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Venipuncture Skills List Name: COURTN2Y NaNUZ Date: 44] 3/14 ITEM _ [DID THE STUDENT: YES | NO Patient Assessment and Documentation 1 Check patient identification? a 2 Introduce self to patient? Z 3 ‘Obiain thorough patient history? ra 4 Explain procedure to the patient? Wa 5 ‘Answer questions from patient? a 6 Verify availability of Crash Cart? aa ‘Standard Precautions 1 ‘Wash hands before and after procedure? 1 2 Use protective devices as appropriate? 3 Use sterile technique? 2 | 4 Properly dispose of contaminates? wa Preparation/Venipuncture 1 Collect all equipment needed? eA 2 Open cannula package? Wa 3 Tear tape? 4 Apply tourniquet correct fa 5 Select appropriate vein? Z 6 Release tourniquet? [7 Clean site center to periphery? — 8 Allow site to dry? Zz 9 ut on protective gloves? Za 10 [Inform patient of puncture? = 11 | Bnier the vein at appropriate angle? Wa 12 | Aseptically insert cannula with bevel up? 13 | Confirm blood return? a 14 Release tourniquet? ea 15 [Anchor cannula with tape? z= 16 | Observe for signs of infiltration? = 17___| Observe for adverse reactions? i ‘Removal of Cannula _ 18 Stabilize cannula and remove tape? 19, Place sterile gauze over site? 20 Smoothly remove cannula? 21 Elevate and apply pressure to site? 7 2 Apply dressing or band-aid? a B Verify if cannula was removed intact? 24 Remove gloves and wash hands? Inetrussor las Eharssbar yp

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