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Event Date: May , 2014
Event Type: Science Fair Exhibition
Objective: Earth science objectives will be explored through hands-on problem
solving and research to investigate questions about Earth preservation,
recycling, global warming (climate change) and other impacts that humans
have on our natural habitat (Earth).
Event: We are hosting an extended community meeting on May 1st to show off
some of the science learning that is already taking place in classrooms, and to
allow students to act as scientists in exploring questions that solve (or attempt
to solve) some big science ideas. All science related themes can connect to
stewardship and going green, so use what you are already working on to
make connections.
Funds: >We have a little bit of $ for really needed materials where recycled and
reused materials cannot be collected or found, we have $ for projects that involve
energy saving sustainability.
>Also, we have funds for a school garden. There is an organization available for
classroom visits to teach about growing plants in grades k-8.
Materials: Garden materials (soil, worms, seeds, & a hose) are available from Great
Kids Farms, ask Ms. Herz!

Grade Level Criteria:

Teachers- Plan whole group questions to investigate student activity options/
ideas for presentations that attempt to answer science questions.
Kinder/1st/2nd gr. may want to share experiments including whole group and/
or individual product to show learning about science theme/topic
3/4 /7th/8th gr may want to explore individual experiments that share
solutions/conclusions to hypothesis about science questions
Student Incentives
Prizes/ Ribbons- 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes in each grade group, and
honorable mentions in grades kinder through 8th grade

Methods of Implementation
3-8th- can be done whole group, small groups, or individual student experiment
that explore a student driven question or present conclusions/findings to an
environmental problem.
K-2 can be done whole group (or individually). Student driven question and a
conclusion to an environmental problem.
Science questions, and projects that explore those questoins should align with
VSC standards for Earth Science.
Teacher: present theme, get students thinking through questioning/discussion/
idea generation, students present more questions to science theme and choose
science experiments that MAY be able to answer their questions.
Display: Two students from each class will be chosen to visually share their
attempts, research methods, and findings to present what they learned.
Bulletin Boards (w/ or w/o tables) can display the photo documentation,
writing and artifacts of student research.
Display Options:
Trifold boards (traditional science fair boards that takes the viewer through the
process of drawing the conclusion), or document panels of some kind that can
document the steps and questions that were explored, also the research,
expert topic, worksheets, photos (please include drafts, its all about the
process!)Other cool ways to show or exemplify research, findings and
Video, Animation, Photographs taken over several days or next 3 weeks,
Play (skit)
PSA (commercial)
Models- shoeboxes, mobiles
Drawings (3D- standing drawings, pencil/crayon etc)
Journals - recording experiments, and reactions etc.


1. Choose a time to meet with grade groups/schedule time with Ms.

Akpaidem/Herz, after or before school for 15-30 minutes this week if
you need help
2. Teacher Action Plans, (theme, questions, potential research, potential
project outcomes) in brief, to be completed by Friday.
3. Get the kids EXCITED about research and winning!!!!
Please return to Ms. Herzs Mailbox by Friday April 12th

Teacher Name: ______________________________________
2 potential Date/Times you would like to meet before or after school:

Questions to Consider: ______________________________________
Ways of Researching: _______________________________________
Project Outcomes: __________________________________________

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