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Name: Jordan Harrington

PART A: Students will create

a video on an historical figure. They will create the video

by adding images from the internet, audio files, and a video file. They will add a title
page as well as a credit page that includes citations from the images, audio, and
video. Students will need to research the historical figure and find appropriate images
and an appropriate video about the historical figure.
Grade Level: 1st
Content Area: Social Studies
Technology Used (check all that apply): X Movie Audio Podcast Vodcast Other: (list)

SS1H1 The student will read about and

describe the life of historical figures in American history.
a. Identify the contributions made by these figures: Benjamin Franklin
(inventor/author/ statesman), Thomas Jefferson (Declaration of Independence),
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark with Sacagawea (exploration), Harriet Tubman
(Underground Railroad), Theodore Roosevelt (National Parks and the environment),
George Washington Carver (science).
Content Area/Grade/Standards/Topics Addressed:

The teacher will introduce the class to the

project by showing them the already made video on Thomas Jefferson. Students will
watch the video together as a class. The students will then create their own video.
The teacher will help the students create their individual videos. The teacher will be a
facilitator and walk around the classroom and help students. This project will take a
time span of a few class periods. The students will be creating this video to be
played in front of the classroom as well as to be published on the classroom blog for
parents to view. The teacher will assess the videos and provide feedback to the
Student Engagement/Higher-Order Thinking: LoTi level 5 Students are creating their own
video. Their videos will be published on the classroom blog.
Brief Description of Learning Experience:

This project could not be completed without a multimedia

authoring tool. Technology is required to complete this project. Students will need to
be able to use a computer and interent to search for the components for the video.
Importance of technology:

Inspiration (optional):

Internet safety might be a concern for this project.

Students will be monitored while using the computers as well as the internet. The
students will not be including any personal information so there will be no privacy
concerns. I will minimize the safety risks and parent concerns by sending a letter
home to parents explaining the project and what it includes. The parents will need to
sign and return the letter.
Internet Safety and Student Privacy:

Other comments about your proposed student multimedia authoring activity:

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