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Vicky Yu
Mrs. D. Morris
English IV Block A
March 17, 2015
Bad Beauty
In Bangkok, Thailand, more and more girls have used plastic surgery to help them look
better. With this popularity, some hospitals or the clinics become well known popular. The
popularity plastic surgery has not only happened in Thailand but all over the world. The share of
the plastic surgery market around world is 21 trillion dollars (Korean Plastic Surgery Stats
Edition 2014 | Seoul TouchUp). Some people think that plastic surgery is a effective way to
change themselves. They believe that plastic surgery is a safe and good method to become
beautiful. However, most people maintain that plastic surgery is a dangerous and risky way to
change their appearance. Plastic surgery is the fastest and most effective way to make a person
become beautiful in appearance, however. the disadvantages out-weight the advantages; plastic
surgery is dangerous and people do it without thinking about the risks, cost, and how it will
affect them.
Plastic surgery is a type of surgery to help people change their appearance. There are
various kinds that can help people with different issues with their body and face. For example, if
people want to enlarge their breasts the doctor will add a silica gel bag of salt solution into their
breasts. This surgery is the most common surgery in the world. There is liposuction, facelifts,
double eyelid surgery and so on. Those surgeries use different products and machines to help
different parts of the body (Roizen 293). Now days, plastic surgery is a common thing. Not only

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women do this but also men. Many people desire, to be good looking like the television stars.
Teenagers are pretty vulnerable to media, because the media shows a perfect role model who
they want to mimic, like pop star or actress. Now the desire for plastic surgeries is not just
thought to be immature or frivolous, but also for a better life, social skills, and get more selfesteem. Since the technology of plastic surgery has greatly develop, a large amount of teenagers
use plastic surgery to improve themselves.
There are some advantages of choosing plastic surgeries. Dr. Michael Fredric Roizen,
born January 7th in 1946, is an anesthesiologist, physician and internist. Dr. Michael is an author
and the chief doctor at the Cleveland Clinic. Dr. Roizen was famous for developing the RealAge
concept the anti-aging program. In the book, Dr. Roizen mentions that exercises or some beauty
tips might help people become more beautiful, but there are still some people that will never be
happy with their look. It is common for people to have plastic surgery to change their looks
permanently, and there are a variety of types of surgery that can help people with any type of
question they have with their body. Those options can help people change the way they want to
be, also plastic surgery is the fastest way. People want to be attractive because they believe if
they are attractive, they can attract attentions, have many friends and acquire more happiness. Dr.
Lukash,"a board-certified cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon in practice in Manhattan
and Long Island since 1981, is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery at the Albert Einstein
College of Medicine"(Plastic Surgeon Nassau County | Dr. Frederick N. Lukash M.D.|
Manhasset | Great Neck). He advised that plastic surgery can boost teenagers self-confidences.
But Dr. Lukash only agrees on those plastic surgeries that are essential for those teenage. For
example, a boy name Scott who has uneven ears, was bullied by some his classmates Scott had

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plastic surgery to resolve being bullied. Now he has so more self-confidences around his friends
and his classmate (Lukash 99). In case like this, plastic surgery can help a teenager.
Since plastic surgery is very popular and everybody only sees the successful cases of
plastic surgeries, people often forgot the risks that are involved. There still exist many dangerous
part in the surgeries. Some cosmetic product will endanger a peoples' health. For example, in
France many women because of cosmetic surgeries, got skin cancer and died because of it. Some
normally breast surgeries cause such overwhelming pain in the breast that a person cannot live
normally. Even though surgeons are aware of the side affects, many will not sufficiently warn
their patients (Edmonds). More and more people are having plastic surgery. In Thailand, some
girls don't care what products the hospital is using or how sanitary environment is, because they
want to be beautiful. There have been many hospitals that used fake medicine and dangerous
equipment. Lots of girls have been hurt by this, however, some girls still don't care, because they
thought this is the risk they should take to be beautiful (Bangkoks Deadly Obsession with
Beauty).There is a16 years old girl who broke her leg and to try to become taller. The treatment
was agreed on by both her parents and herself and they both thought it was worth it to do so. The
girl stopped growing when she was 4 feet and 9 inches, so she wanted to be an average height
and aspired to be an air host. Therefore, she wanted to have the plastic surgery to change her
height, the doctors thought this operation is reachable if the girl is a healthy teenager however
they never test this treatment, they just use the girl's case as a experiment. The girl has had three
operations and is only 5 feet 2 inches now. The treatment sounds ridiculous and dangerous but
the girls are willing to do it (Cosmetic Surgery Controversy). Some girls cannot choose, because
their parents force them to do it. An Asian father wanted his daughter to westernize her eyes, so

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her eyes can look bigger when she smiles. The father never asked how his daughter thought. He
thought this would make his daughter happier, but this is not true, children have her own right to
decide how they want to look, but in some countries they are not allowed this rights. Unlike
adults who can choose to take the risk or not, children have no choice and unable to express
themselves (Ouellette). The cost of the surgeries are very high and are not cover by insurance,
thus people need to pay the full cost.
Plastic surgery is not a permanent method and, of course natural is the best way. Plastic
surgery can not last forever. If they don't have the injection every year they will back to normal
even more worse than before. The backfire thing is if people get to many times injection their
skin will turn to yellow and they can get sickness by that. Nevertheless, the standard of beauty is
changed, nowadays people prefer a more natural and the unique beauty. The standards of beauty
are changing. Christine, a stylists from the Paris fashion magazine, tells us that why stylists like
new model because of their unique look. Even the looks were unperfected, but that is the natural
way people look like and that is more beautiful. Beauty is not a small face, big mouth and small
nose, beauty is about uniqueness and being natural. People should not change their original look,
because having a natural look is the permeant beauty (Lennon).
Plastic surgery contains many risk like sequelae, fake products, and the chemicals
without government approval. For teenagers even more worse, teenagers need to take the risk by
their own which they cannot afford or control. The plastic surgery can help people boost their
confidence, but the surgeries not always successful, there are still many problem behind them.
Staying the way people naturally are is the safest and better way to be beautiful and more selfconfident.

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Work Cited
"Bangkoks Deadly Obsession with Beauty." AP Video News 2012. AP Mobile.Web. 20 Jan.
"Cosmetic Surgery Controversy." BBC News [Video] 13 Nov. 2000. BBC.Web. 20 Jan. 2015.
Edmonds, Alexander. "The Risks of Cosmetic Surgery Should Not Be Ignored." The Culture of
Beauty. Ed. Louise I. Gerdes. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013.
"Fresh Faces." Medicine, Health, and Bioethics: Essential Primary Sources. Ed. K. Lee Lerner
and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. Detroit: Gale, 2006. 408-411. Web. 20 Jan. 2015.
"Korean Plastic Surgery Stats Edition 2014 | Seoul TouchUp." Seoul TouchUp.
seoultouchup.com, n.d. Web. 16 Apr. 2015.
Lennon, Christine. "The Standards of Beauty Are Changing." The Culture of Beauty. Ed. Roman
Espejo. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2010. Rpt. from "Your Changing Ideal of Pretty."
Marie Claire 12 (Oct. 2005): 130-133. Web. 20 Jan. 2015.
Lukash, Frederick N. "The Ears" The Safe and Sane Guide to Teenage Plastic Surgery. Dallas,
TX: BenBella, 2010. 99-100. Print.
Ouellette, Alicia. "Eyes wide open: surgery to westernize the eyes of an Asian child." The
Hastings Center Report Jan.-Feb. 2009: 15+. Web. 20 Jan. 2015.
"Plastic Surgeon Nassau County | Dr. Frederick N. Lukash M.D.| Manhasset | Great Neck." Dr.
Frederick N. Lukash M.D. Http://www.drlukash.com, n.d. Web. 16 Apr. 2015.
Roizen, Michael F., Mehmet Oz, and Ted Spiker. "Appendix: Healing with Steel." You, Being
Beautiful: The Owner's Manual to Inner and Outer Beauty. New York: Free, 2008.
393-99. Print

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