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LEANING OUTCOME: Critique and evaluate cultural patterns in both historical and

current events.

1. What learning outcome(s) did this meet? How?

I actually didnt critique or evaluate cultural patterns in the video, but what I thought during
the project is that how come Iraq becomes so violent country. Through this project I leaned
and saw variety of cultural perspective, and I sometimes couldnt accept the perspectives. For
example, in Iraq, the main religion is Islam which allow people to kill someone who against
Islam religion. I couldnt understand their religion and perspective because I believe that God
treats people fairly no matter what race, color, or religion they have. Also, Islam has some
rules that discriminate gender.

2. What makes it your best work? What did you learn by creating it? What does it say about

For this group project, I failed to contact and corporate with my group members for personal
reasons, so Ive done this all by myself. I put much effort and worked hard on this project, so
this is the best project in this class. To creating video was very challenging to me because I
had never had the experience to make video from scratch by myself. I learned that there are
many perspectives throughout the world, and I should never prejudice them unless I learned

their culture, religion, and perspectives because people living in the culture or having the
perspectives are serious about it and believe that is right.

3. What skills did you use to learn the material in this assignment/project? Which were most
effective? Why?

I used my experience from the past. Ive lived in different countries for years before moved
to the United States. Based on the experiences, I researched a lot about the culture, language,
ethnicity, and religion to find which country is relevant to the topic and interesting before
pick countries for the project.

I added what other classmates told me. I got both good and

bad reactions for my first video from other classmates, and I learned it is important because
they could told me what I can do to make the video better. Researching is most effective for
this project because I could narrow down the choices to research.

4. List three ways you think you have grown or developed as a result of this

I definitely developed my video making skills like taking movies, editing videos, recording
my voice, and adding closed capture and my voice to the final video. I use my ability to
remember the past experiences. I watched some videos that introducing how to add CC or
how to record a video. I got a skill to find materials that help me complete my assignments.

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