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PRESHOW: set up chairs, wipe down bar

Gaston enter SL from back, Freddy at bar

Einstein enter
SR, leaning

to Freddy at bar

freddy x to einstein,
Gaston counters SL

Freddy x down stairs SR, to

audience member

Freddy comes back onstage,

behind bar
Einstein exits thru toilet door USL

Germaine enter SR, goes

behind bar

Germaine X SL, cleaning

tables, end by Gaston

Einstein enters thru

door SR

Freddy x DSR,
Germaine follows

Germaine circle
around, end up by

Germaine x bar,
take tray, give
people drinks

einstein at dsr
table, freddy at

x down level w Einstein,

Freddy in front of bar

Germaine put
tray back on

Freddy x back to bar,

Germaine Einstein meet
at table DSR


x in front of center table

far SR behind bar

Freddy x behind middle of table

Germaine x to
bar, get drinks.
come around

all laugh, sigh, Freddy

x back to bar,
Germaine in front of
bar SR

gradually x DS

Germaine x back to bar

Freddy - x DS, pacing


x slowly
from L to R

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