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Subject Matter Knowledge for Teaching. Demonstrates capacity to make content

knowledge accessible to students.




Reveals a limited

Reveals an adequate

Reveals a deep understanding

understanding of how students

understanding of how students

of how students learn and

learn and rarely selects varied

learn and sometimes selects

consistently selects

methods to support effective

appropriate and varied

appropriate and varied

learning processes.

methods to support learning.

methods to organize and

support learning.

Narrative Commentary/Exemplifications:
Kelsey: 4 - I feel that I understand how students learn, but I am still learning and searching for ways to
best present the material.
Nicole: Ms. Piper has taught some difficult concepts that can be hard to engage students. She has used
different methods to deliver her content such as the use of visuals, cooperative activities, diagrams, and
real-life examples to interest students. 5


Planning for Learning. Demonstrates a capacity to create useable lesson and unit plans that

are based upon knowledge of the discipline, students, and curricular goals.



Inconsistently demonstrates an

Demonstrates an adequate and

Demonstrates a commendable

ability to organize, scaffold

somewhat consistent ability to

and reliable ability to organize,


organize, scaffold, and achieve

scaffold, and achieve

achieve continuity with lesson

continuity with lesson designs

continuity within lesson

designs; therefore, learners

that sometimes challenge

designs that challenge

higher order thinking skills are

students higher order thinking

students higher order thinking

not sufficiently challenged.



Narrative Commentary/Exemplifications:

Kelsey: 4- I have built units around the curriculum goals of Raymond Central. I feel that I could improve
on challenging students higher order thinking skills.
Nicole: Ms. Piper has done a good job following our districts curriculum and my classroom scope and
sequence to ensure students are prepared for standardized testing. An area to improve would be to be
more inclusive with our high ability learners and to make sure they feel challenged. 4


Instructional Enactment. Demonstrates a capacity to implement, modify and adapt plans

that are responsive to students and curricular goals.




Attention to instructional

Attention to instructional

Attention to instructional

pacing and goals is less

pacing and goals through

pacing and goals through well-

consistently evident, resulting

adequately detailed lesson

conceived, detailed plans

in uneven responsive practices

plans allows for

allows for close discernment of

when learners require lesson

some adaptation when

learners understanding and


adjustment is needed.

effective lesson adaptation.

Narrative Commentary/Exemplifications:
Kelsey: 4- I have worked on modifying lesson to best meet all students needs. We lesson plan at the end
of a week, however, there has been many times when plans have changed. I feel I am getting better at
adapting, but it is still a work in progress.
Nicole: Ms. Piper has worked with a variety of students with differing needs and has made the proper
adjustments to ensure student success. She has also shown the ability to be flexible with some of our more
challenging students 5


Assessment. Demonstrates a capacity to understand the use of formative and summative

assessments, including local and state tests, to support continuous development of all students.



Demonstrates a developing and

Demonstrates an adequate and

Demonstrates a deep

less consistent understanding of

consistent understanding of the

understanding of the

relationships among course

relationships among course

relationships among course

goals, curriculum and

goals, curriculum, and

goals, curriculum, and

instruction such that formative

instruction so that formative and instruction so that formative

and summative assessments are

summative assessments are

and summative assessments are

insufficiently aligned.


strongly aligned.

Narrative Commentary/Exemplifications:
Kelsey: 5-I have implemented bell ringers as a form of formative assessment to see what students have
learned from previous lessons. Also, I check for understanding by reviewing any assignments students
that students turn in. If students are struggling on a particular concept, I will go back over the problem
Nicole: Ms. Piper has shown a lot of creativity when formulating different assessments that my students
are enjoying. She has also implemented a collaborative student environment that all my students feel
comfortable in. 6


Classroom Interactions with Students. Demonstrates interactive, interpersonal skills with

students in the classroom.




Possesses a limited

Possesses an adequate

Possesses an exceptional

understanding of learners that

understanding of learners and

understanding of the learner

inhibits ability to connect

is able to connect

and is able to motivate and

with and motivate a diverse

constructively with students,

connect constructively with a

range of students.

though less comprehensively

diverse range of students.

and/or evenly.

Narrative Commentary/Exemplifications:
Kelsey: 6- I believe that I have been able to form good relationships with students. I feel that I am
approachable to students and they enjoy my presence in the classroom.
Nicole: I am very pleased with the relationships Ms. Piper has formed with all of my students. The
relationships are both positive and professional. All my students enjoy her presence in class. 7

Learning Environment. Demonstrates a capacity to create classroom communities that

invite students' engagement and learning, encourages positive social interaction and selfmotivation.




Does not yet demonstrate the

Able to enact some leadership

Through varied and proactive

leadership skills to

and community-building skills

management practices,

consistently create and sustain

described within the

s/he consistently supports a

a productive and trusting

advanced category, but less

productive and trusting

learning environment.


learning environment for all


Narrative Commentary/Exemplifications:
Kelsey: 4- I feel that I am sufficient in this area with room to improve. I am trying to incorporate different
activities that engage students. I am encouraging positive social interactions by creating classroom
discourse and providing an environment where students can express their thoughts.
Nicole: Ms. Pipers leadership skills have progressed through this first half of this internship. Everyday
she is advancing her skills as a classroom leader by enforcing respectable expectations and improving
classroom management 4


Classroom Management. Demonstrates a capacity to manage individuals, small groups of

students and whole classes for the benefit of learning.




Pre-service teachers

Pre-service teachers

Pre-service teachers

behaviors do not yet reflect a

behaviors reflect a capacity to

behaviors reflect exceptional

consistent ability to organize,

organize, allocate, and

capacity to organize, allocate,

allocate, and manage time,

manage time, materials, and

and manage time, materials,

materials, and contexts in

contexts in support of

and contexts in support of

support of learning.



Narrative Commentary/Exemplifications:
Kelsey: 4- This is an improving area for me. Everyday, a new situation occurs that requires management.
I have been learning new management tactics from my cooperating teacher that will be very useful to use
as a new teacher. I feel that my management skills will continue to improve as I gain more experience in
the classroom.

Nicole: Ms. Piper has demonstrated an increasing awareness of class time management. Her transitions
have gotten better through time. I think some of the overwhelming factors, such as organization and
preparation, show a little bit in this objective 4


Instructional Technology. Demonstrates a capacity for finding ways of integrating technologies

for enhancing learning.




Infrequently incorporates

Occasionally incorporates

Consistently incorporates

technology to supplement and

technology to supplement

technology to promote active

clarify instruction. When

material and clarify

learning and multiple ways of

technology is used, it may

instruction. Use of technology

understanding content.

promote more passive rather

may need to support more

than active learning.

creative and active learning


Narrative Commentary/Exemplifications:
Kelsey: 3- I have not been exposed to a ton of different technology methods at other schools. A goal for
myself is to use the mimeo and clickers more often during lectures and interactive websites and videos to
help with engagement and assessment.
Nicole: Ms. Piper has some knowledge of technology and a has learned a little more through this
experience. This would be an area where she needs to develop a little more as technology is constantly
changing. More incorporation in the day-to-day routine is needed 2


Child Development. Demonstrates an awareness of how individuals grow, develop and learn

intellectually, socially and personally.




Level of understanding leads

A general understanding of

A complex understanding of

to instructional practices

students development is

students development is

incongruent with students

revealed through instructional

revealed through intentional,

cognitive levels.


instructional practices.

Narrative Commentary/Exemplifications:
Kelsey: 4- I believe that I understand how students learn. However, I am continually reviewing my
lessons and modifying them to improve how well students learn the information.
Nicole: Ms. Piper has an understanding of ways students can learn but there is a gap between how to
implement the ideas.4

10. Diversity. Demonstrates an understanding of the diverse social, economic, and linguistic and
cultural backgrounds of students.



May struggle with a sense of

Treats students fairly and

Embraces student diversity

otherness or distance from

respectfully, but is less able to

and draws from an extensive

learners and lack the ability to

draw from an extensive range

range of methods and

draw from instructional

of methods to create a

curricular connections to

experiences to lead in

culturally responsive learning

create a culturally responsive

culturally responsive ways.


learning climate.

Narrative Commentary/Exemplifications:
Kelsey: 3-There is not a ton of cultural diversity at Raymond, but I have gotten to work with students of
varying abilities during my student teaching experience. I believe I give each student equal opportunities
in the classroom.
Nicole: Ms. Piper is getting some exposure to cultural diversity but lacking experience and there is
another gap of how to implement these factors on a day-to -day basis. 3

11. Special Needs Learners Demonstrates an understanding of the challenges faced by learners
with special needs.



Understanding of students

Adequate attention is given to

An exceptional understanding

with special needs is minimal;

students who have special

of students with special needs

as a result, differentiated

needs; more proactive and

is demonstrated through

methods are infrequently

differentiated instruction may

differentiated methods that

employed as whole class

be needed.

support individual learners.

instruction is emphasized.

Narrative Commentary/Exemplifications:
Kelsey: 4- I have worked with students of varying abilities during my experience. I have learned ways to
modify assignments and tests. As time goes on, I feel that I will gain more experience to become
proficient in this area.

Nicole: This is a growing area for Ms. Piper as we have many students with IEPs all of which have
different modifications and struggles. The proper classroom attention is given but more time is needed to
develop differing approaches to handling special student issues. 4

12. Collaborative Relations and Professional Conduct. Demonstrates a capacity to work with other
practitioners to improve teaching and benefit of students' learning. Demonstrates professional
behavior and appearance through attendance, punctuality, dress, and actions.



Presents a less convincing

Presents a reflective and

Presents a highly reflective

leadership and collaborative

supportive capacity to

and supportive capacity to

stance to professional

professional relationships, but

professional relationships,

relationships; as a result,

a more proactive stance and/or

demonstrating a productive

collegiality and credibility

willingness to collaborate

balance of being both

may be hindered. A more

would enhance leadership

collaborative and proactive.

coachable and/or proactive


stance is needed.

Narrative Commentary/Exemplifications:
Kelsey: 6-Throughout this experience, there has been many chances to work with other colleagues. I have
been an active participate in parent-teacher conference, PLC in-service days, and IEP/MDT meetings to
improve my relationships with other teachers/staff members.

Nicole: Ms. Piper has done a wonderful job establishing peer and parent relationships through
communication efforts and professional development practices. 6

13. Communication. Demonstrates a capacity to use knowledge of effective written, verbal, and
visual communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction
in the classroom and extending to parents, teachers and other school professionals.



Infrequently seeks

Seeks information less

Continuously seeks

information from variety of

frequently from a variety of

information from a variety of

professional resources and

professional resources and as

professional resources; such

demonstrates, but rather relies

a result, professional

efforts lead to highly effective

on personal opinion; as a

communication and

communication among all

result, credibility and

collaboration skills are

involved parties.

effective communication may


be called into question.


Narrative Commentary/Exemplifications:
Kelsey: 5-I believe I have created relationships with many staff members, administration, and parents. As
my experience continues, I have had more and more opportunities to communicate with various parents of
my students. Also, I have sought out other resources, such as the principal and the special education

Nicole: Communication efforts from various parties has been ever increasing. Ms. Piper is actively
communicating with students, my colleagues, my principal, and district parents regularly- 5

14. Professional Contribution and Growth. Demonstrates a capacity to continually evaluate how
choices and actions affect students and others in the learning community and actively seeks
opportunities to grow professionally.



A less than adequate

An adequate professional

An exceptionally strong

professional stance is

stance is exemplified by a

lifelong learner stance is

exemplified by an inconsistent

willingness to fulfill

exemplified, where the pre-

ability to fulfill professional

professional responsibilities in

service teacher continuously

responsibilities and

a competent manner. Is

seeks opportunities to work

productively reflect upon

willing to reflect, although less

innovatively and

ones practices and growth. A

rigorously, on ones growth,

collaboratively with

more proactive stance is

participate in staff

colleagues in varied

needed to inspire learners and

development opportunities,

professional contexts.

contribute effectively to the

and implement instructional

Demonstrates and values

classroom and school.


personal and collective

experiences that support
professional growth.

Narrative Commentary/Exemplifications:
Kelsey: 5- I have participated in many professional development opportunities at Raymond Central.
Attending PLC days, IEP/MDT meetings, and different extracurricular activities have added in my
professional growth. These experiences will be very beneficial as a first year teacher.

Nicole: Ms. Piper has been actively involved in our PLCs, professional in-services, IEP/MDT meetings,
and extra curricular activities. Ms. Piper has also been highly reflective with her growth as a teacher. 5

Overall Assessment



Trends throughout the entire

Trends throughout the entire

Trends throughout the entire

assessment process reveal

assessment process reveal

assessment process reveal

emergent and sometimes

sufficient and sometimes

advanced and sometimes

sufficient performance

advanced performance

sufficient performance




Kelsey: 4-I feel that I have developed tremendously as a teacher throughout this experience. I
believe I have started to build good relationships with the students and staff at Raymond
Central. However, there is still many new challenges for me to face.

Nicole - Overall, I am pleased with the progress Ms. Piper has made these past several weeks.
She has developed some strong student relationships, especially with some of your challenging
students. She is continually developing her classroom management skills and student
engagement practices. I think many of these above objectives will be reached over time with
practice, collaboration, and experience. 5

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