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Ashley Allen

DIFF 598
Lesson Plan
Unit essential questions: How does theme develop throughout a literary
Lesson question: How is the theme Individuals are able to survive in
challenging environments in remarkable ways. Illustrated in the novel, A
Long Walk to Water?
Lesson objective: Given the novel A Long Walk to Water, students will
correctly select five details that support the theme Individuals are able to
survive in challenging environments in remarkable ways.
NYS or other appropriate standard(s) addressed:
RL.7.2 Key Ideas and Details- Determine a theme or central idea of a text
and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an
objective summary of the text.
SL.7.1 Comprehension and Collaboration- Engage effectively in a range of
collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with
diverse partners on grade 7 topics, texts, and issues, building on others
ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Opening: The teacher will remind the students prior to this lesson the idea
of theme was discussed and a variety of themes for A Long Walk to Water
were selected. The teacher will explain that today the class will be focusing
on the theme Individuals are able to survive in challenging environments in
remarkable ways. The students will then be asked to think about and share
a challenge one of the main character, Nya or Salva, faced and what they did
to overcome or survive the challenge.
1. The teacher will explain that this is what we are going to be thinking
about in todays lesson. She will tell the students they are going to
find evidence in the text that supports the theme Individuals are able
to survive in challenging environments in remarkable ways. The
students will do this by recalling challenging events that arose in the
story and then recalling what survival factors the characters used in
order to overcome or survive the challenge.
2. The teacher will pass out the graphic organizer (a T chart) in which the
students will record their evidence. One side of the chart is for

challenges faced, while the other side is where survival factors will be
recorded. She will explain that the first page gives a few examples.
3. The teacher and students will read through the examples provided and
discuss each one. The last example gives only the survival factors and
leaves the challenge section blank. The teacher will ask the students to
think about and discuss with a partner what challenge the survival
factor Salva makes a friend would help Salva to overcome. The pairs
will then share with the group.
4. The teacher will then direct the students to turn to the back of the
page in which a blank T chart is provided. The teacher will explain that
the students will need to record five challenges the characters faced
along with the survival factors used to overcome these challenges.
Before beginning, the teacher and the students will complete one
5. The students will then complete the chart. They will have
approximately 15 minutes to do so.
6. As the students finish their charts, the teacher will travel around the
room to observe and discuss students work. The teacher will also
discuss the next task individually with each student as they are
completing the chart. The students will be examining Nya and Salva's
experiences and survival tactics more closely. She will explain the
choices they have and guide them in choosing an activity most
appropriate for them.
7. The students will begin their second activity. The teacher will travel
around the room to observe the student's work and answer any
8. In the last few minutes, the teacher will instruct the students to share
their work with their partners.
9. The teacher will collect the students work and the students will line up
at the door.

Tiered by: Challenge

Journal Entry (comprehension level): Students will complete a journal entry
that is written in Nya's or Salva's point of view. In this journal entry the
students will recall challenges they experienced and the survival factors used

to overcome those challenges. The students can use the information they
recorded in their T chart as a guide to writing their journal.
Compare and Contrast Nya and Salva's Experiences (analysis level):
Students will complete a Venn Diagram in which they will compare and
contrast Nya and Salva's experiences (the challenges they have faced and
the survival factors they used to overcome these challenges). The students
will discuss which character they feel had to take greater measures to
Design a Survival Plan ( Evaluation and Synthesis Level): Students will
predict other challenges Salva may face throughout his journey. With these
predictions, students will design a survival plan for Salva to follow. This plan
will assist him in safely returning to Sudan and reuniting with his family.
Closure: Students will share their work with a partner. The teacher will ask
the students to also discuss how they would have reacted to situations that
Nya and Salva have been in. Would they overcome challenges in a similar
6 copies of A Long Walk to Water
Graphic organizer (T charts)
activity choices/ directions

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