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Feelings of Safety-Bullying Pre/Post Test

1. Do you feel safe at school?

a. All of the time
b. Most of the time
c. Some of the time
d. I never feel safe at school, explain below:
2. Are there specific times during the school day you do not feel safe? If so, list those times
and places:
3. Has anyone ever bullied you? Did you tell someone that works at the school what
4. Do you trust anyone within the school to tell about a time you have been bullied?
5. If someone has bullied you was it:
a. Physical (Punch, kick, shove)
b. Emotional (They used words to bring you down)
c. Relational/Internet (Did someone write things about you to take you down on a
social media page)
d. All of the above
6. If you were bullied, how did that make you feel? How did you react when it happened?
7. How often would you say you feel good about yourself as a person?
a. All of the time
b. Most of the time
c. Some of the time
d. I never feel good about myself
8. Do you feel you have someone in your life you feel comfortable sharing your feelings
with? If so who?
9. How important do you believe it is to stand up for yourself or someone else if you are/or
the other person is being bullied?
a. Very important
b. Somewhat important
c. Not important at all
d. It depends on the situation, if so explain below:

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