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I Am Native American

Amie Pizura
Teaching Connection #7
A) General Curriculum Section:
1. General Curriculum Objective
Objective: SWBAT generate a written response using the details within the text to write a
Grade Level: 4th Grade
Rang of Students Current Levels of Performance:
-- Students will answer questions about the text that test for understanding (indicating key ideas,
identifying specific details) (e.g. John)
--Nita has already mastered the lesson objective (has a complex understanding of Native
Americans and their traditions, she using vocabulary above grade level and can give specific details
when asked similarities between Iroquois and the Santa Clara Pueblos).
--Andy understands about the Iroquois and how they live off the land (background knowledge).
He struggles with reading, writing (especially spelling) and it will require Andy to have some
modifications for this lesson.
--Jo understands that no two people are the same.
2. New York States Learning Standards: English Language Arts
CC.4.RI.6: Compare and contrast a firsthand and secondhand account of the same event or topic.
CC.4.W.8: Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information from print a
digital sources.
3. General Curriculum Procedures
The lesson will start by the teacher asking the students what is the difference between fiction
and a non-fiction text that relate to the text Eagle Song that we have been reading abut the
Iroquois Native Americans. We will be looking at a Native American culture from New
Mexico called the Santa Clara Pueblo group. We are going to see if their jobs are similar to
select tribe members of the Iroquois Nation.
ii. It is important to see how other Native American tribes live off the land, and compare what is
similar and different about them.
iii. As a class we will read a selected non-fiction text I Am Native American we will make
predictions as to what the text could possibly be about. We will then read the questions that
we will be answering once we read through the passage. Once as a class we read through the
questions, the students will have a chance to go through and do a quick read of the text.
Once the students have completed their quick read we will listen to the passage on tape.
Once we have finished listening to the reading we will discuss; what is a tradition, what is a
reservation? Then the students will be asked to retell what the passage is about to their
neighbor. Once they have done that, the students will then discuss as a class what they think
the main idea is from the text.
v. The students will be broken up into small groups to complete an activity sheet together,
which will be monitored and one partners paper will collected once completed.


Independently the students will be asked to retell the passage one more time; this time asking
the students to pull in any outside information they might have about the passage they just
read. Students will need to write a paragraph about one similarity between the Iroquois and
Jody Naranjio.
The lesson will close by having the students retell what the passage was about, and what the
difference is between a non-fiction and fiction text.
Assessment: The students written paragraph will constitute their assessment for the lesson.

B) Individualization Section:
1. Additional instructional Supports (designed for Andy; available to all students)
Mild disabilities (e.g., Andy)
Supplemental Aids & Materials
Problem Areas:
Describe supplemental aids and materials you've designed to address
problem areas. Examples include, but are not limited to:
aspect(s) of the
- Manipulatives
lesson in which
- Visual aids
you anticipate
- Charts, organizers, story maps, etc.
difficulties for
- Assistive technology (e.g., reading selections are digitized or taped for
Andy (and others non-readers).
with reading,
- Peer tutoring can also be part of this section; however, do not rely
writing, and
solely on assistance from others (staff or peers).
processing disab.)
Reading the story Providing audiobook (which will allow Andy to listen to the story)

Writing (esp.

Processing (e.g.

Reading the
activity sheet and
Writing a
paragraph on a
between Iroquois
and Jody Naranjo
previous readings
from previously
taught lessons
(Eagle Song)

Placing the activity sheet and quiz on a word processing file, which will
required to be scanned into the computer so Andy can listen to the quiz
and activity sheet.
Andy will be allowed to use voice recognition software to write his
paragraph on the computer. By allowing Andy to use the voice
recognition software will read the questions to Andy and it will also
allow Andy to dictate what his response will be.

Andy will be provided notes from Eagle Song that will have key details,
vocabulary words with simple definitions and pictures. These notes will
allow Andy to be successful when writing the paragraph at the end of
the unit.

2. Goal Adaptations
a) Enriched Curriculum: Nita will be provided the same text but with enrich, vocabulary that will be
used for her writing assignment. Since Nita has already mastered the objectives of the lesson I will have her
research specific Santa Clara Pueblo and Iroquois traditions and present them to the class.
b) Prioritized Curriculum:
i) Description of Target Student (with severe disabilities)
Age: 9
Grade: 4
Type of Disability:
Annual IEP Goals:
1. Print legible letters and numbers. (Present Level of Performance: Can currently print
E, F, I, L, T, 1, 7, 9 and 0 independently. Requires a model for other
2. Increase sight word vocabulary (to 90% of words 1-50 from the Dolch list). (Present
Level of Performance: Can currently read the following words: a, I, and, big, go
make, play, see, the, you)
3. Improve articulation skills (pronounce words with initial s, z, f, v sound, clearly
enough for an acquaintance to understand).
4. Improve number concepts (create models of numbers 1-50 using base 10 blocks).
(Present Level of Performance: Can count & create models of numbers up to 13,
5. Improve pincer grasp
6. Improve hand-washing skills.
7. Improve turn taking skills.
8. Improve street safety skills (indicate when its safe to cross).

ii) Students Role in the activity: Jo will actively participate in the whole group lesson and will
be an active member in the small-group and partner discussions that will take place throughout
the lesson. By Jo participating in the classroom discussions it will allow her to work on her
articulation goal (pronouncing words with initial s, z, f, v sounds, clearly enough for an
acquaintance to understand). As for the General Curriculum concepts that I would like Jo to
focus on thought the lesson are; tradition, Native American, reservation
Jo is significantly below grade level materials she will be able to listen to the story read aloud as
does the whole class to make her feel included. As Jo and the rest of the class listen to the story
through an audiobook they will all be required to track the words/sentences with their fingers as
they listen (which will focus on another IEP goal of Jos, increase sight word vocabulary).
For the quiz Jo will have the same task as the rest of the class; her accommodations will be as
-The quiz will be read aloud to her, and Jo will respond verbally and she will be provided
someone to scribe for her
-The activity sheet that will be completed with a partner and one sheet will be turned in.

-Jos grade will be based on her sentence that she writes with legible letters E, F, I, L, and
iii) IEP Goal(s) Being Addressed during this activity for the student:
Improve articulation skills (pronounce words with initial s, z, f, v, sounds, clearly enough
for an acquaintance to understand
Improve turn taking skills
Print legible letters and numbers

I am Native American by
This passage is about a lady named Judy who is a Santa Clara Pueblo Native American from New Mexico. We
read in Eagle Song by Joseph Bruchac that there are many Native American traditions that are passed down
through many different forms (word of mouth, wampum belts, etc.) and to keep that tradition alive the
adults/grandparents teach it to their children/grandchildren. In Eagle Song, before Danny moved to the city he
lived on a reservation as we read this passage we will see how Judy lives and what traditions she is being taught
to keep her culture alive within her family.
Vocabulary Sheet (with pictures/ attached)
I am Native American Passage/activity sheets (attached)
Computer with talking word prediction software & voice recognition software
Written Assessment (attached)
Native American Passage (attached)

Vocabulary Words

Tradition- an idea or way of life handed

down from the past

Reservation- Land set aside for Native

Americans by the U.S. Government.

Write a paragraph explaining one similarity between
the Iroquois and Jody Naranjo.

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