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Reflection Cycle-Examples of How Schools Commit Procedural Violations

EDSP 6345
Dr. Reed
Submitted by Kelly Thurber


EDSP 6345 Notes

There are 17 common ways that schools commit procedural violations. The following
list describes these violations:
-Failure to devise an appropriate IEP based on the childs individual needs
-Failure to implement the IEP as written
-Failure to allow the parents to meaningfully participate in the IEP development process
-Failure of proper personnel to be present during the case conference committee settings
-Failure to give notice of rights, planned meetings
-Failure of the school to prevent punishment of the child for actions or inactions that are manifestations
of the childs disability (caused by the childs disability)
-Failure to train staff and aides in the childs areas of disability
-Failure to maintain proper records
-Predetermining placement and services before the case conference committee meeting
-Failure to conduct necessary evaluations of the child
-Failure to provide education and services in the least restrictive environment, based on that childs
individual needs
-Failure to offer extended school year services to the child, resulting in regression of skills during the
summer vacation that cannot be recouped quickly
-Failure to convene a case conference meeting
-Failure by the school to notice that the child was one in need of special education or services, despite
evidence that the child was struggling academically or behaviorally
-Failure to provide records within 45 days when requested by parents

-Failure to allow the special needs child to participate in extracurricular activities to the same extent as
his non-disabled peers when the child could participate with accommodations provided by the school.
It is important to know these common violations so that as a Diagnostician, I do not
commit these violations myself. Understanding the importance of the students rights and the schools
responsibility is of utmost importance.
This list is important and will be kept in my office to ensure that I remember to always
do these things.
I will utilize this list in my practice as a Diagnostician. It is important to know the rights
of the students, the laws and regulations, and to communicate that with the student and/or parents.

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