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Symbiotic Relationships

- A relationship where one organism (the parasite) benefits at the expense
of another organism (the host). The host is usually harmed but not killed.
- +/- Relationship
- Most common type of relationship
Estimated 25% of all animal species are parasites
- Host provides a continuous supply of nutrients to the parasite
- Often the parasite is so dependent, the parasite could not survive without
the host
- All disease causing microorganisms (including viruses)
- streptococcus (bacteria) in the mouth that causes cavities
- A relationship where one species benefits from the association, but the
other is neither harmed nor benefited.
- +/0 relationship
- intestinal bacteria
- corynebacterium (bacteria on the eye) live on secretions and discarded
- A relationship where both organisms benefit
- Neither organism is harmed by the relationship
- +/+ Relationship
o fungi on roots of plants helps plants absorb nutrients

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