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Youstina Kaldas

ISM- Period 7
Norman L. Webb. "Depth-of-Knowledge (DOK) Levels for Mathematics." (n.d.): n. pag.
Http://static.pdesas.org/. Wisconsin Center for Educational Research, 28 Mar. 2002. Web.
26 Mar. 2015. <http://www.static.pdesas.org/content/documents/DOK_Math_levels.pdf>.

There are 4 levels to getting an in-depth knowledge of mathematics.

Level 1: Recall: recall info, facts, definitions, terms, or procedure.
Perform simple algorithms or formulas.
Determine Area or perimeter.
Identify a plane or 3 dimensional figures
Evaluate an expression
Locate numbers on a grid or number line
Solve linear equations
Level 2: Skills/Concepts: Interpret info from a graph or table
Use models to represent math concepts
Solve routine problems requiring multiple steps or multiple concepts
Compare figures and contrast figures
Extending patterns
Retrieving info from a graph and using it to solve a problem requiring multiple steps
Translating tables, graphs, words, or notations
Level 3: Strategic Thinking: Interpret complex graph
Explain thinking or response
Make or justify conjectures
Develop logical arguments of a concept
Procedure with multiple steps
Formulate a mathematical model for a complex situation
Level 4: Extended Thinking: Relate Math concepts to other areas
Relate math to the real world
Conduct a project that has specific problems and report the observed results
Design a mathematical model to represent or solve an abstract situation
Note: Level four requires applying one approach to solve a problem which restructuring
complex data, establishing and evaluating criteria to solve a problem.

These levels about the knowledge of math will help assess which route to take to assist the
tutee in solving a specific mathematical situation.

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