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Playful Kiss

Based on the popular manga, Oh Ha Ni is a
clumsy student who falls for the perfectionist, Baek
Seung Jo. However, Seung Jo is indifferent towards
her and rejects her love. When Ha Ni's house
collapses, she and her father moves into his longtime friend's house. It turns out that Seung Jo is the
friend's son and Ha Ni is given the opportunity to
be near the guy she loves. Will she be able to move
Seung Jo's heart?


Kim Hyun Joong as Baek Seung Jo

Jung So Min as Oh Ha Ni

Lee Tae Sung as Bong Joon Gu

Lee Si Young as Yoon He Ra

Production Credits

Production Company: Group Eight

Chief Producer: Han Hee

Producer: Song Byung Joon ()

Director: Hwang In Roe, Kim Do Hyung ()

Original writing: Manga "Itazura na Kiss" by Tada Kaoru

Screenwriter: Go Eun Nim ()

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