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Charlotte Allston

Professor Roe
WRGT 109
March 23, 2015
Info graph
The info graphic that I am designing is about The BipolarBbipolar dDisorder. This
idea was inspiration because I am bipolar and I know how it feels to be stereotyped by others for
having this disorder. Bipolar is the cause of exorbitant shifts in moods, which can be from
very happy- go -lucky to sad and depressed. This is because of the inconsistency of neurons
that travel throughout the body. Most people subject label people who have this disorder as
dangerous and want no part of it, but in realty when treated correctly these people can be
like any others. When doctors suspect that someone has this disorder they automatically
start certain test to determine what type, find treatments such as medications and therapy,
begin checkups to see if there needs to be any adjustments or hospitalizations. The Todays
society'eitys stereotypical assumption that bipolar people are dangerous is simply not
realistically rectified in todays society.
The types of tests run by doctors to determine that someone has bipolar disorder are
physical exams, psychological evaluations, and mood charts,ing and they look out for signs
or symptoms that relate to the disorder. A physical exam is when the doctors check the
body to find if anything else may be causing these symptoms inof the patient(s).
Psychological evaluation is the testing of the mental health of the patient(s). Another testing
would be mood charting, which is when the patient(s) are required to document the moods

and sleep patterns they experience through a certain time period. Mood charting aAlso
involves recognizing knowing what symptoms you are showing and reporting them that are
being presented and then document them for when you see a doctor to inform him or her
about it. After all these tests, the doctor can diagnose the patient as Bipolar I, Bbipolar II,
or Cyclothymic disorder. "Bipolar I is a. manic or mixed episodes that last at least seven
days, or by manic symptoms that are so severe that the person needs immediate hospital care.
Usually, depressive episodes occur as well, typically lasting at least 2 weeks" (NIMH). In simple
terms it means these people have very high emotions for a long period of time with no break that
can result in acute exhaustion. (Mayo clinic). [put into your own words] Then Bipolar II is a
pattern of depressive episodes and hypomanic episodes, but no full-blown manic or mixed
episodes episodesis when a person is having a major manic episode that can last about two to
four weeks, however, this person will fall into extreme exhaustion for weeks after the manic
episode.( (NIMH). In other terms more mediocre than an all outall-out episode that will be
less harmful to the patient(s). Mayo clinic) [use other source(s)] The last diagnosis is
Cyclothymic (Mayo clinic) a mild form of bipolar disorder. People with cyclothymic have
episodes of hypomania as well as mild depression for at least 2 years"(NIMH). Although this
is a form of bipolar it is lacking in characteristics to be fully considered ana bipolar disorder
thatdisorder that allow it to be in its own category.

After the diagnosis the doctors can prescribe medications such as anti depressants,
mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, and anti- anxiety medications. Doctors will also suggest many
different types of therapy. For example, there is cognitive behavioral therapy, electroconvulsive
therapy, and transcraarnial magnetic therapy. However, if the doctors do not see improvement,

they will have to hospitalize patients with bBipolar disorder to ensure the safety of the patient
and others who surround the patientaround them. Antidepressants are medications to help with
the depression that comes with the disorder. Then mood stabilizers are medications that help
level out emotions so that they do not go from one extreme to the next. Antipsychotics help
stabilize suicidal thoughts that hurt yourself and others. All these medications help, as well as
consistently going to therapy, which will help make the judgments that people associate with this
disorder decrease.
My info-graph conveys the information by people informing others about the disorder.
When one group of people contribute to sharing details on bipolar, others are likely to fallow.
This is presented by the varying size of the groups of people. The implied line of the V shaped
silhouettes that decreases in size demonstrates the continuation of spreading the word. I used the
cool colors to have an emotional response of calmness. This emphasizes the calmness to be able
to process new information. Knowing that you lived with the stereotypic ideals of the disorder is
not easy to change once known for so long. The organization technique used was symmetrical
for the logical learners making it easy to read and understand. The simplistic way of displaying
information makes it easier to process and understand with out overwhelming the audiences.
The decision I made to research and inform as well as hopefully persuade the audience
that this disorder is not as bad as the stereotypical people convey. I am a person with the worst
level of bipolar and I am a functional bipolar person because I was treated to the full extent so
that I am capable ofto succeeding on my own, just like any other person(s). MyI idea is to show
in the infographic that people who have this disorder are not dangerous. Tthey have to learn to be
harmful. However, with great treatments and medications, people who are diagnosed with this
disorder are fully capable of living like any other persons.

Work Citied
Clinic, Mayo. "Bipolar Disorder." Definition. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education
and Research, 10 Feb. 2015. Web. 24 Mar. 2015.
Clinic, Mayo. "Bipolar Disorder." Symptoms. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education
and Research, 10 Feb. 2015. Web. 24 Mar. 2015.
Clinic, Mayo. "Bipolar Disorder." Tests and diagnosis. Mayo Foundation for Medical
Education and Research, 10 Feb. 2015. Web. 24 Mar. 2015.
Clinic, Mayo. "Bipolar Disorder. Treatments and drugs. Mayo Foundation for
Medical Education and Research, 10 Feb. 2015. Web. 24 Mar. 2015.
"Bipolar Disorder." NIMH RSS. National Institute of Mental Health. Web.
24 Mar. 2015


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