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Classroom Management Plan

Setting Up the Classroom

1. I will establish classroom habits through explicit instruction, modeling and
practice. My classroom habits are:
a. Respectful listening/raise your hand: This is defined as not talking while
the teacher is talking or while other students are talking. Raise your hand
and wait to be called on if you would like to contribute to the class
discussion. Listening intently to the speaker.
b. At the bell-starter: The minute you walk into the classroom you should
begin the starter quietly and individually.
c. Remain in your seat: During class, unless otherwise instructed to move,
you should remain in your seat, sitting forward, with your feet flat on the
floor. If you need to get up for any reason, you should check with me first.
d. Follow directions: We will be moving around a lot in this class. Thus, it
is essential that you follow directions the first time you hear them. When I
give directions in Spanish, you may always ask me to repeat if you did not
understand. Simply say, Repita.
2. I will establish classroom procedures and routines through explicit instruction,
modeling and practice.
My classroom procedures are:
a. Spanish: This classroom will be taught using a 90/10 model. I will speak
90% of the time in Spanish with 10% English. I will use English to talk
about logistics, homework, upcoming exams, etc. I expect all students to
use only Spanish when they are in my classroom.
b. Raise your hand if you want to contribute to the discussion
c. Hall Pass: You may not use the hall pass during the first 10 minutes or the
last 10 minutes of class. If I notice that people are abusing hall passes, I
will remove this privilege.
d. Late work will be accepted; however, you will receive a deduction in
your grade.
e. Participation is essential in this classroom. As such, you need to be here
ready to learn, take notes, talk with partners or groups when instructed,
and practice lots of Spanish.
f. Respect your fellow classmates and the classroom. There is zero tolerance
for disrespectful behavior.
g. Come prepared. Bring a pen or pencil, binder, notebook, homework, etc.
to class everyday.
h. No cell phones! Period.
i. No sleeping! If you are sleeping, I will ask you to call home to a parent.
j. Dont touch anybodys things except your own!
3. Maintaining the routine: In order to maintain the routine and create a positive
learning environment for my students, I will use the following strategies:

a. Positive cues. If you are on task, you will know it!

b. Proximity: If you are off task, you will know it because I will be standing
right by your desk!
c. Precision language: If I need to ask you to get back on task, you will
know by my direct, clear request.
d. Time cues: I will let you know how much time you have to work on a
particular assignment so that you can use your time appropriately.
4. Rewards: I love rewarding positive behavior and look for the opportunity to do
a. Pesos-Students that are respectful and show leadership will be awarded
with pesos. Pesos can be used to buy candy or other goodies. Sometimes,
we will have a class auction and pesos can be used during this time.
b. Extra credit: Students that stay on task and help other students will be
rewarded with extra credit points on class assignments and tests.
c. Positive attitude: If you are on task, and receiving extra credit, pesos, and
positives cues you will feel happy!
d. Free time: If the whole class is on task, I will reward you with time to
relax and chat with friends.
e. Class parties/fiestas: If the entire class shows leadership, does their work,
and has a positive attitude, we will have a fiesta!
5. Consequences:
a. Verbal warning: First warning
b. New seating chart: If multiple people in the class are off task, I will
create a new seating chart.
c. Loss of participation points and class rewards
d. Cool-off in the hall-way with some jumping jacks: If I have to ask you
multiple times to get back on task you will cool-off in the hall. I may even
ask you to do jumping jacks.
e. Call to your parents/guardians: If your off-task behavior is habitual, I
will call your parents/guardians to discuss some options.
f. Administration involvement: If necessary, we will meet with the
administration to develop a behavior plan
g. Behavior trackers.
References: Much of the framework for my classroom management plan comes from the
following reference:
Forlini, G., Williams, E., & Brinkman, A. (2010). Class Acts. Bronxville, NY: Lavender
Hill Press.

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