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What is reverse power relay?

Reverse Power flow relay are used in generating stations protection.

A generating station is supposed to feed power to the grid and in case generatin
g units are off,
there is no generation in the plant then plant may take power from grid. To stop
the flow of
power from grid to generator we use reverse power relay.
What will happen if DC supply is given on the primary of a transformer?
Mainly transformer has high inductance and low resistance. In case of DC supply
there is no
inductance, only resistance will act in the electrical circuit. So high electric
al current will flow
through primary side of the transformer. So for this reason coil and insulation
will burn out
When AC current flow to primary winding it induced alternating flux which also l
ink to
secondary winding so secondary current flow in secondary winding according to pr
current.Secondary current also induced emf (Back emf) in secondary winding which
induced emf of primary winding and thus control primary current also.
If DC current apply to Primary winding than alternating flux is not produced so
no secondary
emf induced in secondary winding so primary current may goes high and burn trans

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