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The Slaves' Petition for Freedom to the Massachusetts Legislature was a petition created and presented

to the Council and House of Representatives of Massachusetts in a court hearing in January 13, 1777 to
abolish slavery in the state. The petition criticized slavery for being an unfair establishment under a
country built under the main principles of freedom and Christianity. The main argument that sparked
the inspiration for this petition was that every slave is a human and therefore he/she has the right to the
undeniable and natural right to freedom (as Quaker John Woolman stated in one of his sermons) that
was unconditionally given to every human born in this world.
The slaves never agreed to their work. They have never forged any legal bond or agreement that would
prevent them from having freedom, and therefore should have no obligation to work under anyone who
forces them into labor or perpetually controls their lives without consent.
The very existence of slavery has ruined the once prosperous and peaceful face of a country that built
its foundation of natural rights and common good of humanity. Slavery itself is a violation of those
rights. Slaves are inevitably as human as any human and their abysmal treatment is a humiliation to
individuals who have traveled great lengths to escape such discrimination or persecution.
As a country built under the good will of religion, people should be more sensitive and rational to the
equal right of every human being whether he/she be black or white. The fact that the slaves lack any
form of independent life and are subjected to some of the worst conditions that even most animals
never experience, is a pitiful black mark on the young nation. There is nothing more disappointing than
to have a country fighting for its freedom against Great Britain who has pressed on this hardworking
country while this country has mercilessly allowed such a societal violation of human rights where a
human is condemned to the most inhumane treatment. Therefore, it is only right that these slaves have
the right to live and enjoy life as freely as possible, because of the natural right of freedom that they
were granted since birth. It is only right that the petition was signed, so the children of these slaves are
not subjected to the similar treatment of unbearable living for the rest of their lives and are granted the
full gratitude of their natural rights.
These revolutionary opinions began spreading like wildfire as the idea of natural rights started to
become more reasonable for every person. The thought that not all men were allowed liberty as the
creation of this country promised, is a disgrace to the hopes and dreams of the founding fathers and the
common man/woman. Some slave owners began feeling a sense of embarrassment and disappointment
when they realized the double standards that were in existence. With the success of this petition, the
news that slavery was ruled unconstitutional in Massachusetts sparked abolitionist movements
throughout the country, and progressively made slavery dwindle in the northern states during this
revolutionary time.

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