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What is Leadership?
Maverick K. Maxcy
Leadership Studies MLSC-2301-010
Tarleton State University


Some say there are laws and rules to be an effective leader who is not only respected, but is seen
as a role model for others to follow. These individuals would be correct but not completely there
is a lot more to being and becoming a leader than what is simply taught and put on paper. An
officer or a solider has tasks and obligations. One may be to his family how to raise and teach his
kids. The legacy he must bestow upon his children and his childrens children. The individual
must know if he was born to be a soldier and has the heart to do the job through thick or thin. A
solider or leader of any kind must have a mission, a purpose to keep going. They must
understand the power they hold, what they stand for, not only are they an individual fighting for
what is right but as a whole they are a utility. They learn from experience the new life they must
come accustom to the life a solider and how to work in the society.


What is Leadership?
Webster dictionary defines leadership as the power or ability to lead other people. An individual
cannot just pick this up he has to be taught not only to lead but to follow when the time
comes. This paper will give an in depth look into leadership with personal views and
literary sources guided by John C. Maxwells book The 21 Irrefutable Laws of
leadership for if you follow them they will follow you (p.1.).
The Law of the Lid
The law of the lid in short describes effectiveness of leadership based on what the leader allows
or puts forth. To elaborate a group of people sit down to make fifty hats but the leader
only gives the group enough material for twenty five. When the leader does this he is
putting a cap or lid on the effectiveness of the group. The lid can help or hinder the group
if the group feels it is hindering the only way to improve it is by obtaining

leader. In Dana Priests book The Mission chapter seven talks about the

A-Teams in

Afghanistan. During different missions and situations leaders had a lid of

efficiency and they met that lid in many cases. In the event that a requirement was not met we

gather that parts of the team or possibly the leader were swapped out. This can been seen
in all walks of life and in all businesses who may have a problem success or dedication of
the leader and team.


The Law of Influence

The law of influence is as simple as it gets if you are unable to influence or change your situation
more than likely you will be unable to lead. Back in the late 1800s the Corps of Cadets
formed at Texas A&M University. In the beginning Robert P. Morris was
appointed to be

the first Commandant of the Cadets. Based on Maxwells book this could

not give

leadership it had to be earned and later on in the years Morris later given the


title of Major Morris earned the leadership. Major Morris, being the youngest in


institutes history to command, used the law of influence for the challenge he had ahead.
Since Major Morris was a temporary instructor until a current member of the military
could come in to teach the corps he had to use his intelligence and the ability to influence
the cadets to do what was needed at the time.

The Law of Process.

It is said that leaders develop daily not in a day therefore some may conclude that a leader is not
born but is made (p. 21.). There is a process to everything and there is a way to do
everything someone may be better than others some may be more effective or easier. The
point is there is a procedure to everything. In the todays society some individuals say a
leader is born while most say they are made. A leader is made and taught. Based on
Maxwells book there are 4 steps in a leaders growth. Step one is a person doesnt know
what he doesnt know therefore if he never learns what he doesnt know he can never
grow (p. 24.). To put this in a real world perspective if a CEO of a company believes he
knows the best way to run the market, and knows everything about the area, and
unwilling to look at new possibilities his leadership has flat lined to the point
where he

may no longer be an effective leader. So in short, remember what you


know and learn

what you do not know. Step two is I know what I do not know. This

basically means that the individual comes to a point in their lives where they realize they are
leading no one
and learn to

or come to know that they dont know how to lead. When they understand

handle this most who prove to be great leaders may seek out someone of higher

leadership and learn from them. Step three is when they apply what they have learned
and implement it into their leadership position. After the individual understands what
he was taught the person will start to entangle it into their life. Every time they
see the

opportunity they will use what they learn to make them and those who follow

better as a

whole. The fourth and final step is when the law of process becomes a second

nature or

muscle memory. In the third step you basically have become a more effective

leader than

you already were by the time you reach the last stage it is an instinctual response.


The Law of Respect

When I was growing up in the small town of Chicota, Texas my grandfather was very strict and
keen on teaching me respect. He also taught he and showed me examples within the small
community to help me better understand. He embedded in my mind that to be a good
person, or how I see it now, to be a good leader you must give the respect to others that
you would like to receive in return. If I want the help and respect of an adult I could not
just expect it I had to earn it and work to keep it he commonly used comparison

animals to teach me. A few examples of these would be ducks and deer because this was
a hunting dependent town comparison of nature were used the most. My grandfather,
Junior Vanderburg, told me one day to look up at the sky and tell him what I saw. When I
looked up a flock of ducks were passing by more than likely heading south for the


My grandfather told me they fly like that because the oldest and wiser duck

knows the

way better than the others and he knows the places for food, water, and stops. If

this is correct of not I will never know but it still holds true in the real world people tend to
follow those who show or have more leadership than themselves. The story of the deer
was similar that there is one buck in the herd that looks after and watches the herd a
leader among them who guides and protects. When I came to Tarleton State University I
did not know anyone and the same in ROTC. In the beginning I followed, looked up to,
and respected those who were here before me and learned from them. I see myself going
through the stages in leadership and I see how they have impacted me so far. The leaders
have used their influence to guide me and understand situations. They put a cap or lid on
certain expectations and I aimed to meet them. I also do not know what I do not know but
I am trying to know what I do not know. To me the tools and things I have learned are


helping me as an individual and one day it will help me lead others to strive to be more
like my leaders wanted me to be more.
The Law of Magnetism
Do magnets attract and repeal? Yes, the same way people are attracted and repealed from one
another. Imagine that everyone has a positive and negative sign about them.
People who share the same likes, qualities, and personalities are naturally
attracted to one another, and the same can be said about those who are
repealed by each other. No matter where you go this constant and is found in
every walk of life. A friend of mine, Justin Leugers, said you are the adverage
of your 3 friends when he said this I was confused but now I know he was

explaining the law of magnetism to me. Then as I looked at it with a different

angle I

saw that I attracted a certain kind of people. People that had similar qualities and


longer we were together the more we began to influence each other.

The Law of Priorties

Unlike some of the other laws this law without a doubt is the most overlooked and listed low in
peoples priorties. The Maxwell said leaders understand that activity is not necessarily
accomplished (pg. 175). Everyone has their own list of priorites that rate from most
important to least. This can be from making a good grade on a test to reciving the
promotion from work that is needed to move up in life. Also with every priority there is
the motivation or the willingness to go along with it. Someone may have a greater
motivation to get that promotion and in doing so that individual may receive it due to
1. What is Needed?


a. What is absoultly nessesary for you to achieve what you want. The accountablility
you have to accomplish task and make sure the job is done correctly and
2. What will give the best results?
a. The leader should always do the activites he excells in. If the leader was a great
accountant you wouldnt work in an area of heavy writing and english
b. Always remember to delegate the jobs to get the best out of your time and finish
job effectivley. If the leader has a team or mathmaticains and scientists the leader
would delegate tasks that best fit their strenghts.
3. What results in the best end product?
a. The individuals must have a passion or disire to do what they are working on ofr
if they do not the reward or end product will lack luster. Nothing energizes a
person the way motivation does (pg. 178).
For a leader to best understand and use prioritizing he must reorder, establish, understand
the bases, and refocus himself to every new situtaion to best acomplish the tasks.
The Law of Sacrifice
A leader must give up to go up, if the leader is unwilling to sacrifice his time and needs for
others her will not become an effective leader (pg. 183). In every walk of life leaders give
up ther time, life, and rights to help those around him and the job at hand. If the leader
does not sacrifice his needs when nessisary he will not move up according The Law of
Scarifice. The law is something that is continous it is not a one time thing. As the leaders
rise in leadership the rights and daily enjoyable activities of the leader decreases
as the

responsiblilties increase. A scenario os the Law of Scarifice would be: a very


active leader who hangs out with his friends, parties late into the night, plays

games and

watches television all through the night recently gets promoted to head


manager at his

local department store. At first there is not change in the person and he

notices the sales

and the environment overall has decreased drastically. As a result the

leader sacrifices his

socal life and rights to become a better leader and bring his establishment

back to what it

once was. If the leader in this scenario was unwilling to change the result

could have

been the loss of his job or the store.

The Law of Legacy

This law is what the leader leaves behind to inspire and continue his work. Cadet Joness
powerpoint explained that the law is measured by succession. This means how long will
the leaders impact effect the establishment and how things are done. Also how the leader
changed the perspective of the idea or the way the event was done and strived for it to
have an everlasting meaning.
How it affects you.
1. Develop you legacy
a. This means to achieve your achievement wether it be creating the first lacrosse
team at Tarleton State University or become the pool champion of the world.
2. Live your legacy
a. Make the leagcy happen do what it is you want to achieve and make sure it will
survive the test of time. Also make sure they are enough people who enjoy it to
continue the new found tradition.
3. Pick a successor
a. Find the next leader who will not only continue the tradition, but strive to make it
better and more effective than what it was before.
4. Pass the legacy
a. After your time has come to an end let go and let the legacy, your legacy, grow
and evolve to something that will forever be remembered and become a beacon of
success and significance.



The irrefutable laws of leadership is a continuous and ongoing process. A leader can not
just have one and become the most effective leader for all of them together is what makes a great
leader. The ability to learn, understand, and influence others to become more than what are, are
qualities nessesary for a leader to have in order to achieve great things. I wish you success.
Pursue your dreams. Desire excellence. Become the person you were created to be (Maxwell, p.




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