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Sherwood Githens Middle School

Positive Behavior Intervention

and Support (PBIS)



Sherwood Githens Middle School expects all students to conduct themselves in a PRIDEful manner,
including being Punctual, showing Respect, having Integrity, displaying Dedication, and modeling
Excellence in order to maximize opportunities for our students to achieve academic, social, and lifestyle
skills competency.


Positive Behavioral Support (PBIS) refers to the application of positive behavioral interventions and
systems to achieve socially important behavior change.
(OSEP, 1999)
What does this mean?
PBIS is a collaborative process of developing and implementing effective interventions to encourage
positive behavior.
PBIS is a process of building an environment in which positive behavior is more effective than problem
behavior, where all students see the personal benefit and attractiveness of behaving appropriately.
PBIS emphasizes the use of prevention of problem behaviors and direct teaching of acceptable behaviors. It
is a proactive approach, rather than reactive.
PBIS utilizes reinforcement-based strategies to achieve and maintain appropriate behaviors rather than
negative consequences.
PBIS is integrated into all other school-based and classroom based goals.
All students are valuable and deserve respect.
All students can be taught appropriate behavior.
Consistent, positive reinforcement of appropriate behaviors will help them to occur more
Positive relationships between students and adults are key to student success.
Punishment alone is not an effective way to sustain behavior change.
Problem behavior is a learning error. When we are teaching skills, whether academic or social, we
continually assess progress, re-teach, practice, and reinforce as the student approaches the desired
Adults act as models of appropriate behavior and support student learning by instructing, coaching, guiding,
reminding, encouraging, and reinforcing students as they learn.
Schools must utilize a number of different behavioral systems for different challenges, such as:
School-wide behavior expectations (Behavior Matrix)
School-wide incentive program (PRIDE System)
Enhancing structure and procedures, small group interventions, check-in coaches
Individualized interventions for students who need more support in learning and demonstrating
appropriate behaviors

The ratio of positive, reinforcing statements to negative, corrective statements should be at least 4:1.
Every effort must be made to provide positive attention for appropriate behaviors. Research indicates
that even the most challenging students are compliant about 80% of the time.
PBIS will ensure that student behavior is not hindering academic achievement.

The Foundation of Our Positive Behavior Intervention and Support System:

SHERWOOD GITHENS MIDDLE School-wide Expectations

1. School wide/Universal

2. Secondary

3. Tertiary

Students must be taught these five expectations before they can be held accountable for following them.
Students must also practice these five expectations on a regular basis or they WILL forget or choose not to
do them. Teachers must be consistent, while insisting that students demonstrate the expectations, and persist
when learning errors occur. Students can learn it and every instructor must teach it. The PBIS team has
provided every teacher with the resources and plans needed to teach the school-wide expectations in every
area of our campus. Although we have designated the first ten (10) days of school as the beginning of
teaching school wide expectations and procedures, this teaching and practice MUST continue until the last
day of school. If teachers only teach expectations and procedures for the first ten (10) days of school,
without continuing to re-teach and reinforce the five expectations, negative student behavior will
characterize our school community. We must systematically and corporately teach, re-teach and reinforce
the school-wide expectations in every area of our school.

The PBIS Way

Fidelity: Without FIDELITY, our PBIS system will be ineffective. The PBIS team and the Professional
Learning Community of Sherwood Githens Middle School agree that the emphasis of the program should be
positive, not punitive. Therefore, much of our planning efforts are geared toward helping children stay on
track with positive behaviors and academics. It is expected of teachers to provide opportunities and student
support to restore and maintain PRIDE behaviors. To this end, we have provided procedures that each
teacher should use to support positive behavior from every student who attends Sherwood Githens Middle
Data indicates that a Positive Behavior Intervention and Support system has been very successful in curbing
negative behaviors at the middle school level. Beyond behavior, PBIS can help our students academic
achievement and school attendance. To further implement PBIS with fidelity and to continue enhancing the
outcomes of our systems, data, and practices, PBIS team meetings will continue on the 4th Monday of each

month at 2:45 pm. You are cordially invited to join the PBIS team or attend any of our team meetings. Your
input and suggestions for improvement are also welcome.

Common PBIS Language

Teachable warning- using the universal warning as a moment to teach the behavior you want
Ladies and gentleman, may I have your attention please?- Verbal cue used to gain the quiet
attention of any student, anywhere, at any time.
Attention signal - Right arm extended into the air is the non-verbal cue that may accompany the
verbal cue.
Capturing teachable warnings (example):
Teachable Warning Script: [student name], you are [name the behavior that is not meeting
an expectation]. I expect you to [be Punctual, show Respect, have Integrity, display
Dedication, and model Excellence]. This means that you must [tell them what you want them
to do instead]. Show me that you can [do what you said they must do]. [PAUSE] Excellent
job! [with a high five? pound? pat on the shoulder? etc.] Lets keep being [be Punctual, show
Respect, have Integrity, display Dedication, and model Excellence].

Common PBIS Practices

Minor misbehaviors are handled in the classroom utilizing intervention strategies.

With a completed and legible written referral, administrators will handle consequences for major

Share and collaborate with your PLC and/or grade level team about individual struggles and
individual successes.

Respectfully and professionally, hold each other accountable for upholding PRIDE expectations.

We Are All In: Githens PBIS Checklist

Teach and Review PRIDE Expectations

PBIS Lessons taught first 10 days

Brief lessons on PRIDE expectations are reviewed at least weekly
Students are actively involved in lessons
Students have opportunities to practice behavior expectations
Use teachable moments, stated positively, directing students to what you want from them, rather
than what you do not want from them

Teach and Review Classroom Procedures and Cues

Procedures for improving transitions are reviewed weekly in team meetings
Rules associated with locations and materials are taught and reviewed as needed

Physical environment is arranged to prevent congestion, minimize distractions, allow easy traffic
All class attention-getting signal is used effectively
Regular use of 0, 1, 2, 3 cue cards
Informal and Formal Systems of Positive Reinforcement
4 to 1 ratio of positives to corrections is consistently used for all students
Classroom and/or school-wide reward system is implemented daily
Active Supervision

Actively monitor hallway movement during transitions

Scanning for problems or early warning signs of trouble
Frequent positive contacts are given
Individuals and groups are acknowledged for following the rules
Behavior is corrected calmly and firmly

Continuum of consequences enforced consistently and fairly

Redirection to expected behaviors is used

Positive practice is used to correct behavior (Try it the right way.)
Corrections are done in private, if possible
Students have been taught a simple problem solving strategy for conflicts
Classroom consequence system is implemented with effectiveness

Collaboration and support

Use the common language and the common practices of PBIS

Share and collaborate with Githens PBIS team about individual struggles and your individual
Share with PBIS coach individual struggles and your individual successes

Procedures for Bumping and Reflection

If a student needs to be removed from the classroom as a minor intervention, he/she may be
bumped across teams or content area on the same grade. Without major disruption, ask the
student to take his/her work and a reflection sheet (included) to the designated classroom.

Without disrupting class, student should sit quietly away from others and complete work
along with the reflection sheet.

Teacher should determine the length of time the student is to remain with other class, but no
longer than the remaining class period.

After time is up, student returns with assigned work and reflection sheet completed. If neither
is completed, teacher may determine the next course of action/intervention.

In respect of the student and process, please read and respond to the reflection sheet. Signed
reflection sheets should be managed on team.

To maintain integrity of PBIS and respect of colleagues, do not abuse the bumping system. A
teacher has the right to refuse chronic misbehaved students for bumping, or if timing creates a
conflict. If repeated bumping does not workSTOP doing it! As a team, decide next steps.

Githens school-wide behavior incentive system is called the PRIDE System. Its purpose is to encourage and
reinforce appropriate behavior in a fun, positive way.

PRIDE Party Procedure

Students can earn an invitation to the PRIDE party by consistently meeting school-wide expectations
(demonstrated by a student earning monthly PRIDE tickets throughout the school).
If a student does not follow expectations, he or she is corrected and reminded of the appropriate behavior
(teachable warning). If the misbehavior continues, he or she will receive a minor referral along with
parent contact. If the misbehavior continues, the student receives another minor referral along with second
parent contact. If the misbehavior happens a third time, the student receives a third minor referral in addition
to a third parent contact. A fourth minor referral becomes a major (administrative) referral, thus the
student loses PRIDE party privileges, until re-earned with adjusted number of required PRIDE




Minor = Major

Parent Contact
Parent Contact
Parent Contact
Grade level Administrative Referral (along with 3 previous
pink copies of minor referrals)

In the first semester (September through mid-January), when a student has earned the right to attend three
PRIDE Parties and has no administrative referrals, students will be allowed to go on a PRIDE fieldtrip at
the end of the semester. In the second semester (mid January through May), if a student has earned the right
to attend three PRIDE Parties and has no administrative referrals, they will be allowed to go on an end of
the year PRIDE fieldtrip at the end of the semester.
The emphasis of the PRIDE System is always on giving the student the opportunity to correct the
misbehavior and behave according to school wide expectations. Sometimes the student may need instruction
and reminders of the acceptable behavior, along with consistent reinforcement from teachers.
(Keep in mind that the ratio of positive to negative statements needs to be at least 4:1 to prevent the child
from getting discouraged and giving up). NOTE: Over the 2014-2015 school year, we will collaborate on
how to improve this PRIDE procedure to make it more meaningful, more positive, and less punitive
for students. Please forward all input to the PBIS Team.

PRIDE Tickets
PRIDE tickets will be implemented to reward students who demonstrate PRIDE expectations. Every teacher
and staff member will be given tickets to reward students seen demonstrating PRIDE expectations
throughout the school campus. PRIDE tickets can be given across grade, team, electives, and content levels
catch them being authentically good! The teacher will issue pre-stamped PRIDE tickets to students. It is
the students responsibility to write his or her name in ink on the front of the PRIDE ticket, and store it in a
secure place. Classroom teachers will have zip lock bags for those who need one. If a student loses a PRIDE
ticket, teachers should not issue a replacement PRIDE ticket. In addition, it is the students responsibility to
save their PRIDE tickets in a safe place until the monthly collection date. Teachers should not keep PRIDE
tickets for any student.
PRIDE tickets will be used to determine whether a student is able to attend PRIDE celebrations/parties.
Each month, the students Core 1 teacher will collect the required amount of tickets from the students. Mr.
Carter will provide teachers and administrators with a list of students who received a major referral(s) and
will need additional PRIDE tickets to attend the monthly PRIDE celebration/party. Teams are then
responsible for sending one master list of students who will attend the celebration to Mr. Carter and hall
administrator by the required time. Afterwards, the collected PRIDE tickets can be destroyed (recycled) and
a new set of PRIDE tickets will be issued. Ticket colors will rotate monthly, and it is the teachers
responsibility to secure PRIDE tickets.

Steps to PRIDE Celebrations/Parties:

Teachers are free to distribute PRIDE tickets to students who demonstrate PRIDE expectations.
Integrity of distributing tickets should be maintained at all times.
Students print name on front, store in secure place, and are responsible for securing his/her
Teachers will collect the required tickets, check for major referral(s), and submit list of eligible
students to Mr. Carter by the stated deadline.
Dispose collected PRIDE tickets.
Mr. Carter or PBIS hall representative will distribute new PRIDE tickets.

Raider Reflections is a monthly bulletin board where teachers will nominate students who exhibit specific
character traits. The students pictures will be taken, and posted in the hallway along with a brief description
of how they earned the recognition. The monthly traits are:

August/September: Self-Discipline
October: Respect
November: Honesty
December: Kindness
January: Responsibility
February: Fairness
March: Courage
April: Perseverance
May: Citizenship

PRIDE Reflection 2014/2015

This is your opportunity to reflect on your behavior, decide where you can improve, and rededicate yourself to
P.R.I.D.E. expectations. Please take advantage. Answer the following reflection questions with detailed answers and
think about your responsibility as a Sherwood Githens Middle School Raider.

Be Punctual

Show Respect

Have Integrity

Display Dedication

Model Excellence

Which P.R.I.D.E. expectation(s) did you not demonstrate and why?

What could you have done differently that would have prevented you from being bumped to another class?
How do you plan to display your P.R.I.D.E. from now on regarding this matter?
What else can your teacher(s) do to help you demonstrate P.R.I.D.E.?
Student Signature: ___________________________________________

Date: _______________

Teacher Response to Student:


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