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How does each part of the report orient readers to its topic and purpose?
What is the research question?
What process was used to investigate the question?
How are the findings presented?
In the end, what does the report do to make us care?
What rhetorical appeals were used?

Emanuel Castro

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Professor Packer
English 2010 Mon &Wed 5:30PM
17 February 2015
Climate Change
As a child we always hear people talking about global warming, that
we are eventually going to go out by this epidemic and it was all thanks to us
and our forefathers. Ive always asks and I am pretty sure I am not the only
one, is this even true? and if it is, why havent we changed anything so this
wont affect our children that will inherit the world after. Climate change is
now what we call in substitute of global warming because other places are
becoming cooler rather than becoming warmer. But the real question is, is
this climate change man made or is this just nature taking its course? Well
known people blame some of the most dangerous weather patterns, like
hurricane Katrina due to climate change and state that it is man made and
we must change our ways because of it, I want to know if this is true or not,
if it is what could we do to fix it.
Is it true?
In the Article of Embarrassing predictions haunt the global-warming
industry by Alex Newman the author states about the climate change and
how the debate is always changing based on the situation that we are in,
focusing on big groups and people such as the UNEP (United Nations

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Environment Programme) and President Obama. Back before we were

saying that there is global warming in the world in 1960s did state that there
was global cooling and with that said by the year 2000 there would be
billions of people dead due to crop failures and starvation. Which claimed by
ecology professor Kenneth E.F Watt at the University of California in 1970
This is about twice what it would take to put us in an ice age, we did not
get to the ice age. After we have passed the year that there was supposed
to be a global cooling The UNEP stated man-made global warming will create
Climate refugees. The UNEP predicted that by 2010 some 50 million
climate refugees would be frantically fleeing from those regions of the
globe. This was said that it would be in the Caribbean and pacific lands
which there are none of that, as a matter of fact they are booming with more
crops and major population increase. (Newman, Embarrasing Predictions
Haunt The Global-Wamring Industry)
The planet is warmer today.
In this article 2014 warmest year in modern record by Steve Cole and
Leslie McCarthy the author give facts about the planet being its warmest in
2014, stating since 1880, Earths average surface temperature has warmed
by about 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit. The blame is mostly on the carbon
monoxide and other human emissions that we put in the atmosphere. The
year 2014 has been the warmest since the year 1880 from two different
studies by NASA and NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric

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Administration). With these studies alone it shows that the planet is

becoming warmer, the statistics that were shown are from GISS (Goddard
Institute of Space Studies) that took measurements from 6,300 different
weather stations of sea surface temperatures.(Cole and McCarthy, 2014
Warmest Year in Modern Record.)

Cool it...
In this film documentary called cool it by Ondi Timoner, the
skeptical environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg explains that there is a climate
change issue in the world and it is man made, but we are trying to fix the
problem with unhelpful solutions, also trying to clear the air on statements
that are exaggerating the truth. Al Gore (Former Vice President of the United
States) predictions were exaggerated with the truth as the author stated Al
Gore predicted that sea levels will rise 20 feet if the west Antarctica ice cap
would go. The IPCC predicts about 30cm/1ft of sea levels rising within the
21st century. Al Gore stated as Ocean gets warmer, there will be stronger

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storms he tries to tie it with Katrina and the massive damage it caused.
Chris Landsea, (Science and Operations officer, natural hurricane center)
stated that it was a man made disaster not because of climate change
making the storm worse, but by having people live below sea level,
engineering failure and people not evacuating. There is climate change
going on in the planet but it is not as exaggerated as other people would
claim it to be. How are we going about it now might not be the best solution.
We are doing things like earth hour which means turning our lights off for one
hour whereas people would light candles, which in turn would emit more CO2
emissions causing more harm then good, we try to do good by making
people use energy saving light bulbs and drive more hybrid cars when in
fact, we are paying more money on them for just a tiny fraction in helping
the CO2 emissions cut down. The solution in climate change is alternative
energy, Solar and wind energy, Algae fuel, Terra power, Wave energy and
Geo-engineering. The problem with these solutions is that they are
expensive, eventually it will be more helpful then the tactics we are using
today. Hashen Alcbari (head of heat island group, barkele lab) who had a
unique solution for cooling the globe, stated to have white roofs for flat
roofs, cool colored roofs for sloped roofs, plenty of shade trees and cool
covered pavements would reduce the temperature of the globe by 5
degrees. The author then concluded by giving a budget of $250 billion that
will tackle the globes problems with climate, adaptation and world problems.
(Cool It. Lionsgate Films, 2010. Film.)

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In sum, there are different positions to be on with this topic, people
believe that climate change is happening and it is man made, while others
simply do not believe it as man made but as nature taking its course. Or that
we are tackling climate change in the wrong way, putting our funds into
solutions that will not benefit us and how we must make our views broader
and try new and different solutions, in order to help the planet. However as
time moves on we are becoming more aware about our planets issues and
doing research to understand the problem rather than coming up with
random solutions, which benefits human kind because on this topic we are
growing together in order to come up with a solution.

Newman, Alex. "Embarrasing Predictions Haunt The Global-Wamring Industry."
Embarrassing Prediction: OneSearch for SLCC Libraries. The New American, 25 Aug.
2014. Web. 12 Feb. 2015.
Cool It. Lionsgate Films, 2010. Film.

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Cole, Steve and McCarthy, Leslie. "2014 Warmest Year in Modern Record. Climate
Change: Vital Signs of the Planet. 16 Jan. 2015. Web. 17 Feb. 2015.

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