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Lesson: Chinese New Year

Teacher: Mrs. Long

Grade: 2

bate: Feb. 19, 2015

TInfie Allotted: 30 min.

1. Purpose/Student Understanding
a. Students will be able to understand the difference in culture from
the American New Year and the Chinese New Year.

b. Students will help build a Venn diagram over differences and

similarities in both countries New Years.

c. Students will fill out anticipation guide over the Chinese New Year.
2. Common Core Standards addressed:

a. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.2.2: Recount or describe key ideas or details

from a text read aloud or information presented orally or through
other media.

b. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.2.8: Recall information from experiences or

gather information from provided sources to answer a question.

3. UM Student Teaching Performance Outcomes Addressed:

a. Demonstrates knowledge of the disciplines and subject matter related

to curriculum.

b. Uses appropriate technologies and resources to enhance Instruction

and student performance.

c. Selects and designs appropriate and authentic means of assessing

student learning and progress.

d. Engages students in learning activities that promote critical and

creative thinking.

4. Materials Needed:

a. PowerPoint
b. Whiteboard/Markers

c. Anticipation Guide
d. Paper on animal of the year
e. Writing Paper

5. Instructional Method/Teaching Procedures:

a. Introduction-I will give a short talk about what we are going to be

doing and about how I will be leaving soon to go to China so I want to

give them an idea about where I will be and their culture. I will give
and anticipation guide (attached) that will measure their knowledge
before I give the talk. (7 min)
b. Progression of lesson

i. Give presentation over the Chinese New Year (10 min)

ii. I will start by giving a mini-lesson on what a Venn Diagram is and

why we would use it. As a group, we will complete a Venn

Diagram about the differences and similarities of the Chinese

New Year and American New Year. (7 min)

iii. If time allows, I will talk about the animal of the year in China.
The children will then find their own animal that correlates with

their birth year and write about if their characteristics are

alike with their year or not. (30 min)

c. Closure: at the end of the lesson, we will go back over what we already
talked about. After we do a short talk, the students will take a

colored crayon and answer their anticipation guide to show if they

have gained knowledge or if they need to learn more about the topic.

6. Adaptations for Individual Needs:

a. For children who need a little bit more of a challenge, I will have them

add two more facts to each part of the Venn Diagram to test their
knowledge. I will also have them write more sentences during our
writing prompt to have them go more in depth with their thinking.
b. For children who need more help, I will give them more one-on-one

help and only ask them to complete three sentences about how they
are alike or different from their animal.
7. Assessment Procedures:

a. I will check for understanding by seeing the growth or more correct

answers on my created anticipation guide at the end of the lesson. If

students are able to answer more questions correctly it means they

gained the knowledge they needed to understand more about the

Chinese New Year.

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