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Henrys Freedom Box (Grade 3)

Curriculum Components
Big Ideas: ML2:
God has created human persons with free will and reason (the
ability to choose to do what is good or what is not good).
All human actions have consequences for which we are
responsible and that should be considered when making a moral
Sacred Scripture reveals the transcendent dignity of the human
person, their equality and differences and the desire of God for
human solidarity (i.e. justice, peace and harmony within the
human community).
Catholic Social Teaching is founded on the principle of human
dignity; human dignity stems from God and is of God because we
are made in Gods own image and likeness.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Materials Required:
Henrys Freedom Box
Religion books

Ministry Expectations
Fundamental Concept: ML2
Freedom and Responsibility, Reason, Conscience, and Conscience
Fundamental Concept: LS2
Social Justice Teachings of the Church
Overall Expectations:
ML2: Demonstrate an understanding of the gift of freedom and
responsibility that we have in the choices that we make in trying to live a
good Christian moral life.
LS2: Focus: Human dignity
Understand that God created all persons in his one image; equal in their
human dignity yet diverse in their being (i.e. male and female, weak and
strong, diversity of race, colour, creed, charisms, talents) and this equality
and diversity is to be respected.
-Learning Goals/Social Goals
- Learning Goals
1. Understanding justice and freedom
- Social Goals
1. Working cooperatively as a class
2. Attentive listening.
Prior Knowledge
- What freedom is
Minds On
Ask students to look at the cover of the book:
(Mental Set)
What do you notice on the front cover?
Why do you think the illustrator included these on the front cover?
5 minutes
Write answers on the board- in point form

20 -25minutes

Read the book Henrys Freedom Box

Pg. 3: Do you see those leaves blowing in the wind? They are torn from the trees
like slave children are torn from their families.

Why does Henrys mom say that slave children are like leaves?
Pg. 8: Free bird! Happy bird!

Do you think Henry wants to be like the birds?

Pg. 8: The leaves swirled in the wind.

Why do you think that the author tells us about the leaves here?

Pg. 16: Does Henry look happy here? Why not?

Pg. 21: Henry no longer sang. He couldnt hum.

Why cant Henry sing or hum anymore?

Pg. 24: Remember when Henry had to leave his family when he was younger and he
looked at the birds? What idea does he get when he sees this bird?

Pg. 29: How do you think Henry is feeling now that hes in the box?

Pg. 31: Someone might hear him.

What would happen if someone heard Henry?

ASK: What did you think of the story and Henry?

10 minutes

Return to first question asked about the front cover--- is there anything that you notice that we
didnt notice on the cover before?
What do you think the birds stand for?
What do you think the trees without leaves stand for?
If there is time, have students write in religion notebooks about which place represents
freedom for them. Why is the place where you feel most free?

Next Steps

Appendix Student Handout


Accommodation Consideration
- environmental accommodations

Assessment Opportunities
Assessment as/observational

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