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a very warm good moenining to one and all present.

first of all let us analyse what health means..health is defined as the state of
complete physical, mental nad social well being and not merely absence of
disease..the sayings like healh is wealth , there is wealth without wealth etc are well
without proper health a person cannt enjoy the pleasures of life and the world
seems dull and full of sadness...
good health boosts the confidenc of a person and helps him to do his work
effectively and efficiently.and
only a healthy person can contribute positively towards the development of the
soceitty and the nation.
the importance of health has also been highlighted by great people like swami
vivekananda, mahatma gandhi etc..
but in the present scenario health is becoming the last priority for the people. the
neglect their health in order to comlete their work assingnements etc..they eat junk
food and become obese.
obesity is becoming a problem in our country on an epidemin level.every third
peson in india is obese,.obesity disturbs the normal fning of the body leads to
cardiovascular problems, joint [roblems and many more such ailments...
the human body is very intricate and requires prpoer care.so in order to prevet it
from diseases and reamin fit regular excercisa is necessary.health and fitness are
the two faces of the same con,
with the help of excercise am man can give al his organs a beffitibg rejuvenation on
daily basis.excers tones up our movents, keeps the spine straight and fit and the
digestive system perfect,\.
physical activites like running, playing cricket, football, swimming etc, improves
blood circulation of the body and rhus reduces the chances of hart attaks, and
respiratry problms,
so, one inorder to reamin healthy one must make pa a part and parcel of their
lifestyle, one can play outdoor s or can practice activities like skippping gardening
at home otself..

also playing team sports add to teh personaly of the person..as it develp leadership
qualities, sportsmanship tolerence, planning, etc and one must not forget the fact
that the battle of waterloo was won at the fields of eton.
so in the end that i would like to say that we should stop neglecting ourselves and
donate a little to our body so that we can remain healthy and enjoy the life.

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