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Brandy Aiello

Clint Schmidt
Geology 1700-006
Project #1 Disaster Movie Discussion
In 2009 the film 2012 was released. The heating of the earths core led into a series of
disastrous events and ultimately ended with the plates of the earth breaking apart putting mankind in near extinction.
The movie referenced Charles Hapgoods theory of Earth Crust Displacement as it was
first introduced in 1958. When the mantle began heating up it allowed for the different plates to
shift and move across the surface explaining why Russia was 1500 miles off its course. What
happened 640,000 years ago was happening again.
In the movie southern California hadnt experienced any earthquakes in a few days
thinking that there area was safe but that isnt true. Seismologists have studied and discovered
that small frequent earthquakes mean there is a less likely chance of a large-scale earthquake
occurring but if a known seismic zone goes dormant evidence shows that a much larger
earthquake will occur. Because the earthquakes started on the San-Andreas fault boundary is
caused a greater amount of damage, but it is unlikely the entire world would break apart so
After the earthquake hit the San-Andreas fault line in California the west side of the fault
line began breaking and falling into the ocean. However, in the real-life scenario the Pacific plate
is moving laterally compared to the North American plate not west so ultimately it would shift
Fundamental concepts:

1. Science helps us predict hazards. Studying science is helps us gain knowledge and a better
understanding of how the world works. By monitoring and recording different patterns we can
detect changes in the earth that can help make predictions for future events. A scientist in India
was the first to discover the earths core temperature was rising and comparing this information
to other readings across the world they were better able to predict the outcome of the events. The
volcanic eruption of Yellowstone was the first of their predictions and it did in fact occur. But
science and predictions can only take you so far. In many ways this still happens in real-life we
have the ability to make a close estimate of the outcome of events and when it may occur but
they are rarely exact. This movie often referenced everything as happening too soon or that
there isnt enough time.
2. Knowing hazard risks can help people make decisions. The main goal of the characters was
to get aboard massive ships designed by the scientists to withstand the coming tsunamis. By
knowing ahead of time the government began building these ships in order to save those that
they could. These ships were not only designed to carry people but also a large amount of
different species in hopes of one day repopulating the earth. For much of the beginning the
scientific readings and predictions were kept hidden from the public in hopes to avoid mass
chaos from breaking out which was rather ironic. One of the characters believed that at least if
the public is completely aware of the situation then families can take the time to say goodbye and
religious figures can try and find peace.
3. Linkages exist between natural disasters. Every event led to another event, acting like a
chain reaction. The rising temperature of the earths core was the trigger of all other events. The
explosion of the super volcano in Yellowstone covered the entire country in ash causing dramatic
climate changes. The amount of energy exerted caused movements in the tectonic plates that led

to changes in the earths magnetic field, massive earthquakes, and breaking of the earths crust.
All these led up to the final event of the tsunamis that wiped out the remaining civilizations on
all of the continents. Mount Everest was nearly submerged in water and the Himalayas were no
longer the roof of the world making KwaZulu-Natal the tallest landform.
4. Consequences of hazards can be minimized. All of the events that occurred were impossible
to be controlled. Building the ships to withstand the tsunamis was the only way to try and save

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