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Annotated Bibliography: Cigarettes Health Effects

Burstyn, Igor. "Peering Through The Mist: Systematic Review Of What The Chemistry Of
Contaminants In Electronic Cigarettes Tells Us About Health Risks." BMC Public Health
14.1 (2014): 1-27. Academic Search Complete. Web. 10 Mar. 2015. This article presents
there are conflicting claims about the degree to which there products warrant concern for the
health of the vapers.Comparisons to the most universally recognized workplace exposure
standards, Threshold Limit Values (TLVs), were conducted under "worst case" assumptions
about both chemical content of aerosol and liquids as well as behavior of vapers. Its
responsible for several diseases, such as cancer, long-term respiratory diseases and heart
disease as well. It also cause premature diseases. $92 billion are lost each year productivity
resulting from smoking-related deaths.Smoking is the largest cause of preventable death in
the world. Recent studies have found that smokers can undermine the health of non-smokers
in some environments.
Cigarettes are very bad for you. Smoking cigarettes can take your body parts away or even kill
you from lung cancer, mouth cancer, etc.
Capella, Michael L., Capella, Michael L., and Cynthia Webster. "The Effect Of Cigarette
Advertising Bans On Consumption." Journal Of Advertising 37.2 (2008): 7-18.Business
Source Complete. Web. 23 Mar. 2015.The impact of advertising on the demand for cigarettes
has been a controversial point for some time (e.g., Lancaster and Lancaster 2003a; Taylor and
Bonner 2003). While industry critics (e.g., Goldberg 2003) argue that advertising increases
primary demand for cigarettes, others counter that studies show that advertising levels do not

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have an impact on cigarette consumption levels (e.g., McDonald 1993). Because of the
public health implications of smoking and efforts among the public health community to
discourage people from smoking, it is important to investigate which mechanisms may be
effective in discouraging people to smoke or continue to smoke.
Denise HE Maasland1*, Piet A van den Brandt1 , Bernd Kremer2 , R Alexandra (Sandra)
Goldbohm3 and Leo J SchoutenProspective data on alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking
and risk of head-neck cancer (HNC) subtypes, i.e. oral cavity cancer (OCC), oro-/
hypopharyngeal cancer (OHPC), and laryngeal cancer (LC), are limited. We investigated
these associations within the second largest prospective study on this topic so far, the
Netherlands Cohort Study. Cigarettes has over 1,000 chemicals in it. Things that arent
healthy for you. People may not know about all these things in the cigarettes but that doesnt
mean theyll stop if they did know.

Li, Shengxu, et al. "Cigarette Smoking Exacerbates The Adverse Effects Of Age And Metabolic
Syndrome On Subclinical Atherosclerosis: The Bogalusa Heart Study."Plos ONE 9.5 (2014):
1-7. Academic Search Complete. Web. 19 Mar. 2015.Age and metabolic syndrome are major
risk factors for atherosclerosis. However, limited information is available regarding whether
cigarette smoking, another major, modifiable risk factor, has synergistic effects with age and
metabolic syndrome on subclinical atherosclerosis, particularly in young adults. This aspect
was examined in 1,051 adults (747 whites and 304 blacks; aged 2443 years) from the
Bogalusa Heart Study. General linear models were used to examine the effects of cigarettes
smoking and its interactive with age. In conclusion, cigarette smoking significantly

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exacerbates the adverse effects of age and metabolic syndrome on subclinical atherosclerosis
in young adults, which underscores the importance of prevention and cessation of cigarette
smoking behavior in the young.

Machulska, Alla, et al. "A Cigarette A Day Keeps The Goodies Away: Smokers Show
Automatic Approach Tendencies For SmokingBut Not For Food-Related Stimuli." Plos
ONE 10.2 (2015): 1-15. Academic Search Complete. Web. 23 Mar. 2014Smoking leads to the
development of automatic tendencies that promote approach behavior toward smokingrelated stimuli which in turn may maintain addictive behavior. The present study examined
whether automatic approach tendencies toward smoking-related stimuli can be measured by
using an adapted version of the Approach-Avoidance Task (AAT).They were instructed to
ignore image content and to respond to picture orientation by either pulling or pushing a
joystick. Within-group comparisons revealed that smokers showed an automatic approach
bias exclusively for smoking-related pictures. Addiction is a bad thing, Some people cant go
a day without cigarettes some people also go to rehab for it. Cigarettes are very bad for you.
Nicotine reaches the brain within seconds after taking a puff, and its effects start to wear off
within a few minutes. This is what most often leads the smoker to light up again. If the
smoker doesnt smoke again soon, withdrawal symptoms start and get worse over time.The
typical smoker takes about 10 puffs from each cigarette. A person smoking a pack per day
gets about 200 hits of nicotine each day.

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Rahman, Muhammad Aziz, et al. "Electronic Cigarettes: Patterns Of Use, Health Effects, Use In
Smoking Cessation And Regulatory Issues." Tobacco Induced Diseases 12.1 (2014): 1-18.
Academic Search Complete. Web. 23 Mar. 2015.Smoking harms nearly every organ of the
body. Some of these harmful effects are immediate. Find out the health effects of smoking
and what happens to your body when you qu-=

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