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Aly Sat Casey vohemer Jennifer Sgmm Kristopher TSeRor> Tiara A> Psychological Criticism + Psychological Criticism © The analysis of how the three personality structures in character influence a work asa whole. * Three personality structures o ID * Part of the brain that contains primitive impulses. + Ex: Thirst © Anger © Hunger and desire for instant gratification or release. © Superego * Conscience the moral part of us. * Develops due to moral and ethical restraints placed on us by our caregivers. + Dictates our belief in right and wrong, o Ego + Keeps balance between Id and superego. * Benefits of Psychological Criticism © Offers many different angles of approach to a work of literature. © A reader can explore the psychologies of fictional characters, working to understand their actions and motives wondering about such questions of human behavior and perception in literature is the counter piece. © A reader can explore the psychology of a writer as expressed in a work. * Even though the deeper meanings may be shielded from the writers’ awareness, the creative expression of subconscious feeling is the focus of literature. The issue in any literature work don’t just belong to the individual writer but also to his or her time and place. © As writing is therapeutic for writers, so can reading be therapeutic for readers. © As we gain knowledge about human behavior, we can understand ourselves and other people better, to the long-range benefit of our personal psychological health and our society’s psychological health. ° + Questions to ask yourself ‘© How do the operations of repression structure or inform the work? © Are there any oedipal dynamics ~ or any other family dynamics ~ are work here? © How can characters’ behavior, narrative events, and/or images be explained in terms of psychoanalytic concepts of any kind? + For example: : + Fear + Fascination with death + Sexuality o Love © Romance © Sexual behavior + A primary indication of psychological identity or the operations of ego-id-superego © What does the work suggest about the psychological being of its author? © What might a given interpretation of a literary work suggest about the psychological motives of the reader? © Are there prominent words in the piece that could have different or meanings? ‘© Could there be a subconscious reason for the author using these “problem words"? + Teaching Considerations ‘© Ask Questions + “What psychological insights can we gain from reading this text?” “What can we learn about human behavior and ourselves from this story?” + “Identify what they perceive the characters in a story want, what our characters feat, what characters main internal obstacles are to attain their goals?” © Have Students read and discuss specific psychological models or frameworks © Short reading on some of the psychological defense mechanisms Freudians identity, including: = Repressions + Denial = regression + rationalization + intellectualization * projection * sublimation See whether we can explain characters behavior or any authorial strategies in terms of those, defense mechanisms. Scene: hitp://www.cleanvideosearch.com/media/action/yv/wateh?v=pEmELN6. Rayunna eam Archetypal Criticism Definition/Explanation: © Archetypal Criticism is concerned with the way cycles and reiterating patterns of tradition, culture, and inborn images. © Archetype is a symbol that represents human behavior such as personality/characteristics. ° It’s a prototype or first model for all others. Mental functions and behaviors of humans. Example 1- Heros: Exaggerates the normal proportions of humanity. Example 2- The mentor: His or her task is to protect the main character. It is through the wise advice and training of a mentor that the main character achieves success in the world. © An archetype is the usual model or design of a person, place or thing. Benefits: © Reinforces our knowledge of mythology(nature, history, and culture). © Understanding archetypes can help you understand the characters of the novel. Applying archetype to literature can help the reader understand the text. Issues/Consideration: © The task is to write your own romance/heroic quest story. Invent or find a setting, create a hero, and write your tale. Try to use as many traditional romance/heroic quest story elements as possible to demonstrate your understanding of the archetypal elements of this type of story. Questions: © What archetypal elements can you find in this literary work? © Do you see any recurring imagery or any mythic plots, characters, themes and symbols? © How do these archetypal elements contribute to the work as a whole? ‘© How and why are these archetypes embodied in the work? https://www.youtube.com/watch?\ HaivpNssqVA Moral Criticism Explanation > The examination of whether something is honorable or evil > Look at: = What is honorable in ambiguous/ complex situation? = How justice is achieved? = What makes something evil, why it exist, and how to face it? a Resolving differences between values and society ethics. Definition > The time- honored belief about a writer's primary responsibility is; to provoke moral thought and promote positive moral values in readers, Benefits of Moral Criticism > Thinking of things morally acknowledges central issues and themes > Thinking about things in moral critic lens gives us chance to think about what it means to be a moral human being. > Provokes moral thoughts. Consideration > Ina like vein, Peter elaborated: “There is a difference between depiction and promotion. If a work of art is just depicting an evil event is not immoral. If it promotes evil ideas or concepts, it can be judged immoral. Questions to think about > Does the author treat the subject with maturity, sincerity, honesty, sensitivity, and/ or courage? > Does the text attempt to negatively influence the reader? > What moral lesson/ ethical teaching was the author conveying through the characters, plot, or theme? > Does the text present a moral lesson or idea? > How do the characters, setting, and plot events represent moral principles? Examples > Song lyrics (When | was in the third grade | thought that | was gay, ‘Cause | could draw, my uncle was, and | kept my room straight) Teaching Suggestions and Considerations > Have the class listen to the song, and have an open class discussion led by the following questions: = Are there any moral issues at stake? = What might we identify as some of the song's major themes? = What morals (subjects) are being explored in the song? = Does this song make you consider any moral issues in new/different ways? > Write a work of fiction based around a specific moral. Lyrics- http:/Avww. azlyrics.com/lyries/macklemore/samelove.htm! Song- http:/www.cleanvideosearch.com/media/action/ytwatch?v=hIVBg7_08n0 Feminist Criticism What is Feminism? Society's Definition: ‘Women who want more power for themselves and think that men are beneath them. © Feminist reject men's issues and problems and view them as unimportant. © Believe that they are better than men and displays them as savages. ‘Actual Definition Equality between men and women worldwidé, regardless of race, political views, or citizenship. Rather than thinking less of men's issues, women believe that these struggles should not be divided by sex, but go hand in hand as issues that need to be addressed. ‘© They do not want to put anyone beneath them, rather put everyone the same level and give everyone the same basic human rights they deserve. ~The class activity will be to think of one famous (or infamous) actor, singer, or politician who they believe is either feminist or not, and answer to how this person represents feminism in a positive or negative view. hitos.Jwww, youtube. com/watch?v=LXxQla-5nSw_ = Inorder for us to look at Feminist Criticism through a Literary Lens, we needed to understand what feminism is. Now listening to Beyonce's “Pretty Hurts’, we ask the following questions: How does Beyonce portray women throughout the video? What is the message behind the lyrics saying about Feminism? Does this song support feminist ideals through it's lyrics? ‘* How can we connect the theme of the song to Feminism? ‘These are examples of how to ask questions about a piece of literature through a Feminist view. How is feminism portrayed, in a positive or negative way? What does message from the text state about feminism? Does this support feminist ideals? - Benefits to Feminist lens: By using Feminist Criticism, we are able to show two very different views between a Feminist's view and society's views on women, and how the theme of the text can either be for or against Feminist ideals. ‘Savannah Sep, Political/Advocacy Criticism Tic AER, Elexus sams, Kenny BONER é& Michaela HOUR " To be just, that is to say, to justify it's existence, criticism should be partial, passionate and political, that is to say, written from an exclusive point of view, but a point of view that opens up the widest horizons.” -Charles Baudelaire Definition- The interactions between people regarding power and it's potential to betterorbatter human lives. Explanation-The aim of the political advocacy criticism lens sto engage the imagination in on-going social and political issues. The lens focuses on social aspects rather than individual factors or personal responses. The lens focuseson the treatment of power andit's distribution Benefits: Encourages critical thinking about political issues in general Raises consciousness/awareness Questions falsehoods Puts human faces on suffering. Causes one to break down ideas into smallerpieces Arouses indignation Cultivates sympathy Allowsa person to imagine the perspective of being against authority and government Teaching Issues and Considerations: ‘© Encourage students todebate © Havean openenvironment where students can ask questions '* Assumptions about class, race, gender and culture ‘© Stereotypical opinions about women, minorities, gays, poorfolk, and other victims of oppression Questions to ask Yourself: Have the problems and challenges revealed in the literary work been addressed in our world today? ‘s Doesthe work shed lighton injustices we, as a people, should be working to overcome? + How does this affect and does this affect the community? Example: The Dark Knight Rises video clip http://www cleanvideosearch.com/media/action/yt/watch video! \SxNySZBPIA

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