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Question 12

Blue whales would take a lot to save, but were willing to help. If we had
unlimited sources, one of the things that would help blue whales would be silent
boats. Boats create a lot of noise in the water which can affect the way whales
communicate. Whales use their own language for calling mates and their children,
and definitely affect the way the hear each other. Overall, boats are a cause of blue
whales being endangered and this would help them.
The main cause of blue whales being endangered is whaling. Whaling is
hard to prevent, but with our ideas it will slowly get better. First we can limit the
amount of boats to go in the ocean, which will help with whaling and pollution.
Also, we can have inspectors check boats before they go out so they can make sure
there are no harmful things for the whales. Also, we can raise the fine for whaling
so more people will not whale. Overall, whaling is the major cause and these ideas
will help!
Another thing we could do is make battery powered boats, like battery
powered cars. This would help with the noise and pollution. Also, we can have
underwater cameras that will see into the water. This way, when a boat is about to
let out a net, the can make sure there are no whales near by that could get hurt.
Also, they would help so they know there are no whales near by when the boat is
moving. Overall, underwater cameras can help blue whales so people dont
accidentally harm them.
One more thing we could do is have a whale hotspot. Whales live all around
the world. In a few areas in different oceans where whales live, we could attract
them. Every few weeks or months, someone would go out and release a big
amount of krill in the water. They could count how many whales they see each
time they are attracted to the hot spot with the krill. This way, we will know if we
see more whales every few times, we know were helping. If we see the same, we
know that were not doing enough, and if we see less each time, then we know the
problem is getting worse. We really do think our ideas would help blue whales.
In conclusion, there are many things we would do for our recovery plan of
blue whales. We would make silent, battery powered boats. Also, we would limit
the amount of boats, have inspectors check them, and raise the fine for whaling.
Next, we would make underwater cameras to put on boats so people can make sure
there are no whales near by and they wouldnt hurt them. Lastly, to see what were
doing is helping or not, we would us the whale hot spot. We estimated to see
results and get things made this would take about ten years. Plus, we are thirteen
year old girls, so it would be hard to get our ideas through. Overall, blue whales are
magnificent creatures that need to be saved, and with our ideas they could be!

Question 1
The blue whale is endangered. In was listed officially in June, 1790. Many
things have led to this inclusion. In the twentieth century, people whaled on blue
whales for many things. Also, many boats that have been in the ocean have harmed
them. More than ninety-nine percent of blue whales that lived in Antarctica were
killed in the twentieth century. Humans were very interested in them because of
their size. Overall, the blue whale is endangered and need to be helped.

Question 11
The blue whale is the largest creature to every roam earth! Their tongues
alone can weigh up to how much an elephant weighs! It has reached lengths of 100
feet, and they have weighed up to 160 tons! It is larger than any dinosaur ever was.
They can swallow a volume of water larger than themselves. They eat four to six
tons of krill every day. Their blowholes can shoot water up to thirty feet high in the
air. Also, their heart is as small as a car! Overall, blue whales are the largest
animals on the planet!
Blue whales are also the loudest animals on Earth! Their call reaches
levels up to 188 decibels. A decibel is a unit used to measure the intensity of a
sound or the power level. This low-frequency whistle can be heard for hundreds of
miles. The blue whale is louder than a jet, which reaches only 140 decibels!
Human shouting is 70 decibels, and sounds over 120 decibels are painful to human
ears. Overall, blue whales have the loudest recorded sound on the planet!
Blue whales adapt to the cold waters they live in by using their blubber. Blue
whales blubber takes up about twenty-seven percent of their body mass. The
thickness of their blubber is about thirty-four millimeters! People use blue whale
blubber for soaps, candles, wax and much more since they have more blubber than
other whales do. In conclusion, there are many things that make the blue whale
unique and these are some of them!

Question 3
The blue whale is endangered mostly because of whaling. Whaling is the act
of killing whales for fun, or also for a source. They used the whales for food, oil,
and clothing. Since blue whales are the largest animal on the planet, they provide
an amazing amount of meat. They also hunted whales for oil, like cooking oil or
for other uses. Hunters then used the blue whales for clothing, using their skin as
rugs. It is said that hunters were drawn to blue whales because of their size.
Overall, the major cause of blue whales being endangered is whaling.
Another reason that blue whales are endangered is because of natural causes.
Blue whales have a very slow rate of reproduction. A female blue whale can only
give birth once at every two years, and to a single calf. Another thing that caused
this problem is fishing equipment. It is easy for blue whales to get entangled in
fishing nets and can get seriously injured. Another reason is vessel strike. Blue
whales can also die from getting hit with boats. In conclusion, blue whales are
endangered for many reasons and they need to be saved! The status of blue whales
currently is not so good. It was estimated that before they were hunted, there were
about 300,000 blue whales. Right now it is estimated that there are less than
15,000. That means that there is only five percent of blue whales left! The number
is about staying the same but is very slowly declining. Overall, blue whales are
endangered for many reasons.

Question 6
Though the blue whale is the biggest animal on the planet, it eats the
smallest. The blue whales diet consists of mostly krill and small fish. Since this
whale is so big, it needs to eat at least four tons of krill every day. Thats about
forty million krill every day! The only thing that eats a blue whale is an orca
whale. Also, cookie cutter sharks may take a bite of a blue whale, but cannot kill it
and eat it completely. When a whale is a baby, it will only feed on milk from its
mother. Blue whales eat by filter feeding. They take in water, eat the krill, and then
let the water back out. Overall, even though blue whales are the biggest animal,
they eat some of the smallest.

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