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Yueh-Ting Tsai

Period 5B

Term 2 Project prompt #4 Jacobins

The political influence of the Jacobin movement during the French Revolution
revolved around the creation of the citizen and encouraged sentiments of
patriotism and liberty amongst the populace. The Jacobins saw themselves
as constitutionalists, dedicated to the Rights of Man, and, in particular, to the
Declaration's principle of "preservation of the natural rights of liberty,
property, security, and resistance to oppression". The Jacobin Club developed
into a bureau for French Republicanism. The Jacobin club movements
contemporaries, such as the King Louis XVI, located the effectiveness of the
revolutionary movement not in the force of weapons but in the marks of
political power. The Jacobins goals were to control several key political bodies
in particular the Committee of Public Safety. The Jacobins as a political force
were seen as less selfish, more patriotic, and more sympathetic to the Paris
Populace. This gave them a position of great authority that was effective in
generating and getting public pressure, generating and satisfying sansculotte pleas for personal freedom and social progress. The goals of the
Jacobins were to provide a strong government, good education, separation of
church, universal suffrage. They regulated the price of food, preserve French
revolution from counter-revolutionaries. Also protect Frances borders.
Maximilien Robespierre was viewed as the most typical political force of the
Jacobin Movement. Robespierres political views were firm in Rousseau's
notion of the social contract, which promoted "the rights of man".

Yueh-Ting Tsai
Period 5B

Robespierre particularly favored the rights of the broader population to eat.

Robespierre said What is the first goal of society? To maintain the
imprescribable rights of man. What is the first of these rights? The right to
The ultimate political view for the Jacobin movement was the Reign of Terror
overseen by the Committee of Public Safety, who was given executive
powers to purify and unify the Republic. The Committee
instituted requisitioning, rationing, and conscription to consolidate new
citizen armies. They instituted the Terror as a means of combating those they
perceived as enemies within.
The political club today performs many functions, including providing
campaign workers during elections to circulate petitions and distribute
campaign literature in shopping centers and from door to door. Club
members work phone banks and do their duty to spread the word about their
candidates. Members of clubs support fund-raising efforts of their county
organization and fund-raising by candidates. Most of these clubs have
monthly meetings, during which time they have guest speakers and club
discussions about national, state and local political developments. Clubs are
organized similar to the ways of other organizations. They elect their officers
and conduct meetings according to parliamentary procedures. Party county
and state organizations depend on clubs to provide campaign workers and
resources during election time. People who join political clubs are usually

Yueh-Ting Tsai
Period 5B

people with similar interests who have the same political views. Most clubs
have charters from the county organization, but clubs are also formed as
groups against the county organization. There are also independent clubs
that do not always follow the lead of high party authority. Almost all district
leaders and public office holders belong to political clubs in their districts.
Clubs help to spread the electoral system and encourage citizens to become
politically active. Membership in these grassroots clubs gives people an
opportunity to have an exchange of views and also work together to improve
government. Control of club leadership is important. Referring to Manhattan
in the 1940s and early 50s, almost all the Democratic Party political clubs
were under the direction of the Democratic county organization at the time,
which was led by Tammany Hall. During the late 1950s, a series of reform
Democratic clubs came into being. These new clubs challenged the Tammany
clubs for gaining new members and also the two groups of clubs would
support different candidates for party leadership in party primaries. During
the citywide Democratic Party primaries in 1961, the reformers won most
party positions. The reform clubs received a lot of the credit for their election
successes. So much in politics depends on having a good organization and
plan of action. Good leadership and resources also contribute to winning
elections. Today, political clubs do not exist the way they did 50 or 60 years
ago. Times have changed and there is not the same amount of interest as
there was years ago, but political clubs form the basis of our local political
structure and will for many years to come. It can be said that clubs help form

Yueh-Ting Tsai
Period 5B

our political democracy. When the media refers to the actions of political
parties, they for the most part are referring to the actions of elected
members of Congress, state Legislatures and national political party leaders.
The national media rarely refers to local club actions except in small town
weekly newspapers. The local political club has been with us a long time and
helps keep our political system intact.
So technically the political clubs today are a little different from the Jacobin
club during the French Revolution that is because we now have different kind
of working governments and also different views in politics. But there are
some things that are the same such as that the political clubs and Jacobins
club are helping the people to get the things they want such as a better
leader or to have human rights. Both clubs rely on Democratic. The clubs
grow rapidly and many people are joining it and it is spreading around the
world fast. Both clubs heavily effect the government or ruler because it
shows what the people want and that they are not afraid to do anything to
get it. The Jacobins were very big groups consisted of people with the same
interest goals and etc so that was what brought them together to defy the
government from wrong doings. All clubs today and also the Jacobins
wanted equal things and not have the government or official to be corrupt
and destroy the country. Both could lead to war if no side agrees with each

Yueh-Ting Tsai
Period 5B

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