ir"ttifui"n


Hoppersto reusechutesshall be situatedirr well r entilatedpositionsand the chutesshallbe

upwards with an outlet above roof level and witr an erLclosurewall of non-combustiblematerial
with I
resistancenot lessthan two hours.The hoppersshrrllnot lre locatedwithin the staircaseenclosures. Inspectl
panel and hopper (charging station) opening shall l)e fitte( | with t ight fitting metaI doors,
covers,having a I
resistanceofnot lessthanonehour.
Refusechutesshallnot be providedin staircrLse walls or air.conditioningshrLfts.
Refusechambersshall havewalls and flocrs or nrofs corrstructed orlon -combustibleand impervir
material and shall have a fire resistanceofnot lessthan two hours.They shall be I rcatedat a safedistance
exit routes.


Public addresssystemin the lift car with speakeror [elephote assemblyshail be provided.provisim fo
fue shall be madeasper the following details:
a) To enablefire personnelto reachto thr' floor ,vith the minimumdela.r,one of the lifts shall be
designedso asto be availablefor the exclusiveuseoflhe Firemanin ary emergency andbe clirec
accessible to everydwellinglettablefloor spaceon eachfloor,
b) The lifts shallhavefloor areaofnot lesr than 1.5 squa:emetre.It shallhaveloadingcapacityofr
lessthan600kilograms(8 personsper liti) with rutomaic closinAdoors.
c) The electricsupplyshall be on a sepa*te serv.cefronr electric-supplymainsin a buildingand t
cablesrun in route safefrom fire i.e. in the lift shaft.ln casebf faiiur,:of normalelectric"supply
shall automaticallytrip over to altemativ,) suppb..
The operationof a fire lift shall be by a simplet rggle o ' two button switch situatedin a glassliont
box adjacentto the lift at the entrancel:vel when the r;vdtchin on, larding call pointsivill becor
imperativeand the lift will retumto normalworking.lhis lift canb",,."dby u o""opuotio oo*
e) The words,'FIRE LIFT' shall be conspicuously displryedin fluorescentpaintson the lift landir
door at eachfloor level.
0 For building above 15 metre in height cr llapsible gatesshall not be pennitted for lifts and shall ha,
solid doorswith fire resisianceof two horrs.

8. a) The electricaldistribution cablesor wiring shall be laid in sepaxrfeduct. The duct shall re sealedat every
altemativefloor with non-combustible materialshavingthe samt' fire relristanceasthatofthe duct.
(b) Water mains,telephonelines, inter-com lines, gaspipes or any other sr:rviceline shall not be laid in the
ductfor electriccables.
(s) SeIaratecircuit for water pumps,lifts staircasecorridor lighting andblowersfor pressurizingsystemshall
be provideddirectly ftom the main switch gearpanel.


9. a) The staircaseand conidor lighting shall be on separatesr:rviceard shall independently,)onnectedso as it

could be operatedby one switch installation on the grcund floor accessibleto fire fig hting staff at any
time irrespectiveofthe positionofthe individualcontrolof theLght points,if any.
b) StrLircase and conidor lighting shall also be connectedto alternative lupply from patallel high tension
supplyor to the supply from the standby generator.
c) Emergency lightsshallbe providedin the staircaseandccrridor


10. A standby electricgeneratorshallbe installedto supplypowerto stairr:ase and corridorlightingcircuits,

fire lifts, the standby the fire pump,pressurizationfan and blou ers, smokeextractionard dampersystem
in caseof failureof normalelectricsupply.The generatc r shall re capa)leof takingstartingcurrentofall
the machinesand circuits statedabovesimultaneously.If the s and by pump is driven by diesel engine,
the generator supplyneednot be connected to the standtypump.Wherr:parallelhigh voltageAowvoltage
supply is providedgeneratormay be waived in consultaton witl the Chief Fire Offtcer.


I 1 a) rf riansfc:mersare housedin the building below the tlround level it shall be necessarilyin the fnst
basementin separatefue resistingroom of four houls ratinl;. The room shall neci)ssarilybe at the
peripheryof the basement.The entranceto the room shell be pr cvided with a steeldool of two hours fire
rating. A curb of a suitable height shall be provided at the enlrancei:r order to prevent the floor of oil
fro n repturedtransformerto the transformerinto othe: parts rf the trasement.The direct accessroom
shall be housedin a separateroom separatedfrom the transfonner bays by a fire resising wall with fire
res.stancenot lessthanfour hours.
D) Thr>transformershall be protectedby an automatichigh pressurewater sprayor a foan sprinkler system.
Wren housedat groundfloor level,it shallbe cut offfrcm the ctherporlionof premise{by Fire Resisting
wa:lsof four hoursfire resistance.The shallnot be housr:don ulper floors.
c) A lank ofRCC construction of adequate capacityshallbe providedat lower basementlevel to collectthe
oil from the catchpit. The tank shall be on non-combrLstible constructionand shall be providedwith a


12. Whereair conditioningofthe buildingis done,thefollorvingpnrvisionshallbe made:-

a) Plcper arrangerfientby way of automaticfire damperworking cn smoke of heat detect(,rsfor isolating all
dur;tingat everyfloor from themainresistershallbe marle.
D) wlLen the automaticfire alarm operatesthe respectivezir handLngunils of the air conrlitioning systemit
be switchedoff.


& ,.* tI
&.. .. ..:s4L

c) Automaticfire dampersshall so_arrange

d so as to clos: by gravity in t,redirections
andto remaintightrycloseduoonoperarion ofthe air mo,
ofa smoke,. il"i,l"r..tor,r* fireararm.
d) Air ductsservingmainfloor areas-,
ors or t re rike 'hall not passtr'ough thestair
e) whereeverthe pass
ducts tho5l well.
;i;id rhiil;mg arorndrheductsshallbeseale
fire resistingmaterialssuchasropelT ]laismirreralwr,ol
asbestos, or the rike.
D The air filters of the air handingunir. ,h, ll b"
;i ;;;-;o, iii.r[j" rnur"ou,r.
c) Automaticfire dampersshouldle providedat th3
;le;;;;; desh air drct andtherefumair duct<
compartrnenVshop on every floor.

NorE:-- Theuseoftlpe ofdetectorssha'be to the

satirfactionofthe Chief Fire officer.

13' Provisionof boiler and boiler-roomsshall confirm
to I ndianBoilersAct or any otherlaw for th,
adcritionai ,r,"rGA;;;;;;;,""#;i" therocar
BiiiiS#.,iiiii;,l.ffer ",p""t,
a) The boilersshallnot be allowedin sub-baserrent
bu:may be allowe,lin the basement awaylic
b) The boilers shall be installed.in a fire. resistinl room
rf four hours firr: resistancerating, andthis
shall be situatedon the peripheryof tt uasen;Lnt. ce pit
tch shall be I rrovidedat the low level.
c) The boiler room shall be providedwit r" fresh ,rii
int"i , *a .^ot" JiJ"ti"yi" ,rr"
"J "r." "*"o
14.a) oghting equipmenlsshall be pror ided on all floors
or l-l-trr'r accordance
rrrl rooms rnclucing basements,
with IS 221i -1963.Recomnendati"*^f-
arrangementin public buildings in consultrrtion wi th the ( t;ilil;'l; il ffi ,r;
hief Fire officer ..
b) The fire
-fighting appliancesJh"ll b" dirt ibut"J ,t.i a,, ilrriaing in a'ordance with IS 2190 cc
practicefor selection,installationandmairtenancr
orporr"ur" i^t fin appliance.
15. Buildingabove15 merersin heightdeprnding o o:"Tul"y.hall
be prrtectedby wet riseror spn
thefire-service l?o atth{}
cornectio,rs base .;;i"il;;;Jtii"ir"' p* a
frlllt"lruf;T#.with "rth" ".



a) A^parhrent buildingbelow15Metresin heightirrespective ROQUIRTMEN1'S
of flool area. NL
b) Aparhnentbuildingsexceeding15 metresin heieht.
Ni' u't'".'t-['iiii;;il'ftil;#; wetriserand(or)Down
"j "r of floor area.
trrespe:tive "##ifi!tro,
d) All bas:ment'sub-basement, high pressurehavingspecialri;ks, stoage. illlr
materiaI foam sprinller in a buitding I 5 metresani sprayof hazardous explosive
. atove-sv,ltem.
e) Any ofthe abovecategories may incorporatean uutomuti"slrinkler'drench,:r
requirerlinstalledof suchprotectivem"ihods. systemifthe:isk is suchthat it
f) In resptcts of buildines orovidedwith smoke/heatdetection
systembackedby 24 hours caretaker(hained in
fire figt ting) staff,thJinstallationof ,priru;;;;;J;;iJjnsistea.

2 h.yhglt
t: ^tatl be providedwithin the court-yard,the lo:ation cf which shallbe decidtd in consultation
with the Chief Fire Officer.
3' fhe dry riser installationmay be permittedby the chief
Fire officer for
:f sub-;ara(1) for heightsabove15 mehesand u"to*]a .bui.ding referredin clause(b)and (c)
-rt."., if he is *.tisfied with the arrangementsfbr
,vatersrpply andtheprovisiofisofstatic waterstorase
. tank.
4' lhe wej riser installationsshall confirm to IS 38t4-1966
codeof practic,:for Installationof intemal fire
lrydrantrrin multi-storeybuildings.In addition,wet risersshaltbe
design"dfi,r;;oJ;iJbiiion ensuringthat
rmdulyltigh pressureare not developedin risersand ttu*.ir"..
In dditior to wet risersfr.st aid hosereels
r;hallbe installedon all the floors of the,buildings,and ,hull'"onfi-,.
t" rs ian-fi6g.ipecification for first
*id hcsereelshallbe connected to oneofthe fem-aie couplin!r of twir coupr,og,oir-ain'g, yaluesofthe wet
by meansof adopter.
5 llhe rise| shall fed throughthe]oosterpumpfrom either
^be of the foll owing\vatersourcesrormdt]reclock.
a) liown mlins of suitablesizewhichcansupplyrequisitequantity
of w rter.
b) litaticTenk- Thecapacityof the statictani shattb"",
*'in" U,,to*,_
i) Apartmr nt bu ding 15 metresand abovein height but
belcw 24 n etres l;0,000Litrers
in heighI
ii) l{on apalmentbuilding 15metresandabovebut belqw24
mr:tresus:d for . ,00,000Litres
.... nixed orcupancieslike offices,shop,department
iii) Apartmentbuilding 24 metresana abovein height
iv) llon apatmentbuilding 24 metresand abovein-heieht.
l. In caseofgroup of apartmentbuilding15 metresand
abovein heightbutbekrw24 metres,a,)enfally located
h,avinSa capacityof20.00.000Litersmay beprovided.
. f1t
'z' I ne abo\e quantitiesof watershall be exclusivelyfor fire fi5,hting
ard shal bot be utilized for domesticor
o theruse


t 6 (1) A satisfactorysupplyof water for the prpose :f fire :ighting shall al'vaysbe availablein the fo:
underground staticstoragetank with cap:rcitysp:cified:bi eachbuildinl;by the localFire Authoritl
arrangementof replenishmentby town's main or alternative sourcesof i,upply 1,000litres per
@ m
The static storagewater supply requiredtbr the r bove n entionedpurposesirouti'entiretyfi accessli
the fire enginesof the local Fire Serv;ce.Provision :f suitablenumber of manholesshall
availablefor inspections, repairsand ins:rtions rf auctjonhouseetc. rte cove.inj sfu ,t t"
withstandthevehicularloadof l8 tonnes "tt "t
(2) To preventstagnationof water in the staticwater storlge tank the aur:tion
tank of the domestic,
supply shall be fed only through an ovetflow arrangemont to maintain :helevel therein
at the mini
(3) The static water storagetank shall be provided with a tire brigade collecting
breachingwith 4 No
mm diameter instaneousmale inlets ar:anged in a vclve boi at a r,rituUr?poini
connectedto the statictank by a suitabl: fixed pipe nct lessthan 15 c:ntimetres "i-rt ""t l"u"l
Aameterio aiscl
waterinto the tankwhenrequiredat a ratr)of 1,0ti0litresper minute.

17. Automatic high pressurewater sprayor foam sprinkler sl sternshall be in;talled:_
a) In basement,sub basementwhich areusedas p"rkr, storageof
c<,mbustible article, laundryo
like. "rt
b) On floors usedasdeparhnentalstores,shopsI mdtradesinvolving fire
c) on all floon of the building other than deparment b rildings, if-the
height of the bulding exceed

18. co2 Fire extinguishinginstanationshalr.te provi Ie asper IS : 631l.-197

codeof practicefor design
installation of fixed co2 fire extinguishirg iyste n on premises
wherev ater offoam cannotbe use(
fire extinguishmentbecauseof the specialiahre r,f the i ,ni*t" of
tfr" Uu Uing oi toii oro,."r"
19. All building above 15 metres.in height shrLllbe e<uippedwith
fire alarm systemasspecifiedin 20 anr
20. Residential.Building (DwellingHouses,BoardingHousesandHostels):__
a) All residentialbuilding like dwellinghousei
linclud:n! frats),boardinghousesand hostelsshal
with manuany operated electricrr lire aiarn system with
:quipp:d one or more cau b(
rocatedar eachfloor. The locationof the calr boxesshall be
decide<r A;; inii Jon.ia"r"
the floor plan with a view to ensurethat one or the other call "ft*t"-r"ua?rf
uo* r turi ,.
occupants ofthe floor withouthavingtc travelmoretlLan22.50metres. "i"""rritr"
b) The call boxes shall be of the 'bre:k-grass'typ" wid;
;;' i,-irrg parts, where the cal
transmitted automatically to control room wiihout any othei
action i.'trr. p".t oi tr," p",
operatingthe call box.
c) The call boxesshall be wired in a closecircuit to cont ol panel in
the conhol room locatedasper ;
22 so that the floor number from where the r:all box is'actuated
is clearly indicateJ on ttre con
panel.The circuit shanalsoincludeon: or morebatteries
with a capar:ityor rorty -"i-g"a io*. non
working at firlr load. The battery shal be a:ranged to the continu<,uJry
G"t[ "igtt rr"-
electric mains.
d) The call box shall be anangedto soundone or more yrundersso
as to ensurethat all occupantsof
buildings shall be wamedwheneveran,rcall b<x is actuated.


I i.l. .....i.jii

yet their-locationcan
I e) The oall boxes shall be so installed that they do nrtt obstntct the ;xit-way and
easily be noticed from either difection. The'baseof the call box shall be at a heipht of I metrefrom
the floor level.

21. A ll otherbuildings:-
Atl building othJr than those refened to in 20 shdll furadditi rn to tle manually operatedelectrical
alarm systim be equippedwith an automatic fire t;arm s ystem. Ihe latter shali be in addition to
tl ,ealarm which may bj soundedby the actuationof any automatic fi re extinguishingsystem which may
br: installedin any particular building in accordancewith thoss regultlions. Unlessotherwisedecidedby
the Chief Fire Offiier, U.P. Fire Seriice, the detectorsfor the automaticfire systemshall confirm to lS :
2175-1962Heat sensitiveFife Detectorsand the systems shalI be installed in accordirncewith IS: 2180-
11)62code of practice for automaticfire Alarm systelr, or any other relevant lndian standardsprepared
fiom timeto time.

Sweral types of fire detectorsare availablein the malket but the ap1'licationof eachtype is limited and
hrs to be carefully consideredin relation to the type of risk and thc structural featrres of the building
u heretheyareto be installed.


There shall be a control room on the entrancefloor oI the building rnith communicaton system(suitable
publicaddresssystem)to all floors andfacilitiesfor n'ceivingthe messages from diflbrentfloors' Detaiis
bfall floor plans alongwith the detailsof fire fighting equipment and installation shall also be maintained
ir the ControlRoom.
The control room shall also have facilities to detect the fire on tny floor throuS! lndicator Boards
connectingfire detecting and alarm systemon all flOors.TlLe staff in charge of ccntrol room shall be
r :sponsib[ for the maintenanceof the variousservicesand fir : fightil rg equipmentanJ installations.


Iire noticesor ordersshall be preparedto fulfil the re pirem( nts ofthe fre fighting rurdevacuationfrom
fre building in the event of the fire and other in( idents. The o<,cupantsshall t'e made thoroughly
conversantwith their action in the event of the emerl3ency,lry displaying fire noticr:sat vantagepoints.
! iuchnoticesshouldbe displayedprominentlyin broa<[ letterilLg.


-qs54w.. "i:T--_r:
l: *
.# I
:,s f, -'f

Specjficatiotr of proposedbuilding

l. Total plot a.rea. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . ..

existing ...........s([uare
metre.Proposed ........squa
Groundfloorexisting.............................scuaremr)tre.Proposed ......,..squa
2. Firstfloorexisting
Proposed ........squa
3. Mezzaninefloorexisting..:......................s(uarem,)txe.Proposed ........squa
4. The purposefor which it is intendedto t sethe t uilding
5. Specification
to be usedin the constructon oftlre
i) Foundation
ii) Walls
iii) Floors
iv) Roofs
6. Numberof storeysof which thebuildinpwill consist
7. Approximatenurnberofpersonsproposrdto be accomrrodated
8. The numberof latrinesto be provided
9. Whetherthe site hasbeenbuilt upon bef rre or n ot
10.Souce of water to be usedfor building tr,urpose

Full Name(in block letter) . . . .

(to be submifted
submittedin duplic

lte ChiefExe:utiveOfficer,
\Iew Okhla Inrlustrial DevelopmentAuthority,

yWe, rheundersigredherebyapply for permissionto drain l e o r e r r i s e
kns o w na s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . .
ltreeU . . .. . . . . . .. . . . HouseTax AssessmentNo.

The sanitaryarrangementand drainsfor the premisesare shr)wnin the accompanyingplans and sections
n tripl icateanI describedin the Appendix-Il (submitledin triplicate) and the premjsesareopento i nspectiorlby
he Ofl icersof New Okhla Industrial DevelopmentAuthority. yWe xnderta(e to carry out the work in accotdance
rith the provisions of New Okhla Indgstrial DevelopmentAuthorit) buildir g regulrtion and directi cn 1979,and
;opay to the A uthority the cost of connectionto the sewerat the rat( given rn the Sr:heduleof fees.


Signatre of theAppli<:ant .............

Full name(in block leters)
A d d r e s. s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Name )f the plumber
carryinil outthework.........,...........
Addresr; ofthe plumber. ; . . . . . . .... . . . . ..


&i; i
, &si I

(to be submitt€
d in tril,licate)

Detail descriptionof work and specificationof mtLterial.

N.B":-Only new of alteredwork to be describedin thefo llowingparticulars:--

1. Separationof rain water and foul water (sepatate)
2. Rain-waterdrains,curbsand points of dischage (as shown n the plan)
3. Main-watergutters,pipes or spoutswheredischargin3 (on the ground)
4. Open-foul-waterdrains,materials,size,curbesand olher meims,places,veratdahs,latrinesandfitting
discharging(covered)into suchdrains.
andgrating,sizeandposition(asshown:n thepJan).
5. Silt-cateher
6. Drains:-
a) Main sewage drainof thepremises Si2e.................asperplan.
b) Branchdrains Size..................1(0X 150mm
Fall 1 in 40 and 1 in 4ti0 S.W.R.or HC. I.P.

c) Msterials Cemelrtof leadioints

7^ Beddingof pipes:-
a) Methodof bedding.............. ceme concretes.
& widthofbedsofconcrete.
b) Thickness 150X450mm
c) Thicknessofconcreteroundpipe.................. ...... l50mm

8. Protectionofdrain underBrick Archor RCC Lintel v all ovel openings.

9. Traps,desbriptionof Gully Traps
Urine traps

10. Manholesand inspectionchambers,if any,

Thicknessof walls 23Omm
Descriptionof invert channels Cemefl concrete.
Depth of chambers As per :heplan.
Size& descriptionofcover and C.I. Coi'er 18''X18"druablesealedfixedwith
Mannerof fixing R.C.C.slabs

11. Ventilationof drains

a) FreshAir Inlet
Height abovenearestgroundlevel
b) Out-let shaftposition ofterminal at top

12. Soil pipe,wastepipeandventilationpipeconnection s. 100()MHC. I. Pipew ith H.B. Clampsandleadjo

a) Lead and hon pipes.
b) Lead pipe or trap with casteiron pipe.
c) Stonewarepipe or trap with leadpipe.
d) Leadsoil pipe or trapwith stonewarepi;reqr fmp.
e) Castiron pipe with stoneware drain.


0 .l;tonew [e trap with castiron soil pipe.

t. Veflilation r)f water closet,tap, materialandsupports Z"HCI pipewiih H.B. clarnpsend5CM

L Wa!)r closel(aparhnents)
a) r|t or above$ound level arrperpltn.
rpproachfrom ..... ... asp:r specification.
liloor m rterial ...-. . asperdrawings.

oorfall towar<ls trap.

eansof constant ventilation
b) tvaterc.osetapparatus:
.)escription ofpan, basin,etc.C.I..
Jilushinl; cistem,capacity ) gallor s.
lvlaterial ..... . C.I.Telescopic.
..ntemalDiameter .....25mmtol2mnr.
Unionv'ith basin ..... ls perplan

a) l'lumber and descriptionof sanitaryfitting in room and roomsin which they rre to be installe,l.
b) tlapaci!, andpositionofwater storagetank.
c) ilize & rLumberof draw offtaps and i.e. asper plan whetherttken of{ storagetanksor direct,
plan/drawing from main supply)
rtnyoth(r sanitarywork to be carriedout but not includedunderabove headitgs.

Deph of serverbelowsurfaceor street.

Levtdor invertofhousedrainat point ofjunction with sewer,
Levtdor invertof sewerat point ofjunction of housedrain.Distarrceofn:arest nnnholeon sewerfrom the
pointat whi':hthedrainleavesthe premises.


Dia in C
Materials Weight Method ofJoinlng.
ain servage drrdn As per plan l0 I 5 In dian standard
'anchsewagerlrains s.w.P. 10 C€ment
ll pipe; H.C.I.
3ntilatingpipe ; other SpecrficatiorLead
ansoil pipes H.C.I. l0 Joint
pipes H.C.I. /.f
nti syphonepilrcs H.C.r. 5.0

rted Sign:.tureof the appiicant




Nameof theMunicipality/Corporation/Authority

(Particularsof constructionproposed/completed)
For item I and 2 fill in the appropriatecodeNumbtr in

1. Naiureofconstruction
a) New Construction I
b) Alterationsand/oradditionsto exirting bu ilding 2
2. Type ofconstruction
a) Residentialbuildings
i) Dwelling (l)
ii) Other residentialplaces(suchasHostel,D ormitorieV
Lodging hotelsand clubs (2)
b) Industrial Building
(Factories,Plants,Workshopetc. (3)
c) CommercialBuildings
(shops,warehouses,O{fices,Public garag)s etc. (4)
d) Institutional buildings
and religious buildings etc.) (5)
e) Other buildings (Public buildings,
Public libraries, amusementbldgs. etc. (6)



5. N@ onstru(tion. -
Type of dwelling New constructi on Nunrberof d-wellingalterations
andor additionsto existingbuil
resulting in dwellings.
I Room unit
2. Roomunit
J. Room unit
4. Or more room tmit
f,. Particularsfor the following items should oegiverrwhile applyingfor occupancycertificateonly.
6. Estimateconstruction/costRs.
7. Number and dateof issueof authorisationcertific rte
8. Dateof commencement of construction... .............
9. Date of completionof construction
(Signatur,:ofthe applicant)
{Na-rreand addressofth,: Applicant in block letters)

numberof application
Numberand dateof issueof Authorizatior/Occuprurcyce:tificate


poratec ]nstituted under liection-3 of the
In considerationof the New Okhla Indusnial DevelopmentAuthority a body Cor
N"* Oltttu na. rttlal Area Development Act, 1976(l.l.P.) Act No. 6 of 1!176)(her einafterreferredas."the promis€s"wtuch-
on shall unlessthe contextdoes not so admit include its successot s and asligns) hrrving sanctionthe constructionof
"xoress, in Sector
nJlur,rn.ot i" tfr" buildingplansof the factorybuildingto be construct(don Ia,lustial l>lotNo. ..................
No. ................... Situatedin the New Okhla IndustrialDevelolmentl,rea in Tehsil """"" """""
......... ......... .. on production
ofthe bondoflndenrnity by sonof i ihri . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '' ' Ag:d """"""""
years,resi6ent6f..............................(hereinaftercalGdthe"promisrr"whichexprersionshallunless te coniectdo€s
not so incluclehis heirs, executors,administrators,representativesand pemitted t.ssigns)to indemnity the lnornisesof any
lossor rlamager ausedofthe basementrefened to abovethe promisorhere:y agreerl to exer:utethis bond oflndemnity.


br consideratior of the promiseshaving sanctionedtlre constructionof the bastment in the building piar of the factory
Development A:ea,Tehsil............... Distt.................Thepromisoragree!to indemnitythepromises andat
all fimes holds t imself liable for all damages and lossescaused to the adjo:ning burlding (s' on account oftht' construction of
lhe bas('mentrelbrred to above and furthel undertakesto indemnifi the promises ar d suchamount of the full )xtent which the
promist,smay l.ave or be required to pay to any person (s) having riglrts in tbe adjoining propertieson account of the
constru:tionofrhe basement(said)by way ofcompensationor otherwiseimd fiutl er to pa / all costsand e4'enseswhich the
premis(s mayhi Lveto expendin defendingany action in the Court of Law regarding therctr.

IN WI'INESS 'n'HEREOF the promisor has executedtlis Bond of Inde:nnity at New Olhla Industrial De/elopmentArea,
t e h s .i l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d
. .i.s. .t r i c t . . . . . . .o. n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .d. a
. .yo f
Signedby :-

l. Witness: 2. Witness:
Address Address

Appendix -15
Ihe Chief ExecutiveOfficer,
New Ckhla lnrlustrial DevelopmentAuthority,
Uttar Fradesh.

I herebycerti$rthat the structuraldesignof the ........ ....... 3uildinl;on shazraNo. ............ in
Road/Street ...............BlockMohallaBazar......... shallbe doneby me/usand
carriedout in t.ccordancewith part VI structuraldesignofNational Buildinl; codeof lndia correcterlupto date,

Signr.tureof ArchitecV
Namr:of Aichitect
Dated Addr *s ofArchitect
NOTE : Strike out which is*rot applicable. Engi neer/Group

r.il :jn

APPENDii - 16
t'iNri nr'rone

'the Chief ExecutiveOflicer

!{oida ComPlex, Sector4'

And requestfort
in the premisesof PlotNc' Sector"" """""'
(<ta@of ' Time

inspectionand approvalofthe same'

Authority vide letter l

New O khla h rdustriaI Development
The drawing was sanctioned by the
Cvidechallan no' """' """"' Dt' """""
the feesof Rs. .........hasbeen<Leposite

Signatureof the Owner

Nameof the owner

per building
$6flr qxer:utedurder my supervisionand as
Certified that the diainage/sanitarywork have

Signatureof Plumber/Architect/Engineer'

D a t e :" " " " " " " "
F i l eN o . . . . . . . . . . .





(FoRFrNALINspEcrIoNoF sANrrARy/wATE*,nioto suBMitrr'D IN DUI.LT.ATE)
The Chlef Ex':cutive Oflicer
Nolda Complex, Sector-6,

I/We undersignedherebygive you notice that the Drainagework i:r the pr emisesPlot No. Block No.
........ Sector will be completedandavailabftr for final inspectionon the .......... ..
(date)at ,, . . ... . . . . (time and requestinspectionandatr,provaltfthe sune).

The Map was sanctionedby the New okhla Industrial DevelopmentAuthcrity vide letter No.

Signatureof the Owner

Nameofthe o'vner

Certifiedthat lhe sanitarywaier supply work lias been executedu:rder m.,,supen,isionand as per building bye

iignahre of Plumber/Architect/Engg.



Dale :

)ertifiedthat tbe abovework havebeeninspettedand approved.



lil.No. Type of Building Consumption perhead

per day (in liters)

Residential 135
z. Educational
a) Day Schools 45
b) BoardingSchools 135

)- Institutional (Medical)
a) No. ofbeds not exceeding100 340
b) No ofbeds exceeding100 450
c) Medial quartersandhostels 135

Assemble(per seatof accommodation) l5

5. Govemmentor semi-publicbusiness 45
6. Mercantile(Commercial)

a) Restaurants(per seat) 70
b) Holels with lodging accommodation(rer bed) 180
c) Otherbusinessbuilding 45
7. Industrial 45
8. Storage(including Warehousing) 30
9. Hazardous 30
10. Intermediatestation(excludingmail) and erpressstops:

(a) Wherebathingfacilities areprovided. 45

(b) ln the caseof others z)

11. JunctionsStation:

(a) Wherebathingfacilities areprovided. 70

(b) In the caseof others 45
12. TerminalStations: A<

lJ. Intemationaland DomesticAirports 70

Explanation---The numberof personsfor serial No 10 & I 3 shall be deternined by the averagenumb

handledby the stationdaily.

-58- '


Sl.l{o. C lasslllcation of Building Storage Oapaclty

l. Frlr tenementshaving commonconvenience. 90(l litres net per \l C seat.

2. For residentialpremisesother than tenementshaving c,mmon 27(l litres net for ore WC seataod
convenience. 18(llitresfor eachadditionalseatin
the sameflat.
Frn FactoriesandWorkshops 90(| lefies per WC r,eatand I 80 litres
per urinal seat.

Frlr cinemas,publicassemble
hallsor the like. 900 litresper WC seatand350 litres
per urinal seat.


SLNo. No. offloors Storage Capaclty Rr:marks

Fol'premilrcsoccupiedastenementswith commonconveniences:--
l. Floor I (Groundfloor) Nil Providedno ,lown taken
fittings areinstalled
2. Floors2,3,4,5andupperfloors 500Litr:s per trrnement

For premles occupiedas flats or Blocks.

1. Floor 1 (Groundfloor) Nil Providedno rlown take fitting
are installed
2. Floors2,3,4,5andupperfloors 500 litres per terrement

l) Ift.re premisesare situatedat a placehigher than the roal level in front of the premises,storageat ground
levd shallbe providedon the samelinesasoffloor 2.
2) Tho abovestoragemay be permittedto be installedprovidedtha: the total domesticstorr€ecalculatedon
the aboWbasisis not lessthan the storagecalculatedon thenun ber of rlown take fitting s=according to the

Do'vntaketaps 70 litn:s each

Shr,wers 13 litrr:seach
Bathtubs 200 litreseach

& :fr


Sl.I\o. Fitments For residendal Public& For pub ic rooms For non-rcsidentiatSta{f
Stafi For rnales For females For males For females

l. Watercloset. Onc for 7 personsomitting Oneperlo) Twofor l0O Onefcrl-15 Onefor 1_12
occupantsofdrc-room with trersonsuplo 400 pe$ons LlPto200 peBon! persons
attachedwat€rcloset peisons:fo.over penons;Over200 bwo fi,r t6_3i l*l-irl, f:_ZS
minimumoftwo ifboth 40oandat.herate ;dd@oneperlo0 per$oni p€Isons
sexesarelodged. ofoneper:lso persora)r part Thre€ br36-65- Tbrcefor 2640 -
personsor I ,art thereof do- do_
2. Abtution raps one in eachwater closet. one in eacr water one in erch water H:t:'#-* 5on:,i:.:J:;,
t" p.*il?f,t sop* Jl::l* rureorintheffi
3. Urinals "u,"y
Onefor 50 xrsons _ Nil uplo"r*",* "*","*f,jn
6 persons. -
or pafi thfiof
Two for 2l_45
Thee , or 46-70_
4 wash basins. oneper lopersons one per warer one per vater 3lT1; ,t-O*i"- one for 12p€rsonr.
Ornitting lh€ washbaoins clos€t& Urnal closetpn)vided Two fo: t6_35_ Two for 13_25_do-
installedin room with bath provided do_ Threefor 2G40 _
Threef rr 36-65_ do_
do_ Four4l_52_do-
, one per l0 persons Four 6( _100-do-
* omitting
occtrpantsofthe rcom with
bath in suit€.
6. Slopesinks. One for 30 bed roorns(One -
per floor rnin.)
7, Kitchen sinks. bne in eachKitchen One in eachKitchen One in eachKitchen One in rjach Che in eachKitchen
Expl, Mtion :-- It may be assumedthat two thirds ofthe numberale males
and )ne third f )males.

Sl.No. Fitrn€nts NurserySchool DoardingIn stitutions Cther educationalinstitutions
ForBo /s Fof 3irls For Boys For Cirls
L Waterclos€L Oneper 15pupil! or palt Oneperever,,8 Oneper 40pupils Onepef25 pupilsor
thereof pupili or part -O-::,Iere'€ry6,
puplts I alt
^or or part tl ,ercof part lhereof
2' Ablution orc ir each
waierctoset Sfflfeactr rato ffffi';*n *"ro
*uto oneineachwate, on. in
-l. gneYter tapswirhdraining
ar.angern.ns u pm"il?Tlo..'.., sop..*.,Jootif- rrereofin the;il.ois;;(
Urinals - "r,ar f *",..
Oneperever,2o Onep€r.very2s "to".,"jlltl;n"r..
prpils or part pupils or pari
4. washbasins. onepereverylspupilso. ,
pqlt thereof. F:i^Gor part )ne.per
€\ery6 ffil* ;** onepe.every40
plpik )upils or p rrt pupiti or pon- pupils or -'
s. Baths. oneberh
popi," BfS""*, iifi;i
ffiJ;.,*u l'ereor.
prrpitsorpad Dupilsor p irt
6' Drinkins
water oneforeverv
* ]l#T"l*tr
fou ains part thcreof [fr!,"::l' oneforeverys' oneforev.ry
pupils or pari l,uprls_orpEt pupils or part pupils or part
ther€of lhereof itrereof drcreof
7. Cleanerssinf,:s. - Oneper floor I per i( or Oneper lloor Oneper floor
nliimum Te
I dlnlmum minimurn rlrtntmnm
Explanation :- For teaching6tafq the scheduleof litnents to be provided
shall t e the sameas in the r aseofofrce buildiner.


+*tdi 6r*1-.'.'?:.il--t *l
Sl.No. Fitnerrts Hospital with indoor Hospitols\ /ilh outdo 'r patients Ad ninistratii,eBuildins
pallcntj For.nales For femal ls For md e For female
For males& females Personnr
l. Persomel

lvat€r closet. One for every 8 beadsor Onefor everyl0l ) Tw for every 100 Onefor €ver/25 Oneper45p€rsons
pdrt thereof. b€sdsor part pen oasor par pelsonror Frt or parttbereof.
orcreot iher )of. ther€of.
Ablution One in eachwatet closet Onein eachwate Tw( foreverywater One inevery waler One ill every water
One watg| trp with d|ain closet clos:t clos€t clooet
againarrangementsin the
Yicinity ofwater closetand
urinals for every 50 bedsot
part thereof.
?-neavatertapswith dtaining arrangements slEtl be provided for every 50 personr
- o part thereofin the vicinity ofw: ter closetmd urinals.
iVashbasins. Two upto 30 beds;add_for Onefor every t0 One iorevery 100 One foreveq,25
everyadditioqal 30 bedsor personsor part pers,rs o, pall personsor p! n
pan thereot thereof the!,of lher€of
4. latbs with shower One for every 8 beds One in eachlloor.
5. led penwashing One for every 8 beds
6. Cleanerssinks One for eachward One per flool one per floor
minimum minimum
7. .fttchensinks& One for eachward
,lish washers(where
I itchen is provided)
lJrinals Oneper every 50 Nil upto 6 pesons
l€rsons or pad One for 7-20
thereof persons Two for 2l-45
Th.ee for 46- 70- persons
do- Fourfor 7l-100-

From101to :lO0persolladdattherateof
3o(ofor ereq 200trfrsonsaddat fte laie


1. 'l y'atercloset
one for four Per$on on 3for four I ,emon
2. I blution taps on€ for lbur perron or part
One in eachwater closet On: in eachr,,aterclose da il o"r, *ut".
one water tapswith dmining arradgemert shal be bvided fo r every so p"oon" "to..t
F * 1,-"nnrr.rf itr the vicinity of
water cl6et andudnals.
3. I lashBasins One fo^revery 8 personso. part On ) fo^rever) g personsor part One for every 8 personsor pait
thereof the.eof
4. Bath with shower tfr*;oi
One for 4 personsor part thereof On : for 4 per ons or part thereof d" fo, f p.r*on" o. pu.t
5. CleanarssinlG one per floor minimum orr,: per floor minimum H f,J. n*. .ini.urn


Li jr..,.


Sl.No Fitments For nralespersonne For f :rnalesPersonnel

l Waterclos€t One for every 25 p€$ons or part thereof. Jne for every 15pers('nsor part thercof
2. Ablution taps One in eachwater closet Jne in each*ater clo! d
orrc rater tapswilh draining arrang(mentsshaI be provi' led for every 50 peno |r or part thereofin $e vicinity of
water closetand udnals.
Urinals Nil upto 6 penons
One for 7-20 peBong
Two for 2l-45 persons
Thrcefor 4670 persons
Four for 71-100p€rsons
From l0l-200 persons,add at the ml e or 3olo
For every 200 personr,add at the iat t or 2.5olo
WashBasins One for every25 pe$ons or part the,eof Onefor every 25 pers 'ns or pa lhereof
5. 'Drinldng Water One for every 100pe$ons with a ni dmum of )ne for Onefor every 100per |onswith a minimurnof on€for
eachother gachother
6. Baths Otle for eachfloor one fol eachfloor
7. CleanersSinks one per floor minimum preferablyir, to adjacerI or Oneper floor minimurnprefelably in or adjacertto
sanitaryrooms sanitaryrooms


Sl.N(. Fitrnents Male F '. Public For Staff

Mes Females Ferlal€s

l. Waterclos€t. One per 100personsupto Two per 10Cpersonsu rto One for t-15 persons olle for l-12 perrons
400 trqsons 200p€rsoir Tw( for 16-35:#rr:: T.r.afc: l-._r< personr
For over 400 pea$onsadd at Fo. over 20t personadd
the mte ofone per 250 at the rate or per 100
pefsonsor part lhereof peNonsor p rt thereof,
2. Ablution taps One in eabhwater closet. One in each rvaterclos )t On€ in eachwater Onein eachwater clos€t
Onewater laps with draining anangementss rall b€ pro i.idedfor.very 50 pe$ons or part thereofin the vicinity ofwater
Urinals One for 50 personsor part Nil rpto 6 persons
thereof. One for 7G20 p€rsons
Tw(' for 2145
4. Washbasins. Onc per every20Opersons. Oneper every 200 On€ for l-15 p€rsons Onefor l-12 persons
perlons or p fi thereof Tw(, for 16-!5 penons Two for 13-25persons

Expkration :- lt may be assumedlhat two thirds ofthe nurnberare malesand )ne thiid I )males.

-62- "


Sl.N(,, Fitmentr For Public For Stalf

Moles Fernales l {ate Females

l. Water closet. Oneper 200 personsupto One 100persons Orc for l-l:ipelsons or , for l-12 p€rsons
400 persons Upto 200 persons T ro for 16-]5 persons Tw r for 13-25pqsons
For over 400 personsadd at
tlrc rate of oneper 100
p€Isonsor part thereof
2. Ablutonta?s One in eachwater closet. One in eachwater clos(t C ne in eachwater clos€t On, in eachwaier closet
On€watertapswith diaining anangementsshall be pro'.idedfor e,tery50 pesons or part thereofir the vicinity ofwater
3. Uriras One for 50 petsonsor part N il upto 6 p rsons
thereof. C ne for 7-2r) persons
Two for2l-45 persons.
4. Washbasins. Oneper every200 persons Two for every 200 persons C ne for 1-l i persons On)for l-l2persons
m pat thereoli or part lhereof J,vo for 16.J5persons Tw) for l3-25p€rsons
For over 400 personsadd at For over 200 perconadI at
the rate of one for 250 the late on pff 150 pet! orls
p€rson8or part thereof or part thereof.
5. Clean:rs'sinks Oneper Iloor rninimum One psr floor minimun C neperflo,'r minimum On: perfloor minimum

ErplLnation:- t may be assurnedthat two thirds ofth€ numberare malesand onethid fl:males.

Sl.N,. Fitrnentr For Public For Staff
Males Females I lale Fernales

W&terclos€t. Oneper 50 seatsupto 200 Onefor seatupto200seats. Cnefor 1-l i penons On: for l-12 persons
seals.For over 200 s€3tadd For over 200 s€atsadd atthe lwo for 16 35 persons T$o for 13-25-do-
at the late ofone per l0O rateofone per l00sealsor t hreefor 3:i{5 persons Th €e for 26-40-do-
s€atsor parl thereoi part thereof. F our for 66 100p€rsons Forr for 41.57do-
f r\e Ior 56-/ / --do-
Sit for 7-100-{o-
2. Ablut iontaps One in each w6ter clos€t. One in each later clo$ ii ( ne in eachwater closet Or e in each water closet
orrc water tap with draining anangementsshdl be prov idedfor e\ ery 50 personsor part the&of in the vicinity ofwater
closetand urirals.
Urina ls Onefor 50 seats. l il upto 6 f ersons
( ne for 7-2 ) persons
vr'olbr21.45 peEons.
hre€for 4 ;70 *do-
F olr for 7l l0O-do-
4. Washbasins. One foi everywater closet One for every water cl( s€t ( ne for every water closet Or e for €very water
provided Fovided p:ovided cl( setprovided
5. Kiich n sinks& Cne in eacl Kitchen
dish \ /6shers
6. Sloprn service ( ne in eaci Kitchen

Expl nation :- tt maybe assumedthat two thirds oflhe nurnb€rare malesand onelhid i xnales.



SLNo. Fitmenh
tr'or Pe rsonnel
one fr,r --ffiii;-p"rr th*"f
I 5 (inctuding .mpioy"e. and
:I::d -
:111T,*1. personnrf i pJr.u""yf i
)ersonor paft
, tjrereofexceedinl; I 0.
t)ne for eve.y 100persons
with a minimumof
()neon cachflottr.
()ne for every2 5persons
Urinals or pafl thereof.
l,lil upto 6 pers(ns, one for 7.20persons
two for
z r-z+)p(rsons,threefor 46_70
1rcrsons, four for
jl-ruu I ers-ons & From l0l_20,)personsadd at
a: 1lelcenr. For over lt00 personsadd
therat: of2.5 percent.
Cne per floor minimum pftrferably
in or
aruacento sanitiLrv
Explanationr Numberof customet
for the purposeof the abore calculation
shall be the
rffffin T:"":"*nH; ;x,m:f orli"r'ou'

rArroNREe{*i}frXfl;! r" RRE
si DENc,ss
Sl.No. Fit ments Dwetting
witEaGdGi Dr reltlng without t"dt"ld""l
conveniences co rveniences
Bathroom Oneprovidedwith wat,xEo r-rne lor every two tenements

2 Wa€r Closet One One for every two tenements

Sinl: (or Nahani)in the floor One
4 Waler Tap One On,: with draining arrangement
in eachtenement
. Onr: in cornmonbath rooms and
conmon waterclosrlts.

Explanation.:- Where only one water

closet is provided in a dv,elling lhe
separatelyaccommodated. bati and water chset shall be

. -64-

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