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Costs of most ex Ba faating costs stasis rs can be estimated via this method. Among key parameters taken into account are exchanger geometry and metallurgy, and shelis methiod covers the Leeds 1D This costestimaning sheet, Uauba, splitting Noating-head, and pull éevongt oating-head designs. For each of these 92, # ecu ers various configurations, as casifie Uy the ‘Tubuiar Exchanger Mamifactarers Assn. (EMA) (ig. 8) [2 Labor aud material costs are idemsitsed as percertages of total exchanger cust, based on actiral cost dite. Mate rial cost is divided accoreling to the major cet coaitibu- tors: tubes, shell, channels and tbesbcess. All the parameters are modeled asa fstion of she inside diameter, The cost equations inchule the etfeas of shell and tube diameter, and tabe construction {welded ‘or seamless), wall gage (average oF minim tol. tec), pitch, layout angte art length, Separate caves for shell andl cubeside take into account the effet of design prose sures. Relative costs of various metals and alloys are ex- tensively tabulated. Tn action to the vations “TEMA method covers shell disietersof fiom | lengths of from $ 0 30 ft tube diameters of tron. %4 t0 8 in, tuboswall thicknesees of from 10 to 20 Biemiaghasn Wire Gage (BWG), tube passes of from 110 8, shell de sSiga pressures of from 100 10808 psi, e design pressures of from 10H 20 2.30 psi wide range of alloys vcHfom éalty exchangers wih highellux: tubing. A flo the estimating procedure is presented» Fl The results of the eosteestimatings aicthexd tee come pared against actual purchased prices, and tound to be accurate to within 210% in 605, oF the cises, and 10 within 2 19% in the remaining 40%, However, the over all accuracy for all the exchangers is within 26 igurations, the fo M8 m.. tube Fixed-tubesheet design Straight tubes in the fxed-tubesbect ex secured abort endl iy tubeshoets wehled w the THMA fiver stafonttyehead types 2. Bor N anc rear-evid oad types Ly Mo 8 can be use seth this tee 56 GF Purohit, ide and tubeside design pr Flue Gop. ‘sSures. of exchanger (Fig. 1). An example of a TEMAtype con figuration is AEL. These exchangers are generally inex pensive. Besides having fewer paris. they are slightly smaller and of simpler Gonstruction than other types. “The tubes can be easily cleaned mechanically. Hows ever, Leciuse the tube bundle cannot be removed, the shallside cannot be deaned in this way. Chemical clean- ing is possible but sometines unsatisfactory, Bevause of the fixed tubesheet, an expansion joint in the shell may bbe necessary prevent high stesses resulting from f= fecewtial thermal expansion between the aubes znd shell ‘he eeat of the expansion joint may olfset he price ad= vantage of this type of exchanger aver the others. If corrosion occurs, fixec-uuhesheet exchangers are diffiewte and expensive tw nuirtain, Rewubing-may be fexponsive ant! time-consuming, and even imp: ‘Although bonnet oF flat covers miay be fitted at either end, flat covers are generally specified when frequent tube-cleaning is expected. Usfuhe design Both ends of U-shaped tubes are fasteneclto a single tubeshicctin the U-tube design. this eliminates the piob- lem: of dlfeventil thermal expansion, becanse the tes sspand andi contre. This design ana of the TEMA finnt-end stationary-head lypes (Fig. 1). An example of a “TEMA configuration is ABU. changers are moderate in cost “The tube bundie can br removed. making mankial cleainings of the shellside ease, However, because cleaning ihe of the tubes is clilfieult, tubeside service is ve to dean foids, High-pressure fluids are gener ally placed on the wbeside. Floatiag-head designs Floatiglecal eared cenligurations (Fig, 1) may he splicing (VST type S). pullabrnngh (TEMES type TD. externally-scaled-tubesbet (TEMA (spe W), oF onde Eres veeeeee Nomenclature Bo} fa me tea, shel H fe Coxenmntiplier tne Lveut aecbe Page 2) aah (7b Dae pre of exhuner ideded it Lobe DS Ge Conn erection fat ale Guar Ba ALE 1G) Goat eoneniion So tube oc shower tian 204 | B [PCL Geavemstectrat ror ested manera i FH] fe cect eimvertin on tat ae | Gog Chet atten fn tes hers stent 1 Sn rants We pases Cp. Cost conven for slits design pressure >L ar Fog 4 carcton « wert fs cael sng presse 2b heaps as a Tae oti te rennin 20 1 sq. sheorestion | FL | | i, txvmaned poe oaehan or Chany 1. 2 F Gos analigicn fey tet TEMA Font st i tomas haa ————— Cost ipie fon tt gos. Ey (UD) £Nowial abe bgt, 1 |. Ji hate lt ain vowed cbse a ( corction vt oP My uteri 0 catonstod eo fm fae hanger 5 |-_________| H 3 ~ w tutmberof sis pe heavewrhange wit Dae Namie of tbe pow et er Gemeasae | | ||P egomarc tn sagas Ho] | rin Sts design gessire,yaie Par Tatas desig pate. se cece eee reTrORReECea fe Vul pie, y € LT 1 Goxtanuhiptee fn sir of tea resend Bead Pee) FE] [8 Atiseemt pansinier for shhide design pres Fat, 00] : wating Tet pee eens arcs seve Vi etactins Cast of entboreatc! te Hl bavateeiaeraaieerees i ve 7 : ' : packed (rEMA type P). TypesS and Tare more common | opr ec Gaia fee than types Wanel B. An exatnple clesgiation: is BES. i “The Hating head clirsinstes the need Tor am esta i 1) sion joint. Becnuse tv tt finde eas be removed th ¥o[-———_} the shel’ and tubesibe can be cleaned mechanically. { Hl igehuad exchangers ate more expensive than Whe }[oieaot spi 6a) tse and Utube types i Nats, ah The spliering escinnger’s shel-eover diametey is | lenger than the shell diameter, ysally by abot 964 in, \ |) [nthe pullahrough desig, the shell covet ant sill are | ot the Sane dames. Whereas dhe shell wer ot dhe EJs ocarn pen Splicing exchanger cu be remened, this eed not be the cise with the pull-ttizongh design. Spilit-ring construction permits tubes to be eluse ws the nside of the shell. fa the pullhroagh design. space nnuist be provided around she periphery of che fosan ubesheet to aceomnisedate bolts. Kur the sane umber sateen: i gesichtet nage yin Nt nae tin gy UE ane Channel spd remevable cover i109 "aiaine) Bonnas tinteyal coves 108: “Two pats hel with ‘ongtudina bate 4st thy pte Chanel test with tubesheet snd ronavible cover feasa7 sot flow 11s? 1 L Double sli flaw 10 pee ee Divided Hove ‘sationory ozs r08 | <= . Fingl tobestet ike "3 stationary heat Fixed behest Stationary heed kD cr inbes, therefore, the shell diameter of the pull- Hoough exchanger is about 2 in, kirger than that of the: the seal thot visite ester valli Crier types at leak Bs nor easily detected. Inv the esternally sealed design (TEAL type W). the Shell: al qubside streams ue individually sealed and Sepaated by a lantern ring, [bis type is the least exper: sise of the floatingehead designs. amet can be Fite! sith an A. Bor Ciype front bead. Iris finnted toa maxima fof to tube passes, 300 psi and 373 liv the ouusidespacked design (YEMA type DP), 2 skirt attached! to the floating tuleshect extends drutgh the back of the shell. Several kivers of packing ia 2 packing unl seal he space besscoen the shirt and shell. pa ke ig failuve is veadily erected. ‘This elesign pertaity high tubeside pressures and mare that 80 tube pases. Hore ever, the packing tends to lint shetiside tivids w less than 150 psi and 300° splitring espe, Becan ‘The base-cost equation Costs of shell-and-tibe exchangers vary according to: “PEMA type: shell diameter: tube lengthy, diameter, con- struction (velded or seamless). gaye, pitch and hot; number of tube passes, sheli- mil tubesinte dhsigh pres sures: anel materials of construction, Lach of these fac- torsis related wa baseline exchanger, which is defined in Tale Exch: ing small 8 iameter tubes (%: oF Vin. OD.) ae mere common, anc generally more ecouorai- uc-diameter tubes. Because 95 X whe O.N., large-diamever ace area (for a given sie liane teciamowr tubes. and increse cost ast proportionately. Nevertheless. tube diameters, in a few eases, range wp to 2m. Triagular tube patterns (30 or fe econo arespich patterns hey generally accommodate small surfaces in a given shell bewer. Unit labor costs are higher than unit materi costs for salhdiameter exchangers. As shell diameter increases, however, the unit material cost rises and the mnt labor ‘cost declines, For this season, exchangers of large shell diameters are more ecunwmical om a SR basis. This rakes shell diameter 2 convenient paranneter o1 which to base estimates of shelkand-tube-exclrmger cons Analysis of the purchise prices of many shelland-tube exchangers received by means of compte bids dur ing the early part of 1982 resulted in the development of Ex. () ir estimating the cost of the baseline exchanger defined in Table cea. than those havi tube piteh is at least 1 tues preside less sn ter) than sm 66. in ik avon a shell .D, or bunelte di, of a keule veboiter iv aud Layo s-type front heed (Table 11D; ar head (Table 1V), {.(1) is plotted in } ter for'rral BES exch; in. pitel 45 ved fir sli asa fimution of shell diame having ¥-in. OD. tubes x AU lismieters is small as 8 in. However, st shell diameters of less hat 12 in, donble-pipe ane ec 9 i % | oman : V3 in x1 13°94 im Tee titi Mo tron ed Gov exe) ute, Jub exchangers satisfactory outs. Values of p not giv mated by mea Ene cya coveted Eran ged renewable et Values for cost multiplier pin Fa. (1) ave lstect H for commonly used tube din 1 “Table If Gan be approni= stp) ai, p-——— Sve ie “ ‘steornan Noteemna oie Noteoran {mmc sera Sa EERO ches FREE i ‘i 8 snore economical (2). Fq. (1) his been checked agains purchase prices of exchangers ranging in diameter from 12 to HS in. and found to be ro) 20, ‘ i | 1 le Exchanger bate pice, SE a Peed Teva tyne BE Nate Tis carte may be exead 33 potent i 30 30 Shall LO, 0. in : Tay, eid ncaa ati anata nd aisa constant. For 45- In Eq, @), f= tube piteh 3 for 30- o 60-cleg, Inyouts, a= oF 90-deg, layouts, a = 0.85, ora U-tube exchanger having a 35-in. shell dian ¥cin, tnbe O.D., I-in. tube pitch, 4Sleg, tube layout, and a TEMA type A front end, = 1.0 (Table U1), = 1.93 (Cable 111) ancl r = 0.9 (Fable 1V). Via Eq. (1), = S10 RE, To arvive at a cos! estimate for this exchanger, this base price must be corrected by means of other parame- ters, which are now discussed, Correction for shell type Fg, (1) is based on TEMA shell type E. For shell ypes coche thaw E the base price ealeulated via Eq, (1) ust be adjusted by a costcartection factor, Cs, from Table V. For exunple, for « ketle reboiler (F138 type K), Cy = ‘Cast corection for expansion Gane teston of be aes ' Qo. Correction for expansion joint : If differential thermal expansion is expected, an exe pansion joint snay be incorporated into the shell of & lixed-tufesheer exchanger. This, of course, hikes the cost off an exchanger: Two types of expansion joints are common: the flangee!and-Macel and she bellows. The first is cheaper but limited to ein. expansion, Far greater thermal ex- pansion, the bellows type is ustally selected Cost conreetions for expansion joint es a faction of base price are plotted in Fig. 4 as 3 function of shell «i ameter. For example, consider x Hxcdtubesheet ex changer with a 304i, shell dismeter at a hase price of $10. A flanged-and-Aaed-wrpe joint would add $4.4 {2 to the base price. and s heltows type would boost the price by S294, Correction for tbe length Ona Sif basis, ong, shiney each 15 av¢ more eo I scrapped in evtling tubes to* required However. the l:hor cost decreases sometshat 3, miter increases, because of the larger mumber «i tubes involved. For the baseline exch pubes are of 20-1 nom length (Fable 1), Gastecrrection factors for tube tery Jess than 20 ft can be evleulated via Eq. (3 [ts TES into thse for shell, tubes, eubeshiects and channels. These coats are related to shell diameter for a low} sure (sheil- and tubeside design pressures up 1015 pag), carbon-steel ger with a Yein. tube O.D. x Tain. tube pitch x 43- or Su-deg. layout in 'S shows that, with increasing shell diameter, unit labor cost declines, whereas the costs of the shell, chanel aay tubysheet remain (ainly constant—at approximately 105, OH andl AS, respectively-—relauive to the coral cost of the base carbon-steel exchanger. The unit cube cost, Ihossover, increases with shell diameter. ‘The cost of car- Traction of the total price of the ‘hanger can be calculated via Eg. (7) y= 0.129 + O.001GD, — 124d/0.754p)%a]_— (7) In Eg, (1), a= 0.85 for a triangular tube-piteh pattern, 0 oF 60 deg.) anal a= 0 Tora square tube or 80 deg For a carbon-teet exchanger having a $3-in, shell die ameter and tubes of rin, O.D. in a Li, squave-piteh pattern, 7 = 0.165. In the case of a SLM base-price feschanger. tig means tha the cost concribution of the wubing is Slit! x 0.166, the cost contvibutinn of the shell is $10" for $f that of the channels iy SITE % 0. and that of the tubeshecis is SIO x G4, or SOME, The total mate- al evst is, therefore: SIRE + SUE + $0.6ME + S3.WTE. ‘The balance of S6.34N? is meribinedt thor costs and profi Cosi corrections for tube materi calculated from Bq. (7) nun higgher—lrom 4 vo 10F-—in the slell diameter if 0-12 in, The puspose of thisisto provide con scivative estimates for exchangers of stall diaaeters with allow tubes. Knowing the cust relationships of dhe carbon-stecl tues, shell chinuels and tubesheets tn the base cata steel exchanger one ean cileulate the higher cost due t0 coals cvignvateel construction for thse ex “unger coinponeats by multiplying the relative cost of Whe other material to that ol carbom steel. vel bes, y. a5 2 eal TRENT NAN for tubs cage. Caloulate dhe cost correction for tube materia! via: Co yh =D e ‘The cost correction for shell material by: Gy = 0.1K =D o ‘The cost correction for channel maveral from: Cue 0.960 ~ 1) And the cost correction for tubeshect material by Coun = O.08(042 = 1) 10) Gh “The value of'y in Lg, (8) s calculated vie £9. (1). I £4 (8). A, is the ratio of tubing cost (welded os relative to welded earbon-stee! tubes of the same dlisme- ter, wall thickness and cut length (ic. for welded car- Ipow-stecl tubes, My = Land Cy, = 0). Ln Ea. (9) shrengh (1D), Afyis the relative cost of plate materials 10 carbon stcel plate of the same dimensions. ‘hie cost ratios My and Ai fals used in heat exchangers Tisted int Table VI are ealeulated! from early 1982 prices “Tubing prices depend on market conditions ancl such ‘factors as required cut lengtlis and quantity of pare bas Price differences among manufacturers can dt much as 40%. Prices of lowalloy tubing vary signitic cai, depending on whether construction is welded r- seamless: As can-be seen in Table Vi, the price of sent- rhon-stecl tubing is 2.5 times that of welled «1 steel tubing. As the material price increases, Wow he cust difference between seamless anil welded isles tas low as HOSés Values fy ‘Ghosen front Table VL will depenel ou whether eonstrac- tion is seamless or wekle “The Mz ratios in ‘Table Vi for shell, channel aad tube= stacet materia re ted on pluie pres. The aces of Ai, and My values is expected to be within 220%. The os should be uprlated periodically. Exchanger components constructed of ca bom stecl or low alloys ate sometimes clad with a more-espen material, rather than making them entirely owt of the fonts no ee shed he hice hei eg | ingen soe Ite an he sock triad eee ail thc cuceson even och oe fea aette cows ee eye bor ce ib tn dre bes ould Bae price by $5.5/ti% Correction for tube passes Larger numbers of tube parses inerease exchanger cost by hiking labor costs anc reducing the asaiktbie Ddeat-exchange surface. Exchangers cin biave as meray as | 20 tube passes. Aout bascl cn Kies data, Fy. chs suggested for estinsating the extra cost for mare than uso tube passes Cayo Wye ~ YNGO w | Here, Nyp = actual number of tubs passes. For single or double whe pases, Coy 0. For a S10 hasenjaice exchanger with ® tube passes, | the cost of the adil passes is SOTA Corrections for design pressures Exchanger price vises with incveasing design pressure For shellse design pressures higher tras 150 psi caleu Inte the cos fraction to be addled via Ka. (5): Gps = [Pos 150) ~ 110.97 + G.0016,- B+) For tubesicle pressures yreator than 150 psi, the cost fraction of base price to he adeled is calekited ¥ [pel 150 ~ 110.085 + 0.000560, ~ 12) @) TF Eq, (5) (with X= 0) and Eq. (6) are ploted in Fig. 6. Although the carves extend te oniy-60-i, shell diameter, they can be exttapolated beyomtl this fim. As Fig. 6] shots, the cost clfet of shelside presse is twive thal oF tubeside, up to 2,000 psig, and eter beyond 2,000 psig. The X tevar in Ey (3) ian aesttiet taetor for shellside dlesign pressures higher Can 2000 psig. ues of X haved on linited cata) are plotted in Fig. a function of shell diameter. For shetlide pressay equal to, ancl hess than, 2.000 psig, X = 8. For an exchiuger with a $5-n, shell dameter and de signed for « shellside pressure of 450 poi and a tubes prose of 601 pri, Ceo 2136 acl Gr = OL Therefore, dhe higher sili: pressure sides $2.40 amd the qubeside presite S1HIE, to the S1OKC bree cost of the exchanger wo Shall a, 0, a Corrections for materials of construction Eq, (1) is based om construction cantly, dependin the exchanger. Sometimes, exh Gifferent alloys, making Coste change: The costs of matcrias can be broken down rhon-steel construction. Alloy a can aker the prive of an exchange ‘on the alloy’s cast and its ger parts ar ning difficwt. costs consist essentially of labor, profit and ace of Shell 0,0, aes renee ante Vowel 720” 18 wom Hl Gao so ans H tara 1 m6 4 a sams Es nate eed i Bet a 10 i vera: notsnded 200 2.00 Weccerny — tntomind 2a) 2a Mivite omni Rte dese mens Sue dae He Staats fevers 009388 ff tetas (toact 3) wmewane aes on mee (She 2 ean , oR taunts Ho tose te foe to un 4 A 30 130 yas 110 hi tte ‘oe ci {ots ee a tana Hook te kw a a (oan en ec 1s tae, {on ihm 3 a ae km Low oom i } oo te ae pe sot [Were tet Sam Hod ot ne BR Staeanenane ae | sit 2029 | HS Sakae i Bhan {Eero Enccmscamamaae more-espensive material, In such cases, the average of the material ratios of the base and clad materials shoul be used for costestimating purposes. If, for example. a ccuthun-sicel (My = 1.0) tnbesheet is elad with Monel (Ms 11.30), the average My = 7.75. Correction for tube gage “The price ol tubing depends on the tubeawall gage (oecatise cust is proportional (0 dhe weight of the niate- ab. and on whether an average or woinimum gage i specitied, Because only positive tolerances are allowed, rninionsmsvall tubing will cost more than average-wal tubing hy ahour S105. “This cost-estinating method is based on 1 Birning an Wire Gage (BWG), average-sage wall, welded b> ing. For gages other than this. he eost cortection a faction of hase price () is calculated from Kq. 2 Gere) (1) ‘sraste" ats nest ase Hesitles 62 15 E 2103 4 eo tata a | Gorin : i eh 2¥ ees 140 SKE ante SoHo somes 1 (1). Valties for g. the save obtained from Fig. 9 e wubing walls. Values for y are caleiated via cost multiplier for tube gx for average- or minineun Cost premium for special cases “This estimating meshed is haved on costs, from com: petitive bids for a large nuinber of shelmd-tube beat Reehangers. When exchanger shops are very bi nly a fev exchangers ate patilaged, o2 vas da Feqhired, exchanger prices ill be higher tha bought via competitive bic Although itis dilfiew’ to generalize about the sie of this premiums becanse it will iy with cirewmstance ane manufactatery. i em8: be Jgnoved A premiuinel 10% ofthe final exinated cot of he exchanger is sugges. Estimating fo.b. exchanger price ‘Aficr the exebianges hase price and all she corvecions for akernatives have been ealcalated, the frge-on-boaral os cost curvections for alterna thvough (2) and Because eqptipmient costs generally change from the, daie that an orders phaeesl 0 when itis shipped. estin escalated tot ns of an ex ‘Wank suger FoR cast FSIIATING OF SHEA LAO RE ear exewnegens ‘Rvotarais Fanneriousses aor acrion oF Ba ie. oiakanteg 1 Pe, FANE nd zruiary 1952 price of the particular exchanger ‘estimated via Hay (13). y= [Kl + Caan 43) Gy represents the sui of all the base-price, | Cost Ince, as culeulated via- Ed. (3) An esti ‘oun ‘Table ly incorporate am esettatinn factor into Cost est ‘efor a dite beyeniel fa sss heat exchangers isthe Fabricated Ey | ch Other possibilities are th Marshall & Swift Equipment Goat Index, the Nelson Refinery Cost Index (or the ma icrials-cost component), and the ‘Statistics Genoral Purpose Machinery and. Equipiest Fig. ||. is escalated from the Jan by muhiplying i¢ by the ratio of th cated Equipmient eompenent on th Whew exclanger price quotations more-current thiat Thain 1 br] fewest and yooh cine ns pontlesa ih fone of ihe Chica Enginesing Plame | ite denned in thy ounner sok ne {Fava sn oti ig 1. Burcau of Labor ited corvected base-price of an exchanger. Es date to another date Fabri mates, When manufacturers submit bids, they usially | uhase of the hase date ate readily available, an escalation, include formulas fur adjusting. prices Indes specific 10 exchangers ca be cevermnined. Fou An exchanger price estimated by this methoel Gur be | comparable exchangers, the sun of the averaye of the sions, divided verge OF lowest and on wt i 5 ; } ‘ | } i } { ) Cua eee aor eer Mua fap aun fe ste eer mae E its seswor ent apy EN ten ene ACL ao) fits sania) Ells Ant vat ee oenusl ea wteirh in eri) Em newer em ener es unre ere one 23 ec (u0) tere) entre ome a eo) em) -e1s qo) fom eeu cm eaneu eat stint ci es coe ene esr ease cm ae ei BD en RD t neu £ a i Be : eeu t € coe aku ise ay nae pie om wate or nein paw mare text mete oxne wea ree 10530 waist bry nest waz Bane se Bans rai pewgsta PoSC? Baste Bites? devised Velwnseay B ae wea26 Bevan yee ta98 pi hiner aan Ae et vs vans aa pints verte 20 varies sie see dep ateem sa we dae ice 2s 196498 aati 38 dates ete) 30 Sart 20 vies verneae peta aa neat tents weeibngets titers peeiite a bastuas st weet beta sate hin 0 wen we pos, veces 6 vow aw zoo en ste Hee na wa ep "508 200 roasca we ‘ost Fane Sai rg coz woase 1wos00 viodea nome 5 ei00 ina roars soorea one eons seas sores rear vewan visnag rosea rewire 23020 ‘oarie sae ise ear oi cord pete) 1 ? 3 so 2 i 2 a) we 2 owes 5 8 ne 5k tee wom wane nae etaoinad tet tron mss +i nas ie wo mes ed eae wes ed tea08 ee is 10998 Kes 1 xe ey ees 1 ds 20 mes +S hea wes 1 me red nes, oie in mes 1 te ‘3300 es, 1 as 3300 wes cd a ees ie dn mes 1 oaks Bam hes 1 ae am meet same as 1 9 mes 1 te S00 ries 1 aan 00 aefes.. 1 a0 sti "Ave 8 1 sao 55490 eolt®/e8] ey 6H ‘eam Hes Ele. an 11g00 a hes jes a9 nl feS]igiy 1 asie 1 ae 0 gijesfiorss- 1 so 00 onesies 11038 gat enit*/S]cm 1 8 a Hesfesfdy 1 2900 68 nus Ghnlt/*Sidiy 1 2900 ted BIRR Ta Myce. ae age on ca cr Hjes/esjdiy 1 m0 tamed ms 7 Suit [08S 1 80 00 Glos 1 16mNs wanes arse annem Anvcuvzie 1 Masso ego 1059 ean09 BBjes/BM- 1 sos wane met amo nels Lm sam wes te ace . 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Hhe means of transpuntation, and the size hie of the exchanger, Without knowledge of he delivered coat cannot he seeaitely esti- edd, However, increasing the fb, east by If) pros vides sn approsinrate delivered cost A worksheet example A simple example that ustrates the method is pres sented in the worksheec show in Fig, 10, The problem ie to-cstimate the fo. cos: of pull porcine pricey’purela 3G. ith G0 When the accuracies of the iulividual cost extinates| cost project sill be more acearate ate f all all of dhe exchangers purchased fit a tive devistions together changers in 2 olin By te Thus, the wtal F out sshien acl © price of all 108 rand dhe es PMatcg, Eben lt chases Mtns Tila Pha Uinta ico on an He be Acknowledgement Deep appreciation is exienelet iy the author to R Reprint port of a reprine alse containinys 1983 yeport “Shell-ane-sul orders check No, OU on che Rep the be catalog of reptins cme No. $45 on the Read © Card, ier of Fluor of this or any N be available shortly: age July Order Foint sue. For a fy Equipment sonrces Yor information on suppliers cf shellac heat exchangers, ccasute Section & of the aunat Chaanical Engineering Eguipionnt Buses’ Gaide, The author SF Pate mata ann Eun retares sinter Five Comp atch seams dea Henan, as fend eat exchangers” To | B simetars, ine. (So, Div.) for his critical evaluations of this article << | | | | ees ‘Thermal and hydraulic design of hairpin and finned-bundle exchangers Select new exchangers and re-rate old ones via this method for predicting the. performance of longitudinal-flow hairpin and finned-bundle heat, exchangers in single-phase. heat transfer. GP. Purohit, Fh Corp, TJ Hairpin (or double-pipe) heat exchangers find ap- ‘licarfon in a variety of services requiring small heat.” \wansfer surfaces, particularly, when, one streain isa gas ‘er viscous liquid, or its oxrate is small, Economics faver hairpin exchungers for,highepressure service be. cause of their small shell. diameter. ‘These exchangers are suited for, handling disty seams because of the ease of cleaning and mainte: nance, They are exible. with thelr heat-transfer sur faces readily shifted for changing process conditions and heat loads. Spare parts are interchangeable, and siandard designs. They are used extensively for heating viscous liquids, and can serve in applicadions involving fluids having significantly different heat-transfer char acteristics aucl fouling resistances. Basic features A hairpin exchanger basically consists of concentric pipes (Fig. 1). One fluid lows through the inner pipe (ubeside fluids, the other chrough the annular space {shellide fluid). The inner pipes are connected by U- shaped retuen bends enclosed in a return-bend housing, Because the inlets aud outlets are chae together at one end, these exehangers can easily be stacked Hairpin exchangers ate avaibslie in two haste type Within g pire, ane! is wenctally « elvainger sPig. Us Li td ate diameter tubes rephices thie inner pipe. b The firsveousists ot a pipe lvl a dete abu either ease, the tubes may be bare or have longi: Fins increase heat-tran to as much as 15 tines), and re ber of exchangers requited for 9 given $18 usually weided tothe tube but say be Formed (Fi yy tay be ne of a variety of altays.-and may b Promote turbulent flow, or perforated For sre. cations. This discasion is-limited i plain, (uncut), longitudinal fins, Hairpin exchangers have shell diameters of 30-410 mm (2-16 in.).at nominal lengths of 1.3-12.0 in 40 ft). Surface area ranges. froin about 4,615 Fe) px ion. Major dimer tized in “Table, 1., Combinations. of th yicld @ variety of design, configuratiy standard equipment. “availa aS Fluid flow in hairpin’ exchangers Flovs in hairpin exchangers ere pure tuuintercurtent, which eliminates the F cotrgetion fuctor fort Fithmie avean temperature difference (L310) of the mixed countencursent and cocurrent Rows comic th shell-and-tube exchangers ‘This results in up 10-20% higher energy eflicieney, comepondlingly reduein giired heatstransfer surface, Pure eouatercartent tow in avshell-and-tube evehanger would tequite i sine: shut hsabiessell sle-cube pass cori hse pa ateater catnplesity. Fuse countererient flowy alles lose approaches and temperature erussovers. double fan. ast higher owt ad niperature ie canven 6 Uli Sic Sia fib gtiV He > | Returnbend ewig Tobe tis out lo| J 5 ‘rackets ine) exchangers are easily stacked because ‘nat sfiell-and-tube exchangers of single-shell pass and aultiple-tube passes, multiple shells in series would be quired co climinate crossovers. ir, the shel-andl-tube design, long temperatore ranges (hich usually result in temperature crosses) require ei- ther multiple shells in series or a single pass on both sheilscie «id tubeside. Using a single shell with a longi- tudinal dafle would result in high thermal stresses in the chan, tubesheet and shell, and in warpage of the braffic, causing leakage across it. An advantage of the Jhairpin exchanger is that its inner pipe can expand comparatively freely; however, care must be taken to avoid severe thermal stresses, particularly repetitive or exclically reversing ones. ‘Fhe longitudinally-finned-bundle exchanger In this type, a bundle of finned tubes connected by ‘Urbends and mounted in a shell provides a single shell puss aud two tube pastes. Available in shell diameters Jup to abvut 1,200 mm, this exchanger is used exten sively to heat viscous liquids, such as asphalts and fuel 5, in order to reduce viscosity for easier pumping. Two examples of this type of exchanger are tank- suction and inline heaters. The open end of the first extends into the tank (Fig. 3a). The second is installed in pipelines (Fig, 3b}. In both, the viscous fluid flows on, the finned side, and the heating medium through the “Yiubes ‘Thermal AA fowelart of te seps involved in the thermal and and hydraulic design P| Shell uid out inlets and outtets aro close together 4. finned-bundle heat exchangers is presented in Published correlations for flow inside circular ranes used in heat-transfer and pressure-drop caleala Although both exchangers are used with single- and two-phase (especially condensing) fluids, this acvile is limited to single-phase ones. It also only covsviers ex: changers having continuous, longitudinal fnsxc tubs and not those having baffles and tube suppo The equivatent-diameter approach is used *0 «: late heat transfer and pressuze drop in the anabis, be- cause these are in theory simifar to those inside the tube, although the annulus has ne dimensions corre ponding to those of the tube {its geometry being distinctly dite imilar), and only a portion of its weued surface is heated or cooled. The simplest approach to applying inside-tub transfer correlations to the annulus is to substitate ‘equivaient diameter of the annulus for the inner-tube 4X Net free-flow area Wetted (or heated or cooled) perimeter a ‘This approximation is accepted for heat-transfer and pressure-drop calculations in annuli of small equivalent diameters. The validity of the equivalent-diameter ap- hydraulic design of longitudinalflow hairpin and proach has been substantiated by the results of experi= ments ovith finned annuli [7 The otal evted frinetr of the ainutus of tongil- ally finned heat exchanger is given by: wD, + ¥,Nz) +A NpNg) 2) 63 a syn oases, A , Nomenclature i A Heat-transor surface, mt S$ Diimeasionless parameter for true temperature ; Ayp Net free area, m? difference of series-parallet arrangement, | i ay” Crosssection of fi, a? Eq. (3) } C Numerical constant, Eq. (40) T_—Absolute temperature, K GC, Specific heat, kJ(kgK) AT ‘Temperature difference, K cosh Hyperbolic cosine ash Hyperbolic tangent i 1D Charactersic diameter in heattranser and U— Overall hentraafercooficiet based om total pressure-drep correlations, n ‘extemal surface, W/tia*(R) t Inside da. of shell (outer pipe), m 8 Mean stream velocity, m/s Dia. of tube (inner pipe), m WY Mass Nowrate, ke/s Equivalent di, of annulus, m X Fin thickness y B Tip temperature factor, dimensionless Fin height, 9 | Correction factor for LMITD, dimensiontess ‘Temperature coefficient of volume exyavsivn or Fanning friction factor, dimensionless action for Now (1/Paur — WPab Pai Mean mass velocity, kgy( ins) dio Acceleration due to gravity, 9.8) m/s? eae Difference ia elevation between inlet and outer =~“ efficiency cen Dynamic vheosity, mPa Heatransfer coetiient, W/{r0?)(K) Beans eet I Velocity-head coefficient, dimensionless —-Propertyratio cormeetion facvwr fh ‘Thermal eondoctiviyy Weak thernal flow in heat-tronsler ‘Thema conductvy of fs W096) Ea (1) Nominal length of exchanger section,akolength — ¥ —PHEPCLY gaily cretion facts for nan of longitudinal fic, m econ eae ht Parameter of fin efficiency, Eq, (18), m=? Subscripts | Expenentef conection fictor for prosuredtrop — Subseripts i Number of exchanger scetions fn series 6 Bulk ' ‘Nuaiber of fins per tube c Gold 4 Grashof No., (o! g BAT DY/q2, dimensionless «2H, Calculated é I: f Gractz No, WG JEL = [Ne Np(D/ly) Frictional } (ly/D9, dimensiones Sins 0 finsice I: } Nusselt No, AD/by HH Hot | i Prandtl Now n Gls dae HIT Based on heuttranser perimote, £1, (3) a4 i) i Reynolds No.. GD /p, dimensiones eee ; | | Namberof mibesin oneleg of hairpin exchanger, —_‘Tnside of tubes | i i gothirincchanger; jn i | ber of tube alsin tbeaheet of bundle ex le | i i changer (swvice the number of U-bends), Eq. (2), max Maximum i | (8) and ¢h: or number of Claubes fn bundle ex: m= Momentum I: ; i changer, Eq. 7}, (8) (8) and (10) Notes | [2 Exponent forcorrection factor 6 in heat-uransfer 6 Outaide of hare tubes Hl | correlations, Fg (12) cu Outlet i i | ‘yy Number of parallel’ cold and hot streams, § Static head 1 Eq. (61) anc (52) Sheide oF Gnside | P Perimeter, mn Series-paallel arrangemest { } 1 pup, Temperature ratios, Eq. (91) apd (82) 7 feue | | | AP Presure deep. KPa 1 Total extemal or subctde coctivient bed on | } [2 Heat toad oF duty, W total external surface i { R —— Thermat resistance, um®(K)AV U" Rquivalent of U-bend | [RyRy Temperature ratios, Bq (BD and (52) W Weued, Ea. (2) and (5) 5 [Rating ses eet se Wall of hare tube ty Hydraulic radivs, m eid Weighted ieee And the Aeat-nnsfer perimeter of the annulus by: | not the case for the hcat-transfer pesimeter, beeatne heat transfer takes place from the wial external sarface and does not depetid on the shell LD. Phe net fice area my the annulus of a longitu red exchanger i given by Np tA. sen Eg whisk reps x @) avid cine term | fur ‘The only D, in Va the shell “This itera nce tu uid Hsing ity ts de fiside diatawter af is die ter the diel ED, avsiste we annulus, Suck hnawever, is | (a/R = | | 64 Tain NN NE i Sciam CR TESTE Heed | i Equivalent diameter based on wetted perimeter (also known a hydraulic diameter) is ) (dw = 4 Anal Pw, ©) Equivalent diameter based on heat transfer perimeter is: dur = 4 Axel Par © Calculate Reynolds number, Graetz number and the ratio D/L with the Eq, (8) diameter. Use the Eq. (6) diasneter to calculate the heat-transfer coefficient from, the Nusselt number, and in evaluating the Grashof number. Slightly higher coefficients result from using tive equivalent diameter based on wetted perimeter, Eq. (®), far heat-transfer calculations, “Total out. ide heat-transfor suface is the stmt of the bare- tube an! fin surfaces: A, = 2Np(ad, L — NpLX) ” “Ay = 2Np Np LY + X) ® ‘ =A, + dy = Np Lady + 2NeY)—@) Vor bare wibes, 4, = 0 and A, = Ay The inside Aattransfer swface (based on tube TD.) ts Ay = ed, LNg) (10) Area ratios Ay/dy and Ady, or 1 —(Ay/A), ate | sete for calelating weighed fin efi, and “hood, for sssing inside (tubeside) heat-transfer coefi- “Goren the tal outside henttranster surface. For stuvdard equipment, calculated values for Sircugh (10) may be found tabulated in manu ineecrers’ extalogs. Heat-trarsfer correlations “flow (Spe > 10,000), with L/D > 60, < 120, éaleulate Ny, with the Sieder- ind O57 < Pare cout INGEN ap Lis convenient 10 evaluate all uid properties at the bulk temperature and apply a correction factor $ to aecount for the eflects of property variations with re- spect to ‘emperature. A common way of doing this is to ump the variant effects into a ratio of the dominant ‘evaluated at the surface temperature to that E ~valuated at the bulk temperature. | "For liquids, the doininant property is viscosity: $= (i/o a2) For boris heating and cooling, n = 0.14, per experimen- ‘Valles of the correetion factor m have also dered analytically [3} ‘gives, the key variable is absolute temperature: e=(WTS co) 15. Ty) Ty <1. For cooling, n= 0, values of sare based on gascs for properties are similar to 29 K [5 “Thes yature-dependet those of air benseon 210 te (Nye 22401, da { a are frequents | cceuelatd i thiee den ene Nya hase \ Von fur the contribution duc t forced conver: For lame J Shall hid in Support bracket 2, Longitudinaliy-finced svtatube heat 1, Lengitudint fia "Multitube exchanger with longitudinally finned twbes tion; and Nop for the contributo ection, At faminar flow, i Ghiety iowolves moderately to highly viscass ‘The SiedersTate correlation based on consist wll temperature can be used 10 caleulate Ny, = soll tubes (LD. up to 76mm) and LMTDs (up 10 585 Kane Nox > 100 [4 Nye = 126g AV MD/E OPS iq, (15) is a more general corctacion, covering “? diameters and ATs: Nu = 18S NA AD/DO% + OR7L + 0.015(Ne J") (33) oped way For Ngz < 100, use Hansen's correlation, on the basis of constant wall emperature [5} Nove [ HOLA a T$ OGTR Ne ND/D Ege IRI With liquids, ¢ is obtained as for curbulent tho; via Bq. (12), for beth heating anil cooling |2}. With gases, the Varlation of uid properties has only minor infla- fer necording to several investigations. For the temper Mureratio range of 03-2, 2=0 (= 1 TyT, for TyT. for cooling) [D} {22100 Np < 10,000), heat trans: ie unstable and dificuit define. Graphical met Teer nud, Hawen's equation i receaniended [7 25) NBA LL ob (DAL Too sa (out ind) USED SETS ind Namie taht wcion 15.422 404) oie dob ne sc! 19109 mm 984 in) amber of wet 1208 Namba oftvtube ona Fiat £3.25 nm (213m) 0509'nm (00208960) 0.26-180 m2 {9-1,600 112) Fin thickness, ‘Surfaceorea/ssetion ‘The conection factor, &, is determined via Eq. (12). Correlations for ansition flow are discussed by ‘Afgan and Schlunder [8]. performance. ins present a special heat-transfer problem because cannot be specified independently. Ic is determined via thermal properties, fin geometry and heat-transfer cotflicient, with the last being itself dependent on AT. Therefore, analyzing fins is difficul: without resorting to siniplified theory. Fin performance it gauged by fin eff- ap and fin effectiveness, ¢). Pin effciengy, ny is defined as the actual heat trans- ferrod by the fin divided by the heat that ideally would ‘ue wansferied if the entire fin wore at the base tempera- co, Based on simplifying assumptions, Eq, (18) gives the efficiency of rectangular continuous 10 Bns [9] ne, MN = (hy Pr/ky a) J eX) me 2. Substituting these values of a Bde AP = (2 /hy 2) Fin efficeney'is inversely proportional to the finside fui eveflicient, fi for this reason, itis always advanta .geous to place the fluid having the lower heat-transfer sueflicient or the higher fouling resistance on the finside of the exchanger. Eq. (18) shows that fin efficiency de- creases as fin height, V, increases. Although efficiency provides some insight into how well afin is contrived, it is not possible to design fins for a particular value of 9, Fin efectivenss,¢, is delined as the heat transferred Uhrough the fin, divided by the heat transferred through the same base surface having no Cus, Effectiveness can be related to ellicieney via? «) = my (Gurface area of fin‘cross-sectional atea of fin). “This indicates that in- ng the fin height boosts fin effectiveness. ‘Nore mally, the design objective is to achieve as high a fin ellectiveness as possible. However, as noted previously, inere ight adversely affects 1. a1 &g Values of ny and ey are weful in characterizing fins. Optimum tin pertorinanee depends on a ttadeoi? be. even the tse chus, Fin etficicuey applies total heat as hives Iy tor the Sinned portion of the wer wintaces the bs 1 per tivne ts regarded tan elfivieney oF unity. ‘This, elficieney of the 66 - total heat-transfer surface is expressed as a weighted fn icons: : (pera = AAI AY) + Aol Ay Co) Here, Ao/d, = (I= A/a). : Sometimes, it is necessary to know the lip lrmberature of the fin. The relationship between the fin-bave and fin-tip temperatures is expressed by a tip temy factor, Ep defined as the ratio of the temperatt ing force at the tip of the fia to that at its b: Ey (My To Hero, (7), is the hulk temperature of the fluid on the finside, and 7,, is the wall temperature at the bare sur face (ie, the fin bse), : ‘Temperature vaviation across the Gn ean sonietimes be used to advantaze in heating and cuoling heat-sensi- tive fluids. In heating oit or asphalt with steam, For ox ample, the average metal temperature oa the finside is lower than at the bure surface. Therefore, heating takes place at a relatively low temperature, which reduces the tendency of the oil or asphalt to coke. If the Rute! te be cooled is on the inside, cooling takes place at sve higher temperature, and this helps prevent the solidification of Viscous liquids ar the tube wall i Overall heat-transfer coefficiest { Based on total external surface, te overall heat | wansfer coefficient is given by i Ua AR, + Ree Ryo ey | ‘The shellside (finside) thermal resistance ist R= 10M) + HA apers ' ‘The tuboside thermal resistance busr ow the 3 tube surface is : j Rasen ey | ‘The foregoing resistance is referred us the total exter- nal surface as: | Ry = RUA) = (A/A) + AA) 24) The tube wall resistance, 2, equals the will thick ness divided by the thermal conductivity sf the ibe material; it is ealeuinted only for-bare whes, Im the case of finned tubes, the wall resistance is built into the fin fliciency, because the latter iz based 07 tnilorin heat Bux at the surface [2]. ‘Lube wall temperature As was explained previously, the tube wall tempers ture mist be known (o evaluate fluid properties at the surface temperature in order to calculate. the peu} ratio correetiun faeior, ln the ease of vious Feud and laminar low, the valueé of heatstranster coeff ents and pressure dinps ace geeatly influenced by the tube wall temperature, Turbulent flow is also aifeete, buat to 2 Teaser estent For the purposes of this article fluids of p> (1 eP awe letined tthe Cat be ignored. fmPa asunirdl to be unity ane! tie elleet uty «an. aye ia | The tube wall temperature depends on the bulk tem- perature of the two fluids and their film and fouling resistances, In calculating the wall temperature of bare )eubes, the temperacure difference across the metal wall, is neglected, and the entire tube is considered to be at the temperature of the outside surface of the wall ‘When the cold fluid is on the shellside, the wall tem- perature is given by: a Te (Be __ 25 i Tin= he FR “© 7 When the cold fluidtis on the tubeside, calculate the eee : o aoe a iit aay 0 Tne FR sae © | ng. (25) and (26), the caloric temporawres ofthe + T pot and sold vids mey be used instead of thee bute | Ranpersunes (2) However, doing this involve addi & *(ereecsutatons and docs no significantly improve Se Binal resus Tube wall temperature is computed via iteration. First, a wel temperature is assumed and the heat-trans- | for coefficients calculated. With these, the tube wall is calculated by means of Eq, (25) or (28). is uscd to recalculate the heat-ransfer 1 cost sith which another temperature is com- puted. ‘The process is repeated until a fixed value for wall temperature is attained. This fs shown in Fig. 4 by sping loop for tube wall temperature For iisiucd, tubes, no simple method is available for F_ computing wiean wall eemperature forthe combination of Fins atte hase surfaces. A simplified approach is sug- gevted “a: estimating the mean temperature of a finned tube as the arithmetic average of the fin-baie (bare tube 4) and fin-tip weimperatures (given by Bq. (20), i (26): tempore: (Tay = Ta + TeV? } Fa. (27) will yield only approximate results, which ) nay diffe om those of mote-preise methods, such 2s finite-difference schemes and the method in Ref. 4. Dis crepancies will be greater for highefin tubes. @ LNTD and true temperature difference When the heat-transfer eurve i linear with respect to tempciatire, LMTD is calculated conventionally. When the curve is not linear, it can be divided into zones that 1 are appiosimately linear, and a weighted LAttD caleu- lated via: GMTD) ene = af SIQVEMTD)] (28) Pare countercurrent flow offers the maximum ther ential for heat teansfer. When a ku are required in a single wosible to connest both the shel: Series for pure countercurrent ow, Ary esamiple weatd ke shew ay nity of one fluid isto undergo a mxinor tempers a small quantity of the other a major change fo sides andl tnbvesides i 7 1 folie heater Suction and inline heaters are often * used to heat viscous fluids Tt may not be possible to circulate the large tow through the required number of hairpins eénsected in series, with the available pressure drop. In such 2 cir- cumstance, the large Bow may be manifolic? inte a number of parallel streams, and the small, jtow manifolded in series, in 2 series-parallel arrs ‘The true overall mean temperature difference for wich an arrangement is given by [9]: ON» ‘The dimensionless parameter S is defined us: meat. Tay, ~ To) ea) S= WG MAT ng — Figg OAT, ~ Fed 29) ‘The value of $ depends on the number of bor and cold streams and their series-parallel arrangement For I-series hot fluid and.nyparaltel cold streams: Here, Py = (Th (Tita — Tig Tey ~ Te) Hoe Lattee cde Yiream ind my-paralel hot streams: —_—__t-) ( wf e lj) m4 | DATing — Teg ad Re = The F eorreetion sitncin, becatse the flow is nat parely countercurrent, [tis cal ‘culated using curves far sinylechell pass, and for two, oF nt os Ay Mo of multiples of wo, tube passes, as given in TEMA for shell-and-tube exchangers (11 Pressure drop Available pressure drop is usually’ a governing factor in heat-exchanger design. Normally he higher itis, the smaller the exelianger size and cost, Total pressure drop includes uid frievion (the largest contributor), entrance and exit losses, static head! and moment-change effects. Frictional pressure drop isealculated via the Fanning equat 4 4 ore = ¥(! Here, 1, is the hydraulic length. For’ the shellside Ly = 21 for haitpin exchangers, and Ly = for bun- dlestype exchangers. For the tbside, Ly == 2L + Ly for hott haiepin and bundle exchangers, Here, Ly is the equivalent straight length of the U-bend. “The friction factor, f, in Eq. (33) depends on the Reynold: number. In tarduient flow (Ngy > 3,000), is strongly related to tube route + With stisoth pipe and 3,000 < Nge < 3,000,000, the empirical equation of Koo (with isothermal representa- tis of heating and cooling) is used (12, Fo 00014 + O25/9EW 4 4) an commercial iron and steel pipes, the syrtation vf Wilson et el. (with isothermal representa- ing and cooling) is used [/4]: f= 000035 + (.261/NREW > — (85) aids, the viscosity correction factor in Eq, (34) tard (251 is taken to be: © = (iy/te)M, with m = 0.25 for both heating and cooling {15}. Values of m are also de- ried atvlytically and given as a function of Npy by Kays {J}. Fer non-viscous liquids, <1 mPa, and the ect af ¥ can be ignored. yr geen data on friction coefficients are limited. Kays tecommends: ¢ = (Zy/Te!", with m= 0.1 for both hearing and cooling |3}. This value of m is based on a gas for which temperature dependence on proper jus is sintilar to that of air in the temperature range 0K, n fully developed laminar flan (Nige < 2.000), the friction factor can be calculated via the Hagen- Puiscuille equation (with isothermal representation for heatiny and cooling): S= UG/Ngy (36) For tiynit, the properties correction factor is used as analytically devived by Diessler [76]: ¢ = (y/Iely with w= 038 for heating Giyfte> Vy an 05 Uy'the 1925.3, 07900 7, 9.70861 Staite She of ca ‘ner mt, = 1036 6, “x9 [8.000 ~ 0.2 see i ek, Lowa iit = a: nt) 004570 Ho HD Pactra llr 0, wo 7 0 Tower Ibsit-D, = 183, 1," 3.80, ‘pment * 3.08, 7)» 6.1: 41917 0.0, 079069 7, 970881 fo-tangent length is the distan points where the ewved sides of the ctliptical heads meet the straight sides of the vessel) Cost correlations for the base vessel cust. Cin carbon steel, and for the eost of the platforms and ladders. C, gen are given in both English and St unite for horizontal and vertical vessels, respectively, in Tables Y and IL. The vessel cost correlations are compared waphically with the acta! data points in Fig. Land 2 for horizontal and vertical vesels, respectivel "The standardl leviations for the corvelation of 88 hor- irontal vessels ate 8.7's for vessel eost sat 7% for plate forms and ladder cost. For the correlations of the vertical vowels, the standard deviations wie 7.9% for ves- 146 Zé 108 Sate: Aug. 1, 1978 Waterit: carbon steet L ' ee eteost § Correlation for horizontal _pressuro vessels sol cost and 4.4% for the cost of the platforms and the ladders. “To ealcniate the estimated total cost of a vessel, C, in ‘a material of construction other than carbon steel, use Eq. (1): C= Fy + Cy @ ‘The appropriate material-of-construction cost factor, Fyp is selected from Table S11. lin the ASPEN procedure, the costs of installation materials (1e., foundation, structural, instrumentation, painting, insulation, electrical and piping) and of in- Etallation laoor are estimated via factors based on the cost in carbon steel. This is the modular approach ree~ ommended by Guthtle, which requires that the cost in earbon steel always be calculated [6]. Calculation of shell weight In the ASPEN program, the theee baste parameters required to caleulate the cost of a ves are its diameter {arigent-tociangent length and design pressure. These may be specified directly, or may be ealculated from the faults of marial and energy balances, specifically flowrau and densities of the vapor and liquid streams flowing through the ves ‘Vewsel volute is calculated from the specified res dence tte Lased on the liquid stream: the diameter of Nerteal vessels is calrulated to provide the necessary Vapor velocity 10 disengage the liquid. For horizon Vesels, the program calculates the length-te-diameter Fatio that reslts in the minimum vesel cost ‘Shell cight depends on rvaterial density, diameter tangent-r tangent lengtt ane wall thickness. Thickness rafonetion of design preatie, diameter, leneth, ancl ther dhe ten strength or the modulus of elasticity ob ‘ial ef eonsiniction {depending on whesaer oe presure i postive or negative), Fr vertical wes © Bate Aug 1, 1828 Hiei. catbon steel Bo wo! na a eee a a aad 18 10° 10 ‘ot Calculated shall weight, tb Gorretation for vertical pressura vassals is Constant materabeFeorsetion factors Table 2 we ony emer setoo 2 ota a wtioe 3 eo 33 eorses 3 Teo 2% ©. sels, the thickness required «+ withstand wind resist must also be taken into consideration. ‘This is of partice ular importance in the calculation of the shell weight for towers, Shell weight is calculated via: wy, j + OBILGD,YL 0 ey i Wall thickness for internal pressure the design pressure is positive, che stress on the lon- tudinal seam governs, and the wall thickness to with- stand the design pressure is calculated: ARISE — 0.61, @) is 2 property of the ial is ‘The masimum allowable stress, specified material of construetion. If this mater Weel, the ASPEN proyram allows for io different ton )D atten depending on tre equied thickness, Fora Heke up to 2 in 2 in) Hale the Toer eae 8 285 Cz the properties of the higher grade, ‘are chosen for wall thickness gréater than 2 18 ENT Nomenclature Gyo Gant of platform and ladders, S CL Mase vessel cast in extn steel. § CG) Toral wesset cost, including platforms. ladders suppansete, § ln e diameter Outside diatneter Joint sllieieney Noxtulus of ebasiony Cont ator for material of construction (1.0 for carbon stec!) Goltaipning pressure Gage pressure Tasile vais of ecoel Musiniant allowable | | | Additional thichnas Gor cosresion allowance “Thickness to withstend external pr Corrected thickness to withstand external pres Thickness to withstand ime nal pressure when slr seam cores: J, Tangeateta-tangens longi T, Fichiers to wi TE Cateulated wall thickness L,— Convetion for thickness myuined to withstand Tq Thickness to ssithstarad wind load Wind celocity Shell weighet Allowance fr cage badder windbtond eae bo Density Welding atong the fongitudinal seam was tested with X rays in accordance with the ASME code. The extent of these fests determines joint efficiency: Por eathon steel up to 1.25 in, (31.8 mm) in sickness, the weld need only be 10% spot-shecked by X rays, and a joint efficiency, F, of 0.85 must be used in the formula. For carbon steel of thickness greate and for other materials of consisetion, the weld anust be 100° Xeray-tested and the joint efficiency is 1.0. Wall dhickness for vacuum vessels “The procedure te ealeulate the required thickness 20 avoid the collapsing of the shell under external pressive is outlined in several sourees [1,357]. Unfortunately a} procedure that is not suite ble for computer calculation “The following formul: tor the collaps as.a function of the ves: PDOs: presture, 2, iekness, was obtained from ay “prosure) must be high enoua for the collapsing prese sare camputed frowr Eq. (4) (0 be Bve tines the diifer- couce Letween the external jatmespheric) presure and die dosign (vacuum) pressite in the vessel. With TY; and D, in meters, we found that the fol. lowing eo*rection had to be addled to the thickness 7; 10 viel the data points supplied by PDQS: Tt 14710950, ~ 2.167) x 10° — 4.826 x 10-9 (5) And fur 7,, T; andl D, in inches, the expression for this cdrrection becom T= TxO.1B5RD, — 2.167) x 10- = 0.190 6) Jckness required (o withstand external pressure T= Te + (Tee a” eg Thistnes for wind load Wh Air dewsity, pg For the ASPEN program, it was assumed that the weil of @ vertical vessel will be thicker at the bottom shan at the top so as to withstand stresses caused by sind. “The thickness at the top is that required to with ‘The thie nessat thr bottom is that required to also withstand the id lead, whieh is assumed to be sulficient to addition d earthquake leads [7] thickness necessary to withstand the wind load is ed assuming that the wind acts with 2 uniform Sntensity over the entire length of the column and that the drag coeMficient for the wind resistance is L0 (drag, past a eylinder in turbulent Mow), With 7,..D, and 7; in meters and the other variables in consistent ST units (including the maximum allowa- ble stress, 5, in Pascals), the wall thickness is calewlated from: pgP™D, + ATE SDY, @ es Commen numerical velues for the other Fy are: ‘Okg/m* at 70°F and atmos. phevie pressure, Wind velocity, F Allows 3 m/s (140 mi/h). a ice for cage ladders, Z = 0.432 m (18 in), With these nuinbers agai subsdtuted, and with Ti, 1b, und Tin inches, and Sin ps, Eg (8) in English units bscomes 22D, + 18)TRSDS @ sn there is wind load, the girth seam mist with sonshined load of the wind and the internal pressure. Therefore. the thickness required to withstand the internal pressure when the girth, seam governs is calculated by [7] Ty = BRIQSE + O4P,) (10) ‘The thickness at the bottom of a vertical vesel is then ven by Ratt h a And the dhigkness used in the program tw compute the shell weigh is the average of the thickness at the top "SPing oe anes Dag pny a sere so coma and bottom, plus the carrosion allowance, which is specified by the program Mie equiitions for the calculated wall thickness ate then: Por horizontal vessels: rt 2) For vertical vessels t a3 1 : Lint t+ qt +h ‘The final thickness is rounded! up t the nearest plate thickness as follows in inches: ‘Thickness up to Rounding increment 10 a2 20 nr) 50 1% >ao 4 Jer je Maile. Bator References 1. ASML “Pramure Vel and Piping Done Cl Paps." 190 2 hsons Projet Masashi nt of Techy Care. Aa 97 Bese nd Yong Hy" Prac sn Es 4. Emel, Gy A Composer aed Cost Eitan Sevie” PQS ey Gui Tai: Os 8 5. Ena F. ln aires Dun for Ratner a Pubithiagoweom Hees 6 Guiies KM, “Prag Pant Eaten, Evokowon set Gent" ‘Grattan Book Gn Stan ests Cae 10h 2. Megveny & Fy "Primi Vie! Hanbas” Hansioc Bubtning, Tata Obl, i073 1 Wu sand Dis. Cat eating fr eae preven er hr gS 10,137 cal is Cal ‘The authors a ? [aca A Mate Ania Mle ah asst profenrof chemi nacerog athe Un Tmt teaoigie pans Pores oi, Preity thecseys Projet ono epcatieas mh and eh ee ctpation so yar cons cnc a he naan da Ck Cham cc leo LS tn tty fons Utes of “esas spetsoing toon Aclcnsa Cunenttshe 2 mb of MBS Sigma ArinandeB: Corsini pofcnref ches etc a at RES ate Hanae? LA aah here eho tne Sr Sch eet for’ sieal ae MELE ne he to ue fe wh ibe ol BS fre Ce i i i i 1 i | | i i Estimate costs of centrifugal pumps and electric motors base plate and dris the appropria Armando Katherine §. Chien Lawcrence B. Beans, Nisachucets Tusttte of Tecuologs “Y. S. Davee, Const Bi 1 Conetating the cast of centrifugal pumps 2s Slee or capacity is ¢fficult because an off-the-shell pump of a given size and price can be adapted by its manufacturer to serve in a variety of combinations of flowrate (capacity) and developed hvad.* Foltow:ng the example of Monsamo Co.'s FLOWTRAN program, this difficulty is cixcumvemed by correlating pom cost against the maximum value ofthe size parameter S that “the atmo hi ar 5, gad aa CRIN NCE MN eh hee Serafina» wt ae tone Sue Ae racougeamns erences dee 2 er he hcl Te Corretations for cost of centifugal pumps {4 ial could be handled by a pump of a particular price: S=QVE a) Here, Q is the design capacity, gpm,or mi/s, and His the required head, Felb/Ib or J/ke.” “The cost of a pump (Cp), including the base plate and driver coupling but not the driver, is calculated by: Cp = Col y @ Correlations for pump base cost (Cp) and design-type cost faei08s (Fy) ate given in Table [Factors for mate~ Fial of construction (Fy) are Usted in Table LI. The ase fost is for # one-stage, 3,550-rpm, vertically-splitcase pump of east iron—Fp = 1.0 and Fy = 1 ‘The ASPEN progiain provides for the estimation of six different types of conteifugal puraps: ons, two and multistage, 1,750 and 3,990 rpm, and vertically- (VS) fand liorizontally- (iS6) split-case pumps. The capacity, hhead and horsepower limits for each pump type are noted in Table HL. Electric motor size and cost In order to sctermine the cost of a driver for a pump. the requited brake horsepower must be determined. “inti mnie aint iS Aiseees ep cel vis te eigh mulcped by the aceeraon pent Semi cs demi Tablet eaten nnn a A I English unite Base cost for anesiage, 3,850<0m, VEC castaron pir Gy = ex018.2989 ~ 0.60191 S) + 0.051011 7 Here, § = QV. with Q in gpm, end H in Fe Wo (of hoa = Coe factor for pump tye = exnty + ball S) + Lr SH) yee Create One-soge. 1.760 is 11s o 1 8Pa 98 zag 986 O16 v we 9g. zon ele ie 228 a we ‘Bos 886 ¥001 8901 Zon v WE ge ef tT sosvd8| sosvd 9 | SOSvd | Sosvdz | OSvd! vu ta vay fep j “uy ‘og Wievi i | 1odt 2621 iso! esi Y wl i | £99) 28S S91 seo mw i selz | deez sbsz 2es2 | VI we Bz ose 9as2 £882 or we | see | zee Shee ecce | Vea | 9/8 sg Ce) 4021 sya) sooi seo. | yet 1 ees! ize! oot ot | Ow 1 6ore | 9bvz gtsz eesz | V1 ore She 29l2 vlee ieee al w/e sce | 9gaz ogez voz | Vas! we 8 23 482i zal sul son | Veit 1 zeit 291 8611 sizi | get 1 osoz | 2602 gaz azz | oh ee 928! sya cea) sisi | OF oft esi ule e122 tose | Vos w/e os zs 9101 8601 eo! v t 6S 928 O10} Q i ell 9221 9v81 g we seg! e991 ass! g we lost veel 8081 v we 9 9» asa 12s 996 086 Veit ‘ Bid 608 28 988 oe 1 Zep! vor seol ess) vi we oz! 98al 222 6rel bl WE veal sol eZ 22h Vv ol/si we wh ey oP sosvd 9 | SOSvd # | sosvd Z| osvd 1 cul te “oy Sop HEHE we 010, vay fsq Pr DIAMETRO ExTERNO| ESRACIAMIENTO DEL TUR0 ENTRE TUBCS doy in. De in ARREGLO Poo in. Roy in. 8/8 = 0.82 13/16 © 0,812, ~J 0.704 0.408 L. 7 Beles 3/40 0.750 Is/ie+ 0.989 -d 0.814 0.469 3/49 0.750 1 -O 1.000 1,000 3/42 0.750 ' - 0.707 9.707 8/42 0.70 ' -d 0.866 0, 500 1 1 Las0 oO 1.260 1.280 + 1 1 1280 ~ o.e8s 0.884 ' 1s tate 1.oez NORMAL +14 ESEACIALGES Pa AL FLUO NTO ENTRE TUSOS PARALELO Pp Y i 5. NUMERO DE HILERAS EFECTIVAS DE FLUJO CRUZADO EN CADA VENTANA, NCW: O.8 H P 2 New = 6. AREA DE FLUJO CRUZADO EN LA LINEA CENTRAL DE UNA SECCION DE FLUJO CRUZADO, SM: a) Parra arreglos rotados. (Ds - OTL) + (OBL - do) Sa b) Pare arreglos normles. an = §, | ws = OYL) + {OTL ~ do} ea! 7. FRACCION DE AREA DE FLUJO CRUZADO DISPONIBLE POR FLUJO DE DERRAME, F, > (Ds - OTL) Sb yp 2 i Sm 8. AREA DE DERRANE TUBO-MAMPARA, S41? Sep = 09-0245 do (1 + FC) NE - 9 Oo —— hee = ° 20 40 60 & (00%) FIS. 1S FRACCION DE TUBOS EN FLUJO CRUZADO -1l0- Esta ecuaci6n esté basada en la especificacién del TEMA clase R, que establece una tolerancia de 1/32" entre el tubo y la mampara. 9. AREA DE DERRAME MAMPARA-ENVOLVENT! Si se conoce 1a tolerancia envolvente-mampare t.,, S,, 8¢ puede calcular de: = Ds tsb fer -cos! 11 - 28) voasanes aie (BS) fae o por medio de la Fig. 16. 10. AREA DE FLUJO A TRAVES DE LA VENTANA, Sw: Esta drea se obtiene como la diferencia entre el - frea gruesa de la ventana Syg y el 4rea de la ventana ocu pada por tubos Sut (Pig. 17, 18). ag 7 Swe. ps? cos"! (4-2 H_) - (1-2 HD 7 DS BE fi - a2 #9? | DS (1 = Pe) 4 do” 11. DIAMETRO EQUIVALENTE DE LA VENTANA, DW (REQUERIDA SOLO PARA FLUJO LAMINAR, DEFINIDO COMO Re € 100): b,= be (1/2) NT (1 - Fe) do + D,ob aaa 100r— 0.2r a SS o.73T OBES og36 Sep io Di tere 20 40 60 ) wor PIS, 18 AREA DE DERRAME ENVOLVENTE-? oe STLETT errata ht —f10° 1000) q L 4 b 10" l00c- ] Sugg [Sxo? [ | \. r 807 ak Ran ceca eee erg seca c ees | Cy a 20 40 60 £2) wooy (£2) boom 1 DE FLUJO EN LA TAMA, o see FIG, 317 AREA GRUE t bo 10 joo {O00 Ny Fig, 12 AREA UE LA VENTANA OCUPADA FOR TUBOS - 14 - Donde @b es el Angulo del corte de La mampara (Pig. 13) dado por _ i's eb = 2.cos (1 2 Radianes 12. NUMERO DE MANPARAS, NB: L see SB. 1 Donde L es la longitud efectiva de tubos. CALCULO DEL COEFICIENTE DE TRANSFERENCIA DE CALOR POR LA ENVOLVENTE. 1. NGmero de Reynolds, Re, = i2dow J sm 2. Pactor ji para bancos ideales de tubos (Fig. 20). 3. Coeficiente de transferencia de calor para un banco ideal de tubos, hoi. - hoi = cp 144 Ww Sit 4, Factor de correccién por efectos de configura~ cién de la mampara, Jo (Pig. 2h). 5. Factor de correccién por efecto de derrames en la mampara, J, (Pig. 22). 6. Factor de correceién por efecto de derrames en el haz dé tubos, Ub . Jb se lee en la Pig. 23 como fun cién de Fbp y de Nss/Nc (raz6n del ndmero de pares de fa de sello a némero de hileras cruzadas en una secci de flujo cruzado. Of Nvlava ‘8 sa Tart | | a Saree sd tb SOGNL 3G SSW3G! SCONVa YuYd 201 vvoOoVvaeYV Tr Bleoo sleo'o BIZOO vsz00 yszoo yg2o'o gec0'0 80200 t WAUND OOseuV “urd Lipton de Al “Al i t \ SNe, Ver ‘urd vscoo vyszoo voZ0'0 16100 16100 1610'o 1GiO'O 6S10'O op t Lenten nr DE ft bl Bt abt We 7 - Sia I. 0 coe 1 L ie ai ee 0 0.2 0.4 os (Ssp + Sib) Sm Fis. ‘TOR DE CORRECCION POR EFECTO DE FUGAS EN LAS MAMPARAS - 19 - SAWVEYAG YOd NO!INDBYNOD 3G HOLOVs E2- “Sid das, Lo 30 go ¥0 eo z0 vo ; 7 1 1 . ;£'0 O01 > Sey —-— OO1= Soy —— 7. Factor de correccién por construccién del gra- @iente adverso de temperaturas a niimeros bajos de Reynolds, Jr. El factor es igual a i.0 si Re > 100. Para Re < 20, el factor es funcién s6lo del ntimero total de hileras cro- zadas. Para 20 < Re < 100, se utiliza una regla de propor cién lineal El procedimiento es: Hi (a) Si Re,< 100, estimar Jt de la Fig. 24. (b) Si Re, < 20, Jr = a* s ir + (©) Si 20 < Re, < 100, estimar gr de la Fig. 25 con Jr y Re, 8. Coeficiente de transferencia de calor para el - cambiador, ho. ho = hoi Jp J, J, 3, 9 CALCULO DE CAIDA DE PRESION POR LA ENVOL VENTE 1. Factor de friccién para un banco ideal de tubos, fi. La Fig. 26 es para arregios triangular y cuadrado y suadrado rotado y le Fig. - 27 para arreglos cuadrados normales; 2. Cada de presién para una seccién ideal de fiv- jo cruzado, AP). AP ye = (144) 4 £4 Ww? te (Ages 2 Pa, sa MA 6 LPy, = 0-69 x 10° £4 W? Ne ba Pome A 3. Caida de presiGn para una seccién ideal de ven- tana, &Pwk. A) 0.14 od SVENLVYAdWaL 3d OSYSACV BLNBIOVHL dod NOIOOZEY of T an + o@ 00 3G HOLOWA v2 0 O0l > Feu 20

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