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(8.11A) Construct a scatterplot to describe observed data to
address questions of association such as linear, non-linear,
and no association between bivariate data.

2. Big Understanding
Student applies mathematical process standards to use statistical
procedures to describe and plot data.

The students will graph a scatterplot given a set of bivariate
data to demonstrate a positive or negative correlation
between the two data.
3. Assessment Evidence
Students will be given a set of points to graph on the board. Two by two they will go up and graph those points on the board. After
all students have gone they will write any two pieces of information that are true about the graph created with those points.
(Correlation, outliers, clusters, etc.)

4. Opening Hook
Hand each student a paper ball. Desks will be in a semicircular form around the classroom. Place trash can in the center of the
room. They will all be timed 6 different sets of time and shoot the ball one at a time within that limit. Paper balls must be placed
on desk without being touched until the students turn comes up. This will give us our first set of bivariate data to begin the lesson.
**As we collect our data, I will be using the elmo to display my graphing calculator as I input the bivariate data into the table.
Once all points have been entered and students graph the points, I will click the graph option to show the class what
their final graph should look like. I can easily ask them questions about the graph since we are all seeing it on display. This
will allow me to answer questions and demonstrate to the class my response for all to see.

5. Instructional Strategies/ Student Activities

-Have students desks in semicircular form around the classroom for opening activity.
-Have students write down notes as you go over introductory activity.
-Hand out worksheet and use cooperative grouping (groups of 4) to work on problems. Have each one student per group analyze
scattered plots on their sheet and identify correlation, linear/non-linear/no association, outliers, and clusters.
-Compare and contrast different scattered plots and identify differences in each.
-Walk around classroom and ask students questions as they are working on their scattered plots.

6. Materials/Resources
-Copies of worksheets -Paper balls

-Trash can

-Index cards

-Dry-erase markers


7. Grouping Patterns
-Work together as a class to perform introductory activity and gather information for the opening of the lesson.
-Work in cooperative groups of four to evaluate scatterplots.

E. Palacios

8. Ending, Summary/Reflection
-Hand each group an index card with two ordered pairs written on it. Have one representative of the group go up and graph their
two points. After final group goes have each group identify three pieces of information from the points they just graphed on the
reverse side of the index cards.
-Groups will hand you their index cards as they walk out of class.

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