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Middle Childhood

Physical Developmental Milestones

Provide your child opportunties to play sportss of thier choice, which envolves the use of
combination of skills like running, kicking, jumping, stoping, long jumps.
Children can participate in school /home recreation.

Language Development Milestones

"Children develop meta-linguistic awarness during middle childhood. This helps them
began to appreciate that communication can carry multiple layers of meaningof once,
beyond just the surface layer and the lightend meaning of the basic words that are used."
"Childrens technical communication skillsis also improved diring this period. Children
grasp of grammer improves, enabling them to start using more complex sentence
structures, in their speech nd writing. (www.sevencounties.org)
Cognitive Develpmental Milestones
Piaget's Concrete Operations, " During a mental operation, children imagine "what if"
senerios, which envolve the imaginal transformation of mental representations of things
that they have experienced in the world; people, places and things."

" Piaget described multiple operations that children began too master in middle childhood
including conversation, dencentration, reversability, hierarchical classification, seriation,
an spatal reasoning." (www.sevencounties.org)
Atypical Development
"The Brain is the organ that drives cognitive development and it's responsibility for
deviations in typical development. Children exibit, "Learning disabilities in planning and
problem solving. Externalizing disorders, ADHD, Conduct Disorder, disruptive behavior
disorder. Children when experiencing early institutialization experience, longterm,
deficits in excutive function." (www.sevencounties.org)
Stratagies that famlies can use to enhance their child's development
Set a routine for your child to read for one hour a day and after write a summary of what
the book was about. They can also share thier opinion about the story when they are
Allow your child opportunties to participate in physical activities and socialize.
Involve your child math games, provide opportuties to work in groups or various
Social Emotional Milestones
Children in this age group will show more independance from parents and family, start to
think about the future, understand more about his or her place in the world. They will
pay more attention to friendships and teamwork, want to be liked and accepted by
Self Regulation and Moral Reasonings

"Children are having extensive contact with society and must intensify their efforts to
come terms with both their own needs and goals and those of others in their social
environment." (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)

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