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Practical Nursing Diploma Program

Final Clinical Evaluation Form

Student: Sharon Taylor

Student Number: 822-734-778

Course: NURS 261


Jan 2014

S: Satisfactory

Section: 26

April 2014

ND: Needs Development

Summary of Areas of Practice

Competent and safe practice

in a professional, legal and
ethical framework

U: Unsatisfactory

Student Comments:
Summary of clinical

Faculty Comments: Summary

of clinical Experience

iii. I have recognized my

strengths and weaknesses from
peer feed-backs received and by

iii) you have completed a peer

feedback and a self-evaluation
that contains both strengths
and areas for development
(however this was done
towards the end of your
rotation it is also important
that you continue to recognize
any areas while you are
working on the floor this
means that you continually
reflect as you go about your
tasks and ask for assistance
when you have questions or
when you have not done a
nursing procedure and need
further instruction or guidance
from your instructor or from
nursing staff I am sure that
you already do this but it
should also be stated.


v. I ensure client safety by

making sure the call bell is
within reach, side rails are
raised when bed is in elevated
position and keeping
environment free from
potentially harmful elements eg.
cleaning up spills and placing
sharps in bio-hazards.
iv. I provide care consistent with
knowledge gained from this
course by using hand washing
and personal protective
equipment (gloves, mask,
gowns) to protect against any




v) good understanding of this

objective, Sharon, as
demonstrated by your example.
Protecting the client in this way
is also part of CNO regulatory
iv) you have identified
evidence-based practice and
theory-based approach from
your classes at Humber it
should be noted that the source
of these courses are based
upon CNO standards and
regulations other sources are
your peer-reviewed textbooks
your examples of hand-washing
and isolation techniques are
based within standard
regulation principles.

You have achieved satisfaction

in these objectives.








iii. I give thorough patient report

to nurse at shift change and
when leaving for break stating
any patient refusal of
medication, any medication that
was placed on hold or reporting
any abnormal findings.

iii) you have recognized the

significance of this objective as
demonstrated by the examples
that you have provided good
work, Sharon. It should also be
noted that your communication
is done throughout your shift
(which I know that you do).

iv. I used appropriate body

language, tone of voice and
maintain eye contact when
communicating with client ,
family members and health care

iv) good example of the

different types of
communication that are
available to you you recognize
the significance of this

ii. I am capable in the use of

meditech to make clear,
accurate documentation of
patients record of care and
assessments done such as
vitals, ADLs, respiratory and
neurological with minimal
assistance from the clinical

ii) you have understood this

objective as evidenced by your
example accurate
documentation also means that
you change the time-clock in
Meditech so that your task
reflects the time that you did it.
This becomes most important
when time becomes important
when, for example, accessing a
worsening patient condition or
when STAT drugs are required.
You have achieved satisfaction
in these objectives.

Caring relational practice




i.I listen attentively, maintain eye

contact and speak in an
appropriate tone to client and
health team members.
ii. include client as a partner in
care identifying the clients goals
and preferences in the type of
care require.
v. I interact with interprofessional health care team by
participating in respiratory and
speech pathologist information




i)your example recognizes that

communication techniques are
part of the building blocks of
therapeutic relationship
building and demonstrates your
commitment to this area of
relational practice good work,
ii) excellent example that
demonstrates your recognition
of your client as an
autonomous person who
determines, by choice, the care
that he/she accepts or refuses
based on their goals
v) you have recognized the
importance of interacting with
the different healthcare
professionals available to your
client another example would
be the daily huddle that meets
on the clinical floor
You have achieved satisfaction
on these objectives.

Leadership and advocacy




ii. I consult clinical instructor

before pouring medication for
clients, also checking clients
identification badges against
MAR before administering
iii. I advocate for my client by
making recommendation to
nurse for a change in oral
medication from a tablet to liquid
form as my client had aphasia.
iv. I provide feedback and accept
feed-back from peers by doing
peer evaluation




ii) you recognize the

significance of working
together, in this case, with
your instructor when
administering medications
iii) good example for
advocating on behalf of your
client you recognized an area
that required a change in the
patients plan of care and went
to the appropriate staff in an
effort to accommodate a
patients changing environment
iv) you have provided a peer
feedback and accepted
feedback from a peer and done
a self-evaluation that contained
both areas of strength and
areas for development, as per
student assignment also note
that you receive feedback from
your primary nurse or instructor
throughout your clinical day as
you acquire new skills or refine
them. Accepting feedback also
provides you with a role model
in how to provide feedback to

You have achieved satisfaction
on these objectives.

Plans of care: Meeting

Clients Needs and Mutually
Agreed Expected Outcomes




iii. I use knowledge skills and

judgment to assess clients
needs by completing a weekly
nursing care plan.
v. I am able to perform a head to
toe assessment on client
accurately and in a timely
manner with minimum help from
clinical instructor.
vii. I am able to complete AM
care, and administer medication
for two clients in an organized
and timely manner with minimal
assistance from clinical




iii) completing a NCP provides

an example that highlights
areas that require medical and
nursing interventions focusing
on particular areas of your
physical assessment is also
determined by the primary and
secondary medical diagnosis
and offers you the means to
know where to prioritize your
areas of nursing care
v) your example of a head-totoe assessment completed in a
timely manner and with
minimal assist from your
instructor demonstrates your
understanding of this objective
head-to-toe assessments are
based on theoretical nursing
frameworks as laid out by the
CNO and RNAO best practice.
vii) you have recognized the
importance of this objective
and have demonstrated that
you are able to provide timely
and organized care when your
patient load increased to 2
patients (this included AM care
and medication administration).
Good job, Sharon.
You have achieved satisfaction
in these objectives.

Collaborative Practice




iv. I demonstrate willingness to

work effectively with team
members by assisting in clients
shower and bed making.
iii. I seek out information from
members of the interprofessional health care team in
regards of transport of client to
OT or PT.
vi. I interact with charge nurse,
RN, and clinical instructor in a
respectful manner.




iv) you have recognized the

usefulness and effectiveness of
teamwork (work alongside
RPNs, RNs and PSWs ) when
providing ADLs for patients consensus building recognizes
a common goal in this case,
the common goal was to
complete ADLs in a timely
manner so that patients could
attend scheduled OT or PT
iii) you have identified
occupational and physiotherapy
as members of the interprofessional team and have

interacted with them in regards

to scheduled patient
appointments and demonstrate
that you recognize the services
that they provide for the
patient you have also
attended in-services with
physio and speech therapy and
increased your knowledge in
transferring techniques and
swallowing assessments
vi) you have demonstrated
that you recognize the different
levels of nursing (charge, RN,
clinical instructor) and
understand their unique roles
and competencies due to your
interactions with them
You have acquired satisfaction
in these objectives

Quality Assurance




ii. I reflect on my clinical

practices and obtain peer
evaluation to determine
strengths and areas for
iii. I have develop a learning
plan to meet my learning goals;
to be competent in the
administration and to be
proficient in my critical thinking
v. I have developed drug cards
which I refer to for accuracy in
drug action and classification of
medication to improve my
nursing practices.




ii) your example demonstrates

that you make regular clinical
reflections in addition to
receiving a peer evaluation.
You have also created a selfevaluation, all of which contain
areas of strength and areas for
iii) you have created a learning
care plan that contains 2 goals
with strategies that are
projected into the next clinical
rotation this is done to allow
you time for reflection and
opportunity for ongoing
v) your example of drug card
development demonstrates one
strategy to recognize
classifications, drug actions,
nursing interventions and side
effects, etc., as a method for
learning and personal growth
and development in nursing
You have achieved satisfaction
in these objectives.

Critical Thinking, Problem

Solving and Decision




iv. I listen attentively to nurses

report in the mornings, listen to
clients and make observations
to help determined priority for




iv) your example demonstrate

that you have gained
knowledge from shift change
report although listening to

clients care.
v. I ensure that client is up early
and have AM care and
medication administration done
in a timely manner before going
to therapy.
vi. I introduce myself and explain
my role to client before
administering care and ensure
that practice is consistent with
facility and CNOs standard of

clients is good as it assists you

in focusing your care to those
areas, your nursing
interventions arise from RNAO
best practices, and CNO
standards and regulations,
nursing textbooks and peerreviewed literature
v) you have recognized one
reason for the importance of
prioritizing the care of your
patient as a means for them to
attend appointments from other
healthcare members another
reason would include meeting
your clients needs when their
physical needs should change
or need modification
vi) you have provided a good
example of professionalism;
you identify your nursing role
before care is begun. Another
example is wearing your ID
badge, and wearing the
appropriate nursing garb.
Accountability is met when you
complete your nursing tasks
and document in a timely and
concise manner or give regular
patient updates or immediate
updates if you obtain abnormal
values, to the primary care
You have achieved satisfaction
in this area

I have read and understand this form and its contents

Student Signature:


Faculty Signature:


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