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Kristy Howell


Entry 1: Technology to Support Communication

Technology is an every growing resource in the world today. Adults and students alike
use some form of technology every single day. Technology is used for many different things.
From waking people up by an alarm on a smart phone to finding resources for information used
in work and school. In this class students will be taught to use technology wisely to search for
information as well as how to communicate with others.
Technology to Enhance Communication
Skype: Skype is an amazing tool in the world of technology. It allows people to
communicate virtually face to face from all over the globe. This has also become a formidable
asset in the classroom. Teachers are now using Skype to do all sorts of things in the classroom.
Skype can be used for parent/teacher conferences for parents who are unable to make it in
because of an odd work schedule. It can also be used to take kids on a virtual tour of museums
the class is unable to visit as well as other countries. Skype in the Classroom is a website on
which teachers worldwide can post ideas for Skype lessons, connect with other classrooms and
come up with ways to collaborate via Skype. (Waxman, 2012). This is a great development
that allows teachers and students to safely explore the world and have more fun learning than
ever before.

Pinterest: Pinterest has so many different topics and boards that a person could get lost
for days or even weeks on the site. For teachers this is another amazing tool to be put to use in
the classroom. From decorating the classroom to organizing the classroom, Pinterest has
thousands of ideas for teachers to use. This site allows teachers to make their classroom
comfortable and welcoming. It helps them to make it their own. After all, the classroom is a
teachers second home. It should be comfortable and conducive to learning. With Pinterest
teachers can make this happen with ease. As stated by Educational Technology and Mobile
Learning (2015) there is so much potential with Pinterest in the classroom that it needs to be put
to use. So many wonderful ideas and projects that will breathe life into any classroom.
Planboard: Planboard is an application that allows teachers to plot their proposed
schedule for classes on a day by day basis. Teachers are able to collaborate with other teachers
worldwide to prepare the best lesson plans for their class subject. It also permits teachers to
apply the school curriculum standard while creating lesson plans to assure that required criteria is
met within the standards required. Planboard is an online tool designed to help educators
simplify their planning. The site allows teachers to save and share calendars and schedules,
make it easy to re-use these plans in the future. (Tomaszewski, 2012). This application grants
the teacher to plan class subject with a flow of learning in mind without repetition and far less
confusion. This is a very large help to teachers who are already stressed out and trying to plan
for multiple classes.
Fun Brain: Fun Brain is an educational game site. Created in 1997 for children ages
preschool to eighth grade, this site offers free educational games and online books and comics.
Teachers and parents can assuredly encourage children to use Fun Brain to further their learning
experience without worry of request for personal identification while keeping learning fun. Fun

Brain teaches children how to use the computer and Internet, as well as will help older students
build on classroom learning. It offers new skills for math, reading and problem solving. Fun
Brain offers a wealth of games that can supplement classroom instruction and help students who
may be falling behind. (Tomaszewski, 2013).
Communication Internet Security and Safety
Where Internet safety is concerned, schools should have an Internet safety contract. If
the school does not have one of these then the teachers should have their own. There are so
many kids that vary in age who are bullied, coerced or even worse on the internet every day.
There are also kids who are kidnapped from their own front yards every day. But on the
internet, we do not know how many children are hurt, or how severe are the consequences; there
are no accident figures. (Livingstone, 2013, p.6). This is because they either do not know what
is going on or they have little to no supervision. With this being the case it makes it much easier
for children to be bullied anywhere and at any time, not just at school or after school. This is
called cyberbullying. Cyberbullying, or internet harassment, impacts up to a third of youth and
has been linked to a variety of health concerns, some as serious as suicidal ideation. (Moreno,
2013, p.1). Typically it is thought that only teenagers are bullies. But the fact is that bullies
come in all ages, shapes and sizes. But if parents as well as teachers talk to the students they are
more apt to make better choices. It is important to teach children the potential risks involved
with using the internet to empower them to make sensible and informed choices.(Forward,
2014, pg. 1-2). If teachers and parents would go over a safety contract with the students there is
a very good chance that there will be less and less bullying of any kind as well as things that are
far worse than that.

Concluding Paragraph (4-6 sentences)

Technology has become a core of everyday life, one that school-aged children are
excelling at. Teaching these children to use technology wisely is the key. Technology has the
possibility of enhancing classroom learning whether it be decorating and organizing your
classroom from ideas on Pinterest, structuring lesson plans within the school standards using
Planboard or furthering learning using Skype and Fun Brain. There are numerous technological
resources that can be applied after setting up safety controls and contracts to help students learn
all that they possibly can in a fun, safe way.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning. (2015). Retrieved from:

Forward, Catherine. (2014). Information and Resources on Internet Safety for Children. British
Journal of School Nursing, 9 (3), 147-150. Retrieved from:


Livingstone, Sonia. (2013). Online risk, harm and vulnerability: Reflections on the evidence
base for child Internet safety policy. Zer: Revista de Estudios de Comunicacion, 18 (35), 13-28.
Retrieved from:

Moreno, Megan A., Egan, Katie G., Bare, Kaitlyn, Young, Henry N., Cox, Elizabeth D. (2013).
Internet Safety Education for Youth: Stakeholder Perspectives. BMC Public Health, 13 (1), 1-6.
Retrieved from:

Tomaszewski, Jason. (2012). Tech in the Classroom: Planboard. Retrieved from:

Tomaszewski, Jason. (2013). Site Review: Funbrain. Retrieved from:

Waxman, Olivia B. (2012). How Teachers Use Skype in the Classroom. Retrieved from:

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