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Discuss Group Formation and Techniques for Building Effective Teams

Presented to
Perry Barton
MGMT 2215-Team Project

Ebikere Borha

February 9, 2015

A group means people with a minimum of five, who come together for a common goal or
purpose. It is free and voluntary, there is also cooperation expressed by mutual respect, love and
assistance. A group is formed for mutual economic, political and social benefits. There are
political groups, who select candidates to represent them during elections. There are social


groups, they help with the socializing part of the society and act as a means of awareness. An
economic group deals with the economy and how to improve it.
The main reason why a group will be formed is based on their common interests and
interactions. In business, groups are formed so as a means to carry out projects or tasks, which
makes work faster and quicker to meet the deadline. Group formation is the act of creating a
group. The stages or steps that are involved in creating a group to carry out a project. For
someone to form a group, the person has to be patient, have empathy, business knowledge, be
committed, be realistic, and be respectful, be honest and have integrity. Forming a group takes
time and a plan on how the group will be formed should be initialized. Groups dont just form
like that, it takes time for a group to be formed. Psychologist Bruce Tuckman identified four
stages of group formation. These stages help to understand what it takes to form a group and how
the group can be managed.
Stages of Group Formation
1. Forming
In this stage, the group members that have been chosen show different feelings.
Some may be anxious, others may be excited, wanting to know what the group is about
and how to achieve the vision of the group. Members build their relationship with each
other. This is when team building begins and trust is established. Limits will also be
established as certain behavior is exhibited. This is when the task of the group and the
members will be decided. There will be open meetings, welcome comments from the
manager or leader of the group and orientation. The atmosphere established here will be
about safety and acceptance filled with direction and guidance from the leader or
manager. The leader has to be inclusive and empowering, making sure that everyone is
involved and accept diversity.
2. Storming
Storming is the second stage in group formation. It has to do with introducing
conflict and competition into the work environment. Letting the group members know
that it is alright to compete. In the business or corporate world, this happens a week after
the group has been formed. It gives the group members time to think and reflect on the
forming of the group. If the group members were quiet in the first week, they tend to
voice their opinions in this stage. The leader has to coach the members so as there will be
successful getting along in as much as there are interpersonal conflicts and differences of
opinions. If the group is not able to manage their conflicts and if the purposes and goals
are not clear, the group may fail or collapse at this point. It is very necessary that
everyone should be heard before an agreement is established. The leader should be open
and ethical to other peoples ideas. Examining any biases that may be an obstacle to the
progress of the group.

3. Norming
After the conflicts have been resolved, the group can move to have a plan on how
to execute the tasks or project at hand. The expectations everyone has of each other is
clear and the members accept it. Towards delegating tasks, formal and informal


procedures are used and also responding to questions. At this stage, members of the group
come to know how the group as a whole operates. Things begin to work, cohesion,
sharing and trust building, creativity and skill acquisition are all included in this stage.
The leader supports the group members by showing it. There is often a prolonged overlap
between storming and norming because, sometimes, when new tasks comes up, the team
may fall back to the behavior from storming stage. The leader should be fair with the
processes in this stage. If there are new members, they should be welcomes and informed
of what is going on in the group so far. There should be continuous clarification of the
expectations of the members. Everyone should be engaged in team work.
4. Performing
This is the achievement stage, where all the hard work shows. This stage is easier
than the other stages. It is easy to be part of the group at this stage, there is little
disruption of performance from people who join or leave. The leader can concentrate on
developing team members. The group is focused on performing its task, working
effectively to accomplish its goals. Members will be learning new skills from each other
and they can celebrate their accomplishments. It is very unrealistic for the group to
remain in the stage permanently. When there are new members or some old members
leave, there will be a new process of forming, storming and performing so that everyone
can learn about each other. There may be conflicts without the group. For a group to
remain healthy, the group has to go through these stages.
Techniques for Building Effective Teams
There are certain techniques that can be used to build effective teams. These techniques
can be seen as a guide to make sure the teams are effective. Building teams that are not effective
is a waste of time and resources. A team will be as strong as it is set up, for someone to put
together a team, it is going to take time and being smart at analyzing the business objectives.
Teams that are very efficient, productive and cohesive and have good members that are ready to
work do not just spring out from thin air. Teams are successful because the team members
cooperate very well as well as share common goals and resources to make sure they accomplish
their goals. For the team to be effective, tasks are given to them in a way that can portray each
members skills and interests rather than letting the people that are the loudest and domineering
to outshine the others. The team leader has to have an understanding of the business to be able to
pick good team members and to learn the strengths of the team members to be which is going to
be a factor when it is time to build an effective team.
The following techniques can be used to build effective teams
1. Picking team members
Picking team members should be the first techniques knowing the type of people you
want to join your team and approaching. Talking to them and knowing their mindset is
good. Each of the team members should have an interest in the team and its objectives
and be ready to participate. Picking the wrong team members will make the team a
disaster from the beginning and the team might fall apart. Pick team members that are
ready to be in a team and work with other people. That is why during job interviews, the
interviewer makes sure the interviewee knows that he or she has to work with other
people as a team for the common goals of the organization. It should be the same with


building a team. Good team players make an excellent team. Finding out their
weaknesses and strengths is also good, so as time goes on, the leader will work towards
helping the team members with their weaknesses and make sure they dont lose their
strengths but become stronger.

2. Communication
Communication is very important. The lines of communication has to be open.
Information has to be shared as much as possible. The team members have to have a clear
understanding of the teams objectives and the expectations expected of them. The team
members need to also know that they will have the resources needed to carry out any
projects assigned to them. The team members have to know how their performance will
affect the organizations success. The common goals of the team will be established that
way they know what they are working towards. Each person should know his or her role
and how the role can contribute in achieving the common purpose of the team. This
should be done in specific terms, for example, Perry, youll be in charge of the project
coordination. From the example, Perry is given a specific role to play in the team. When
communication flows in a team, conflicts will be reduced and team members wont be
confused in their role or what is expected of them. Communication will also let the team
members know when there is a change in the team or in the project they might be
working on.
3. Commitment
The team members have to show they are fully committed. Their actions should show
they are, that is why they should be watched closely and rated on their participation. It is
mandatory that they commit to the team. It is necessary for the team performance. The
team members have to publicly commit to their personal tasks for them to have an
effective team. For team members that have difficulty in committing, they should be
asked what their problems are for not committing, if they need assistance or not. It is the
responsibility for the team leader to assist team members where they are lacking and help
them remove any obstacles. Team members should also be recognized for their
contribution that way they commit more and have a reason to keep committing. Team
members have to know they are valuable to the team or the organization at large. Team
members should also know they can learn from others, they can grow and develop on the
team that way they can have more reasons to commit. Another way to make team
members committed is by putting them in touch with their clients or customers. The
leader has to make sure the team members are keeping in constant touch with their clients
or customers and they are treating them well and being as professional as ever. Then the
team leader can also help them by getting more clients or customers for them. This will
help them have reasons to commit. When there are changes, it is good to remind the team
members to tell their clients or customers that changes have been made.
4. Competence
Does the team have competent team members? Do the team members have the necessary
ability, knowledge or skill to get assigned projects done? With time the team leader tends
to see the team members that are competent or not. Competency is very important. Team


members have to show their skills, knowledge and abilities to carry out tasks. They need
to prove themselves. The first three weeks of building an effective team should show
team members that are competent and going to be competent or not.
5. Control
This is to give the team members freedom and empowerment so that they can feel they
are in control of getting their assigned project done. They should set their boundaries and
know them. Allow team members to make suggestions if there are any changes in their
assigned task, how they do it, and the experience they get daily, what works and what
doesnt. The way to make them give their suggestions is to prove to them that their
suggestions, if not all, some will be taken into consideration and some will be acted upon.
Team members should be allowed to contribute solutions to the team problems. When
team members feel like they dont have a bit of control it becomes an issue. Control can
make team members creative because they are required to take care of their individual
projects. Team members can be able to help each other when they know they have a little
bit of control, creating ideas and implementing them.
6. Resolve conflict
There will be disagreements among team members. It is normal for conflicts to arise.
When conflicts are handled well it can lead to constructive ideas. Team members can get
on each others nerves and this can annoy the team members. The work processes that
they have may break down. The important thing to know is that a level of conflict is
normal for a team. There should also be anticipation that conflict may arise when there
are changes in memberships or goals. Allow problems come up and then tackle them.
Dont just say forget about it or let it go. If the conflicts are not resolved it can get
personal and heated. Each team has a different way of resolving conflicts. Find a way that
conflicts can be resolved in your team. A diverse team may be more difficult to resolve
conflicts. Let each member involved in the conflict explain his or her side of the problem,
making sure they are not interrupted or mocked when explaining. Team members should
be encouraged to settle conflicts themselves if they can, if they cannot, they know they
can count on the team leader to help. The team leader has no choice but to help resolve
conflicts in other for them to move on to more important things.
7. Leadership role
The leader of the team should not forget his or her role as a leader. The leader should
know that he or she is to hold each team member accountable for the roles they play
because the team leader will be held accountable for anything that happens by his or her
boss. The leader should always remember his or her role. The leader should know he or
she is expected to get real results from the team members. In as much as a leader wants to
be open and nice, the leader should also be tough and a little bit strict. Joking all the time
with team members or being too soft will make some team members take the leader for
granted. The leader has to be open to ideas and also help. The leader is a leader but not a
superman or superwoman. Being open-minded is good for a leader. The leader should
also know how to work alongside the team members. When the leader gives them a task,
the team leader should sit with them and explain the tasks and help wherever possible.
This will give them confidence and telling them they are capable of doing the tasks will


boost their self-esteem. Inspirational talks should be done by the leader from time to time
to make sure they remember who they are and what they are working towards.
Confidence goes a long way for an effective team. Even as a leader, one may not have all
the answers all the time, asking the team members will help. It will also show that that
the leader has believes in his or her team. A leader should build strong relationship with
team members.
8. Motivation
The team members should always be motivated so that they can participate more. An
effective team leader should want team members that are proactive and always excited
about the next project. Asking for team members to contribute to the inputs of the team is
a way to motivate them, also praising them. It is just to make each member feel valuable.
Encouraging participation because some team members can be more dominating than
others. So, encouraging the less dominating ones is a way to encourage and motivate
them, showing they are recognized and seen. Let the team members know that their ideas
wont be criticized that way they would feel free to say what they want to say. There
should be a brainstorming section where ideas will be exchanged and everyone can say
what they think about it. This will motivate team members and encourage participation.
9. Make sure minority views or unpopular view
When a team is successful or on that successful road, they tend to think together. But
there are some team members that can still see flaws in the team or improvements that
need to be made. They may be politely be ignored or treated with hostility. Teams in such
a situation may fail when their environment requires change and there is no change or a
new environment to adapt to. The team leader can build trust by encouraging a diversity
of opinion. Inquire into more views. Ask questions like What else do we need to
consider? That way anyone that has more things to say will be glad to say it. Allowing
others to share their perspective that have not been considered to be laid out and everyone
gives their ideas about the perspective. The dominating ones or majority should know
that they have to trust the minority that their perspectives and intentions come from a
good place. The minority should know that they can speak up and should not be scared to
voice out their opinion. The leader will listen and take everything being said and note
who is saying them so they can be recognized afterwards.
10. Time Management
Time management should be considered as one of the techniques for building a team.
There should always be a deadline for all projects and the team members have to meet the
deadlines. When deadlines are met, it brings more clients or customers who are willing to
do business or allow the team members carry out projects or tasks for them. Time
management is so important. Not only should the leader practice time management but
also the team members. From the beginning of building an effective team, the leader
should talk to the team members about time management. How they can manage their
time, why they should manage their time. The team should have goals, visions and a
deadline to accomplish all of them. Effective time management does not necessarily
mean getting everything done, but managing the time one has to get the important
projects or tasks done. Team members should also know how and when to take time out


for themselves so as not to over work themselves. A way of revitalizing themselves.

Sometimes there is way too much to do and so little time to do it, then everyone becomes
overwhelmed and begin wasting time on little unimportant things. Not procrastinating
can help with effective time management. As soon as tasks or projects are assigned, team
members should start on it immediately without wasting any time or procrastinating. The
leader should also talk to them about procrastinating, they need to know they should not
procrastinate but get work done. The earlier they finish the better they can move on to
other things. But when there is procrastination, everything can go wrong, deadlines may
not be met, clients and customers may get angry and take their business elsewhere. Too
much to do at the last minute can be stressful. Team members should not work under
stress because they can be cranky and this may bring conflict. So an effective team needs
to practice an effective time management, that way, team members can have time for
work and their personal life. When team members have a good personal life and good
personal time management they can work well at their jobs. There should be little
exercises to do so they can relax from time to time and know it is not only about work all
the time.
11. Appraise and reward
Appraising and rewarding the team as time goes on is very important. From the minute
the team members are picked, the goals and purpose for building the team are
communicated to them, they should be rewarded and praised on their efforts. The effort
they put in should be recognized. Little celebrations can be good, even if it is pizza for
them, or tacos. Individuals should also be reviewed and praised and corrected. This way
they know how good they are doing and correct their mistakes if there are any. The
expectations should be listed for them, from the way they cooperate with their team
members, being able to engage in good communication with other team members, being
able to help others solve their problems or go through a trying period. Team members
should be encouraged to provide feedback to each other. They can review each other and
correct each other as they work together and get their tasks done. Giving positive
feedback is better than focusing on just the negative feedback.
12. Team successes
Team successes should be communicated to the team members as time goes on. The
teams need to be reminded of their successes in the past, or any other success story. They
have to know that even if there is a little bit of rough time, things will get better, letting
the organization know the teams accomplishment. The leader should be proud to talk
about the teams accomplishment and make others realize there is more accomplishment
to come. If the team did it once the team can do it again and again. That way the team
will look at themselves as a successful team and will be willing to continue on that part.
Including things like what the team actually accomplished, how it was important to the
organization and the challenges they were able to over. Give names of the team members
that helped one way or the other to accomplish everything including people outside the
team that helped. When others hear the success stories, they are proud of the team,
encouraged to join the team if there is any chance for them and also it helps people to be
productive in the society.


From group formation to techniques for building an effective team is not easy. Knowing
the common interests and the reason why one wants to form a group is very essential before
group formation. Know the project that is to be carried out and the time of group that should be
formed. If the group is a political group, economic group, social group, religious group or an
entertainment group. Groups and teams have to have a reason or purpose for being formed or
built. From the stages of group formation, one can see that for a group to be formed, one has to
carry out each stage. Go from stage to stage so that everything can be formed accordingly. And
any mistakes at any stage can be easily corrected or not repeated again.
For the techniques for building an effective team, applying these techniques as one moves
along and making sure they are applied in the right ways will make the team very effective. The
team becomes really effective when the team members dont just see their tasks as jobs but also
as a contribution to the success of the team. Following these techniques, a leader will see that he
or she can take their team to any level they want. As time goes on, the techniques become easy to
apply and even more techniques comes up. Making the team members feel appreciated and
letting them know they are not wasting their time in the team will go a long way to make them
happy and they will increase their effort to participate in the team work.

Works Cited


David W. Johnson, Frank P. Johnson What is Group Formation? Effective ways to form a
group. (1994) 3 Feb. 2015.
Jim Cain, Barry Jolliff Stages if Group Formation. Group Formation (1998). Kendall Hunt
Publishers, 3 Feb. 2015.
Komives S, Lucas N, McMahon, T. Exploring Leadership. College Student Who Want to
Make a Difference. (1998). Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Phil Bartle. Group Formation. Group Formation and Development. (1967). Web. July 2010.
Stan, Mack. Effective Teamwork Techniques. Global Post Americas World News. Demand
Media. Web. 3 February. 2015.
Susan M. Hearthfield. 6 More Tips for Team Building. How to Build Successful Work Teams.
Web. 2014. 3 February. 2015.
Tuckman, B.N. Developmental Sequence in Small Groups. Psychology Bulletin. Volume 63.
June 1965. Web. 3 February 2015.

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