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A news bulletin is a current issue that broadcasters feel warrants the interruption of
scheduled programming and/or current news in order to report its details. They are a short
programme that reports only the latest news and events that require immediate attention by
the public. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hrj_-lztzZ8
In order to report a news bulletin, you simply report the facts with no biased
views when giving them. You are there to inform the public about current
events. And to let them form their own opinion on the situation.
The headline is the main title of any given article that describes the main
context of the news that will come next in the programme. Its a short
description of what is going on in the world. Its short mainly to the effect that it
wants to grab listeners all around, so they sum up all of their stories to see if you
will like any of them.
The headline is the introduction to the top story that you want to prioritise.
These are usually merged with audio clips and brief information Depending on
the audience you want to attract, you should put stories first that you think your
target audience will be more interested in. you want to grab their attention and
you want them to continue to listen.
For example- David Cameron: Conservatives offering 'a good life' for all is a good
example of the type of story older people would want to hear. They are concerned for their
country and want to stay informed about current political news. However this isnt the type of
story that would be of concern of younger people. So they would broadcast this on a station
such as LBC or Radio 1.

A headline for a younger audience would be something that is more instantaneous and
explosive. Such as a tragedy or death. A good example of this in radio would be A

former Russian secret agent's critically ill after claims he

was poisoned

News programme
A news programme is committed to current events often using interesting
interviews and opinionated commentary. This side of the news isnt just about
reporting the facts, its also about getting the people of the wold together to
share their thoughts too, to debate and to decide what to think of all current

situations. This programme is often only about an hour long. But is repeated
across the day for those who were not watching before. Its a regularly
scheduled radio that reports current events. News is typically reported in a series of
individual stories that are presented by one or more anchors. A news program can
include live or recorded interviews by field reporters, expert opinions, opinion
poll results, and occasional editorial content.
Here is an example. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZV3AMPtNjY

as you can see, this programme focusses on all different types of stories. From
breaking news to regular scheduled programming. Events and interviews.
News broadcast features.
When a radio news reader reads out and gives their opinion on the currents
events in the news. This will not include any cross overs or interviews.
Audioclips may also be used in different situations. And in this instance the news
reader WOULD interview people over the phone on air. Or thay can provide
interviews in the form of audio from television news stations. This information
would have been pre-recorded. Wraps are discovered at the ending for each
different story. They are used to conclude one part of the news story in order to
begin the next one.

live cross
live cross is when on live radio, the broadcaster speaks with a person on
location live on the station, and they speak live about whatever story is related
to the person on location. Here is an example of a live cross. This is a video from
the location and as you can see the anchor is speaking with the reporter and is
updating her and everyone on the news story. https://www.youtube.com/watch?

two way
two way is a pre-recorded conversation between anchor and an on-location
reporter. They re-record it so that they can get the take right without making any
mistakes with the footage. This will be later broadcasted live on television. Here
is an example from the channel 9 newschopper. The pilot is reporting to the
anchor, or though it seems to be the case. What actually happened is that they
had that conversation beforehand. The pilot and repoter actually may have
wanted to focus on the flying, so it is pre recoded in case they crash.

A Wrap Is a term that is used when you need to finish up a subject and move
onto the next one. When the broadcaster wants to change the subject, they
would simply sum up the events thus far, these are usually found at the

conclusion of each different kind of story. These are used to wrap a subject and
continue into the next one. Some of these kx

relation to audience
the station should try to make sure that they tell a story so that the audience can
relate to it. Because if they can get their audiences to feel more connected to
the story, they will most likely continue to listen to the station in the future.
Therefore securing the audience.
public service
a station can provide radio news that will help the public listen out for traffic,
new emergencies and breaking news. They can secure more viewers if they
provide this service, helping people of the public throughout their day, and to
alert various cities and vehicles about ongoing traffic issues or any other
isolated incidents.
Commercials pay for running and maintaining a radio station. If people pay to
advertise their products on the radio station then they can produce revenue and
pay to keep on going. This way they can continue to entertain their listeners and
will maintain their audience.
Community radio is a radio service offering a third model of radio broadcasting in addition
to commercial and public broadcasting. Community stations serve geographic communities and
communities of interest. They broadcast content that is popular and relevant to a local, specific
audience but is often overlooked by commercial or mass-media broadcasters. Community radio
stations are operated, owned, and influenced by the communities they serve. They are
generally nonprofit and provide a mechanism for enabling individuals, groups, and communities
to tell their own stories, to share experiences and, in a media-rich world, to become creators and
contributors of media.

small scale

small scale stations are similar to local and community stations in terms of their
size and range. They tend to have a smaller budget and have less money to put
towards new songs or better equipment, they may have a slightly larder range
than the average community station but not massively. Some small scale
stations may only do part of the week rather than a steady, consistent flow of

National Radio is the official term for the three national commercial radio stations
broadcasting on analogue radio in the United Kingdom. The two stations broadcasting on
AM broadcast were allocated frequencies previously used by BBC Radio 3 (to be used
by INR2) and BBC Radio 1 (to be used by INR3).
BBC English Regions is the division of the BBC responsible for local television, radio,
web and teletext services in England, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. It is
one of the BBC's four 'Nations' the others being BBC Scotland, BBC Wales and
BBC Northern Ireland.
BBC Local Radio is the BBC's regional radio service for Englandand the Channel Islands,
consisting of 40 stations. They cover a variety of areas with some serving a city and
surrounding areas, for example BBC Radio Manchester; a county, for example BBC
Radio Norfolk; an administrative region, for example BBC WM; or a larger region entirely,
for example BBC Radio Solent.
Satellite radio
Satellite radio is a radio service broadcast from satellites primarily to cars, with the signal
broadcast nationwide, across a much wider geographical area than terrestrial radio stations.

It is available by subscription, mostly commercial free, and offers subscribers more

stations and a wider variety of programming options than terrestrial radio.

Cable radio
Cable radio or cable FM is a concept similar to that of cable television, bringing radio signals
into homes and businesses via coaxial cable. It is generally used as cable TV was in its early
days when it was "community antenna television", to enhance the quality of terrestrial radio
signals that are difficult to receive in an area. However, cable-only radio outlets also exist.

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