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Shauna Hernandez

EDU 225
March 22, 2015
Instructor Biba John

Part 1: Assessment Technology

This quiz was completed using socrative.com and unsure of how to obtain a link,
therefore it has been provided in document form. The requested way of completing
this quiz is for the student to type up the answers in a Microsoft Document or email, and then send the information to the teacher. This quiz is formative and is so
because it is about mastering the idea of technology involved learning and
assessments in general. Based off the answers received there would need to be
shown a consistency of knowledge with the topic. If it is not shown then as the
teacher, there would need to be added lesson on technology in lesson plans and
assessments in the classroom.
Answer Key:
1.) A
2.) C

3.) B
4.) C
5.) (Answers will vary) The best way for a teacher to make lesson plans with
technology in mind is for the teacher to be hands on, see what will work
best for the students, and what type of technology best matches with the
Part 2: Blog Post
For teachers, it is imperative the knowledge and data as to where students
are at in the curriculum be gathered regularly. This allows for the teacher to make
proper adjustments to what is being taught daily and throughout the year. It also
gives a benchmark for the educator to work off of. In order for the teacher to collect
the correct data, they will need more than just worksheets or papers written about
the topic. This is where software such as Socrative.com, Edmodo.com, and
Polldaddy.com comes in to play for teachers and helps to gather the information
needed to assess the classroom and students individually.

Technology to Facilitate Ongoing Efforts to Assess Student Learning

By utilizing assessment software the teacher allows for the flow of more creative ideas to
be used in the classroom. When the classroom is able to get live results about the answers to
what is being taught, it allows for more ideas and discussions to be present during the lesson.
This will then permit the teacher to re-visit the question(s) and further assess where the students
are at; from when the class first started to when the next question is asked. Properly integrating
the use of assessment technology in the classroom will help the teacher to determine where
students are at, upgrade the curriculum and/or lesson plans, and make quick changes where they

are needed. For the student, the assessments will help the student better understand where they
are, allow the parent to be more involved, and make changes to the way they learn the material.
Socrative.com: This website puts a twist on the old ways of testing by allowing the
teacher to choose three different ways that an assessment can go. There can be a quick-paced
quiz, a student based quiz (permits editing), and teacher-paced quiz. All three result in feedback
that creates a flow in the classroom that can relax and challenge the teacher and students to
redefine learning and make changes as needed for a better learning environment. One way the
teacher can best utilize this assessment software is by starting off the class with an assessment
about what was covered in last class, then by the middle of the class time administer another
assessment that will show an improvement for most students, then make adjustments as needed
to finish up the lesson.
Edmodo.com: Edmodo.com is somewhat like Socrative.com, however, it has its
differences that can be effective in the classroom. This assessment tool allows for the teacher to
give quizzes, take polls, post assignments, and post alerts that students and/or parents can see.
This is more like a community and keeps the class active long after the bell has rung. This can be
engaging for students and keep the topics being discussed at the forefront of their mind. The
assessment can begin in the class with a poll on the topic, which then engages the discussion,
then leads into the lecture, that will then carry on into homework at home where the student can
then complete a quiz on all that was covered. The questions can be made into short answers
which require more than just memorized answers and pull out the knowledge that was absorbed
during the time in the teachers classroom.
Polldaddy.com: This assessment tool allows for the teacher to conduct surveys, polls,
quizzes and ratings. The teacher is able to use different types of assessments to gather the data

needed about the students. Feedback from students can also help a teacher to assess what they
are doing, reinstate their goals, and make new goals to becoming a better teacher. When students
are given a voice it can make them better learners because they are engaged with what the
teacher is doing. As a teacher they can flip the requirements of the assignment and put it into
their hands.

Formative and Summative Assessments

Formative assessment is an evaluation of students during certain times throughout their
learning via different activities and coursework to assess where the student is at and how close
they are to mastering the content. Summative assessment is an evaluation of the student at any
point in their studies, like a pop quiz after a lesson is taught. It is usually at the end of the chapter
or section and the class does not progress to the next section until the test is taken. Formative
allows for the teacher to see what may need to be tweaked and changed in what is being taught in
the section the students are in almost immediately. With Summative, the teacher will not be able
to change the lesson or add because the assessment is done after the unit or section has already
been taught.
According to Gunter (pg. 321, 2015) some of the technology that can be used to assess students
1.) WebQuest or a Scavenger Hunt with KWL (already Know, Want to know, and Learned),
2.) Glogster has specific questions asked about the content of the lesson to see where
students are,
3.) Podcast using Audacity which allows teachers to create a guide with questions to students
that is audio based and the student writes down and explains their answers

4.) Voice Thread allows for students to discuss about the lessons they have been learning and
ask their classmates specific questions that help them to understand the content.
Socrative.com, Edmodo.com, and Polldaddy.com can all be utilized as formative or summative
assessments, because the websites open up the possibilities of using the tools before teaching the
lesson, during and/or after the lesson has been taught, and at the end of the unit/chapter/section.

Pros and Cons of using Technology to Facilitate Assessment

There are many pros and cons to using assessment tools in the classroom and the teacher
will encounter both at any given point in their teaching career. The pros to using the assessment
tools listed above and others that are available is that as an educator it allows the classroom to
flow in an easier manner, removes undue stress from the teacher and student, and it provides
feedback that can help a student excel above what they may have without the tool being used.
The cons to using assessment tools is that teachers can become dependent on the websites where
the tools are and not look for new a different ways of teaching, all of the data can be lost if it was
not backed up to a different location, and then the teacher could end up spending quite a bit of
money that may never be used in an effective way. Regardless of what the pros and cons may be
or can be, each teacher and school need to assess the tools that are being used and implement
them in a wise and needful way. The negatives cannot be avoided, however, it can be changed
into a positive if the teacher is willing to acknowledge the need.
The teacher should always be aware of different ways to handle the assessment of the
student and class. With the age of technology being at the forefront of classrooms, TV programs,
and many other everyday instances, the teacher needs to be prepared with a balanced addition of

assessment technology and yet still implement the hands on approach to assessing a student that
can also benefit them.
What is the importance of assessment technology in connection with the ISTE standards?
ISTE standards are put into place to help the teacher maintain the balance of technology
in the classroom. By ISTE standards, students need to be able to have in their life, the ability to
use technology in a meaningful manner. Assessments can also be completed by students and this
is learned through the teacher.
Concluding Paragraph for Software to Support Assessment
Technology will continue to grow and change in all areas, including assessments.
Teachers need to have the know-how to be able to change, add, and take away what is not
allowing the students or teacher to grow. There must be a continual growth that allows for the
use of assessment tools and software that benefits all parties involved. Assessment tools are there
to assist the teacher and should not become something for the educator to lean on, but something
to support the classroom in a positive and life changing way.

Gunter, G.A.,& Gunter, R.E. (2015). Teachers Discovery Computers Integrating Technology
in a Changing World (8th ed.)

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