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Running Head: Abortion

Community Problem Report: Abortion

The University of Texas at El Paso
RWS 1301
April 12, 2015
Michelle Gutirrez


This community problem report talks about what abortion is and the different point of
view of the people. There are statistics and facts that will help the better understanding of the
topic; it includes a image to understand the statics. There are possible causes why people choose
to abort and possible causes why people choose pro-life.


Each year, nearly 1.2 million American women have an abortion to end a pregnancy.
To end or continue a pregnancy is a very personal decision whether because it is correct to
do it or not. The community says that people should not end a life because of religious
reasons; some others say that it is best to commit abortion tan to have an unwanted child.
Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy by taking out the fetus from the uterus before the
fetus can live by itself. There are several methods of abortion Manual Vacuum Aspiration,
Suction, D & C (Dilation and Curettage), and Saline Injection. Abortion is an important
topic to know about because society has a really big impact talking about this community
problem. This report will cover the importance and impacts of abortion among our society
since the last few years and now a day.
Abortion is a controversial problem as people think of appropriateness. However,
Abortion is necessary in many cases. Many women choose abortion because of personal
issues or unwanted pregnancies. In other cases an abortion is necessary for medical
complications. For instance, if you develop any serious viral disease it is really important to
attend a medical abortion in order to proceed to any necessary treatment. According to
William L. Donegan Estimating 3.5 million live births in the United States annually and
ignoring abortions one can expect at least 3, 472 cases of cancer during pregnancy each
year. As you can see cancer during pregnancy is not an abnormality but it is really
dangerous, in these extreme cases it is better to go for a medical termination of pregnancy.
This means that it is recommended to abort because it is really important to start the
treatment for the cancer and the harsh chemicals of the chemotherapy can be really harmful
to the baby. In the other hand if the woman waits for the baby to be born when the diagnoses


shows cancer it could result could be fatal to the baby. As you can see in many cases is very
necessary to choose an abortion.
At this day there are many young women that do not think in the future
consequences that an abortion could have and even though it will keep problems away, if
they do not think the situation maturely, they will live with that decision during all their life
and will regret it. Frequently the abortions are because they do not want the baby, they are
too young, they do not have a partner, and there is no money. People think an abortion is the
only way to take care of unwanted babies while there are too many other options. According
to Fine and Zolna, Half of pregnancies among American women are unintended and about
four in 10 of these ends in abortion without having information about abortion. This means
that these women that choose abortion to end their unintended pregnancy thought that
abortion was the only way. This women lack of people that inform them all the benefits and
consequences of abortion; there are different organizations that offer abortion education in
which they teach them all the alternatives to abortion. Partial Birth Abortions they are
normally performed in emergency situations where a delivery is posing an extreme danger
to the woman. There are many possible causes for this community problem to increment, it
could be poverty, single mothers, rape, lack of knowledge and the list goes on. To take the
decision people need to make sure that they have all the knowledge and take the best
decision in a mature way.
Abortion Statistics
In a recent survey made by gallup.com shows that Americans still remain divided
on the issue of abortion, with 47% of U.S. adults describing their views as "pro-choice" and
46% as "pro-life," continuing a pattern seen since 2010. This means that the 93% of the


Americans that participated in the survey are in a tied between pro-choice and pro-life
this shows how controversy this community problem which is abortion is. The people who
are pro-choice are more
into the individual choice;
which means that they see
the possible problems that
the person could have at the
moment that they decide to
abort. Most of the people
who are pro-life see the
community problem in a religious perspective; this means that they see abortion as a sin
because people who choose abortion decide to kill an innocent life. People have been
participating in surveys since 1995; this is when Americans answers were more towards
pro-choice, by 2009 the answer where also reflected in the pro-choice label until this
last survey in 2014 the answers remain split.
There are different effects on society because of abortion; some examples are
economic cost of abortion, people says that abortion would be beneficial for women;
abortion was supposed to empower women by making them achieve independence and
equality. Women that choose to abort are supposed to have power just because they took an
important decision in their life. Whether they regret or not that decision is what some people
do not know because they have not yet taking that similar decision.


People will always have different perspective about this community problem
because of different reasons. Whether is religion, morality, single parents, money, health
issues, incest, rape, etc. Abortion was, is, and will always be a really controversial topic in
which people will have something to talk about. The topics will be pro-choice, and prolife with different topics in between these two main ones. Abortion is an important topic to
know about because society has a really big impact talking about this community problem.
People will always have a controversy argument for abortion whether is for own experience
or morality.


Holmquist S, Gilliam M (2008). Induced abortion. In RS Gibbs et al., eds., Danforth's Obstetrics
and Gynecology, 10th ed., pp. 586603. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
Finer LB and Zolna MR, Shifts in intended and unintended pregnancies in the United States,
20012008, American Journal of Public Health, 2014, 104(S1): S44-S48.
7 Reasons You May Need An Abortion. (2013, February 5). Retrieved April 10, 2015, from
U.S. Still Split on Abortion: 47% Pro-Choice, 46% Pro-Life. (2014, May 22). Retrieved April 10,
2015, from http://www.gallup.com/poll/170249/split-abortion-pro-choice-pro-life.aspx
Impact of Abortion on Society. (n.d.). Retrieved April 10, 2015, from

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